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How To Buy Guide

The information in this guide pertains to the ​m​​ost commonly purchased goods and services. Review the quote and bidding requirements first for any of the goods and services identified in this guide.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Accessible Technologies and Services
Bus Charter Services
Business Cards, Stationery Products, and Copy Services
Temporary Staffing
Cellular Telephones and Services
Gift Cards
Goods/Services From A University Employee
Hazardous Material
Performance Procurement
Off-Campus Storage
Office Furniture
Online Training and Development
Vehicle Rental
Security Services
Services From An Independent Contractor
  • Summary

    All Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products and services that UCSC utilizes must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. This includes ICT products and services that UCSC purchases, commissions, or uses from third-parties as well as ICT products and services that UCSC develops internally.

    If you own or manage a contract with a supplier or if you purchase any products and services for work or for use by campus constituents, you are responsible for making sure the supplier understands and complies with UC accessibility requirements.

    This guide reviews the steps necessary to vet new products and services for digital accessibility as part of the procurement process and describes how ITS can assist you in your efforts to ensure the accessibility of all UCSC products and services.

    Definition: The term technology will be used to refer to both:

    • Products, such as a system, platform, web site, or application; and
    • Professional services, such as paying a third party to develop a web site, software, etc.

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  • Diagram: Process Overview

    Process overview (annotated)

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  • Preparing to Purchase or Use Technology

    Digital accessibility is the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent individuals with disabilities from interacting with, or gaining access to websites, digital environments, and technologies used by UCSC.

    Staff from the Experience Strategy & Design team in ITS are available to help you with procuring technologies that meet the accessibility requirements of the UC.

    For purchases of technologies that impact large numbers of students, faculty and/or staff, or are critical for student success, or enjoy high visibility among campus or divisional leadership, it is especially important to ensure that the technologies procured conform to UC policy.

    Staff from ITS can connect you with an external accessibility expert who can evaluate the accessibility of a given technology before you buy.

    • To get started, simply open a Slug Hub ticket or contact Jim Phillips, the Digital Accessibility and Equity Program Lead in ITS.

    For purchases that do not involve the Procurement and Supply Chain Services office, you have the option to evaluate the technology for accessibility yourself.

    Such purchases may be for local use, only involve a few users of the technology and/or have a negligible impact on campus. In some cases, the technology may be purchased by individual staff, faculty, a department or even via a personal subscription. The technology may also be “free.”

    The policy still applies for such purchases, and the onus to evaluate and ensure that the technology is accessible remains.

    If you choose to do-it-yourself, consultation services are available to help you through the steps, including advice on how to interact with the supplier.

    • To request a consultation, simply open a Slug Hub ticket or contact Jim Phillips, the Digital Accessibility and Equity Program Lead in ITS.

    If the technology you intend to purchase presents barriers, staff from ITS can help you think through your options.

    • Definition: The term barrier refers to conditions or obstacles that prevent individuals with disabilities from using or accessing knowledge and resources as effectively as individuals without disabilities.
    • While a barrier in the context of digital accessibility usually refers to a technology or digital environment that presents barriers, the definition of barrier can also refer to policies or procedures that may be in place that deter access.

    Ultimately, if no accessible options exist on the market and you have a compelling business need to purchase a technology that presents barriers, you will need to initiate an exception request, which is more fully described in a separate guide on the Exception Process.

    • Takeaway: If there are accessible options available, please consider using one. By choosing an accessible technology, you are helping to create a more inclusive experience for everyone.

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  • Communicating with Potential Suppliers About Accessibility

    In order to determine whether a given technology is accessible, the first step is to discuss it with the potential supplier. You should be able to determine rather quickly if they are accessibility minded. That is, the supplier may already have information posted on their website that indicates the technology you are considering meets the WCAG 2.0 AA standard that UC Policy requires. It is a well-known and widely used standard.

    • Definition: The term WCAG 2.0 AA refers to the Web Consortium Accessibility Group’s standard guidelines. The version our UC policy upholds is currently 2.0 and the level of WCAG 2.0 that our UC Policy stipulates is double A (or “AA”).
    • The WCAG 2.0 success criteria are written as testable statements that are not technology-specific.
    • The level AA is more difficult to achieve than level A (essential accessibility functionality) but not as strict as AAA (the highest level).
    • Level AA is common across all public and private sector entities and businesses globally.

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  • Reviewing Supplier Documentation

    In addition to information on their website, a supplier may have a document known as a Voluntary Product Assessment Template (VPAT). Once the template is filled out by the supplier with specific information on their technology, it is referred to as an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR), but you may hear the terms VPAT or ACR used interchangeably.

    When reading a VPAT / ACR, look for the term “supports” in their responses. You want to see “supports” across the board, ideally.

    Sometimes the VPATs and ACRs provided can be confusing or inconsistent. If the term “supports” is not used at all (response area is left blank) or if the supplier instead indicates that they only “partially support” a given guideline, then be wary: It is important to understand what “partially supports” means to the supplier.

    You may also discover some internal contradictions within the ACR. This is not always intentional but, in some cases, the responses provided by the supplier may be misleading. Or, the support documentation they reference may be so long that the reader is overwhelmed and discouraged from reading it all.

    While the documentation, preliminary discussions with a supplier, and the information provided on their websites can serve as indicators of a supplier’s intent to provide compliant technology, they do not eliminate the need for you (the procuring party) to test the technology prior to purchase.

    • Takeaway: Ask the supplier specific questions about the accessibility of their technology, but remember that supplier statements of accessibility alone cannot be taken at face value, and testing is essential.

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  • Testing for Accessibility

    As you begin to consider your testing options, consider that other UC campuses or other colleges and universities may have recently completed an evaluation of the exact same technology. And, they may be willing to share. A recent accessibility evaluation completed by another university can be a reliable source.

    Or, you may wish to do some testing of your own or engage a third party to evaluate the technology under consideration. Using a third party to evaluate the technology is the most reliable (and most formal) way to do testing, but it carries a cost.

    In some cases, you may wish to share the results of the testing with the supplier to help them understand what they need to do to make their technology more accessible.

    • If you have questions or need help with arranging for a technology to be tested for accessibility, simply open a Slug Hub ticket or contact Jim Phillips, the Digital Accessibility and Equity Program Lead in ITS.

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  • Requesting a Roadmap for Digital Accessibility

    Your due diligence will lead to a more informed discussion with the supplier regarding the plans they have to improve the technology over time. If it is not yet compliant, ask them whether they have a roadmap to bring the product into compliance. They should be able to describe their roadmap and a timeline for completion.

    Suppliers who are acquainted with the need for accessibility will not see your request as onerous. Quite the contrary: Continuous improvement is a normal part of software and website development. And, testing for accessibility is just another part of the quality assurance testing that most suppliers do on a regular basis.

