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Travel Guide

The information in this guide is intended to help employees plan, book, and pay for travel that is necessary to complete official UCSC business. Listed below are resources and policies to clarify what travel purchases can and cannot be reimbursed.
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  • Before you Start

    Individual are required to fill out a Payee Setup 204 before receiving a UCSC non-payroll payment.

    Ensure that all travel expenses are necessary, proper, and reasonable. Lavish or excessive travel expenses will not be reimbursed.

    • Paying expenses for another traveler is not allowed unless it is for a shared hotel room. Refer to Ways to pay for more information.
    • For trips involving more than two University business travelers, refer to Group Travel for more information.


    Connexxus: UC's travel program combines discounts through UC-negotiated contracts with a range of booking options. Connexxus provides value, flexibility, and convenience to UC employees and assists travelers in maintaining compliance with UC policy. To establish a profile to book university business travel through Connexxus, refer to the Connexxus Section.

    • Transportation expenses:
      Supporting cost comparison is to be used on what UC would have paid, which can be obtained by a Connexxus-related agency or Standard Commercial Air Carrier prior to or at the time of booking the trip. Will be based on the most economical mode of transportation and the most commonly traveled route consistent with the authorized purpose of the trip. Any exception must be approved by the Chancellor.
    • Non-business travel expenses must be separately identified.
    • Entertainment expenses incurred while on travel status are to be reported separately on the Entertainment Reporting Form and submitted along with a completed Post Travel Expense form.
      • While on travel status the cost of meals or light refreshments and related services incurred in connection with a social or recreational activity or event supporting the University’s mission is considered entertainment.
      • Include entertainment expenses in the "Miscellaneous (explain)" section on the Post Travel Expense form to ensure that meals associated with travel are accounted for separately from meals associated with providing entertainment.
      • Refer to the Entertainment Event Expense Guide for additional information.
    • For all travel expenditures, detailed/itemized receipts are required to be submitted with the request for reimbursement. See: Receipt and documentation requirements for additional information.
      • Note: Individuals are required to fill out a Payee Setup 204 before receiving a UCSC non-payroll payment.
    UC Travel Center Booking Process

    The UC Travel Center is a full-service travel agency that can book tickets for any airline. Bookings must be made 24 hours in advance to ensure proper ticketing.

    Follow these steps to make an airline reservation through the UC Travel Center. All forms referenced are available for download from the forms tab at the top of this guide:

    1. Complete a Travel Advance Request form. Refer to the Travel Advance Instructions on how to complete the form.
    2. Obtain approval on the Travel Advance Request form from appropriate supervisor or other designated official. Submit a Travel Advance Request form for approval to divisional/departmental business office in accordance with departmental procedures. Contact divisional business office for further information.
    3. A UCSC Trip Number will be provided as a reference for confirmation of travel itinerary, this number will also be used in reporting travel expenses when filling out a Post Travel Expense Report form.
    4. To confirm the itinerary, update and/or correct it as needed. Include the UCSC Trip Number on it, and send a confirmation email back to the UC Travel Center. The UC Travel Center will not issue a ticket without a Trip #.
      Note: Trip numbers must be used for one trip and cannot be reused.
    5. The UC Travel Center will book the reservation and provide electronic ticketing information and final itinerary via email.
    6. Print out a copy of the itinerary to bring to the airport. Printing instructions are provided with the email message.
    7. After the reservation is made, departmental and divisional business offices are required to send a copy of the completed and approved Travel Advance Request form, along with an assigned Trip Number and FOAPAL to FAST/AP Office (fax 9-1723).
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  • Allowable Expenses

    The following necessary, proper, and reasonable travel expenses are generally reimbursable. Refer to Detailed Reimbursable Travel Expenses at the bottom of this section for additional information.

    1. Aircraft (Private)​
    2. Airfare costs
    3. Automobile usage (Personal)​
    4. Baggage checking and storage fees
    5. Bridge tolls
    6. Business office expenses
    7. Lodging - Reimbursement for overnight lodging will be allowed only if the traveler is at least forty miles from headquarters or home, whichever is closer
    8. Meals and incidentals
    9. Parking
    10. Rail travel costs
    11. Registration fees for conferences, conventions or meetings of professional or learned societies
    12. Rental car
    13. Reservation cancellation fee
    14. Road tolls
    15. Special fees for foreign travel
    16. Taxi and public transportation fares
    17. Telephone calls
    18. Ticket replacement fee

    Other Travel Related Expenses

    The following business-related travel expenses are usually reimbursable:

    1. Baggage checking or storage fees necessary for the business purpose of a trip.
    2. Business office expenses when normal purchasing processes cannot be followed:
      • Local and long distance telephone calls
      • Fax and computer expenses
      • Copy and word processing services
      • Equipment rentals
      • Overnight delivery/postage
      • Purchase of materials and supplies when normal purchasing procedures cannot be followed
      • Rental of a room or other facility for the transaction of official business
      • Laundering, cleaning, or pressing of clothing if a trip is longer than six days
    3. Local and long distance telephone calls. Including one reasonably brief, non-emergency, personal call home per day.
    4. Lost ticket / Re-ticketing charges, if both of the following conditions are met:
      • Occurrence is infrequent.
      • There is a valid business reason.
    5. Parking, for travel exceeding 24 hours, lower-cost, longer-term parking options should be used
    6. Registration fees for conferences, conventions or meetings of professional or learned societies
    7. Reservation cancellation charges, if charges are the result of circumstances beyond the traveler’s control
      • Travelers who are unable to honor a reservation are responsible for canceling the reservation in compliance with the cancellation terms established by the hotel, airline, etc.
      • The traveler must promptly return any refundable deposits to the University
    8. Road and bridge tolls
    9. Special fees for foreign travel, including the following:
      • Obtaining a passport, visa, tourist card, and necessary photographs
      • Certificates of birth, health, identity, and related affidavits
      • Charges for required inoculations and medical evacuation insurance
      • Traveler’s checks
      • Currency conversion and check cashing fees
      • Hiring guides, translators, and local labor
      • Full collision insurance on automobiles rented in foreign countries)
    10. Taxi and public transportation fares

    Note: For foreign travelers, certain non-business expenses may be treated as taxable income to the traveler. The calculation of the taxable amount is based on multiplying total expenses by the ratio of nonbusiness travel days to the total business and nonbusiness travel days.

    Reimbursement of travel expense by a non-UCSC third-party:
    Ensure that any reimbursements by an outside source have been deposited to the appropriate departmental account code (FOAPAL).

    Detailed Reimbursable Travel Expenses

    Air Travel Costs:
    Refer to the Air Travel section.

    Aircraft, Private:
    If the traveler incurred higher than standard operating costs, the traveler may seek reimbursement by submitting a statement with the Post Travel Expense certifying that he or she incurred higher operating costs.

    Automobile, Personal:
    Refer to the Personal Auto Usage section.

    Baggage, checking and storage fees:
    These fees are reimbursable only if necessary for the business purpose of a trip.

    Business office expenses:
    The following expenses may be reimbursed when normal UCSC purchasing processes cannot be used:

    • Fax and computer expenses
    • Copy services
    • Equipment rentals
    • Overnight delivery/postage
    • Purchase of materials and supplies
    • Rental of a room or other facility for the transaction of official business
    • Laundering, cleaning, or pressing of clothing if a trip is longer than six days
    • Word processing services

    Refer to the Hotel Room, Lodging, Meals and Incidentals section.

    Meals and Incidentals:
    Refer to the Meals and Incidental Expense Rates: Within and Outside Continental U.S. section.

    Rail or bus travel:

    • Rail or bus transportation may be used when required by the destination or by business necessity.
    • When rail or bus travel is used in lieu of air travel only the lesser of rail fare or equivalent airfare cost to the same destination will be reimbursed.

    Rental cars:
    Refer to the Rental car section.

    Reservation cancellation charge:
    Charges or lost refunds will be reimbursed only if charges are the result of circumstances beyond the traveler’s control.

    Special fees for foreign travel
    The following special fees and expenses related to foreign travel are generally reimbursable:

    • Obtaining a passport, visa, tourist card, and necessary photographs
    • Certificates of birth, health, identity, and related affidavits
    • Charges for required inoculations and medical evacuation insurance
    • Currency conversion and check cashing fees
    • Traveler’s checks
    • Hiring guides, translators, and local labor
    • Full collision insurance on automobiles rented in foreign countries

    Telephone calls
    Local and long distance telephone business calls are reimbursable. In addition, one reasonably brief, non-emergency, personal call home per day is reimbursable.

    Ticket replacement / re-ticketing charge

    • Service charges may be reimbursed, provided such occurrences are infrequent.
    • Charges for re-ticketing, schedule changes, etc. are reimbursable if incurred for a valid business reason.

    Virtual Conferences
    For virtual conferences (via Zoom, etc.), the destination of travel should be considered the location that the conference was virtually attended, most likely the remote work location or office location (e.g. Santa Cruz, CA, Scotts Valley, CA, etc.). If an agenda is provided for the conference, include a copy when submitting your expense report.

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  • Meals and Incidental Expense Rates: Within and Outside Continental U.S.

    Meals and incidentals:
    The rates vary depending on destination and duration of travel.

    Domestic Travel Reimbursement Rates:
    Reimbursement rates are based on destination and duration of travel.

    • No exceptions may ​be made for the payment of expenses exceeding the limits specified below.
    • For travel lasting more than one year, the rate may be increased up to 150% to cover income taxes.
    • An overnight stay must be substantiated with an original lodging receipt or an acceptable statement explaining why lodging was not obtained, such as when lodging with a friend or relative.

