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Financial Affairs
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Campus Controller's Office
Enterprise Financial Systems
Accounts Payable
Extramural Funds
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Payroll Department
Real Estate & Contract Services
Employee Housing
Real Estate & Contract Services
University Business Services
Procurement and Supply Chain Services
Student Business Services
Forms & Resources
Account Codes
DocuSign Electronic Submission
Methods for Purchase
Processes & Services
Procurement Resources
Small Business First
Supplier Resources
CTE Card
Entertainment & Events
Instant Card
Moving & Relocation
Payments & Reimbursements
Cash Handling
Equipment Administration
Payroll Resources
Real Estate Resources
Specialized Services
Departmental Billing & Receivables
Employee Childcare Placement Program
Extramural Awards
Financial Systems Resources
Contract & Grant (C&G)
CTE Card Training
Entertainment Policy Training
Travel Training
Financial Systems
CruzBuy Training
CruzFly Training
Financial Information System (FIS Banner)
UCPath Training
Financial Management
Ledger Management
Going Green
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We are presently working to create DocuSign electronic submission experiences for our highest volume forms. Most of our existing forms can also now be submitted electronically through DocuSign. Please see our
DocuSign in Financial Affairs resource
for more on how to leverage this new electronic submission method.
204 & General Payee Setup
Payee Setup 204
Payee Setup Instructions
Vendor Electronic Funds Authorization
AP Checks
Special Check Handling
Vendor Checks: Stop Payment or Reissue Request
Authorizations & Access
CruzBuy Authorization
CruzFly Authorization
Entertainment Delegation of Authority
Entertainment Order Approver (EOA) Special Designation Request
FIS Authorization
Manual Signature Authorization and Approval
Rescind Entertainment Delegation Authority
Tier 2 Accountability Agreement
Annual PCI Certification
Change Fund Custodian
Change Fund Verification
Close Cash Fund
Establish Petty Cash Change Fund
Increase / Decrease Fund Amount
Petty Cash Fund Reconciliation
Petty Cash Bank Account Reconciliation
Petty Cash Voucher
Credit applications
Credit Application Commercial
Credit Application for Governmental and Non-Profit Organizations
Departmental Request to Extend Credit
CTE Card & Instant Card
CTE Card User Agreement
CTE Lost/Missing Receipt
CTE Repayment
Instant Card User Agreement
Instant Card Lost/Missing Receipt
Instant Card Repayment
Entertainment Delegation of Authority
Entertainment Order Approver (EOA) Special Designation Request
Entertainment Reporting Addendum (Travel/Pro-Card)
Entertainment Reporting Form (ERF)
Meal Expense Tracker (MET)
Rescind Entertainment Delegation Authority
Equipment administration
Custody Code Custodian Maintenance
EIMR Fabrication
Equipment Removal Notification (PDF)
Equipment Removal Notification (Excel)
Loan From Agency (PDF)
Loan From Agency (Excel)
Loan To Agency (PDF)
Loan To Agency (Excel)
Off Campus Equip Verification (PDF)
Off Campus Equip Verification (Excel)
Personal Property Liability (PDF)
Personal Property Liability (Excel)
External Forms
These forms are owned by outside entities and are not maintained by Financial Affairs.