    • Takeaway: If their product is lacking in some way or you become aware that it does not meet our UC standard, then ask for their roadmap and inquire about their plans to address the issues that fail to meet our accessibility requirements.

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  • Readying to Contract

    As part of the vetting process, it is encouraged that you engage with suppliers ahead of the procurement process in order to make them aware of the UC accessibility requirements. If you are purchasing a subscription or using a Procard to complete a transaction, then please make sure that the UC System’s standard contract language is included in your contract. The UC accessibility requirements are addressed in the Web and General Accessibility Requirements section of our UC Terms and Conditions (Article 6D & E).

    In general, this includes that:

    • Supplier warrants the accessibility of the products and services they are providing.
    • Supplier agrees to support the UC policy standard (currently WCAG 2.0 AA).
    • Supplier agrees to remediate any barriers discovered and to respond to complaints in a timely manner.

    If you need assistance, simply open a Slug Hub ticket or contact Jim Phillips, the Digital Accessibility and Equity Program Lead in ITS, who can become engaged in the process and provide additional support to address any accessibility-related complications that may be present.

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  • FAQs

    Can it be a business decision of the unit to proceed?

    In general, the business unit selects the technology solution that best meets their needs within the guidelines of UC policy.

    One question that can arise is: To what extent does a business unit have the authority to proceed with a purchase even though the technology is known to be non-compliant and/or the supplier is reluctant to ensure its accessibility?

    In June of 2022, UCSC campus leadership reiterated that only WCAG 2.0 AA compliant technology can be put on UCSC’s servers or make use of the “” domain.

    Therefore, it is up to the campus business unit to put forward compliant technology solutions as part of the procurement process whenever possible OR to seek an exception when appropriate.

    How can a business unit determine that a technology is accessible?

    Ask yourself these three questions:

    • Did you integrate digital accessibility compliance into your key requirements as part of your initial selection process?
      • And, if so, did you communicate your accessibility requirements to the prospective suppliers?
    • Did you use the Guidelines for Purchasing Accessible IT Products or Services as you went through the process?
    • Did you have the technology tested for accessibility prior to purchase?

    Remember that even if you failed to check for accessibility prior to purchase, you should check post-implementation.

    If you have any more questions or need help with arranging for a technology to be tested for accessibility, please simply open a Slug Hub ticket or contact Jim Phillips, the Digital Accessibility and Equity Program Lead in ITS.

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  • Roles and Responsibilities

    Here is an overview of the key stakeholders involved in the procurement process and their role in ensuring that UCSC purchases technology that is accessible for all.

    • Campus ADA Compliance Officer:
      • The campus authority in responding to complaints of an accessibility barrier.
      • Becomes directly involved in responding to escalated complaints or exception requests.
    • Procuring Entity (the campus business unit, sometimes referred to as the campus client):
      • Responsible for choosing technologies that are accessible (as part of the vetting process)
      • In the case of an exception request, responsible for overseeing the remedial work of the supplier to ensure that progress on remediation is completed on time.
      • Financially responsible for testing prior to purchase and costs related to remediating accessibility barriers that may be discovered post implementation.
    • Procurement and Business Contracts:
      • Responsible for incorporating contractual terms so that the contract complies with UC policy.
        • Please include Procurement and Business Contracts as early in the process as possible.
        • Remember that the vetting process should begin before engaging with Procurement and Business Contracts. This is the responsibility of the procuring entity.
    • Vice-Chancellor of IT:
      • Responsible for the accessibility of all UCSC digital environments.
    • ITS Staff:
      • Responsible for developing technologies and/or content that is accessible.
      • Responsible for acquiring the necessary skills to build accessible technologies and/or determine if a given technology that has been developed in-house is in fact accessible.
    • ITS Web Team:
      • Responsible for final testing of sites before they are put into production on UCSC’s servers or make use of the “” domain.
        • If barriers are discovered at that late juncture, responsible for working with the appropriate digital accessibility staff to ensure remediation.
    • Program Lead, Digital Accessibility and Equity:
      • Responsible for assisting in the procurement process to guide participants to the resources available so that they can test and determine the accessibility of a given technology prior to purchase.
      • Responsible for assisting those requesting an exception through the exception process, including:
        • The development of remediation plans to bring the technology into compliance.
        • The submission of any Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP).
      • Responsible for deciding whether an exception can be granted / extended.
        • Escalates any exception requests to the ADA Compliance Officer if necessary.
    • Divisional support staff:
      • Responsible for serving as a local point of contact to:
        • Answer basic digital accessibility questions.
        • Be aware of information resources.
        • Draw in specialized assistance for more complex/challenging accessibility questions.
    • Third-party accessibility evaluators:
      • Responsible for providing usability / accessibility reports on demand to facilitate the selection of accessible technologies prior to purchase or after.
      • Responsible for providing guidance on ways to improve the accessibility of technologies developed in-house prior to release or post implementation.

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  • Resources

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  • Before You Start

    Departments must hire pre-approved carriers to provide transportation services for UCSC-sponsored activities. This policy is in place to ensure the safety of University students, employees and affiliates.

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  • Determining Which Bus Charter to Hire

    Choose a bus charter service from the UCSC List of Pre-Approved Bus Charter Services. If the bus needs to carry more than 21 passengers, or if more than one bus is required, the Buyer will ensure additional insurance limits are carried by the bus company.
    See UCSC Risk Services, Outside Contractors, Vendors, Consultants. The UC Office of the President has published Minimum Insurance Requirements for Contractors/External Users that can also be referenced.

    Obtain a quote from the selected service provider. Contact Procurement Services before contacting any bus chartering service not on the pre-approved list.

    Transportation services provided by UCSC TAPS do not require a CruzBuy Purchase Order. Requesting departments can work directly with TAPS. See Shuttle Vehicle & Driver Reservation Information.

    Bus and Driver Reservation Form.

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  • Submitting a CruzBuy Requisition

    Complete a Vehicle Rental/Charter Form in CruzBu​y attaching the service quote and submit the requisition.

    For more details on ordering, see: CruzBuy User Manual

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  • Adding a Bus Charter Service Provider to the UCSC Pre-Approved List

    Provide a Transportation_Charter_Application Packet which includes an informational letter, insurance requirements, and an application form.

    Bus charter service providers are required to submit:

    • Transportation Charter Application two-page application form
    • Current PUC Certificate
    • Conforming certificate of insurance with specific amounts of general liability insurance naming the UC Regents as additional insured
    • Payee 204 Form
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  • Before You Start

    UCSC business cards, stationery products, and copy services are obtained from the UCSC Copy Center. UCSC Copy Center is the designated printer of UC Santa Cruz campus business cards and stationery products such as letterhead and envelopes. No CruzBuy requisition is required to be submitted when ordering through the Copy Center.