    Travel within continental US – CONUS travel:

    • ​Less than 24 hours without an overnight stay
    • Less than 24 hours with an overnight stay
      • Actual M&IE for the entire trip (even if the travel extends over two consecutive days) ​up to $92 (effective 10/01/24). Travelers paid by federal grants and contracts must adhere to the GSA per diem rate allocable to the destination which may be less than the $92/day rate (​UC G-28, Appendix B, page 52). The maximum daily lodging rate, excluding taxes and fees, is $333 in the continental U.S. (effective 01/01/24). ​ See Hotel Room Lodging and Meals for required documentation needed to s​upport lodging costs in excess of $333.00.
      • An "overnight stay" involves obtaining substantial sleep or rest
        • Napping or resting in a car does not constitute obtaining substantial sleep or rest.
    • Between one to 29 days in one location
      • For travel assignments of less than 30 days within the Continental United States (CONUS), the reimbursement of daily subsistence expenses shall be based on the actual amounts incurred for lodging (room rate capped at $333 before taxes and fees) and Meals & Incidental Expenses (M&IE) capped at a maximum of $92/day (effective 10/01/24). Travelers paid by federal grants and contracts must adhere to the GSA per diem rate allocable to the destination which may be less than the $92/day rate (UC G-28​, Appendix B, page 52).
      • The M&IE cap for CONUS travel under 30 days shall not be treated as a p​er diem. M&IE reimbursement shall be limited to the actual reasonable costs incurred.
    • Thirty or more consecutive days in one location
      • Reimbursement of actual subsistence expenses shall be limited to a daily amount of up to 100% of the applicable federal per diem rate.
        • Actual costs paid for lodging taxes, which are not included in CONUS per diem rates, may be reimbursed as a miscellaneous expense.
      • Administration per diem rate
      • For travel lasting more than one year, M&IE reimbursement is taxable income, and the rate may be increased up to 150% to cover income taxes.

    Travel to Alaska, Hawaii, and US possessions – OCONUS travel:

    • Travel is less than 30 days in one location
      • Reimbursement for actual expenses incurred not to exceed the local per diem rate according to US Department of Defense Non-foreign locality per diem rates
      • An official University business trip begins when the traveler leaves their residence or headquarters, whichever occurs last, and ends when the traveler returns to their residence or headquarters, whichever occurs first. The per diem rate allocable starts when you land on OCONUS soil and ends when you depart OCONUS soil. OCONUS per diem rates do not include taxes on lodging, which may be reimbursed separately. The actual cost of lodging is not to exceed the applicable federal per diem rate (See Appendix B, UC G-28, page 52).
      • The M&IE per diem must be prorated for travel of less than 21 hours, in accordance with Section V.E.2.c.ii (UC G-28); however, reimbursement may be authorized only if the travel involves an overnight stay. A lodging receipt must be provided or a statement explaining why a receipt is not available, even if the traveler claims the per diem method of reimbursement under these circumstances. This information pertains to travel involving multiple locations, but should be used for the mixture of CONUS and OCONUS/Foreign travel. As an example, a departing flight from San Jose leaves at 8 AM. Breakfast would be under the CONUS prorated allocation per the GSA M&IE breakdown for meals and incidentals​. The plane lands in the afternoon in Kona, HI at 1:20 PM (PST 5h20m flight time), therefore the OCONUS per diem starts for Kona, HI at that time for M&IE with the lodging expense being at full value for that night's stay. Of course there are adjustments for time zones, but this example provides data to consider for prorating M&IE. ​
      • ​If actual expenses that are greater than the per diem are claimed due to special or unusual circumstances, the traveler must document such circumstances by submitting a written explanation with the travel expense claim. The amount reimbursed, however, may not exceed 300% of the applicable federal rate established for the location of travel. The reimbursement of actual expenses must be supported by receipts, as specified in Section V.I.2.b., Documentation Requirements (UC G-28, pages 41-42).
    • Travel is for 30 or more consecutive days in one location
      • Reimbursement for actual expenses incurred not to exceed actual costs up to 100% of the applicable federal per diem rate US Department of Defense Non-foreign locality per diem rates
      • The traveler is expected to seek long-term accomodations when staying in one location for 30 or more consecutives days but less than one year. See Section V.E.2.a.ii., Long-Term Travel - Assignments of 30 days or More (UC G-28, pages 24-25) for information on estimating and computing a daily lodging rate.

    Foreign Reimbursement Rates:
    Reimbursement rates are based on the duration of travel.

    • Travel is less than 30 days in one location
      • Reimbursement for actual expenses incurred not to exceed the local per diem rate according to US Department of State Federal Maximum Travel Per Diem Allowance for Foreign Areas.
      • An official University business trip begins when the traveler leaves their residence or headquarters, whichever occurs last, and ends when the traveler returns to their residence or headquarters, whichever occurs first. The rate allocable starts when you land on foreign soil and ends when you depart foreign soil, please see Appendix D: Prorating Per Diems For Travel Involving Multiple Locations (UC G-28, page 54). Foreign per diem rates include taxes on lodging. The actual cost of lodging is not to exceed the applicable federal per diem rate (See Appendix B, UC G-28, page 52).
      • The M&IE per diem must be prorated for travel of less than 21 hours, in accordance with Section V.E.2.c.ii (UC G-28); however, reimbursement may be authorized only if the travel involves an overnight stay. A lodging receipt must be provided or a statement explaining why a receipt is not available, even if the traveler claims the per diem method of reimbursement under these circumstances. This information pertains to travel involving multiple locations, but should be used for the mixture of CONUS and OCONUS/Foreign travel. As an example, a departing flight from San Jose leaves at 8 AM. Breakfast would be under the CONUS prorated allocation per the GSA M&IE breakdown for meals and incidentals​. The plane lands in Mexico City at 2:15 PM (PST 6h15m flight time), therefore the Foreign per diem starts at that time for M&IE with the lodging expense being at full value for that night's stay. Of course there are adjustments for time zones, but this example provides data to consider for prorating M&IE.
      • If actual expenses that are greater than the per diem are claimed due to special or unusual circumstances, the traveler must document such circumstances by submitting a written explanation with the travel expense claim. The amount reimbursed, however, may not exceed 300% of the applicable federal rate established for the location of travel. The reimbursement of actual expenses must be supported by receipts, as specified in Section V.I.2.b., Documentation Requirements (UC G-28, pages 41-42).
    • Travel is for 30 or more consecutive days in one location:
      • Reimbursement for actual expenses incurred not to exceed actual costs up to 100% of the applicable federal per diem rate US Department of State Federal Maximum Travel Per Diem Allowance for Foreign Areas.
      • The traveler is expected to seek long-term accomodations when staying in one location for 30 or more consecutives days but less than one year. See Section V.E.2.a.ii., Long-Term Travel - Assignments of 30 days or More (UC G-28, pages 24-25) for information on estimating and computing a daily lodging rate.
    • Indefinite Travel – more than one year in one location:
      • Travel expense reimbursements are treated as taxable income to the traveler and reimbursed through the payroll system.
      • Reimbursement rate may be increased up to 150% of the per diem rates to cover income taxes.


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  • Unallowed Expenses

    These types of travel-related expenses are not reimbursable:

    1. Motorcycle usage, except for a University Police employee on assignment
    2. Seat Upgrades, Seat Selection, and Refundable tickets are not allowed (Campus policy). Additionally, travelers cannot be reimbursed for non-cash certificates used in the purchase of transportation tickets derived through frequent flyer miles or received as compensation for an airline issue (p.12 UC G-28). All purchases should be for an allowable business reason with an auditable trail to confirm the expenses were incurred directly (credit card or directly billed airfare via Connexxus), credited back as a voucher if there is a cancellation, and used for a subsequent travel itinerary. The transaction trail (original itinerary, credited itinerary, subsequent itinerary purchase using the credit) is required to determine the origination of the credit.
    3. ​The cost of a "bundled" airfare/lodging/rental car or any bundling sequential package obtained through an Internet travel agency (such as Expedia) that does not provide a detailed receipt separately identifying the costs of the bundled airfare, hotel, rental car, and/or incidentals. Itemization is required per UC G-28 Travel Regulations so please avoid the purchases of a bundled package that may not provide the itemization.​
    4. ​For stays of less than 30 days, lodging expenses in the continental U.S. are limited to a daily rate of $333.00, excluding taxes and mandatory fees (effective 04/11/24). See Hotel Room Lodging and Meals for required documentation needed to support lodging costs in excess of $333.00.
    5. Shared lodging accommodations are not allowed for UCSC employees, including in hotel rooms or Airbnb/VRBO. Only single occupancy lodging accommodations are allowed for UCSC employees. Requests for exceptions (for example, ADA accommodations, field research) should be directed to the employee’s applicable Principal Officer. (Campus Policy)
    6. Entertainment expenses incurred while on travel status, which are to be reported separately on the Entertainment Reporting Addendum and submitted along with a completed Post Travel Expense Form.
    7. Personal expenses will not be reimbursed.


    • While on travel status, the cost of meals or light refreshments and related services incurred in connection with a social or recreational activity or event supporting the University’s mission is considered entertainment.
    • Include entertainment expenses in the "Miscellaneous (explain)" section on the Post Travel Expense to ensure that meals associated with travel are accounted for separately from meals associated with providing entertainment.
    • Refer to the Entertainment Event Expense Guide for additional information.