Academic Initial Hire/Rehire (AHIR/AREH/AUHI/AURH)
Access to Information Statement
Certification of Academic Activity
CruzID Account Modification
Employee's Federal-State Withholding UC
IRS Form 8233
IRS Form 8233 Instructions
IRS Form W-7
IRS Form W-7 Instructions
IRS Form W-8BEN (individual)
IRS Form W-8BEN Instructions
IRS Form W-8BEN-E (entity)
IRS Form W-8BEN-E Instructions
Non-Resident Alien Employee's Federal-State Withholding UC W-4NR/DE-4
Personal Data Change UPAY 544
Personal Services Tax Treaty Articles
Personnel Out of State Tax Withholding UPAY 830
University of California Patent/IP Acknowledgement
Univeristy of California State Oath of Allegiance
Financial Controls
Financial Control Assessment
Ledger Review log
Ledger Transaction Calculation
Ledger Transaction Review Certification
Moving / Relocation Reimbursement
Non-US Citizens
Foreign National Hiring Memo
Foreign National GLACIER Checklist: Independent Personal Services Payment
Foreign National GLACIER Checklist for a Fellowship/Scholarship Payment
GLACIER Admin 2 Access Request
GLACIER Admin 3 Access Request
GLACIER Information, Initial
Statement for Independent Educational Activity Conducted Outside the United States
Statement for Services Performed Outside US
Payments & reimbursements
Direct Payment
Fellowship/Scholarship Worksheet
Subject Payment Advance Request
Subject Payment Log for Confidential Study
Subject Payment Receipt for Non-employees
Wire Transfer Request
Backup for Overpayment (Excel)
Damage Payment Release
Damage Payment Report
Max Vacation Exception Request Form
Multi-Location Appointment-Interlocation One-time Payment Form
Overpayment Notice and Release
Previous Employment Verification
Pro-Card Application
Pro-Card Agreement
Pro-Card Lost/Missing Receipt
Pro-Card Modify/Close Account
Pro-Card Repayment
Pro-Card Statement Submission
Pro-Card Transaction Review
Pro-Card Transfer Expense
Entertainment Reporting Addendum (Travel/Pro-Card)
Procurement & Supply Chain
Addendum A to Appendix GDPR - Scope of Processing Data
After the Fact (ATF) Justification for Unauthorized Purchases
Approved Caterer Application
Contracting Out Request
Contract Payment
Independent Contractor Request
Ship-To Address Add/Mod Request
Source Selection (SSPR) & Price Reasonableness Justification
Source Selection (SSPR) Form Instructions
Transportation Charter Application
UC Supplier Conflict of Interest
Real Estate & Contracts
Childcare Provider Interest Form
Childcare Waitlist Placement Request Form
General Facility Use Permit Application
Sample Vendor Certificate of Insurance (COI)
Standard Lease Form
When to use a Lease, License, Easement
Recharges & Journals
Intercampus Order and/or Charge (IOC)
Intercampus Recharge Order Instructions
Recharge Form for Identification Card(s)
Transfer of Expense (TOE)
Transfer of Expense (TOE): Multiple Authorizers
training Enrollments
Contract & Grant Training
CruzBuy Trainings
CruzFly Trainings
CTE Card Trainings
Entertainment Policy & ERF Training
Financial Information System Trainings
Travel Training
UCPath Training
Entertainment Reporting Addendum (Travel/Pro-Card)
Post Travel Expense 2025 (Web Form)
Post Travel Expense 2025 (PDF)
Post Travel Expense 2024 (PDF)
Travel Advance Request
Travel Cash Advance Repayment
Travel Mileage Expense Log for Multiple Trips
Trip Number Procedures
alphabetical listing
Addendum A to Appendix GDPR - Scope of Processing Data
Form to use with Appendix GDPR to describe what date will be accessed and what the supplier will do with the data.
After the Fact (ATF) Justification for Unauthorized Purchases
Submittal of After the Fact CruzBuy requisitions.
Alternative Pay Processing Request
Alternative Pay Processing is payment of regularly scheduled wages on a date in outside of the employee's regularly scheduled payday.
Annual PCI-DSS Certification of Relevant UC and UCSC Policies & Procedures
Annual PCI-DSS Certification of Relevant UC and UCSC Policies & Procedures.
Approved Caterer Application
Companies must submit this application plus a valid Certificate of Insurance and current County Health Permit to be added to the campus list of Approved Caterers.
Backup for Overpayment (Excel)
This form is used to report gross overpayment to the Payroll Office, and is for calculation and authorization of Net Overpayment.
Bus Charter Transportation Application
Application form needed with current and correct Certificate of Insurance and PUC Certificate.
Change Fund Custodian - Petty Cash or Change Fund
To accept custodianship of a petty cash/change fund.
Change Fund Verification
Periodic certification of change fund balance required of the Change Fund Custodian.
Childcare Provider Interest Form
For Childcare providers interested in partnering with UC Santa Cruz for priority openings.
Childcare Waitlist Placement Request Form
Join the waitlist for UCSC employee-exclusive childcare openings.
Close Cash Fund
To be completed and signed by fund custodian, then approved by Department/Unit Head.
Contract & Grant Training
Contract & Grant Training
Contracting Out Request
This Form is used to justify the need for contracting outside the university.
Contract Payment
Purchase order payment, use only if supplier does not provide an invoice.
Credit Application Commercial
This form is used by a commercial organization to request an extension of credit from the Regents of the University of California to facilitate the purchase of products or services from UCSC.