    UCSC Copy Center is our designated printer to ensure:

    • Business cards and stationery products are only printed for official campus staff
    • Correct artwork and layouts are used
    • Compliance with the UCSC identity standards
    • The business cards and/or stationery products include only authorized information

    The UCSC Copy Center is located in Jack Baskin Engineering, room B25, just inside the loading dock. The Copy Center can be reached by email at, by phone at (831) 459-3888, or by fax at (831) 502-7190

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  • Copy Center Capabilities and Offerings

    UCSC Copy Center offers black and white and color copies, in addition to the following print jobs and services:

    • Business cards
    • Stationary (envelopes, letterhead, note cards, etc.)
    • Fliers, brochures, posters
    • Exams, syllabi, handouts
    • Course Readers
    • Speciality printed items
    • Addressing and variable data printing
    • NCR ("carbon copy") forms
    • Binding, Cutting, and Laminating
    • Faxing

    If you have printing or copy needs not seen here please contact us at

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  • Before You Start

    Departments must hire pre-approved caterers to provide catering services to UCSC-sponsored events, or to bring a caterer to campus for food resale on campus. For full-service catering events at university owned and leased facilities, departments are required to contact UCSC Catering prior to using outside catering services. If, for some reason, UCSC Catering cannot accommodate a request, individual departments may use an outside caterer, but the caterer must comply with additional regulations and must be approved by Labor Relations and Procurement prior to the event.

    These policies are in place to ensure the safety of University employees and guests, reduce risk to the University, and prioritize use of university employees whenever possible.

    Follow the steps in this section to provide catering services for University-sponsored events or to bring a caterer to campus to provide food for resale on campus.

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  • Determining Whether Catering Services Are Required

    The first step in the catering process is determining whether or not catering services are actually necessary for the event that is being planned. Different events require different levels of service. Choosing what service level you need will guide you on the process you need to complete. Below are definitions for catering services:

    Full-Service Catering:

    • Food is prepared/cooked by the supplier; and
    • The supplier sets up the event which may include table cloths, chafing dishes, serving utensils, plates, napkins, etc. They will clean up and take away all food service-related items when the event has concluded; and
    • The supplier will serve food from a buffet, tableside, or by passing a tray.

    General Catering Services:

    • Food is prepared and delivered by an offsite restaurant or food provider. No set-up is involved.

    Not Catering:

    • Takeout food that is ordered and picked up from an offsite restaurant or food provider.
    • When students or staff order food for non-University administered functions and pay with personal funds.
    • Events where an individual is leasing or renting a University owned facility for non-university purposes, such as weddings.

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  • Selecting a Caterer: Full-Service Catering

    For full-service catering events at university owned and leased facilities, departments are required to use University Catering.

    If, for some reason, University Catering cannot accommodate a request for full-service catering, departments should obtain a quote from a pre-approved full-service caterer on the Approved Caterers list. The request must then be approved through the Contracting Out approval process prior to submitting a requisition.

    If a desired supplier is not on the Approved Caterers list​, in addition to the Contracting Out approval process the vendor must go through the New Caterer Application Process before UCSC can do business with them.

    For full-service catering events pre-planning is a must. The process can take time, especially for vendors not already on the Approved Caterers list. We suggest planning on approvals & processing to take 2-4 weeks depending on the vendor being used.

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  • Selecting a Caterer: General Catering

    We encourage use of on-campus catering services for any event before seeking outside vendors. University Catering offers menus and services to suit any occasion.

    Next best option is to obtain a quote from one of the UCSC Approved Caterers. This is an up-to-date list of caterers that can meet all the health and safety, insurance, and legal requirements of the university. Choosing a caterer from this list will help reduce requisition processing times.

    If a desired supplier is not on the Approved Caterers list​, they must be added before UCSC can do business with them. See: Adding a New Caterer to the UCSC Approved Caterers List.​

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  • Adding a New Caterer to the UCSC Approved Caterers List

    UCSC Employees are only authorized to request the services of caterers that are on the Approved Caterers List. All caterers must first be willing to accept a UCSC Purchase Order in order to do business with UCSC. Confirm that any new caterer will accept a Purchase Order before doing business with them or attempting to add them to the Approved Caterers List.

    Follow the steps below to add a new caterer to the list.

    1. UCSC employee (sponsor) sends the UCSC New Caterer Application to the proposed catering supplier. The application includes an informational letter, health certificate and insurance requirements, and a request for additional information, as well as a caterer certification.
      • Off-campus caterers are required to submit:
        • An application
        • A current county health permit copy
        • A current certificate of insurance with coverage as specified in the Caterer Application form
    2. The new caterer then sends all completed documents listed above back to the UCSC sponsor who initiates the process of adding the supplier to the Approved Caterer List.
    3. The UCSC Sponsor then creates a CruzBuy requisition using the Food & Entertainment form, and attaches all of the supplier's paperwork.
    4. Procurement Services will contact the supplier, examine all necessary documents, and will request that the new caterer register on the supplier onboarding software PaymentWorks.
    5. If the supplier meets all requirements, they will be approved and added to the Approved Caterers List.
    6. Once the requisition becomes a Purchase Order, the UC Sponsor can coordinate with the caterer to complete the delivery of food and services.

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  • Initiate a Requisition

    Full-Service Catering:

    • If University Catering can accommodate your request, please follow their guidelines outlined on their Getting Started website.
    • If University Catering cannot provide full-service catering:
      • A notice will be sent to you declining the request.
      • Obtain a quote from an outside caterer.
      • Complete the Contracting Out Request Form.
      • Once approval is received from SHR, submit a requisition on the Food & Entertainment form within CruzBuy and attach the University Catering decline request, the approved Contracting Out request form, and the outside caterer quote to the requisition.

    General Catering:

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  • Before You Start

    Temporary workers may be used by campus departments for​ assignments expected to last six (6) months or less than 1,000 hours in a 12-month period, whichever will not exceed 1,000 hours.

    An initial temporary staffing request cannot exceed 6 months. For an existing temporary worker on assignment, if an extension past 6 months is needed, Staff HR must be notified for written approval (via email). If approval is granted the email is sent to the Supplier and should be attached to the change order requisition.

    Staff Human Resources provides guidance and monitors adherence to university/campus policies governing the utilization of temporary staffing services.

    Campus units are advised to review the SHR Temporary Staffing Services guide and consult their employee relations analyst with any questions before initiating a staffing request to a temporary staff agency.​​​​​​

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  • Process Summary

    After selecting a temporary staffing supplier:

    1. Submit the supplier's electronic Temporary Staffing Request & Proposal (TSRP).
    2. Supplier will email confirmation and work with requesting campus Unit to identify the most qualified candidate based on the competencies required for successful performance.
    3. When the temporary worker has been identified and required background checks have been performed and results obtained that meet UCSC requirements, the supplier will return the TSRP with additional detail regarding the staffing engagement.
    4. The requesting campus Unit will then create a purchase requisition using the CruzBuy Temporary Staffing Request Form and attach the TSRP to the requisition for required documentation.
    5. The temporary worker can begin the assignment when the CruzBuy purchase order is approved and required background check is complete.
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  • Overview and Supplier Section

    Temporary staffing services are typically acquired from providers with which UC has an established systemwide agreement.

