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US Bank Access OnlineWelcome to the Financial Affairs resource page for UCSC Pro-Cards. Here you will find links to information
to help guide you through the process of obtaining and using a Pro-Card, as well as information for PCA's and Pro-Card Reviewers.

Cardholder Information

Getting a Pro-Card
  1. Obtain pre-approval from their PCA or Pro-Card Supervisor.

  2. Complete a Payee Setup 204 form (if not already on file).

  3. Pass the Pro-Card Cardholder Quiz (13/15 correct, 85% or better).

  4. Complete the Pro-Card Application form, obtaining Supervisor and PCA signatures.

  5. Once approved and processed, the new Pro-Card will be sent to the PCA via Inter-Campus Mail Services.

  6. PCA receives card and signs accompanying internal mail form, acknowledging receipt, and returns it to the Pro-Card team.

  7. PCA physically delivers card to Cardholder.
    Note: If PCA cannot physically deliver the Pro-Card please contact to discuss delivery options.

  8. Cardholder completes Pro-Card Agreement.

  9. Once the Agreement is received in the Pro-Card Office, U.S. Bank will be contacted to activate card and set up account.
Using a Pro-Card
  1. Review general standards and allowable purchases before making a purchase.

  2. Ensure that your goods are not restricted before you finalize your purchase.

  3. Check with your department to see if more restrictive Pro-Card policies exist.

  4. Purchase goods and save all receipts. Keep in mind that your billing address is not the same as your shipping address, and incorrect billing addresses will lead to declines.

  5. Upon delivery, verify product received is as ordered and in good condition.

  6. U.S. Bank will email cardholder when statement is ready, typically on the 11th or the following business day.

  7. Log into U.S. Bank Access Online and print your statement. Sign and date it and submit to your supervisor with attached original receipts.

  8. If your supervisor is unavailable for an extended period of time, a PCA should sign instead.

  9. Statements are due to Supervisor within 10 business days of issuance. Statements can be submitted electronically using the DocuSign enabled web form. More detail on statement submission can be found in the Pro-Card Guide: Submitting Your Statement section.

Not all purchases are allowed, see Restricted Purchases for full details.

Reviewers And PCA's

What is a Pro-Card Supervisor/Reviewer

Pro-Card Supervisors initiate the request of a Pro-Card and are responsible for reviewing and approving monthly statements. Requests for Pro-Cards are sent to PCA's for processing. Supervisors are also responsible for collecting Pro-Cards in the event of employee separation. See Supervisor Responsibilities for more information.

How Do I Become A Pro-Card Supervisor?
Take and pass the Pro-Card Supervisor Quiz, then contact the Pro-Card Office to establish your Cardholder - Supervisor relationship.
What is a PCA?

A Purchasing Card Authorizer (PCA) implements internal departmental procedures and acts as a backup for Pro-Card Supervisors that are unavailable to approve monthly statements and perform other duties.

Your PCA can help you change your card in the following ways: change limits, modify funding/FOAPAL, initiate cancellations, and more. See PCA Responsibilities for more information.

Pro-Card Announcements

Pro-Card Announcements Archive
Pro-Card Transfers of Expense (TOE) Process Change
As of ​​February 1, 2025, UCSC Accounting Services are no longer processing Pro-Card Transfers of Expense (TOE) at the central business office. Pro-Card TOE"s are to be handled at the Divisional/Departmental Level.​​

Please email​ for any additional questions.


Mailing Address:
   Univ of California Santa Cruz
   1156 High St
   Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Office Location:
   100 Enterprise Way
   Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Intercampus Mailstop:


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