I don't have a CTE Card, when can I submit requests in CruzFly?
Our current rollout is as follows:
- March 4th - CTE Cardholders will be active in the system
- April 1st - Employees that have had travel in the past fiscal year will be added to the system
- May 3rd - Employees that have requested entertainment reimbursements in the past fiscal year will be added to the system
- June 3rd - Employees that have requested general reimbursements in the past fiscal year, or are not already in the system, will be added
Users that do not have CTE cards will be automatically on-boarded over the next few months.
How do I get an account in CruzFly?
When a user receives a CTE Card, they will automatically be given a CruzFly account for reconciliation purposes.
We will provide further information about getting an account without a CTE Card.
Who approves my expense reports in CruzFly?
Expense reports are approved by an ad-hoc initial approver. This approver can be delegated at the departmental level. After the initial approver completes their review and approves, the expense report will route for budgetary approval based on the foapal entered on the expense report. For more information about approvals, please see our guide here.
Can I reconcile CTE card transactions, and request reimbursement on the same expense report?
Yes! If a user has a CTE card, and also needs to request reimbursement, they can submit both of those transactions in the same expense report. For more information about creating an expense report please see our guide here.
How will I get paid for my reimbursement?
You will be paid for a reimbursement via the method that was setup when a 204 was submitted to FAR. If a user is being reimbursed via ACH or paper check, that will continue. For questions about changing your payment method, please contact finpolicy@ucsc.edu
I submit reimbursement requests on behalf of other UCSC employees. How do I do that?
If you are a delegate of a CruzFly user, you can submit an expense report on their behalf. However, there is currently a system limitation for requesting reimbursement on behalf of UCSC employees that are not in the system. We will be focusing on a work around for this in a subsequent roll out.
How can I submit a reimbursement request for someone visiting campus?
Reimbursement requests for visitors should be submitted using the Post Travel Expense form.
Can I still use the post travel expense form?
Yes. The Post Travel Expense form will be available while we continue to roll out CruzFly to the rest of the campus, and identify areas of improvement. The Post Travel Expense form will be removed at some point in the future, at the discretion of Accounting.
Can students use the system?
Students will be evaluated in a future roll out. Until then, the Post Travel Expense form is available for use.
How do I reconcile a cash advance?
Please continue to submit cash advance reconciliations outside of CruzFly, using the Post Travel Expense form.
While uncommon, if you had a cash advance and you used a CTE card, or had out of pocket expenses, you will need to reconcile your cash advance outside of CruzFly, and your CTE and out of pocket expenses in CruzFly.
If you have questions about your Cash Advance, please contact finpolicy@ucsc.edu
I have a travel advance request, how can I submit that in CruzFly?
If a user has purchased travel ahead of time they can submit for a travel reimbursement ahead of time. All appropriate documentation must be uploaded and attached to the expense report. After travel is complete, please reference the initial expense report.
I made advance out of pocket purchases for a trip in the distant future, when/how should I submit requests in CruzFly?
Advance purchases can be submitted as a pre-trip reimbursement request in CruzFly. Advance purchases can be notated in the Related Expenses field on the expense report header page, used to cross-reference the two expense reports. Expense owners can also include a pdf of one related expense report as an attachment on another report, by including the advance purchase report as an attachment to the final report.
I made advance purchases on my CTE Card for a trip a few months from now, when should I reconcile those?
Accounting requests that CTE Card expenses are reconciled within 30 days of the US Bank Statement in which they're contained. Advance purchases can be notated in the Related Expenses field on the expense report header page, which can be used to cross-reference the two related expense reports. Expense owners can also include a pdf of one related expense report as an attachment on another report, by including the advance purchase report as an attachment to the final report.
What should I do if I'm missing a receipt?
If the merchant/vendor is unable to provide a copy of a receipt that is required for the specific expense, then the Lost/Missing Receipt Form would need to be completed and attached to the report in place of a receipt. More details and a link to the form can be found at our guide here.
What should I do if I mistakenly used my CTE Card instead of my personal credit card?
The Card/Cash Repayment Form is used to reimburse the UC Regents for the mistaken charge. The Card/Cash Repayment Form should be routed outside of CruzFly to obtain all necessary signatures/approvals, and then be attached to the expense report as proof of repayment.
Please reach out to ctecard@ucsc.edu for more information on the repayment process and form.
Can I submit one request for multiple mileage reimbursements?
Yes, a single expense report can contain multiple "Personal Auto Mileage" expenses.