    UCSC's preferred temporary staffing suppliers (listed below) support a simplified ordering process, electronic invoicing and integration with CruzBuy.

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  • Santa Cruz Staffing

    Santa Cruz Staffing is a locally owned staffing agency in the Santa Cruz area. From Clerical Assistant to Sr. Accountant they can fill your staffing need with highly skilled, qualified and capable personnel.

    Please contact Gretchen Martinez, Sr. Account Manager, for UCSC at:

    SC Staffing Temporary Staffing Request & Proposal Form

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  • Manpower Group

    Manpower provides temporary workers for administrative, accounting, and light industrial positions.

    You can contact the Manpower Account Managers for UCSC at:

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  • Submit a Request to the Supplier

    To initiate a staffing request click the TSRP form below for the selected temporary staffing supplier, complete all data fields and submit.

    After the temporary worker is selected, the supplier will finalize the TSRP and return the form to the requesting UCSC department.

    The UCSC department's CruzBuy requester will then attach the TSRP to a CruzBuy requisition which then becomes part of the university's purchase order.

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  • Create a CruzBuy Requisition

    Submit a CruzBuy purchase requisition using the Temporary Staffing Request Form in CruzBuy

    The CruzBuy Temporary Staffing Request Form contains a field to enter the supplier’s TSRP order number and any associated attachments.

    Refer to the guide section on submitting a supplier request for information about obtaining a TSRP form if you do not have one.

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  • Time Card Administration and Invoice Payment

    Time Card approval by UCSC is done according to the supplier's procedures - typically an online system for approving hours worked.

    Instructions for the supplier's timekeeping system are emailed to the temporary worker supervisor with the TSRP form.

    The supplier will electronically submit temporary staffing invoices to FAST/Accounts Payable for payment following timecard approval by the UCSC department supervising the temporary staff.

    In the related CruzBuy purchase order using the Invoices tab the invoices can be and should be reviewed for accuracy.

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  • Policy Resources

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  • Where to Get Help

    Contact Procurement Services for any ordering or contract-related questions.

    Contact your Staff HR support team for any questions around recruitment and the use of temporary staffing services.​

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  • Overview

    ​This page provides policies and procedures for University purchase of cellular phones and cellular service. Supplier Contact Information is also listed below.

    Policy: UCOP BFB G46: Guidelines for the Purchase and Use of Cellular Phones and Other Portable Electronic Resources

    Click here for supplier Contact Information.

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  • Procedure for Purchasing New UCSC Cell Phone Service

    When determining service needs, consider the following questions:

    • Where is cellular access needed?
    • Why are cellular calls being made or received?
    • What features are required with the cellular phone?
    • Why is digital needed versus analog?
    • How often is the phone going to be used?
    • From what area code will calls be initiated and received?​

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  • Choosing a Cellular Service Provider

    Compare services offered by providers, considering features as you choose a plan that matches your calling patterns:

    • Length of service term: Most plans have a one-year minimum, with steep early-termination penalties if you want to switch or end services before your contract expires. For example, iPhone (AT&T only service provider) has a minimum two-year contract.
    • Free minutes: Evening or weekend calls may be free, but are only useful if you need evening and weekend calling. Avoid marketing hype for freebies.
    • Rate for "peak" calling and service "home" area for your calls: Consider roaming charges before you pick a service plan. Note that pricing is based on the state of origin.

    Select cell phone(s) from a provider who offers University pricing to obtain the best pricing and equipment deals. View device pricing and rates for local suppliers using the links below:


    AT&T: Prior to placing an order with AT&T you will need to obtain a quote. Include the following information in your email for a quote request:

    Subject of Email: Santa Cruz Quote Request

    Complete the following and email to
    If a RUSH is needed, indicate “RUSH” in the Subject line, along with High Importance In the Body of the Email include the following information to ensure a timely response:

    For Existing Accounts / Upgrades:

    • Billing Account Number
    • Make / Model / GB Size
    • Ship To Address
    • Existing Phone Number (if applicable)

    For New Account Request:

    • Department Name
    • Billing Contact Email
    • User Name(s) for new equipment
    • Make / Model / GB Size
    • Billing Address
    • Ship To Address

    Attach the quote to the external notes & attachments section of the requisition.


    Verizon: The University of California has a system-wide agreement with Verizon Wireless (UCOP # 2021003144) which leverages the “NASPO Contract”.

    Prior to placing an order with Verizon, you will need to obtain a quote. Complete the following information and email Quote Request to our Verizon Major Accounts Manager - Patrick O’Dell at

    Subject Line of Email: Order University of Santa Cruz.

    • If a RUSH is needed, indicate “RUSH” in the Subject line, and in the Body of the email.

    In the Body of the Email include the following information to ensure a timely response:

    • UC Santa Cruz Department:
    • New Activation Verizon Account #: List Account # or List “NEW”
    • New Line(s) or Upgrade (Provide Existing Mobile Number(s) to Upgrade):
    • Username(s):
    • Requested Area Code or Phone Number(s) (If Applicable):
    • Device (Example: Apple iPhone 12, (64GB), Black):
    • Qty:
    • Accessories (If Any) (Example: Case, Screen Protector, Wall Plug, Etc.):
    • Price Plan ID/Code (PPID):
    • Cost Center Code (if Any):
    • Bill “Equipment” to Account: BTA
    • Billing Address:
    • Shipping Address:
    • Shipping ATTN:
    • E-code: EE0QW

    Verizon Wireless Promotions

    NASPO MA152 Government rate plans:

    For SmartPhones:

    • Government UNLIMITED EVERYTHING Plan in US for Smartphones
      • Monthly Access Fee $65.00 less a 23% discount = $50.05 month (PPID 23655)
    • Public Safety UNLIMITED EVERYTHING Plan in US for Smartphones
      • Monthly Access Fee $39.99 month (PPID 16807)

    For Basic "Flip" Phones

    • Government UNLIMITED Talk and Text Plan in US for Basic phones
      • Monthly Access Fee $25 month (PPID 94664)
      • Monthly Anytime Minutes in US: Unlimited
      • Domestic Long Distance Toll Free: Included
      • Domestic & to Mexico/Canada Msg Allowance Unlimited
      • Domestic Data Allowance: 100MB
    • Public Safety UNLIMITED Talk and Text Plan in US for Basic phones
      • Monthly Access Fee $22.99 month (PPID 16810)
      • Monthly Anytime Minutes in US: Unlimited
      • Domestic Long Distance Toll Free: Included
      • Domestic Text Allowance Unlimited
      • Domestic Data Allowance: 100MB

    For Mobile Tablets/Laptops/HotSpots (JetPacks):

    • Government UNLIMITED Mobile Broadband Data Plan (Tablets & Hotspots)
      • Monthly Access Fee: $39.99 month (PPID 98715)
      • Activation and shipping fees waived
      • 2-year contract
      • No early termination fees but Device Recovery fee applied

    For Modems/Routers: Call Patrick O'Dell at 925-337-2590 for Assistance

    • Tax Rate to Use: 9.25%

    Reference the NASPO MA152 contract or CALNET contract and the UCSC profile ID #634552 in all communications.

