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Real Estate Resources

These resources provide quick access to forms and guidance material in support of Real Estate operations across the University of California Santa Cruz.


​​ Mailing Address:
   Real Estate & Contract Services
   Univ of California Santa Cruz
   1156 High St
   Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Package/Overnight Delivery Address:
   Real Estate & Contract Services
   100 Enterprise Way, Suite E100
   1156 High St
   Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Office Location:
   100 Enterprise Way ​
   Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Intercampus Mailstop:
   Real Estate & Contract Services



​Real Estate & Contract Services Contact List ​​​​

​​​​​​​​​​Services for Academic Programs​ ​

What kind of services do Academic Programs need from Real Estate & Contract Services?
RECS is the only campus office that is authorized to sign agreements on behalf of the University to use or lease non-University property, including access to field sites and leasing space in buildings. We are here to assist you in obtaining the permissions and agreements you need to conduct research or instruction off campus.
Do you need to conduct research or instruction on non-University property?
RECS will work with you and the owner of the property you need to access to develop a license, or off campus use permit. Faculty, researchers, staff and students do not have the authority to sign permits on behalf of the UC Regents that are requested by property owners, but we can help negotiate acceptable permits and we have the authority to sign them on your behalf.
Do you need to secure housing for a research program? Are you considering off-campus space for a research or academic program?
Contact us at, or read about how to initiate an off-campus lease. We can help guide you through the campus approval process, assist in identifying and selecting a site, negotiate the lease and tenant improvements, and help coordinate the tenant improvement and move-in process.
Do you have University space that you want to make available to a non-University entity?
Affiliations with non-University research groups or other entities sometimes include the use of University facilities by the affiliated entity. Sometimes units decide to lease out space to a non-University entity that does not have a direct tie to ongoing research or instruction. In either case, the use of campus space by a non-University entity needs to be documented in a lease or license (which can be an exhibit to a broader research affiliation agreement, such as a memorandum of understanding (MOU) or a Cooperative Agreement). We can guide you through the campus approval process, negotiate and execute the agreement to use campus space.
Are there other services you need that you think might relate to real estate or real property? ​​​​​​​

Off-Campus Use Permits for Academic Programs

Access Agreements to Use Private Property

If your research or instructional activities require access to property that isn't owned or managed by UC, the landowner will generally require that the University enter into some kind of use permit or waiver agreement, and will usually require that we provide a certificate of insurance. RECS will work with you and the landowner to develop an access agreement that conforms to the Regental and campus policies. Risk Services cannot issue a certificate of insurance until there is an executed license agreement.

Please note that even if a landowner is willing to have you personally enter into an agreement, the campus cannot issue a certificate of insurance based on that agreement: the agreement needs to be between the Regents and the landowner, and only RECS holds the delegation to execute these agreements.

Please email as soon as you know that you may need access to non-University property. Please anticipate that the negotiation and review process can take several months if the landowner does not want to accept UC's standard license terms. Because each of these agreements is unique, they also require review by UCSC's Risk Manager and Campus Counsel. We will keep you informed, and will work with you to expedite the negotiation, review, and execution of your access agreement in the shortest time possible.​​

​​Services for the General Public​

Are you interested in holding an event on campus or in one of our off-campus facilities?

Are you interested in leasing space from the University for your business, non-profit, or other program? Currently, the campus leases space to organizations or businesses that have a programmatic relationship with the campus, if space is available. Please email

Are you interested in leasing space at the UCSC MBEST Center in Marina CA, located on the former Fort Ord? If so, to obtain more information, please email or visit the UCSC MBEST Center web resource.

Do you have a property that you are interested in leasing to the University, or are you interested in selling a property? Contact us and we can discuss the campus' needs in relation to your property. One requirement for any lease or acquisition is compliance with the UC Seismic Policy. Other standard lease terms for UC leases are contained in the UC Standard Form Lease.

Current RFPs: Property owners and brokers should email to make sure you are on our broker list if you wish to be emailed future RFPs. If the Campus is currently seeking leased space, we will post our RFP here. Please check back!​​

Campus Property Acquisition, Disposition, and Easements

Property Acquisition

RECS coordinates the campus' decision to acquire property, including strategic analysis, financial analysis, and coordinating approval processes. If the campus decides to pursue an acquisition, the University of California Office of the President's Real Estate Services Group (RESG) negotiates the purchase agreement, RECS coordinates due diligence, while RESG handles the University approval process and the transaction itself.

If you are a building owner or representative and you are interested in discussing a potential acquisition, email to discuss the campus' needs in relation to your property.


RECS negotiates easements on behalf of the Campus. An easement gives permission for a user to use (or prevent use) of an owner's property, in a form that is recorded and encumbers the properties record title. An easement may benefit and be transferable with a specific piece of property ("appurtenant") or personal to the grantee ("in gross"). Easements are preferred when the use is long term, or when the right to use may need to be transferred. RECS will work with the entity seeking an easement on campus property or the owner of property for which the University seeks an easement to negotiate the terms of the easement, will determine the delegation for executing the easement, and will draft the easement document and coordinate its review, approval, and execution.

Disposition of Campus Property

Campus property is disposed of if it is determined to be surplus to the University's purposes, or as part of the management of endowment properties. Sales are managed by the University of California Office of the President Real Estate Services Group.​

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