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CruzFly Expense Reporting System

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​​​​​CruzFly Resources​​​​
CruzFly system-related technical support
CTE credit card policy and processing support
Travel policy and processing support
​​WARNING! The above link launches the University of California Santa Cruz CruzFly Expense Reporting system. Access is limited to authorized UCSC employees only. Unauthorized access is prohibited.​ ​​

‭(Hidden)‬ Summary Link Web Part

CruzFly Announcements

CruzFly Announcements Archive

"Meals-Itemized" expense type for personal travel meals renamed "Daily Meals"
The "Meals - Itemized" expense type, located under Travel, has been renamed "Daily Meals". The functionality and behavior of this expense has not changed. Daily meal limits have not changed, and still apply ($92/day for travel within the continental U.S.). A traveler must enter the meals purchased and the total cost for a given day. If the total meal cost for a given day is exceeded for travel in the continental U.S., CruzFly will prompt the traveler with a message requiring further action. The prior name of this tile may have caused confusion, with a traveler expecting that a meal may have been specifically itemized. Other updates to various system messages and text have also been made.

Daily Meals2.JPG
If you have questions please contact us at​.

Are you directed to this screen after clicking Launch CruzFly?
The above screen is shown when you do not yet have an active CruzFly account. Accounts are created with a completed CruzFly Account Authorization Form and you will be notified when your account is ready. See Getting An Account for more information.

CruzFly Contact​

​​Mailing Address:
   Univ of California Santa Cruz
   1156 High St
   Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Office Location:
   100 Enterprise Way
   Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Intercampus Mailstop:


CruzFly Objective

​CruzFly is UCSC’s Expense Reporting System designed to automate and streamline the expense reimbursement, CTE Card and InstantCard reconciliation processes. Powered by Chrome River Software, CruzFly allows expense and credit card reports to be submitted electronically for automated approval routing and review.​