    For account support and/or account questions – send email to

    When submitting the CruzBuy requisition, create a line for the equipment via the Goods Request form and a separate line for services via the Services form. Also attach the quote received from the supplier as an internal attachment to the CruzBuy requisition.

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  • Requesting a Contract Agreement

    ​After requesting a quote from the supplier, create your draft requisition in Cruzbuy.

    Enter one line using the goods request form for cellular devices and equipment (include full product description, catalog #, acct #, phone #, username)

    Enter a second line item via goods request form for the extended tax amount for order per the quote

    Enter another line item for the service plan via Services form. Specify the following details

    • Name of the service calling plan
    • Date the plan is to be activated
    • Account number for the phone(s)
    • Phone number(s) of the phone(s)
    • Username for the phone(s)

    Specify the number of months of service in the Quantity field, choose months (MON) as the Unit of Measure and provide the monthly dollar amount expected to be spent for the service in the Price Estimate field. OR Specify the expected cost for a single month of service and then pay subsequent monthly fees using a Pro-Card

    Note: Monthly cell phone service fees may be paid with a Pro-Card only after the initial contract has been generated using a Purchase Order.

    Note: Equipment typically arrives on campus 3-5 days after an order is placed.

    ​​​ ​​​

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  • Additional Billing Instructions

    ​Monthly cell phone service fees may be paid with a Pro-Card only after the initial contract has been generated using a Purchase Order.

    After the first month of service, follow the directions below depending on the wireless carrier. It is the responsibility of the department individual using the equipment, and the individual whose name is on the Pro-Card, to call the carrier's customer service and make these arrangements, or cancel any special arrangements previously made.

    The Procurement Services Buyer will not be responsible for making any special billing arrangements and/or cancellations associated with Pro-Card payments.

    • AT&T Wireless: A Pro-Card can be used to set up monthly service payments by calling AT&T Wireless National Business Services at 800-999-5445. Your Account and cell phone number, along with your pro-card information will be required in order to set up automatic payments.
    • Verizon: A Pro-Card can be used to set up monthly service payments by calling customer service at 800-922-0204. You will need your Verizon account number, cell phone number, and Pro-Card information in order to set up auto bill pay and/or make a one-time payment.

    Back to Top
  • Procedure for changing an existing UCSC cell phone service contract

    ​Complete a Change Order Request form in CruzBuy. Specify the existing Purchase Order (PO) number and explain what changes need to be made. Provide specific service calling plan information. See How to Submit a Change Order Request in CruzBuy.

    Back to Top
  • Procedure for Terminating a UCSC Cell Phone Service Contract

    ​Contact the supplier contact listed below to request the cancellation of the service contract. The supplier contact will provide the steps required for contract termination.

    Back to Top
  • Supplier Contact Information
    ​Supplier ​Contact ​Email Address ​Phone Number
    AT&T (New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC) ​Customer Service - use as primary point of contact ​The corporate ID or FAN is 4879014.
    Please have this handy when calling.
    AT&T (New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC) Ashley Dishno​ 920-931-5966
    ​Verizon Patrick O'Dell 925-337-2590

    Back to Top
  • How to Purchase Gift Cards

    Due to the disablement of the National Gift Card (NGC) punch out, gift cards are not currently available through CruzBuy. Please refer to the alternate methods of purchase described in the NGC punch out disablement notification.

    Gift cards used as non-cash employee awards or non-cash gifts to non-employees may be purchased out-of-pocket. Reimbursements should be submitted on a Direct Payment form with appropriate backup documentation.

    Procard usage for gift card purchases are allowed. Please keep the following in mind:

    • All policies/conditions around gift purchases will still apply to Procard usage including but not limited to spending limits, itemized receipts, and frequency limits.
    • All required documentation should be added during the Procard reconciliation process.
    • Procard purchases for gift cards may not work for all companies.
    • Any issues with processing can be sent to

    For more information on gift purchases including what is allowable and spending limits please review the Non-Employee Non-Cash Gifts Guide and Non-Cash Employee Award and Other Gifts Guide. Policy related questions and clarification can also be sent to

    Back to Top
  • Before You Start

    Employee-Vendor Purchase Transactions and Conflict of Interest

    University of California conflict of interest rules and state law generally prohibit a University employee from providing goods or services to the University as an independent contractor or participating in decisions in which they have a disqualifying financial interest.

    UC strives to avoid employee-vendor relationships both to comply with the law and to prevent the appearance of favoritism. If a potential employee-vendor relationship exists, you must disclose it in advance to UCSC Procurement Services.

    Back to Top
  • What is an Employee-Vendor Relationship?

    ​An employee-vendor relationship is a relationship between a UCSC employee and a proposed vendor that might create a conflict of interest. An employee-vendor relationship exists when:

    • An employee proposes to rent, sell, or provide goods or services to the University.
    • An employee owns or controls more than 10% interest in the vendor who proposes to rent, sell, or provide goods or services to the University.
    • A former employee proposes to rent, sell or provide goods or services to the University.
    • A near relative of an employee currently provides, or is being proposed to provide, goods or services to the University.
    • A near relative of an employee owns or controls more than 10% interest in the vendor who currently provides, or is being proposed to supply, goods or services to the University.

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  • Employee-Vendor Transactions

    ​Purchasing goods or services from UC employees is generally prohibited under California law unless the procurement falls within an allowable exception.

    • A department may purchase goods or services from UC students or employees with teaching or research responsibilities only if the goods or services cannot be obtained within the university or from an independent commercial source.
    • No purchase of goods or services may be made from a UC employee with teaching or research responsibilities before review and approval of the transaction by Procurement Services.
    • Requesting units must complete the UC Supplier Conflict of Interest Form and submit it along with a requisition before making any commitment to purchase goods or services from a UC employee.
      • Note: Submission of the form does not constitute approval and departments may not request an individual/vendor to provide goods and/or services to the University without Procurement prior authorization.
      • Employee-Vendor Disclosure Forms submitted after the goods or services have been received by the University will require the grant of an exception by the campus Conflict of Interest Coordinator.
    Back to Top
  • Near Relative Transactions

    ​Potential employee-vendor relationships resulting from the purchase of goods or services from the near relatives of UC employees must be disclosed in advance. An analysis of the relationship may result in approval if, and only if, the UC employee has not influenced, participated or is involved in any way in the University's decision to purchase from an employee's near relative.