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  • Overview

    Types of travelers for arranging and booking travel:

    Individual traveler: A traveler can book flights, reserve hotels, rental cars and airport parking on-line after logging into Connexxus.

    • Travelers can comparison shop through Southwest, BCD and the UC Travel Center (Online GetThere) at the same time.

    Connexxus Trip Comparison

    San Jose to UCLA (Overnight / Non-Refundable 5/11-5/12)

    Provider Airline Flight to # Flight $ Hotel $ Car $ Total Trip Rating
    BCD (Connexxus) SW 250 / 455 127.50 92.65 92.83 312.98 1
    Orbitz (Connexxus) SW 250 / 455 130.00 92.65 92.83 315.48 2
    Expedia AA 3115 / 3168 161.20 93.00 95.76 349.96 4
    Priceline AA 6500 / 3193 127.00 89.00 124.00 340.00 3
    Travelocity NA Unavailable

    San Jose to New Orleans (5 Nights / Refundable 5/10-5/15)

    Provider Airline Flight to # Flight Return # Flight $ Hotel $ Car $ Total Trip Rating
    BCD (Connexxus) SW 757 / 207 257 / 427 780.47 620.85 304.66 1,705.91 2
    Orbitz (Connexxus) SW 757 / 207 257 / 427 655.00 505.00 304.66 1,464.66 1
    Expedia Continental 1576 / 1560 4 / 421 777.40 813.20 521.80 2,112.40 4
    Travelocity Continental 1576 / 1560 4 / 421 784.39 672.37 499.76 1,956.52 3
    Priceline NA Unavailable

    Travel arrangers: May book travel on behalf of the traveler in Connexxus. Each travel arranger is identified by the traveler in Connexxus.

    • Each travel arranger must first sign-up to use Connexxus. Refer to the Connexxus section.
    • A traveler may have up to four travel arrangers.
    • Inbound visitors: Travel must be booked through UC Travel Center using an agent.

    Group travel: For detailed group travel information refer to Group Travel section:

    • Group air travel may be booked through UC Travel Center using an agent.
    • Group air travel may be booked online through GetThere, using a trip number if all travelers are UCSC employees.
    • Refer to the above UC Travel Center Booking Process for instructions.

    Domestic Travel
    Connexxus offers UC negotiated discounts with Southwest, BCD and UC Travel Center (GetThere)

    International Travel

    • International trip booking is available through Connexxus providers BCD or UC Travel Center, accessible through Connexxus' Premier Gateway website.
    • Premier Gateway's International booking options:
      • Option 1: Search for the best deal and reserve the itinerary for 24 hours.
        • Call BCD or UC Travel Center for an agent to book the reserved itinerary.
      • Option 2: Have an agent search for the best deal.
        • Search fee: $0 (BCD & UC Travel)
        • Agent calls BCD or UC Travel Center
        • Agency booking fees are contingent on the airline and complexity of the itinerary.

    Travel Insurance

    Travelers on official UC business are automatically covered under the UC travel insurance policy for domestic and international travel. Travelers on personal travel may not be covered unless travel is connected to a business trip and falls within the allotment for ‘personal deviation’ allowed under the policy.

    Travel registration is automatic when booking through Connexxus using BCD and UC Travel. If you are booking travel through Southwest (SWABIZ) in Connexxus, or if you are booking outside of Connexxus, it is required that you register your travel through the UC Away travel registration system.

    Note: Refer to UCSC Risk Services Travel Insurance & Resources for more information.

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  • Types of Travel

    This information relates to special travel situations

    Mixed Business and Personal Travel

    • Travel that involves indirect travel or interruptions not the direct result of a University business purpose should be approved in advance.
    • Reimbursement will not be made under any circumstance for additional or incremental expenses incurred as a result of indirect or interrupted travel for personal purposes.
    • A supporting airfare cost comparison for the University business portion of the trip through multiple airline offerings must be provided showing what would have been paid based on the lower of the regular coach fare available for the location of travel from all standard commercial air carriers or through a query of available options within Connexxus describing all airline offerings.
    • The comparative should be a print out of the query, not only the summary, showing the most economic and policy compliant flights available. Taking a business schedule into account is a consideration on the overall business only choice, but a small layover should not change the decision if there is a significant cost savings for the University. Being good stewards of UC funding requires the consideration of time, cost, and overall benefit to UCSC's mission.
    • For UC students, the use of Student Universe​ would be appropriate for the lowest cost option. For non-UC traveler's, the comparative should be drawn up from a website that collates available flights from as many airlines as possible such as Google Flights.

    Conferences and Workshops - UCSC-Hosted

    The campus division hosting the event is responsible for determining the conference and workshop expenses that will be paid directly by UCSC and those expenses that will be paid by the conference or workshop attendee:

    • Attendees from other UC campuses are expected to make their own travel arrangements.
    • Meeting rooms and catering are arranged with the use of a UCSC purchase order. Use account code 008350 for meeting room rental expenses and 001270 for catering expenses.
    • The following payment guidelines apply to UCSC-hosted conferences and workshops:

    Faculty on Sabbatical Leave

    Travel expenses incurred by faculty members on sabbatical leave are reimbursable if the travel is undertaken to perform study or research that cannot be done elsewhere. At the discretion of the department, a faculty member may be reimbursed for additional lodging expenses incurred at the sabbatical location, less any income received by the individual for renting out his or her primary residence. Refer to the UC Travel Reimbursement Policy G-28, p. 34, Section V.H.1.b “Special Travel Situations – Faculty on Sabbatical Leave” for additional details.

    Spouse / Domestic Partner of Traveler

    The travel expenses of a spouse or domestic partner who accompanies a University business traveler (e.g. Chancellors, Principal Officers of The Regents, or other employees as approved by the Chancellor) are reimbursable, provided it can be established that the spouse/domestic partner's presence serves a bona fide University business purpose. Refer to the UC Travel Reimbursement Policy G-28, p. 37, Section V.H.2.f “Special Travel Situations – Spouse or Domestic Partner Travel” for additional details.

    Foreign Visiting Scholars

    A foreign visiting scholar who is an employee of another entity (e.g., a foreign university), or an independent contractor, may be reimbursed for substantiated travel expenses. Foreign documents (copy of I-94, visa or passport and Certificate of Academic Activity form) are required for reimbursement of travel expenses, such as payments to foreign visitors, including advances for airfare and reimbursements for travel expenses, may be restricted by the visitor's visa status or other requirements established by the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services. Refer to the UC Travel Reimbursement Policy G-28, p. 37, Section V.H.2.e “Special Travel Situations – Foreign Visiting Scholars” for additional details. Also see the GLACIER Guide for allowable payments per visa types.


    University travel policy provisions apply to students incurring travel expenses directly related to the business purposes of the University. A student may be reimbursed for properly substantiated travel expenses when there is a direct connection between the expense and the business purposes of the University. Departments may also reimburse students for degree-related educational travel expenses, i.e., to attend a conference or visit a field site or laboratory facility. Travel will be considered to have a University business purpose if the travel meets any of the following:

    • Directly supports a faculty member's project or research program
    • Is an integral part of the student's degree work, or is required for attendance at student-oriented meetings, student government events, University athletic events by student athletes, etc.
    • Enables the student to attend a conference to present research findings for the University or to act in some other capacity on behalf of the University.

    Students must complete and submit a Travel Advance Request to request advance payment of travel-related expenses. The approval of a sponsoring principal investigator, department chair, or student advisor must be obtained on the Travel Advance Request. Refer to the UC Travel Reimbursement Policy G-28, p. 34, Section V.H.1.c “Special Travel Situations – Students” for additional details.

    Post-Docs and other Non-Degree Candidates

    Post-doctoral fellows may be reimbursed for travel expenses if there is a University business-related reason for the travel, e.g., the individual is required to present a paper, deliver a speech or lecture, serve on a panel, etc. as an official representative of the University. Such individuals may also be reimbursed for travel related to their training, e.g., to visit a field site or an off-campus laboratory. The department must certify that the travel directly supports faculty research or other scholarly programs. Refer to the UC Travel Reimbursement Policy G-28, p. 35, Section V.H.1.d “Special Travel Situations – Post-Docs and Other Non-Degree Candidates” for additional details.

    Visiting Academic Appointees

    An academic appointee with a “Visiting” title who is employed full-time for at least one quarter may be reimbursed for travel and related expenses incurred by reason of his or her appointment in lieu of receiving a relocation expense reimbursement. Academic Personnel Manual Section 230, Visiting Appointments, contains information concerning allowable expenses, limitations, funding, and approval authority.
    Authorized Advances
    The amount of any travel cash advance cannot exceed the actual cost of transportation plus 75% of the estimated allowable subsistence and miscellaneous expenses.
    Return Travel
    After completion of the term of appointment, reimbursement may be made for return travel to the point of origin or another destination, whichever is shorter.

    Non-U.S. Citizens

    The following documentation must be on file with the FAST Office in order for a travel reimbursement to be made to a non-U.S. citizen:

    • Non-resident alien or B-1, B-2, WB or WT visa holder:
      • Copy of visa
      • Copy of Form I-94 Arrival-Departure Record

    In addition, a B-1, B-2, WB or WT visa holder must provide the following:
    Certification of Academic Activity Form

    Visitors from Mexico or Canada without a visa must provide the following:

    All other visa holders:

    Non-University Employees

    Travel expenses incurred by non-University employees are reimbursable with University funds only if the travel has been approved in advance by the department that is interacting with the traveler.

