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Extramural Awards

​Much of the campus' research effort is funded by external agencies and sponsors. These agencies and sponsors expect those engaged in sponsored research to prudently use funding for a specified purpose and to accurately account for it.

The information in these guides will help you properly account for sponsored award transactions

Welcome to Sponsored Awards


Mailing Address:
   Extramural Awards
   Univ of California Santa Cruz
   1156 High St
   Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Office Location:
   100 Enterprise Way
   Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Intercampus Mailstop:

Fax Number: 459-3601

EMF Office Contacts


Fund Ranges

18000 - 18199 State Appropriations
18200 - 18998 State Agencies
20653 - 20797 Local Government Contracts
21100 - 28999 Federal Contracts & Grants
57000 - 59999 Private Contract & Grants
62000 - 63999 Private Contract & Grants
80000 - 81099 ARRA Grants
81100 - 86899 Federal Contract & Grants
87000 - 88999 ARRA Contracts

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