    • No purchase of goods or services may be made from the near-relative of a UC employee before review and approval of the transaction by the Procurement Services Director.
    • Requesting units must complete the UC Supplier Conflict of Interest Form and submit it along with the requisition before making any commitment to purchase goods or services from a near relative of a UC employee. Please Note:
      • Near relatives are as follows: Spouse, domestic partner, child, parent, sibling, including step-relatives and in-laws in the same relationship to a UC employee.
      • Submission of the form does not constitute approval and departments may not request an individual/vendor to provide goods and/or services to the University without Procurement prior authorization.
      • Employee-Vendor Disclosure Forms submitted after the goods or services have been received by the University will require the grant of an exception by the campus Conflict of Interest Coordinator.
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  • Contact

    Please contact Procurement with any questions at

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  • Overview

    This guide describes methods to be used to safely and effectively order hazardous materials in the most timely manner.

    Blanket orders and standing orders are not allowed for hazardous materials.

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  • DEA Controlled Substance

    1. Requester must either have authorization as Principal Investigator (PI) or obtain authorization from Department Chair or PI before placing a requision for DEA Controlled Substances.
    2. Submit order in CruzBuy using the DEA Controlled Substances form.
    3. When order arrives on campus, requester must pick up and sign for controlled substance at the PBSci Stockroom (Thimann Receiving).
    4. Requester must store all controlled substances in a designated secure location (for example a locked cabinet) and must maintain a log of all controlled substances received and any usage of controlled substances.
    5. Disposal of unused controlled substances must be handled by PI, in coordination with Environmental Health & Safety.

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  • Radioactive and Rad Minor

    Submit all requisitions for Radioactive and Rad Minor in CruzBuy using a catalog, a punchout or the Radioactive Materials form. Blanket orders and standing orders are not allowed for radioactive materials.

    When a rad or rad minor order arrives on campus, EH&S picks up the materials at the PBSci Stockroom (Thimann Receiving) and delivers the order to the requester.

    Lab Personnel - Requester

    • Sign receipt provided by EH&S Staff.
    • Review received material.
    • Store material in an authorized secure location.
    • File and/or post rad inventory sheet.
    • Survey empty box to ensure no contamination and deface all "Radioactive" labels and marking before disposal as non-radioactive trash.
    • Survey empty box to ensure no contamination and deface all "Radioactive" labels and marking before disposal as non-radioactive trash.
    • Maintain inventory and review inventory quarterly.
    • Remove radioactive material from laboratory using established radioactive material disposal procedures or transfers.

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  • Toxic Substance

    Submit all requisitions for toxic substances in CruzBuy using a catalog, a punchout, or the Hazardous Materials form (with Toxin checked). Blanket orders and standing orders are not allowed.

    Submit all requisitions for iodine in CruzBuy using a catalog, a punchout, or the Hazardous Materials form (with Toxin checked).

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  • Select Agent

    Submit all requisitions for select agents in CruzBuy using a catalog, a punchout, or the Hazardous Materials form (with Select Agent checked). Blanket orders and standing orders are not allowed.

    Obtain and attach approval from EH&S and the Institutional Biosafety Committee before submitting the requisition. Select Agent orders will not be processed without prior approval from EH&S and the Institutional Biosafety Committee.

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  • Ethyl Alcohol

    ​Submit all requisitions for ethyl alcohol in CruzBuy using a catalog, a punchout, or the Hazardous Materials form or Chemical and Biological Reagents form (with Toxin checked).

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  • Overview

    In the context of procurement, a “performance” is considered an individual (performing artist) or a group presenting in a cultural or entertainment nature, which may involve music, dance, and drama. A performance may also include a lecture or a talk of a non-scholarly nature.

    Performance purchases should be processed through CruzBuy on a Services form. See the Performance Payment Guide for information on how to request a performance fee payment.

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  • How to Hire Speaking Performances

    Speaking performances sponsored by UCSC Arts & lectures, or other nonacademic units, should be processed through CruzBuy on a Services form. This includes workshops and non-scholarly lectures.

    Note that Individuals presenting scholarly lectures typically receive an honorarium payment & should be processed differently via a Direct Payment form.To pay honoraria to academic speakers and other speakers making presentations for classes, see the Financial Affairs Honorarium Payment Guide.

    For Online Training and Development such as webinars, see the How to Buy Guide “How to Pay for Online Training and Development”.

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  • How to Hire Performing Artists

    Performing artists whose performance involves music, dance, and/or drama should be processed through CruzBuy on a Services form.

    Special insurance requirements may apply to some performances - a PSCS buyer will retrieve this once a requisition is submitted.

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  • Paying for Hotels

    The following university payment methods may be used to secure hotel stays. Contact or 459-2311 with any questions:

    Credit Card (Personal and/or Corporate Cards)

    If the occupant is paying for accommodations using their personal or corporate credit card, a TAR form is not required. The traveller must advise the hotel that the occupant is affiliated with, and conducting official business on behalf of UCSC in order to establish the best UCSC rate possible.

    Travel Advance Request (Individual or Group Reservations under $5000)

    A fully completed UCSC Travel Advance Request (TAR) form with tier 2 authorization must be submitted by the requesting department to the FAST/AP office in order to obtain a UCSC trip number, which is required prior to invoicing transient sleeping room accommodations from a hotel. The UCSC FAST/AP office will assign an eight (8) character trip number (ex. V0126783) and advise the requesting department of that number. The trip number is UCSC'S and the hotel suppliers guarantee that the invoice will be paid within the established terms that, must be referenced on all invoices specific to the accommodations. The TAR form noting the assigned UCSC trip number will be faxed or emailed by the FAST/AP Office to the hotel after the reservations are made. Any questions regarding the TAR form or assigned trip number should be directed to your FAST/AP Contact. A personal credit card of the hotel occupant is required at the time of check in to cover all incidental charges.

    Purchase Orders (Conference Events)

    Purchase orders must be used if UCSC is hosting a conference event at the hotel which may include sleeping rooms, event room rental, AV equipment, or food and beverage expenses. In these situations, the hotel normally has an agreement to confirm terms and conditions associated with the event. Create a CruzBuy requisition using the Food and Entertainment form if food is being purchased, or a Services form if food is not being purchased, and attach the unsigned agreement. A Purchase Order will be sent to the hotel, along with the signed agreement to contract for the event once reviewed.

    Purchase Orders (Group Reservations of $5,000 or more)

    Purchase orders must be used for group reservations of room and tax only when the reservation exceeds $5,000 or more, and the hotel agrees to accept a Purchase Order with a direct billing arrangement. In these situations the hotel normally has an agreement to confirm terms and conditions associated with the group stay. The department must create a CruzBuy requisition using the Services form, and attach the unsigned agreement to the requisition. A Purchase Order will be sent to the hotel, along with the signed agreement to contract for the stay. A personal or corporate liability credit card (Corporate Travel & entertainment Card) of the hotel room occupant is required at the time of check in to cover all incidental charges.