    Prospective Employees

    One round-trip coach airfare may be reimbursed for each round of interviews of a prospective employee seeking a key position at the University. Authorization must be obtained in advance before any commitment is made to the prospective employee to reimburse travel expenses. In addition, at the Chancellor's discretion, actual travel expenses may be reimbursed for spouses or domestic partners who accompany candidates for faculty or high-level administrative positions, including Manager and Senior Professional positions, on final interviews. A prospective employee must complete and submit a Payee Setup 204 in order to be reimbursed. Refer to the UC Travel Reimbursement Policy G-28, p. 36, Section V.H.2.b “Special Travel Situations – Prospective Employees” for additional details.

    Independent Consultants and Contractors

    Reasonable, properly substantiated travel expenses incurred by independent contractors or consultants are expected to be included as part of the pre-negotiated fee for services covered under a UCSC purchase order contract.

    • Buyers should note in the PO text that the consultant/independent contractor's fee includes travel costs, or if
    • Travel will be billed to UCSC as a separate line item. Buyers should determine the maximum to be reimbursed and set up a separate line item for travel costs on the purchase order

    Reportable 1099 travel:

    • The vendor's invoice should include the required original itemized receipts. Receipted travel costs are treated as reimbursements and are not subject to 1099 reporting
    • Unsubstantiated expenses (required receipts not included with billing) are treated as income and hence are subject to 1099 reporting

    Refer to the UC Travel Reimbursement Policy G-28, p. 36, Section V.H.2.c “Special Travel Situations – Independent Consultants and Contractors” for additional details

    Chartered Transportation Services

    The Purchasing Office website has information about how to obtain bus charter services. Contact Procurement Services for information about how to obtain other chartered transportation services, such as airplanes and boats.

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  • Direct Billing Process and Direct Billable Vendors

    What is Direct Billing?
    Direct billing is a way for UCSC departments to pay for certain allowable travel expenses on the traveler's behalf. By utilizing direct billing, travelers can book travel without having to pay out of pocket. Not all vendors are set up to accept direct billing, so please check the procedures and lists of vendors below before planning your travel. Please see the Ways to Pay Overview for information on how to use other payment methods.

    How to Direct Bill:


    1. Check to see if your preferred vendor has a Payee Setup 204 form on file with FAR so that payment can be made. To do so, perform a BANNER query for the vendor name, or contact your FAST assistant.
      Note: If they do not have a Payee Setup 204 form on file, provide them with a link to the Payee / Vendor forms & Resources page and ask them to fill out and submit a Payee Setup 204 form to FAR. If you are looking to register for a conference that is less than 30 days away, it is recommended that you pay out of pocket and seek reimbursement, or request a cash advance.
    2. Fill out a Travel Advance Request form and submit it indicating in Section Three your desired vendor and the amount to be paid.
    3. Attach your completed conference registration form to your Travel Advance Form and submit it to FAST.
    4. FAST will provide you with your trip number and the vendor will receive payment.
    5. It is recommended that all travelers complete and submit a Post Travel Expense form within 10 days of when you return from your trip.


    Using Connexxus to direct bill your department for airfare can be completed by selecting "Book Online Now" located in either BCD travel or UC Travel Center agencies. If you are booking on behalf of another (without being their designated travel arranger) using the direct billing Trip Number system, please select "Book for a guest" and be certain that you are using the traveler's full legal name that matches their government-issued photo ID. When using the Trip Number direct billing method (requires a Travel Advance Request form submission to with the reservation documentation), please select the UC Santa Cruz Campus pay for airfare drop down for the method of payment. At the end of the process, you will be required to input the Trip Number as issued by Accounts Payable to finalize the reserved itinerary. If you have questions please contact​

    Local Lodging and Shuttles

    1. Check the list of vendors below to ensure that your desired vendor will accept direct billing.
    2. Contact the vendor to set up a reservation and let them know that payment will be arranged through a trip number.
    3. The payment of charges on behalf of travelers can only be for room and tax charges per UC Travel Policy (G-28 V.B.1. Prepaid Expenses and Direct Charges). The room rate cap per UC Travel Policy is up to $333 per night before taxes/fees.
    4. Fill out a Travel Advance Request form and submit it indicating in Section Three your desired vendor and the amount to be paid.
    5. FAST will provide you and the vendor with a trip number after your Travel Advance Form has been processed.
    6. The vendor will directly bill Accounts Payable.
    7. It is recommended that all travelers complete and submit a Post Travel Expense form within 10 days of when you return from your trip with the requirement of submission being 45 days.

    Direct Billable Vendors:



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  • Group Travel

    Outbound Group Travel: involves three or more University employees and/or students, led by a group leader, traveling to the same destination for the same purpose.

    Inbound Group Travel:involves three or more non-affiliates, led by a UCSC Recruitment/Outreach Coordinator, traveling to UCSC for the same purpose; such as participating in a student recruitment or outreach event.

    The group leader, UCSC Recruitment/Outreach Coordinator is responsible for ensuring compliance with UC travel policy, accounting for group travel expenses, and the following:

    • Completion and submission of a Travel Advance Request prior to the trip, with the names of the travelers in the group included. The Travel Advance Request is required only if a cash advance is requested or if UC is paying expenses on behalf of the travelers, i.e., airfare or conference fees.
    • Arrangement of reservations for the group using UC contracts for employee group travel. Procurement Services can assist with hotel negotiations for non-contract and/or non-employee group lodging.
    • Submitting invoices and supporting documentation for payments to be made by UCSC on behalf of the group.
    • Payment of any group expenses and retaining all required itemized receipts during the trip.
    • Submission of a completed Post Travel Expense form and all required itemized receipts within 45 days of trip completion.
      • Electronic receipts are acceptable provided that the detail contained in an electronic receipt is equivalent to the level of detail contained in an acceptable paper record. E-mailed or faxed documentation provided by an airline or travel agency for electronic ticketing expenses for airfare is acceptable for substantiating such expenses.

    Refer to the UC Travel Reimbursement Policy G-28, p. 30, Section V.4. “Payment of Group Subsistence Expenses” for additional details.

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  • Air Travel

    Considerations for Booking Air Travel


    To take advantage of UC-negotiated airfare discounts, Connexxus is the preferred choice when booking air travel. If you book your business trip through a Connexxus agency, Business Travel Accident insurance is automatically applied.

    UC Travel Center

    The UC Travel center is part of the Connexxus program. To arrange travel through the UC Travel Center, use the UC booking process.

    • The UC Travel Center requires travel be booked at least 24 hours prior to departure.

    Other Air Travel Considerations

    • Booking air travel 21 or more days in advance of a trip typically provides a cost savings to the University, and purchasing a ticket 50-60 days in advance usually provides additional savings.
    • The cost of “bundled” airfare and lodging packages obtained through an Internet travel agency will only be reimbursed if the agency provides a detailed receipt or invoice that separately identifies the costs of airfare, hotel, and incidentals.
    • Travelers and travel arrangers should book coach or economy class airfare (see Business/First Class exception directly below).

    Business, First-class, or Higher-cost Services

    The cost of business, first-class or other higher-cost services may be reimbursed under the circumstances listed below: (Documentation of such circumstances must be provided on the Post Travel form).

    • Business or first-class is the only service offered between two points.
    • The use of coach class would be more expensive or time consuming, e.g., if due to scheduling difficulties, traveling by air coach would require an unnecessary hotel expense, circuitous routing, or an unduly long layover.
    • An itinerary involves overnight travel without an opportunity for normal rest before the commencement of working hours.
    • The use of business or first-class travel is necessary to reasonably accommodate a disability or medical need. (Disability/Medical reason must be kept on file within the divisional business office and noted as 'On File' on the Post Travel form).
    • Priority boarding or early check-in charges are/will be reimbursed only under the same conditions that apply in the previous four conditions.

    Note: Seat Upgrades, Seat Selection, and Refundable tickets are not allowable.

    Airport Parking

    • For travel exceeding 24 hours, lower-cost, longer-term parking options should be used.

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  • Airport Shuttle Service

    Follow the links below for vendor information on how to book a reservation and obtain discounted airport shuttle service. Low-cost transportation options for travel to and from airports should be used whenever practical. Discounted prices are only available to UCSC employee business travelers:

    Note: For detailed group travel information refer to Group Travel

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  • Hotel Room, Lodging, Meals and Incidentals

    Travelers are encouraged to use UC contracted hotel agencies and to enroll in their preferred traveler's program to obtain the most economical room rate. For more information see the Hotels in the Santa Cruz Area step of the How to Buy Guide.

    • ​Shared lodging accommodations are not allowed for UCSC employees, including in hotel rooms or Airbnb/VRBO. Only single occupancy lodging accommodations are allowed for UCSC employees. Requests for exceptions (for example, ADA accommodations, field research) should be directed to the employee’s applicable Principal Officer. (Campus Policy)
    • For stays of less than 30 days, lodging expenses in the continental U.S. are limited to a daily rate of $333.00, excluding taxes and mandatory fees (effective 01/01/24).
    • When the traveler is unable to secure lodging at $333 per night or less, the traveler must submit additional documentation such as price comparisons within the proximity of the meeting location that supports the higher lodging rate incurred. The price comparisons should be performed at the time of booking.
    • A traveler who is required to attend a conference where the prearranged conference lodging rate exceeds the $333 per night cap may stay at the conference hotel without exceptional approval or additional documentation.
    • Expenses more than double the per-diem rate: Additional documentation and justification supporting the higher lodging rate should be provided.
    • Reimbursement for overnight lodging will be allowed only if the traveler is at least forty miles from the headquarter location or home, whichever is closer.
    • For local lodging in the Santa Cruz Area, if a traveler (or business unit) is unable to secure lodging at $333 per night or less, additional documentation such as a price comparison in a 5-7 mile radius of the meeting location must be created showing all available rooms (through Connexxus). Once the comparatives are created, a submission of the Travel Advance Request form and backup documentation should be sent to UCSC Financial Accounting & Reporting with a description of all variables so that our policy team can help facilitate the request for an Exception to Policy for Local Lodging in the Santa Cruz Area via the Chancellor's Office.