Credit Application For Governmental and Non-Profit Organizations
This form is used by a Governmental agency or Non-Profit organization to request an extension of credit from the Regents of the University of California to facilitate the purchase of products or services from UCSC.
CruzBuy Authorization
This Web Form is used to request access to CruzBuy, UCSC's e-Procurement application for ordering goods and services.
CruzBuy Trainings
CruzBuy Training
CruzFly Authorization
This Web Form is used to request access to CruzFly, UCSC's Expense Reporting system.
CruzFly Trainings
CruzFly Training
CTE Card User Agreement
Web Form to obtain a UCSC Corporate Travel & Entertainment card application (used to pay for business related travel and entertainment expenses).
CTE Lost/Missing Receipts
This form is submitted in lieu of the original receipt and attests.
CTE Repayment
Complete and submit this form to the Cashier's Office to repay Cash Advance funds or to repay unapproved/non-compliant Travel or entertainment Policy purchases.
CTE Card Trainings
CTE Card Training
Custody Code and Custodian Maintenance
Used to assign or change custodian responsibilities for inventorial equipment, or to request and/or discontinue a custody code.
Damage Payment Release
This release will be used by location employees, who are recipients of a damage payment, stating that the recipient accepts the damage payment amount for his/her claim, and that recipient acknowledges the payment will be subject to tax/FICA withholding.
Damage Payment Report
To be completed by employing department when a damage payment is required.
Departmental Request to Extend Credit
To request authority from the Director, Student Business Services, to extend University Credit for the purposes of facilitating the sale of ancillary products and/or services.
Direct Payment
This Web Form is used to request payment or reimbursement (not to be used for reimbursement of services).
Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR)
Equipment Inventory Modification Request
Entertainment Delegation of Authority
Online entertaiment reimbursement/recharge form.
Entertainment Order Approver (EOA) Special Designation Request
Used for a professional-level employee with a PPS grade of "J" or lower with the explicit approval of the relevant authorized senior campus officer and the Campus Controller in order to serve as the departmental Event Order Approver.
Entertainment Reporting Addendum (Travel/Pro-Card)
To be used in lieu of an ERF when food or beverages are purchased with a Student Programming Pro-Card, or when entertainment expenses are incurred while on UCSC Travel status.
Entertainment Reporting Form (ERF)
Online entertaiment reimbursement/recharge form.
Equipment Loan Agreement - From Agency (PDF)
Equipment Loan Agreement - From Agency (Excel)
To record equipment loan agreements whereby equipment is lent to the university by external agencies or individuals for purposes of instruction, demonstration, experimentation, or research.
Entertainment Policy & ERF Training
Entertainment Poliy & ERF Training
Equipment Removal Notification (PDF)
Equipment Removal Notification (Excel)
Notification when removing equipment from the UCSC campus.
Establish Petty Cash Change Fund
For units who have a need to provide change to customers, or to acquire low value goods on an immediate basis.
Fabrication Tracking - Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR)
Fabrication tracking - inventorial equipment inventory modification request.
Fellowship & Scholarship Payment Worksheet
Required for payment of fellowships or schlarships, must be submitted with Direct Payment form.
Financial Control Assessment
To assist in evaluating the overall quality of controls over a department's financial process.
FIS Authorization
Web Form to be completed by the employee's business office.
Financial Information System Trainings
Financial Information System Trainings
Foreign National Hiring Memo
Attach to top of the completed non-resident alien payroll forms.
Foreign National GLACIER Checklist: Independent Personal Services Payment
Lists required documents that need to be submitted with Direct Payment Form.
Foreign National GLACIER Checklist for a Fellowship/Scholarship Payment
Lists required documents that need to be submitted with Direct Payment Form.
General Facility Use Permit Application
Application for the permit required to lease a UCSC facility.
GLACIER Admin 2 Access Request
Granted to PPS Grade H or higher levels in order to establish new users, or modify or revoke user access.
GLACIER Admin 3 Access Request
Gives authority to add new records and review existing entity records.
GLACIER Information, Initial
Department must complete this form for the Foreign National, then notify the person to expect a future GLACIER-related email.
Increase or Decrease of Petty Cash or Change Fund Account, Request For
To increase or decrease petty cash or change fund amount.