    The following apply to all hotels regardless of location:

    1. Any hotel reserved under an existing UC-negotiated contract, whether it is via Connexxus, existing direct bill contract, or existing PO, may be purchased with a CTE card and does not need to go through Procurement. Hotel room rates must comply with UCSC's existing travel policy of $333 per night or less. Travelers staying at a hotel with a UCSC direct bill arrangement may elect to present a CTE card, or a TAR# instead of the CTE card, but not both.
    2. Any group reservation estimated to total less than $5,000 at a hotel that is not under an existing UC-negotiated contract, may be purchased with a CTE card and does not need to be routed through Procurement.
    3. Any group reservation estimated to exceed $5,000 at a hotel that is not under an existing UC-negotiated contract, must be routed through Procurement for price negotiation and follow the PO process. This request must be made in advance of travel in order to be processed correctly.
    4. Any hotel requiring a signature on behalf of the University of California, for any of the scenarios above , must be routed to Procurement (Business Contracts) for signature. Travelers can sign on behalf of themselves but cannot sign on behalf of the University.

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  • Hotels in the Santa Cruz Area

    University departments inquiring about availability or making reservations should identify themselves as a UCSC employee or an affiliate conducting official business on behalf of the university, in order to secure available negotiated UCSC rates. You will need to specify the length of the stay, arrival and departure, the number of rooms, names of the business guests, and the relationship of the guests to the university. Be sure to provide the hotel with the name and e-mail address for the expense authorizer in your department.

    Discounted rates are for UCSC business purposes only. Group and conference rates are obtained by requesting a proposal directly from the hotel event coordinator. Discounted university rates are not calculated by online reservation tools, therefore, departments placing room night reservations should contact the hotel for the most accurate rates and availability information.

    Local Hotel Information

    Conference Events (Method of Payment through Purchase Orders)
    Booking a conference event at a hotel requires a purchase order, which includes guest rooms and the event room rental. Additional expenses such as AV equipment, food and beverages may also be included in the purchase order.

    To place bulk room orders, obtain a quote from your desired hotel and attach it to the hotel agreement and CruzBuy requisition via the Services form. Contact or 459-2311 with any questions.

    Individual Room Reservations (Method of Payment Through Reimbursement or Direct Billing)
    See Ways to Pay for more information.

    Back to Top
  • Moving - New Hire Relocation Suppliers

    UCOP Contract Suppliers:

    Supplier Contact Phone Alternate Phone Email
    Mayflower / Olsen & Fielding
    Moving Services
    Rose Olsen (916) 239-6409
    North American Van Lines Marabel Mendoza (800) 231-4765
    United Van Lines Heidi Halliday-Clarke (888) 615-4574 (602) 586-3260

    Best Practice:

    The New Hire must contact the supplier directly to make arrangements for a quote. The University will accept one quote, but two quotes are highly recommended to determine the most cost effective mover, and ascertain the most efficient supplier. Once quotes have been received, the New Hire will forward the quotes to their department contact advising them of which supplier they have selected. The department will then submit a CruzBuy Purchase Requisition using the Services Form and attach all quotes received. The Buyer will process a Purchase Order to the moving supplier.

    Non-Contract Supplier Process:

    The New Hire may also make arrangements with a non-contracted moving company, but New Hire must pay the full invoice amount, submit for reimbursement up to the moving allowance authorized by the department to FAST/AP office using a Moving Relocation Reimbursement form.

    More information regarding the Relocation Policy may be found in the Relocation & Moving Guide

    For further Policy Questions:

    Back to Top
  • Moving Services - Local Suppliers

    Departments must hire UCSC pre-approved movers to provide services to UCSC. This page provides instructions and a list of movers.

    Determine whether Campus Moving Services can accommodate your move. If Campus Moving Services (9-2852) is unable to accommodate your department’s requirements, please plan your move with one of the approved moving service providers below.

    Please contact your Procurement Services team for any moves estimated at more than $10,000.

    Mover ​Types of Moves ​Move Locations ​Additional Info
    ​UCSC Movers
    Robert Kemp
    ​Small Moves
    Large Moves
    Lab Moves
    ​Santa Cruz County
    Santa Clara County
    Campus Moving Services Overview
    ​Lambert & Son Moving
    Bill Lambert
    311 Nevada Street
    Santa Cruz, CA
    821-423-6111 (fax)
    ​Local Moves ​Santa Cruz County
    ​Liebbrandt Transportation
    Saha Manzella
    223 Surfside Ave
    Santa Cruz, CA
    cell: 831-359-6290
    ​Moves Within California ​Santa Cruz County
    Santa Clara County
    Monterey County
    Locatelli Moving and Storage
    Anne Asche
    831-425-0827 (fax)
    ​Small Moves
    Large Moves
    Lab Moves
    ​Santa Cruz County
    Monterey County
    Santa Clara County
    ​Nor-Cal Moving Services
    John Zamecki
    408-497-3676 Cell
    510-957-0365 (fax)
    ​Small Moves
    Large Moves
    Modular Panel Installation
    Lab Moves
    ​Santa Cruz County
    Santa Clara County
    Monterey County (Additional travel time of 1 hour per person included)
    Back to Top
  • Overview

    ​UCSC Purchasing has negotiated a contract with Statewide Self-Storage for providing off-campus storage units. Statewide Self-Storage operates one location in Santa Cruz County.

    The University has a corporate agreement with Statewide Self-Storage which establishes rental terms and conditions, including receiving a discount off list price.

    Back to Top
  • Procedure

    ​Follow the steps below to acquire off campus storage.

    1. Contact the Statewide Self-Storage Manager at 831-427-9700. He will assist you in determining the size of the unit which will best meet your needs.
    2. The Statewide Self-Storage Manager will provide you with a unit # and the price for your space, and will also place that unit on hold pending the issuance of the Purchase Order #.
    3. Create a CruzBuy Purchase Order, using the Services form. Note the size, unit # and monthly rent/price of the unit. Please include the names of others who need to be allowed access to your storage unit and names of person(s) authorized to request a lock cut (in the event that your key is lost or misplaced).

    If Statewide Self-Storage is unable to meet your requirements, contact Procurement and Business Contracts for assistance locating and negotiating an agreement with a suitable company. All rental agreements must be reviewed and authorized by Procurement and Business Contracts.

    Do Not Sign The Contract: Storage contracts frequently contain financial risk provisions exceeding the University's insurance program.

    Contact or 459-2311 with any questions.

    Back to Top
  • Overview

    ​There are several UC Systemwide agreements for Office Furniture that can and should be leveraged for your Office Furniture purchases. Please consider the following when making your selection.