    Connexxus users: Hotel discounts of 15%-25% off best available rates from Marriott, Starwood, and Wyndham national hotel chains.

    • ​When reserving a hotel room through Connexxus, UC-negotiated prices are automatically applied.
    • Refer to the Connexxus section for information on how to set up a profile for hotel room reservations for official University business.

    Non-Connexxus users: For University employees, refer to UC Hotel Contracts below for information about UC discount contract pricing with national hotel chains.

    • Only UC employees can reserve hotels under UC hotel contracts
    • Refer to Procurement Services How to Buy website for information regarding UCSC discount pricing with hotels and reservation details.

    Refer to the Allowable Expenses section for Meals and Incidentals Reimbursement Rates in the Detailed Reimburseable Travel Expenses link.

    • Refer to UC Hotel Contracts below for information about UC discount hotel contract pricing. Travelers are encouraged to use UC contracted hotel agencies and to enroll in their preferred traveler's program to obtain the most economical room rate.
    • Rates vary depending on duration of travel.
    • Adjustments may be made for travel to multiple locations, partial days, or for subsistence or lodging provided without charge.
    • A Satisfactory written explanation must be provided to be reimbursed for any mandatory hotel charge that might be considered personal, such as valet parking or resort fees.
    • Lodging with a friend or relative:
      • Applies to travel on official University business
      • A one-time per trip, non-cash gift valued at up to $75.00 may be provided to the host.

    UC Hotel Contracts

    Marriot Hotel properties includes

    Courtyard, Fairfield Inn, Residence Inn, Ritz-Carlton, Springhill Suites, and Towne Place Suites:

    • Follow these steps to book a reservation:
      1. Book a reservation via the Marriott Hotels website, through Connexxus, or by calling (800) 228-9290.
      2. Identify yourself as a UC employee at the time of booking and provide traveler UC e-mail address and UC Campus.
      3. Be prepared to present your UCSC Identification at time of check-in.
      4. Follow these steps to book a reservation online:
        • Use Corporate Rate Code UC0 in Corporate/Promo code box
        • In E-mail field, use traveler's UC address
        • In company name field, use campus (ex. UCSC)
        • Enter Marriott Rewards Number. Enroll in the Marriott Rewards Program, if you are not already a member

    Starwood Hotel properties includes

    Four Points by Sheraton, Le Méridien, Sheraton, St. Regis, W, and Westin:

    • A 20% room discount is available to UC business travelers based on the Best Available Rate with Last Room availability. "Best Available Rate" is the best unrestricted retail rate available across all GDS systems at the time of booking.
    • Follow these steps to book a reservation:
      1. Enroll in the Starwood Preferred Guest program (SPG), if you are not already a member
      2. Book a reservation via the Starwood Website or call one of the following telephone numbers:
        • Westin, Sheraton, Four Points by Sheraton and Le Méridien: (888) 625-5144.
        • St. Regis and Luxury Collection: (800) 325-3589.
        • W Hotels: (877) W-HOTELS.
      3. Provide the Starwood Executive Traveler (SET) #360858 at time of booking.
      4. Be prepared to present your UCSC Identification at time of check-in.

    Wyndham Hotel Group properties includes

    AmeriHost, Baymont, Days Inn, Howard Johnson, Knights Inn, Ramada, Super 8, Travelodge, and Wyndham:

    • A 15% room discount is available to UC business travelers based on Non-Last Room availability for Wyndham Hotels and Resorts, and Last Room availability for other properties.
    • Follow these steps to book a reservation:
      1. Book a reservation by using one of the following websites or toll-free numbers (Reservations made directly with the hotel location do not qualify for the discount):
      2. Identify yourself as a UCSC employee at the time of booking.
      3. Be prepared to present your UCSC Identification at time of check-in.
      4. Click here to search Wyndham Hotels & Resorts by destination or by property.
      5. Enroll in the Wyndham ByRequest program, if you are not already a member

    Lodging for Unidentified Visitors

    On occasions where lodging needs to be arranged in advance for a UCSC visitor, such as for a commencement speaker who has yet to be identified, an employee of the hosting division is assigned accountability for arranging lodging. The employee’s name should be used on the Travel Advance Request, which should indicate when the traveler’s name is expected to be available. The Travel Advance Request will be faxed to the lodging vendor with instructions to reserve lodging under the employee’s name. The traveler’s name must be provided to the lodging vendor and FAST Office as soon as it is available.

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  • Rental Car and Personal Auto Usage

    The University of California (UC) has contracted rates in place with the following rental car agencies (the UC Connexxus travel portal must be used to obtain the contract rates):

    Dollar Rent A Car
    Enterprise Rent-A-Car
    Hertz Car Rental
    National Car Rental
    Thrifty Car Rental

    Rental car expense reimbursement will be based on the most economical mode of transportation (i.e. economy, compact, and intermediate-sized rental cars).

    Note: Hand-held or uninstalled GPS devices should not be rented unless the traveler is unfamiliar with the location of travel. Use of higher cost car upgrades with installed GPS units requires exceptional approval.

    • Booking through Connexxus (preferred method): UC-contracted rates are available to UCSC employee when reserving a car through Connexxus. Physical damage insurance coverage is automatically included for rentals booked through Connexxus, and therefore should not be purchased separately. UC rental contracts provide for refueling charges at a negotiated rate and this option may be selected to purchase fuel in advance.

    • Booking directly from agencies: UCSC employees who choose to rent a vehicle directly from a UC-contracted rental car agency will not be able to leverage the contracted rental car rates. If the UCSC Travel and Entertainment Card is used to rent a vehicle from a contracted agency, physical damage insurance coverage is automatically included. UCSC employees will not be reimbursed for any insurance charges associated with vehicles rented from UC-contracted agencies.

    Note: If renting a car in an area not served by a UC-contracted rental car agency, the cost of renting an economy, compact, or intermediate-sized model from a non-contracted agency will be reimbursed.

    Contact for assistance with rental car questions.

    Personal Automobile Usage

    Personal Automobile reimbursement is allowed from the traveler’s office location to the destination.

    • Mileage expenses may be allowed between the traveler's residence and the destination if business travel originates or terminates during a regularly scheduled day off.
    • Personal automobile must have insurance coverage. The minimum prescribed automobile liability insurance coverage is as follows:
      • $50,000 for personal injury to, or death of, one person;
      • $100,000 for injury to, or death of, two or more persons in one accident; and
      • $50,000 for property damage.
    • When a personal vehicle is used in lieu of air travel to the same destination, the lesser of the following costs will be reimbursed:
      • Airfare plus transportation costs to and from airport, or
      • Automobile mileage cost plus the cost of meals, lodging and parking while in transit.
      • A supporting airfare cost comparions for only the University business portion of the trip must be provided showing all options available which would substaintiate the lower of the regular coach fares available for the location and time of travel using standard commerical air carriers or through the campus travel program (Connexxus).

    Special Situations

    Private Automobile Specially Equipped for a Disability

    A traveler with a physical disability who must use a specially equipped or modified automobile and incurs higher than standard operating costs may seek reimbursement by submitting a statement with the Post Travel Expense certifying that he or she incurred higher operating costs. The actual fixed and variable costs must be specified in the statement. The departmental authority that approves the travel is responsible for documenting the traveler's need to use such a vehicle. The traveler should refer to IRS Form 2106, Employee Business Expenses to obtain additional information on calculating actual vehicle operating costs.

    ZipCar Usage
    While the Zipcar Program is primarily intended for personal travel needs, UC staff, faculty, and student employees 18 years of age and older may also use Zipcar for university business-related trips. Use of Zipcar for UC business travel is allowed for short-term trips (up to 24 hours) that are 180 miles or less roundtrip through departmental Zipcar accounts. If your business travel needs exceed either or both of these restrictions, Zipcar should not be used. Instead, rental cars may be obtained through UC Fleet Services or the UC rental car contract agencies – National/Enterprise or Hertz. The purpose of the UC business trip must be documented at the time of your Zipcar reservation. A departmental business Zipcar account may not be used for personal travel. Only staff approved for membership by Zipcar may drive Zipcars.

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  • Receipt and Documentation Requirements

    Retain all required itemized receipts to submit with your travel reimbursement request.

    Note: Photocopies of receipts are not an acceptable substitute for original receipts.

    1. Itemized receipts are required for reimbursement of airfare, lodging, rental cars, and/or conference fees and registration
    2. Itemized receipts are required for a host gift greater than $25.00
    3. Itemized receipts are required for any miscellaneous or meal expense that is greater than $75.00
    4. Itemized receipts are required for any special fees associated with foreign travel that is greater than $75.00
    5. Receipts for meals and incidentals may be required by a supervisor and/or the divisional business office if the maximum reimbursable amount is routinely claimed.
    6. Electronic receipts are acceptable as long as the detail provided is sufficient to substantiate the expense
    7. Reimbursement of ticketless or e-ticket airfare expenses require that the traveler submit a copy of the itinerary, a written receipt obtained at the airport, or a passenger receipt coupon
    8. A detailed lodging receipt (folio) must show itemized expenses in order to ensure that valid expenses are reimbursed. If lodging is purchased via the web, include supporting documentation obtained at the time of purchase

    Meeting or Conference Supporting Documentation

    To substantiate attendance at a formal meeting or conference, an agenda or documentation supporting the date and location of the event should be attached to the reimbursement request.