Independent Contractor Request
The campus unit requesting services determines whether an individual should be hired as a University employee (via a personnel action) or as an independent contractor (via a purchase requisition and contract for services). The Independent Contractor Request is designed to assist the requesting unit in making this determination.
Intercampus Order and/or Charge (IOC)
Recharge used for goods and/or services ordered between campuses.
Instant Card Lost/Missing Receipts
This form is submitted in lieu of the original receipt and attests.
Instant Card Repayment
Complete and submit this form to the Cashier's Office to repay Cash Advance funds or to repay unapproved/non-compliant Travel or entertainment Policy purchases.
Instant Card User Agreement
Web Form to obtain a UCSC Instant card application (used to pay for business related travel and entertainment expenses when a CTE Card is not an option).
Intercampus Recharge Order Instructions
Intercampus Order and/or Charge (IOC) forms should be initiated by the campus receiving the credit.
Ledger Review Documentation Log
Monthly review of the general ledger is meant to provide a reasonable level of assurance that transactions comply with control standards.
Ledger Transaction Calculation Worksheet
Use to ensure the ledger review sample size remains appropriate.
Ledger Transaction Review and Certification Assignment
Delegation of authority to perform ledger review.
Loan Agreement - UC Property Loaned to an Outside Agency (PDF)
Loan Agreement - UC Property Loaned to an Outside Agency (Excel)
Required prior to loaned property leaving the physical custodianship of the University of California
Manual Signature Authorization and Approval
This Signature Authorization or Cancellation form is for written authorizations and approvals and does not cover online approvals.
Max Vacation Exception Request Form
Payroll Operations form to request a maximum vacation exception.
Meal Expense Tracker (MET)
Online entertaiment reporting form for divisional use.
Moving - Relocation Reimbursement
Reimbursement request for moving/reloction expenses.
Off Campus Equipment Verification Worksheet (PDF)
Off Campus Equipment Verification Worksheet (Excel)
All inventorial equipment located off-campus must be accounted for during the physical inventory process by completing this form.
Overpayment Notice and Release
For use by the Payroll Office.
Payee Setup Request (204)
The University of California, Santa Cruz requires a Payee Setup Form (204) from all new vendors doing business with the University. Vendors include companies and persons who supply goods or services to the University, and persons (including employees and students) who receive any non-payroll payments.
Payee Setup Form (204), Instructions for Completing
Information on how to complete the Payee Setup form.
Personal Property Waiver of Liability (PDF)
Personal Property Waiver of Liability (Excel)
To report personal property that is kept on campus.
Petty Cash Bank Account Reconciliation
Reconciliation of checkbook to bank statement.
Petty Cash Fund Reconciliation
For funds $500 or greater, this report must be submitted monthly to the Accounting Office. For funds under $500, submission is due quarterly.
Petty Cash Voucher
For use when it is not practical or reasonable to ask a person to purchase an item for an event.
Post Travel Expense 2025 (Web Form)
For reimbursement of travel expenses incurred while on official University business. This DocuSign enabled web form automatically calculates the mileage rate for the 2024 year.
Post Travel Expense 2025 (PDF)
Post Travel Expense 2024 (PDF)
For reimbursement of travel expenses incurred while on official University business.
Previous Employment Verification
2005 through two years prior to current date.
Pro-Card Application
This Web Form is used to collect information that has been requested by US Bank to use for security and verification purposes.
Pro-Card Agreement
This Web form outlines the policies that govern the use of the card.
Pro-Card Lost/Missing Receipt
Serves as an affidavit and is submitted in lieu of the original receipt.
Pro-Card Modify/Close Account
This Web form collects information that has been requested by US Bank to use for security and verification purposes.
Pro-Card Repayment
Used to repay any excess travel cash advance funds.
Pro-Card Statement Submission
This Web form provides a tempalte for uploading, signing, and routing the monthly statement to the Pro-Card Office.
Pro-Card Transaction Review
To determine if Pro-Card transactions are properly authorized, comply with policies and restrictions, are reviewed and signed by cardholder and supervisor, given necessary sales and use tax considerations and treatment, and are monitored for misuse by the campus unit and corrective action taken if necessary. Also, tracks statements to ensure all are received.
Pro-Card Transfer Expense
Journal form used to transfer purchasing card expenses from the default foapal to other foapals.
Recharge Form for Identification Card(s)
Electronic recharge form for obtaining an ID Card.
