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Welcome to Basic Cash Handling

Cash handling training is required for all UC Cashiers and Cash Handlers on an annual basis. This training video and quiz meet that requirement. Each year, cash handlers at UCSC collect and process over $100 million. All of this cash is used to help the campus fulfill its teaching, research and public service mission.

Because of this, it is critical that cash be handled, secured, and processed properly at all times. As has been demonstrated repeatedly over the years, any instance of mishandling cash can be very damaging to the reputation and credibility of the University.

This Basic Cash Handling training is intended to provide you with the information you need to know to properly handle, secure, and process University cash.

As our campus continues to grow, there will, most likely, be an increasing level of cashiering activities, resulting in a corresponding increase in the likelihood of an associated risk occurring.

Financial Affairs has taken a proactive role by providing education and this on-line training to all cashiers and cash handlers to strengthen controls and reduce the risks.

You must answer 80% of the questions correctly in order to pass. If you would like an actual certificate emailed to you, please email the campus Payment Card Coordinator Scott Morley at

Contents of This Training

    1. What is Cash?
    2. Responsibility
    3. Starting Your Day
    4. Cashier Identification
    5. Receipts
    6. Handling Cash
    7. Counterfeit Notes
    8. Checks, Traveler's Checks, and Money Orders
    9. Credit and Debit Cards
    10. Separation of Duties and Dual Custody

As you can see there is a lot to get done. Let's get started. Links to both the Self Paced Training and the quiz are located at the top right of this page under 'Quick Links'.