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Going Green The Financial Affairs Way

​current initiatives

Wondering What The Green Team is Up to?

We're assisting the payroll office in making continued efforts to reduce its paper report print-out volume.

We're also on schedule for re-certification of each department for the Green Office Certification program.

As usual, the team is encouraging units to continue to find ways to "green" their office practices to help meet the UC's "Zero Waste 2020" initiative.

We're continuing to act as early adopters of the new recycling/composting waste stations. This very successful program is slowly being rolled out across campus and will drastically reduce our contributions to landfills and dumps.

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​Video Spotlight



Inspired by students' calls for action, the University's institutional commitment to campus sustainability began in June 2003, when the Board of Regents adopted green building and clean energy policy principles.

The September 2009 policy revision is expanded to cover the areas of sustainable transportation, climate protection practices, building renovations, sustainable operations and maintenance, waste reduction, environmentally preferable purchasing, and sustainable foodservice.

The UCSC campus has a vision for zero waste by 2020, so in 2012 Financial Affairs organized a Green Team composed of staff volunteers to forward that vision.

The Financial Affairs Green Team mission is to share educational opportunities and promote and implement practices relevant to Financial Affairs that support UCSC sustainability goals.




On March 6, 2018 the Financial Affairs Green Team toured the UCSC farm to learn about different composting methods. In addition to composting, they were treated to a general tour of the farm operations starting with soil management and greenhouse seedlings and ending with field crops, harvesting and composting. We highly recommend the free self-guided UCSC farm tour to all UCSC staff and the general public. The farm is open to the public daily from 8-6pm for free self guided tours (park at the Hay Barn).


David Shaw, a faculty member from the Sustainability Education Department (, joined the Financial Affairs Green Team on December 5th to demonstrate how a composting worm bin can benefit both the planet, by eliminating some food scraps from the garbage can, and the garden.  There was lively discussion about what to feed the worms, how they break down the scraps into castings and how the castings and tea can benefit both indoor plants and gardens. We were fortunate to use the Financial Affairs' bin (which is also used by our groundskeeper, John, to nourish our atrium garden) to see how the worms produce the castings and tea.

David invited us to release our inner gardener and "dig in" (gently and with gloves) to the bin and see what the worms like and what does not break down. He then harvested the bountiful bin and shared the worm tea with the group to bring home and feed their plants. This was followed by a discussion of cover crops to plant in the fall and plow back into the garden in the spring to feed and nourish the soil.


What prompted the Financial Affairs Green Team to measure our waste generation? Don’t they have enough projects to work on? Well, they do. So in early-2013 they sought out others in Financial Affairs to volunteer to work on the Dimeo Lane Project. Its charge was to better understand what happens to the waste Financial Affairs generates and identify opportunities to divert as much of it as possible from the landfill. The project team visited the landfill at Dimeo Lane and interviewed the management there about waste diversion opportunities for UCSC. Observations, notes, videos, and photos were taken.


On April 3rd,using monies secured through a grant award from the Student’s Carbon Fund Committee, the Financial Affairs Green Team sponsored a "Green Lunch" event featuring local nutritionist and author Talya Lutzker. The hour-long cooking demonstration showcased easy-to-make recipes with an eye towards reducing take-out lunch packaging. There were also suggestions about choosing foods that can be readily composted if leftover. Lutzker offered up a variety of healthy and tasty dishes for attendees to sample from lemon and apple cider vinegar kale salad, to smoothies, and jicama "chips" with dip. Tamara Santos, PPS/ETAS Manager for EFS and a workshop participant, declared, "The snacks were great! Talya provided simple recipes that tasted so good. I can't wait to try them at home." If you wanted to attend this green lunch workshop but for whatever reason missed the opportunity, let your Green Team representative know and maybe we’ll plan a “redo”!


Beginning the week of February 3rd, we set up on the mezzanine asking FA staff to take the Chancellor's 2014 waste challenge and to use a cloth hand towel for one week. With volunteers manning the table --sacrificing half of their lunch hour-- 82% of us took the towel pledge! Congratulate yourselves for saving resources and sending fewer paper towels to the Dimeo Lane landfill.​