Request for Stop Payment and/or Reissue of Payroll Check
Form to be completed for lost/missing payroll checks.
Rescind Entertainment Delegation Authority
Memo to rescind EEC or EOA authority.
Sample Vendor Certificate of Insurance (COI) (PDF)
A sample Vendor COI document to provide guidelines for standard event insurance requirements.
Separation (AB2410) Payment (PDF)
Separation (AB2410) Payment (Excel)
Payroll final pay time-reporting worksheet.
Separation (AB2410) Supplement Payment (PDF)
Separation (AB2410) Supplement Payment (Excel)
To be used for prior period adjustments with final pay.
Ship-To Address Add/Mod Request
Form to request an addition of, or modification to, an address in the list of
UCSC Ship-To Codes
and corresponding addresses.
Source Selection & Price Reasonableness Justification Form
This form is to be completed by requesting departments for all federally funded purchases of $10,000 and above, and non-federally funded purchases of $100,000 and above (excluding tax), to substantiate the appropriateness of source selection and price reasonableness.
Source Selection & Price Reasonableness Justification Form, completion Instructions
Information on how to complete the form.
Special Check Handling
Used when mailing an enclosure with a check, or to have held for pick-up, or to send to a temporary address.
Standard Lease Form
Real Estate & Contract Services standard form for leasing a facility.
Statement for Independent Educational Activity Conducted Outside the United States
Non-Service Scholarship or Fellowship Recipients
Statement for Services Performed Outside US
Annual PCI-DSS Certification of Relevant UC and UCSC Policies & Procedures.
Subject Payment Advance Request
To be submitted with Direct Payment Form when making request.
Subject Payment Log for Confidential Study
Use in lieu of Subject Payment Receipt form for confidential experiments.
Subject Payment Receipt for Non-Employee
To be signed by recipients of subject payments and kept to reconcile funds advanced.
Tier 2 Accountability Agreement
FAST Divisional/departmental accountability agreement.
Transfer of Expense (TOE)
Journal form to move expenses from one foapal to another within the same department.
Transfer of Expense (TOE) Multiple Authorizations
Journal form to move expenses from one foapal to another not in the same department.
Travel Advance Request
Used to request a trip number, or to request a payment in advance of travel.
Travel Cash Advance Repayment
Used to repay any excess travel cash advance funds.
Travel Mileage Expense Log for Multiple Trips
For multiple one-day trips with no other expenses besides parking and mileage. Any expense of $75 or more requires an itemized original receipt. Submit with completed Post Travel form.
Travel Training
Travel Training
Trip Number Procedures
How to obtain a trip number for travel.
UCPath Training
UCPath Training
UC Supplier Conflict of Interest
This form is required to request approval to purchase goods and/or services from a UC employee, former UC employee, or near relative.
Vendor Checks: Stop Payment or Reissue Request
Form to be completed by the campus unit's business office. Applicable only for requests related to Vendor (including Separation (AB2410))checks.
Vendor Electronic Funds Authorization
Authorizes UCSC to make payments to a business or individual electronically.
Wire Transfer Request
To request funds be transferred electronically outside of the Direct Deposit (ACH) process.
external form Links
These forms are owned by outside entities and are not maintained by Financial Affairs.
Academic Initial Hire/Rehire (AHIR/AREH/AUHI/AURH)
DCD for academic employee actions in PPS.
Access to Information Statement
Certification of Academic Activity
CruzID Account Modification
Employee's Federal-State Withholding UC W-4/DE-4
IRS Form 8233
IRS Form 8233 Instructions
IRS Form W-7
IRS Form W-7 Instructions
IRS Form W-8BEN (individual)
IRS Form W-8BEN Instructions
IRS Form W-8BEN-E (entity)
IRS Form W-8BEN-E Instructions
Multi-Location Appointment-Interlocation One-time Payment Form
Non-Resident Alien Employee's Federal-State Withholding UC W-4NR/DE-4
Personal Data Change UPAY 544
Personal Services Tax Treaty Articles
Personnel Out of State Tax Withholding UPAY 830
UCSC Campus Business Systems Supplemental
University of California Patent/IP Acknowledgement
Univeristy of California State Oath of Allegiance
UC Santa Cruz
The UC Santa Cruz word mark
Report an accessibility barrier
Land Acknowledgment
©2024 UC Regents