    Lost Receipts

    For any expense that is missing the required receipt, approval of the item for reimbursement must be made by one of the following campus officials authorized to approve travel policy exceptions:

    • Chancellor
    • Campus Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor
    • Vice Chancellors
    • Vice Provosts
    • Deans
    • College Provosts
    • Director, UCO Lick Observatory
    • University Librarian

    Note: Divisions may implement their own internal receipt requirements including all itemized receipts for meals and incidentals, miscellaneous, and special fees associated with all travel under $75.

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  • Overview

    There are several options available for paying for travel. Paying expenses for another traveler is not allowed unless it is for a shared hotel room. For trips involving more than two University business travelers, refer to the Group Travel section for more information.

    Airfare Options
    Travelers - Payment Options for Booking
    Staff/Faculty Students/Visitors
    ​​​Direct Billing - Select BCD in Connexxus green checkmark
    ​​Pay out of pocket * green checkmark green checkmark
    Pay With UC Travel Card Via Connexxus *​​ green checkmark
    *Can be booked through SWABIZ (Southwest).
    Conference Registration
    Travelers - Payment Options for Booking Staff/Faculty Students/Visitors
    ​​​Pay Directly By UCSC Check green checkmark green checkmark
    ​​Pay out of pocket green checkmark green checkmark
    Pay With UC Travel Card​​ green checkmark
    Shuttle Service Options
    Travelers - Payment Options for Booking Staff/Faculty Students/Visitors
    ​​Direct Bill UCSC Via Specific Providers green checkmark green checkmark
    ​Pay Out of Pocket green checkmark green checkmark
    Pay With UC Travel Card​​ green checkmark
    Hotel Options
    Travelers - Payment Options for Booking Staff/Faculty Students Visitors
    ​Book Via Connexxus - Out of Pocket green checkmark
    Book Via Connexxus - Use UC Travel Card​​ green checkmark
    Cash Advance for Hotel Costs​​ green checkmark green checkmark
    ​Pay Out of Pocket green checkmark green checkmark green checkmark
    Rental Car Options
    Travelers - Payment Options for Booking Staff/Faculty Students/Visitors
    ​Book Via Connexxus - Out of Pocket green checkmark
    Book Via Connexxus - Use UC Travel Card​​ green checkmark
    Cash Advance for Rental Car Costs green checkmark
    Fleet Services Reservations green checkmark
    ​Pay Out of Pocket​ green checkmark green checkmark

    For questions, contact

    UCSC Employees - Paying For Expenses Before Traveling:

    Complete a Travel Advance Request form to:

    • Request payments be made directly to travel service suppliers, such as airfare, conference registration fees, and hotel charges in advance of travel.
    • Obtain a travel cash advance within 30 days of the start of travel (minimum amount: $100).
    • Obtain reimbursement of travel expenses paid out-of-pocket prior to travel.
    • Obtain a trip number for use in booking travel through Connexxus or the UC Travel Center.

    UCSC Employees - Paying For Expenses Before And During Travel:

    Option 1: Use UCSC Travel Card

    • Pay for travel expenses; UCSC will reimburse to the employee who is responsible for paying travel card bill
    • Obtain travel cash advance from ATMs world-wide.

    A traveler obtains reimbursement for UCSC travel-related credit card charges by reporting expenses on the Post Travel Expense form. You can apply for a card by completing the UCSC Travel & Entertainment Card form: (Excel | PDF).

    Option 2: Pay Out Of Pocket

    A traveler obtains reimbursement for UCSC travel-related expenses paid out-of-pocket by reporting expenses on the Post Travel Expense form within 45 days of trip completion.

    Non-UCSC Employees - Paying For Expenses Before Traveling:

    Complete a Travel Advance Request form to request payments be made directly for hotel charges only in advance of travel.

    Non-UCSC Employees - Paying For Expenses Before And During Travel:

    A traveler obtains reimbursement for UCSC travel-related expenses paid out-of-pocket by reporting expenses on the Post Travel Expense form within 45 days of trip completion.

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  • Authorization and Approvals

    Travel must be authorized by an individual's supervisor or person of higher authority who has been officially delegated with written authority to approve funding for the payment of travel expenses. The traveler must never approve their own expenses under any circumstance.

    Travel Advance Request (TAR)

    Prepare and submit a Travel Advance Request form to:

    • Obtain a trip number allowing you to arrange your trip through the UC Travel Center,
    • Obtain a travel cash advance, and/or
    • Request a payment be made by UCSC in advance of your trip to a travel service provider, such as a hotel or for a conference registration fee

    Each trip number assigned is unique and serves as a code for collecting and accounting for the expenses incurred during your trip.

    Approvals (TAR)

    • UCSC employee or student traveler: signature required
    • Visitor traveling on UCSC business: signature not required

    Tier 1 Funding Authorizer:
    UCSC employee with delegated authority to expend funds from the FOAPAL to be used to pay for travel expenses and responsible for certifying the business purpose of the planned trip and the validity and appropriateness of expenses expected to be incurred: signature required.

    Tier 2 Funding Authorizer:
    UCSC employee registered with FAST/AP having the responsibility to validate the authenticity and authority of Tier 1 Funding Authorizer TAR signatory: signature required.

    Post Travel Expense (PTE)

    Prepare and submit a Post Travel Expense form within 45 days of trip completion to:

    • Report travel expenses
    • Obtain reimbursement for out-of-pocket travel expenses (as applicable)
    • Account for the use of a travel cash advance and calculate the unused portion of the advance owed to UCSC (as applicable)

    Approvals (PTE)

    • UCSC employee or student traveler: signature required to certify business purpose of trip, validity of expenses, and appropriate use of funds
    • Visitor traveling on UCSC business: check with your department to determine if it requires a traveler signature

    If traveler is unable to sign the Post Travel Expense Form, contact FAST/AP at or the FAST/AP Help Line at (831) 459-4488.

    Tier 1 Funding Authorizer:
    UCSC employee with delegated authority to expend funds from the FOAPAL being used to pay for travel expenses and responsible for certifying the business purpose of the trip and the validity, appropriateness, and accuracy of expenses being reported: signature required.

    Tier 2 Funding Authorizer Verifier:
    UCSC employee registered with FAST/AP having the responsibility to validate the authenticity and authority of Tier 1 Funding Authorizer Post Travel Expense form signatory: signature required.

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  • Avoiding Tax Problems

    Comply with the IRS travel expense reimbursement rule below to minimize chances of an unwelcome surprise:

    Post-Trip Reporting Deadline

    To avoid having tax withheld from your travel expense reimbursement or having your travel cash advance be considered taxable income, submit your Post Travel Expense report within 45 days of completing your trip.

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  • Post Travel Expense Report Form

    All expenses incurred on a trip whether paid out-of-pocket or directly to a vendor must be accounted for on a completed, signed, and approved Post Travel Expense within 45 days of trip completion.

    • A cash travel advance must be accounted for on the Post Travel Expense.
      • The unused portion of a cash travel advance, if any, must be returned to your divisional or department office for deposit back to the University’s bank account.
    • Original itemized receipts for each of the following types of expenses must accompany the Post Travel Expense to substantiate each expense’s necessity, appropriateness, and reasonableness.
      1. Airfare
      2. Lodging
      3. Rental car
      4. Conference fees and registration
      5. Meals and incidentals, if the maximum amount reimbursable is routinely claimed, and the supervisor requests submission.
      6. Miscellaneous and meal expenses greater than $75.00
      7. Local transportation costing $75.00 or more per instance
      8. Extraordinary items, such as repair of accidental car damage, supported by appropriate justification
      9. Hospitality gifts valued at $25.00 or more given to a friend or relative providing free lodging
    • Payment of a travel expense reimbursement request submitted after the 45-day deadline is subject to IRS tax withholding

    Approved travel expenses incurred as a result of frequent, routine business travel between distant UCSC facilities during a calendar quarter may be submitted on a single Post Travel Expense form.

    • The travel purpose and the date of each trip, points of travel, and mileage must be reported on the Post Travel Expense form or on an attachment sheet.
    • The request must be submitted to the FAST Office within 30 calendar days after the end of the quarter in which the travel occurs. Quarters end on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.
    • Expense reimbursement requests submitted after the 30-day deadline will be subject to tax withholding.

    Lost Receipts

    • Obtain a duplicate receipt from the vendor
    • If a duplicate receipt cannot be obtained from the vendor, submit a statement with the Post Travel Expense explaining why the receipt was not provided and including a certification that the expense amount claimed is the amount actually paid to the vendor.
    • Depending on the expense, you may be asked to provide additional information by your divisional business office.
      • Departmental account code information (FOAPAL) must be provided on the Post Travel Expense
      • A conference or meeting agenda must be attached to the Post Travel Expense to substantiate the business purpose of the trip.