    Agreement Snapshot STEELCASE
    Contract: 2019.001899
    Contract: 2019.001890
    Contract: 2019.001896
    Product Category & Services Systems Furniture, Freestanding Furniture, Storage, Tables, and Chairs/Seating. Other categories may include Higher Education Classroom Furniture, Fixed Seating, Architectural Elements, Healthcare/Lab, Integrated Technology, Accessories and Technical Support, Outdoor Furniture, and other related categories as approved by the UC Procurement, Office of the President.

    Suppliers (through dealer network) offer a line of Office Furniture (meeting UC sustainability requirements) and related services to the University of California System-wide including (but are not limited to) design/consultation, delivery, storage, project management, and installation (“Services”). These services may be offered at additional costs. Please inquire with the dealer for additional information.
    Volume Discounts Additional 4% UCSC Discount to UCOP prices since it is our preferred primary supplier for furniture.

    Deeper Discounts Negotiable > $350k
    $100k to $350k offers 1% - 2.5%

    Deeper Discounts Neg > $350k
    $100-$400 offers ½ (.5) %

    >$400k offers 1.25% - 1.5%
    Dealer Contact One Workplace Company

    Contact: Saren Pierson

    Main Office Phone: 669-800-2500
    Pivot Interiors

    Contact: Stacey Bailey
    KBM Hogue

    Contact: Lela Huenegardt 408-482-8179

    We also have several UC Systemwide Ergonomic Furniture Agreements. Please contact for further information.

    Back to Top
  • Physical Planning, Developement & Operations Review
    All purchases and installation of modular, systems or workstation furniture should be reviewed by PPDO to ensure ADA compliance, and seismic bracing and building code compliance. (This does not include free-standing furniture, desks, chairs and file cabinets.) Modular, systems, or workstation furniture includes panels that create cubicles, and may also create passageways, etc. These fabric panels may modify the original layout of the room being furnished, and create building code concerns for accessibility, and seismic and fire safety.

    Visit the Start a project page for further information.​​

    Back to Top
  • Space Planning Services and Design Charges

    Space Planning Services: Peninsula Business Interiors (PBI) Provides the following services:

    • space planning
    • product search and specifying
    • color and fabric selections
    • project management
    • expediting

    Design Charges: Charges for design work are incorporated into the contract plan at 2% of product list price. This percentage fee covers:

    • up to two different design alternatives and
    • up to two major (requiring new drawings) revisions

    After that, additional design work is charged at $65.00/hr. A purchase order for the designed product must be issued within 120 days of the design or the design work will be invoiced separately.

    Note: Orders for free-standing furniture where design services are not required are not charged the additional 2% design fee.

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  • How To Pay For Online Training and Development

    There are three ways to pay for online training and development services, including webinars, virtual classrooms, and eLearning services.

    1. CruzBuy PO: Submit a requisition utilizing the CruzBuy Service Form.
    2. Pro-Card: See the topic “Using a Pro-Card” under the “Cardholder Information” heading.
    3. Direct Payment: Submit a Direct Payment Form.
    Note that Data Security requirements may apply. For more information, review the Guidance on Data Security

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  • Overview

    This guide covers the necessary steps to rent vehicles ​for university business. Vehicles may be rented from UCSC Fleet Services or from various UC approved rental companies.

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  • Fleet Services

    ​UCSC Fleet Services maintains a pool of sedans and vans available for your department needs on a daily or monthly basis. For assistance call Fleet Services at 459-2228

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  • UC Vehicle Rental Contracts

    ​UC maintains agreements with vehicle rental companies including Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National and Thrifty. These agreements can be accessed for travel-related requirements using the University of California Travel Program Connexxus as described in the UCSC employee Travel Guide. Travelers who book rental cars outside of the Connexxus Travel Portal will not be able to leverage the UC rates. Contact for more information about rental cars for UC travel.

    Non-travel vehicle rentals with UC contract and non-contract providers are initiated using the Vehicle Rental/Charter form in CruzBuy as described in the CruzBuy User Guide.

    Restrictions on 15-Passenger Vans:
    UC Employees and students are restricted from renting 15-passenger vans from rental car agencies for business or class activities due to safety concerns. This is due to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) determination that 15 passenger vans are unsafe in certain circumstances and more testing and studies are required.

    Back to Top
  • How To Buy Security Services

    Only approved Security Operators are authorized to perform security services at UCSC, both on campus and at leased or rented facilities.

    Approved Security Operators have agreed to provide their guards with State, Federal and UC mandated training, and have provided the University with a valid certificate of insurance with the appropriate coverages as required by the University.

    The list of UCSC Approved Security Operators can be found below.

    If you have a need to hire a Security firm to provide security services, contact one of the Approved Security Operators for a quote. Attach the quote to a CruzBuy services requisition detailing the dates, times and need for the security service. Procurement Services will advise the UCSC Police Department of the requirement and seek their approval for the transaction. UCSC PD may contact you for more information or offer PD services as an alternative. Once approval is given by UCSC PD, the PO will be processed and you will contact the Operator to confirm service.

    Security Services Supplier: Contact: Phone Number: Email:
    First Alarm Security & Patrol Shea Ackerly 831-685-1110 x2235
    National Security Michael Gerami 408-371-6505
    Panther Security Tina Garcia
    Hector Martinez

    Back to Top
  • Overview

    The services of an independent contractor can only be used once approval has been obtained by Accounting Services via the Independent Contractor Request Docusign form for both new requests and change orders.

    Back to Top
  • Determining the Business Relationship

    Assembly Bill No. 5 requires the application of the "ABC" test to determine if workers in California are an independent contractor or an employee for most occupations. Under the ABC test, a worker is considered an employee and not an independent contractor, unless the hiring entity satisfies all three parts of the ABC test.

    This Independent Contractor Request DocuSign form is designed to assist the requesting department in making the determination as to whether the individual is an employee or an independent contractor, subject to the approval of Accounting Services.

    To request use of an independent contractor, complete all blank fields on the DocuSign form. Once completed, sign, and click "Finish". The form will then be automatically routed to Accounting Services for review. If Accounting Services approves the use of an independent contractor, the form will be signed and you will receive an email notification stating your document has been completed. Click on the "View completed document" link within the email and save a PDF of the completed form. Create a requisition in CruzBuy and ensure to attach the PDF of the completed form when submitting.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: If Accounting Services determines that an individual does not meet the qualification standards to be treated as an independent contractor, a requisition should not be submitted. If this occurs, contact your HR department if you are interested in hiring the person as an employee. Please also note that approval must be attained via the DocuSign form for all requisitions being submitted (both new requests and change orders).

    Contact Accounting Services, at, for further guidance.​

    ***Employees and students are not generally classified as Independent Contractors. Contact SHR, AHR and Career Center as appropriate for guidance and information about one time payments/by appointment agreements.

    Back to Top
  • Methods For Purchase

    ​Click here for a full list of Methods For Purchase for all types of expense.

    Back to Top
  • Commodities and Associated CruzBuy Forms

    ​This page lists the appropriate CruzBuy Dashboard & Form to request specific non-catalog commodities and services.

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