    Speed up getting your travel reimbursement by avoiding these common Post Travel Expense oversights:

    1. Not including a written business purpose for travel
    2. Forgetting to submit original, itemized receipts supporting each travel expense requiring substantiation
    3. Forgetting to forward the Post Travel Expense to the Divisional Funding Authorizer for review and approval
    4. Forgetting to reference trip number, if applicable.
    5. Forgetting to provide departmental account code (FOAPAL) information
    6. A Nonresident alien forgetting to submit visa documentation, including a copy of the traveler’s visa, a Form I-94 Arrival Departure Record, or a Certification of Academic Activity Form.
    7. Forgetting to sign the forms
    8. First-time traveler forgetting to submit a Payee Setup 204

    Back to Top
  • What is Connexxus

    Connexxus is a secure Web portal for booking university business travel. It links to booking options, agent contact information, and guidance for choosing the best option for your travel situation. By booking travel through Connexxus, UC-negotiated prices with airlines, hotels, and car rental companies are automatically applied.

    UCSC strongly encourages using Connexxus. The benefits of using it include:

    • Supporting UC in leveraging our collective travel to get the best possible value, services, and discounts
    • Helping travelers and administrative staff save time, cost, and gain efficiency.

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  • How to Become a Connexxus User

    In order to access Connexxus a valid UCSC CruzID Gold Password is required.

    Obtaining a CruzID Gold Password

    Received an "Access Denied" message when logging into Connexxus

    • If you receive an "Access Denied - Not identified as a registered user" message after completing the CruzID Gold password process, please contact for assistance.
    • Should you have questions or problems logging into Connexxus, contact

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  • Logging into Connexxus

    1. Click here to access Connexxus and follow the login instructions provided below.
      • Note: Connexxus will open in a new browser window so you can refer back to these instructions.
    2. You will be directed to the UC Santa Cruz CruzID Gold website.
    3. Enter your CruzID and CruzID Gold Password
      Task screenshot
    4. You will be directed to the Connexxus Welcome page
      Task screenshot

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  • Creating a Traveler Profile

    1. Go to Connexxus (Refer to the How to Become a Connexxus User for login instructions).
    2. Click Profile on the top bar of the welcome page.
      Travel Profile
    3. Wait for the Connexxus Traveler Profile page to appear, then click Update Contact Info:
      Travel Profile
    4. Complete the following fields in each section:
      • General: Enter your name, home and emergency contact.
        • Department Number: Enter 0000 or your actual four digit department number for the this field. This is required to book travel through Connexxus.
        • Assigning Travel Arrangers: Booking travel on someone else's behalf is available in Connexxus. Travel arrangers will first need to sign-up to use Connexxus. Refer to "How to become a Connexxus user" for instructions.
        • After travel arrangers have been granted system access, the traveler can search and add each arranger by name.
          • To assign up to 4 travel arrangers:
            • When entering your "Traveler Profile" information enter the arranger's last name in the search field.
            • Select travel arranger's name from the drop-down list.
            • Click the Can Book and/ or Can Access check boxes to assign travel arranger's privileges.
              • Can Access: Arranger can view and update your profile information.
              • Can Book: Arranger can book travel for you.
      • Preferences: Enter your air, hotel, and car preferences
      • Payment: Enter your UCSC Travel & Entertainment (T&E) Card information or personal credit card under Company Card and/or Personal Card, then select how your card should be applied for travel reservations.
        • For security purposes, payment information is encrypted; only the last four digits will be shown.
      • Loyalty: Enter any airline, hotel, or car loyalty program information.
      • Documents:  Enter your passport and visa information.
    5. Click Save. (A message saying "Profile successfully saved" will be displayed.) 
    6. After saving your changes in your profile, click on the logout button from the top navigation. The following message saying "You have logged out" will appear. Close the profile browser window.
      Travel Profile
    7. Manage and update your profile information in the future, as needed.

    For travel service fee information refer to:

    Fees: BCD and UC Travel Center (Cruz ID Gold required for access).


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  • How to Designate a Travel Arranger

    1. Log into Connexxus and click "Edit Profile"
    2. Click the blue business tab
      travel profile

    3. Search for a travel arranger by last name or e-mail address
      find arranger
      Contact if you can't find a travelers profile.
    4. Select the person's name from the list that appears
      • If you want the arranger to book your travel, select "Can Book"
      • If you want the arranger to be able to view and modify your Traveler Profile, click "Can Access"
    5. Repeat to add another arranger. You can have up to four arrangers.
      • A full itinerary from BCD Travel will be e-mailed automatically to the arranger at the top of the list. If you wish to change the order of your arrangers, you will need to delete the arrangers and enter them again in the order you wish
    6. You must save your Profile changes by scrolling to the top or bottom of the page and clicking the save button. Closing without saving will result in a loss of all information input.

    Note: Credit card numbers are not viewable by a travel arranger, but can still be used if the traveler has set one up in their profile.

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  • Using Connexxus for Personal Travel

    UC Santa Cruz employees can use Connexxus to receive UC-negotiated rates for personal travel. Individuals may not use University issued credit cards or direct billing arrangements to pay for personal travel. UCSC employees that utilize UC travel resources for personal travel must have their own personal credit card available to pay for all expenses. Before making travel arrangements, be sure to set up a Connexxus traveler profile and review the benefits and exclusions below.

    To take advantage of the rates available through Connexxus for your personal travel plans, choose one of the booking options (e.g. Southwest, BCD) and follow onscreen instructions.

    Discounted rates and benefits provided through Connexxus are extended to UC employees for booking personal travel and include:

    • Airfare
    • Car rentals (includes free enrollment in rewards programs)
    • Hotels
    • Low service fees

    For any questions regarding personal travel, contact the booking agency:

    • Southwest Airlines: (800) 435-9792
    • BCD: (877) 885-8632
    • UC Travel Center: (800) 235-8252
    • Amtrak: (800) 872-7245

    Note: Agency fees may apply for phone transactions. Click here for details.

    Benefits not extended to personal travel:

    • Travel insurance:
    • Car rental insurance coverage:
      • Coverage can be purchased through the rental agency.

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  • Resources, Myths and FAQs

    Connexxus Resources:
    Common Myths
    Compare Travel Booking Options
    Airfare Pricing Options
    Car Rental Tips
    Learn About the Benefits of Club Quarters

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q) What is Connexxus?

    • A) Connexxus is a secure Web portal for booking university business travel. It links to booking options, agent contact information, and guidance for choosing the best option for your travel situation. By booking travel through Connexxus, UC-negotiated prices with airlines, hotels, and car rental companies are automatically applied.

    Q) Are Connexxus rates better than those I can get from booking directly or shopping online?

    • A) Yes. Connexxus keeps travel costs contained by providing a wide range of booking options for airfare, hotel, and car rental at discounted rates.

    Q) Which Connexxus booking option should I use?

    • A) Each option is slightly different. If you're not sure which one to use, click Compare all booking options on the Connexxus welcome page.

    Q) Am I required to use Connexxus?

    • A) UCSC strongly encourages the use of Connexxus. It supports UC in leveraging our collective travel to get the best possible value, services, and discounts, and it also helps travelers and administrative staff save time, cost, and gain efficiency.

    Q) What if I see an access denied message when I try to log into Connexxus?

    Q) Is date of birth required?

    • A) It's required only if passport information is entered in the profile.

    Q) How often can I update the profile?

    • A) The traveler can update the profile anytime.

    Q) What if my name in Connexxus appears different from how my name appears on my I.D.?

    • A) You can edit your first name and middle initial, the last name is read-only. UCSC provides last names in a specific format to meet airline ticketing requirements (no hyphens, apostrophes, spaces, or non-alpha characters). If it is different, please email

    Q) How do I know what the booking fee is for each option?

    • A) In Connexxus, on the left side bar, see the Partner Programs section and click on Agency. On the Agency page that opens, a Fee Schedule link is available for each Connexxus agency.

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  • Review Objectives

    A complete accounting of expenses is required of every trip to ensure compliance with travel policies. The objective of an expense review is as follows:

    1. Ensure that travel expenses are:
      • Necessary – expenses that are consistent with normally accepted standards of propriety
      • Proper – expenses that directly relate to accomplishing the business-related purpose of the trip
      • Reasonable – the most economical means of travel was used
    2. The funding source used to pay for the trip is valid
    3. Non-business expenses are separately identified

    A Post Travel Expense form and related supporting documentation are subject to audit review by internal, Regents, and/or federal agency auditors, and are considered public records.

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  • Reimbursable Travel Expenses

    The following necessary, proper, and reasonable travel expenses are generally reimbursable. Refer to Detailed Information Reimburseable Travel Expenses for additional information.

    1. Aircraft (Private)
    2. Airfare costs
    3. Automobile usage (Personal)
    4. Baggage checking and storage fees
    5. Bridge tolls
    6. Business office expenses
    7. Lodging
    8. Meals and incidentals
    9. Parking
    10. Rail travel costs
    11. Registration fees for conferences, conventions or meetings of professional or learned societies
    12. Rental car
    13. Reservation cancellation fee
    14. Road tolls
    15. Special fees for foreign travel
    16. Taxi and public transportation fares
    17. Telephone calls
    18. Ticket replacement fee

    Permitted travel costs assigned to a federally sponsored agreement must meet the following criteria per Uniform Guidance. The costs must be reasonable and:

    • Allowable per the sponsored award agreement (i.e. related to and benefits the sponosred agreement)
    • Allowable per the specific terms and conditions of the particular sponosred agreement

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  • Authorization and Approval

    The individual authorized to approve travel expenses is responsible for ensuring travel expenses are accounted for and fully compliant with UC and UCSC travel policies.

    Travel expenses are reported on the Post_Travel_Expense within 45 days of trip completion.

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  • Expenses not Reimbursable

    These types of travel-related expenses are not reimbursable.

    1. Bicycle usage
    2. Motorcycle usage, except for a University Police employee on assignment
    3. The cost of a “bundled” airfare and lodging package obtained through an Internet travel agency that does not provide a detailed receipt or invoice separately identifying the costs of airfare, hotel, and incidentals.
    4. Seat U​pgrades, Seat Selections, and Refundable tickets are not allowable.
    5. Entertainment expenses incurred while on travel status are to be reported separately on the Entertainment Reporting Addendum form and submitted along with a completed Post Travel Expense Form.
    • While on travel status, cost of meals or light refreshments and related services incurred in connection with a social or recreational activity or event supporting the University’s mission is considered entertainment.
    • Include entertainment expenses in the "Miscellaneous (explain)" section on the Post Travel Expense Form to ensure that meals associated with travel are accounted for separately from meals associated with providing entertainment.
    • Refer to the Entertainment Event Expense Guide for additional information.

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  • Receipt and Documentation Requirements

    Each trip must be accounted for on a Post_Travel_Expense. The following supporting documentation should be attached as applicable:

    • A trip number must be referenced on the Post_Travel_Expense if one of the following applies.
      • The traveler purchased airline tickets from the UC Travel Center.
      • UCSC paid for conference registration in advance.
      • The traveler received a cash travel advance.
    • A written business purpose for travel
    • Meeting agenda or conference documentation to support attendance at a formal meeting or conference.
    • Itemized receipts are required for reimbursement of airfare, lodging, rental cars, conference fees, host gift greater than $25.00, and any miscellaneous and meal expenses greater than $75.00.
    • Receipts for meals and incidentals may be requested if the maximum amount reimbursable is routinely claimed by the traveler.

    Lost Receipts

    • Obtain a duplicate receipt from the vendor
    • If a duplicate receipt cannot be obtained from the vendor, submit a statement with the Post_Travel_Expense explaining why the receipt was not provided and including a certification that the expense amount claimed is the amount actually paid to the vendor.
    • Depending on the expense, you may be asked to provide additional information by your divisional business office.
      • Departmental account code information (FOAPAL) must be provided on the Post_Travel_Expense
      • A conference or meeting agenda must be attached to the Post_Travel_Expense to substantiate the business purpose of the trip.

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  • About the Card

    The UCSC Corporate Travel & Entertainment (CTE) Card is used to pay for business-related travel and entertainment expenses incurred while conducting UCSC business. What makes this card unique is that UCSC pays the balance of this credit card each month on behalf of the cardholder.

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  • Card Benefits

    Using the UCSC Corporate Travel & Entertainment Card (CTE) card provides an easy way to pay for business-related travel and entertainment expenses since it does not affect the spending limits on your personal credit card.

    • Eliminate the need to carry large sums of cash to pay for UCSC business travel expenses - VISA is accepted at more than 44 million merchants world-wide.
    • Monthly account balances are paid automatically by the university
    • Only one reconciliation is needed per month if charges appear on your US Bank statement
    • Eliminates waiting for reimbursements to be processed after each trip and/or event
    • May be used to pay for UCSC Catering Services
    • Arrange travel for employees and visitors reducing the amount of reimbursement requests
    • Faster event planning by reducing the need for most Purchase Orders
    • Enable the University to track travel spending information that can be used to help it negotiate lower prices for airfare, hotel and rental car rates.

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  • Eligibility

    Current faculty and staff members who incur travel or entertainment expenses on behalf of the University are eligible to apply for the UCSC Corporate Travel & Entertainment Card.

    Note: Social Security information is not collected for the CTE card and does not impact the user’s credit.​

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  • How it Works

    The UCSC Corporate Travel & Entertainment Card (CTE) can be used to pay for any UCSC travel and entertainment business expense. The CTE card can be used in the same way as any credit card except only travel and entertainment business expenses may be charged to it. For more information about incurring travel and entertainment expenses, refer to the UCSC Travel Guide and Entertainment Guide.

    • Pay Business Expenses: Use the CTE card to pay for reimbursable travel and entertainment business expenses.
    • Spending Limits: The UCSC travel and entertainment card is to be used for University business. The CTE card consists of a monthly limit and per-transaction limits determined by the department’s Tier 2 expense approver and/or the employee’s supervisor on the CTE Card User Agreement. If your business travel or event expense needs are greater than your monthly credit limit, contact the Corporate Travel and Entertainment Card Program Administrators at
    • Reconciling: This is a corporately billed university issued travel card and will be paid automatically by the university. Cardholders can access and download their monthly statements on or about the 24th of each month. A cardholder then has 30 days to prepare post-travel and/or entertainment event paperwork (based on the monthly account charges).

      For departments that have been transitioned to using the UCSC CruzFly system, cardholders will login to CruzFly to submit their post-travel information, receipts, and receive approval from appropriate departmental approvers. Cardholders not yet using CruzFly will complete the Travel and Entertainment Reconciliation Form, attach all receipts, their credit card account statement, and submit to the department administrative team for approval. Once approved, the department's administrative team will email all paperwork directly to or via DocuSign with a signature required from the CTE administration at for processing. If the card is used to pay for university entertainment expenses, an approved Entertainment Reporting Addendum form must also be submitted with the completed paperwork.

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  • Card Account Management Tools

    CorporateTravel & Entertainment cardholder can access the U.S. Bank Access Online system to set up their account credentials. Follow these steps to register your Access Online account:

    1. Go to:
    2. Click on the "Register Online" link
    3. Enter "uofca" for the company short name
    4. Enter the first five digits of the zip or postal code that appears on your monthly billing statement.
    5. Enter your telephone and fax number (e.g. 8311234567). Do not use dashes, hyphens, parenthesis or spaces.
    6. Enter four zeroes “0000” if prompted to enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number
    7. Enter a User ID. A user ID is 7 to 12 characters long, alpha and/or numeric.
    8. Enter a Password. A password is 8 to 20 characters in length, with at least one alpha and one numeric character

    Registration Lock Out: You will receive an error message if you enter invalid information. After three unsuccessful attempts, you will be locked out from self-registering. If this happens, contact U.S. Bank Customer Service at 1-877-887-9260 to get your account unlocked.

    Forgot Your User ID or Password? Click on the “Forgot your Password?” link and enter the requested information on the form that will appear.

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  • Card Responsibilities and Restrictions

    The CTE card is a corporate and the cardholder is responsible for reconciling their montly expenses within 30 days of the US Bank statement release.

    If CTE expenses are not reconciled within 60 days of the statement date, the card may be suspended from further use. This suspension can be lifted once the reconciliation is submitted.

    The Cardholder is responsible for promptly notifying U.S. Bank if your card is lost, stolen, damaged, if you have suspected fraudulent charges, or any disputed transactions.

    Allowable Charges (Business Expenses Only)

    • Airfare
    • Airline baggage fees
    • Airport parking
    • Bridge tolls
    • Taxi, Uber, Lyft, etc.
    • Shuttle services
    • Train fares
    • Car/Van rental fees
    • Gas for rental cars and vans
    • Conference registration fees
    • Lodging expenses (Includes room, tax and required fees only)
    • Meals

    The travel card may not be used to pay for the following expenses

    • Airlines upgrades and early check-in
    • Airline club fees
    • Gas purchased for a personal vehicle
    • Movies, optional resort fees and other lodging expenses of a personal nature
    • Personal meals (not on university travel status)
    • Alcohol purchased with Federal or State funds (19xxx)
    • Car/Van rental insurance fees

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  • Applying for a Card

    Apply for a UCSC Corporate Travel & Entertainment (CTE) Card by performing these steps: completing the UCSC CTE Card User Agreement.

    After your CTE Card User Agreement has been processed and the CTE card delivered to Accounting Services (Scotts Valley Center) from US Bank:

    1. You will receive an email confirming receipt of the CTE card and a request of your preferred delivery method.
    2. Your CTE card will be mailed to your home address or for campus pick up at Barn.
    3. Activate your card by calling U.S. Bank Customer Service at 1-800-344-5696.
    4. Set up your US Bank Access Online account.

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  • Closing a Card
    The Cardholder is responsible for notifying the CTE card administration by emailing at least one week prior to separation of employment, or immediately upon cancellation of the card. The card must be destroyed as soon as the account is closed. ​

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  • Lost or Stolen Card

    Call U.S. Bank Customer Service at 1-800-344-5696 as soon as possible to report the loss or theft of your Corporate Travel & Entertainment Card.

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  • UCOP Travel Reimbursement Policy Reference G-28

    This policy applies to this campus business process:
    UC BFB G-28, p.43, Policy and Regulations Governing Travel

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  • Account Codes

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  • Connexxus Help

    Travel Related Questions: Select the "Help" links in either BCD Travel, Southwest or UC Travel for assistance.

    CruzID Gold Password Help: Contact ITS for assistance at ITS Help Desk or e-mail

    UCSC Travel Policy Questions: Refer to the Travel Guides. For additional assistance, email

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  • Where to get Travel Help

    Assistance is available for your travel expense-related questions from the Financial Administrative Services and Transactions (FAST/AP) Office.

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  • Travel Card Help

    There are several sources available to assist you depending on the situation:

    • U.S. Bank Customer Service: To report fraudulent activity or a lost or stolen card, call U.S. Bank VISA customer service at 1-800-344-5696, 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
    • VISA Assistance Center: For emergency card replacement, medical or legal referrals, or claims processing, call 800-VISA-911 (800-847-2911).
    • UCSC T&E card Program Assistance: Email the Travel Card Program Administrator at

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