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CruzBuy User Manual

CruzBuy is UCSC's e-Procurement application for ordering goods and services supplied to the university. The user manual is in the process of being updated.​
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Home Page
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Shopping Cart
Viewing Order Status and History
Budget Approver
  • Overview

    CruzBuy is the e-procurement system used by UC Santa Cruz to procure goods and services from established suppliers. This application allows requisitioners to:

    • secure better pricing of commonly-used products
    • provide one-stop shopping
    • reduce time and effort in the purchasing process
    • select goods from online suppliers
    • produce cost savings through the use of CruzBuy contract suppliers

    When a requisitioner places an order, a requisition is created. This requisition will be automatically routed through any approvals required (PI/Other Approver, Budget Approval, etc.). Once the requisition is approved, a Purchase Order will be automatically generated and sent to the supplier.

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  • Financial Affairs Departmental Descriptions

    Procurement Services: Review and approve requisitions submitted by campus clients to ensure that orders are in compliance with Office the President’s and UC Santa Cruz’s rules and regulations.

    Telephone: (831) 459-2311


    CruzBuy 101: CruzBuy training is available for current and new users. Users who are interested in participating in a CruzBuy training session may sign up at:

    Financial Information System (FIS) - Handles CruzBuy account setups, account modifications, and account related questions. For assistance, please contact:


    Financial Administrative Services and Transactions / Accounts Payable (FAST/AP): Handles invoices, direct pays, reimbursements and the ProCard process. For assistance, please contact:

    Telephone: (831) 459-4488

    ***Invoices must include the purchase order number and MUST BE sent to FAST/AP via intercampus mail, email or fax:

    Intercampus Mailstop: FAST


    Fax: (831) 459-1723

    Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) Office: Oversees the General Accounting, Accounts Payable, Plant, Travel Accounting, and Equipment Management departments. All Food and Entertainment questions must be directed to


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  • Find Your Buyer Team Representatives

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  • General Information

    The profile is used to customize information for each specific user. This includes default requisition information, and system email preferences.

    To access My Profile, click on the user’s name at the top of the screen, then “View My Profile”.


    Clicking "View My Profile" will bring up the following options:

    Figure_2 click to view full size image

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  • User's Name, Phone Number, Email, etc.

    This screen contains basic information for the CruzBuy user. Most of the information will be pre-populated.


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  • Default User Settings - Custom Field and Accounting Code Defaults

    Adding custom fields to My Profile allows users to quickly populate required data fields associated with the shopping cart. From this screen, you can select from saved account code information to simplify the ordering process.

    The three sections that contain custom fields are Header (int.), Codes, and Code Favorites.

    • Header (int). PI/Other Approver – This is an ad hoc approver assigned to an order by the requester as a secondary approval step.
    • Codes Fund – Unique identifier of fund sources
    • Codes Organization – Unit of budget responsibility
    • Codes Account – Types of different expenditures related to items/services being purchased
    • Codes Activity – Unit specific designator for cost center accounting
    • Code Favorites – Allows for a complete accounting string (FOAPAL) to be populated into the requisition

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  • Default User Settings - Default Addresses

    Default Addresses – The actual ship-to and bill-to address for the delivery of product and invoices

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  • Adding Default Values in My Profile

    Note that the process for adding custom fields and addresses to your profile is the same for all elements.

    As an example, below is a demonstration on how to add a Fund in the Codes section. To begin, click on the “Edit” button associated with Fund.


    This will bring up the following screen which will allow you to add a Fund to your profile. Click on “Search for Value” to search for a Fund.

    Figure_5 click to view full size image

    If you know the Fund, enter the value (number) and click “Search”. Otherwise, enter part of a description to identify the fund. In the example below, “Physical Plant” was entered into the description.

    Figure_6 click to view full size image

    Put a check next to the value you want to add to your profile and then click “Add Values.”


    The value has now been added to My Profile. If selected as the default, new requisitions will be populated with the value automatically.

    Figure_8 click to view full size image

    To make a value a default value, click on the value, select the default checkbox, and “Save".

    Figure_9 click to view full size image

    Once the value has been defaulted, it will be bolded.

    Figure_10 click to view full size image

    As stated above, this process is the same for adding all custom fields to My Profile.

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  • Code Favorites

    Requisitioners can create commonly used accounting code strings to allow for quick access during checkout. To create a Code Favorite, click on the "Add" button.

    Figure_11 click to view full size image

    Give the code favorite a nickname for quick identification, and enter an accounting code string in the fields provided.

    Figure_12 click to view full size image

    To create a split fund code favorite, click on “add split” first and fill out the fields with correct accounting codes. The split funds must equal 100% to be valid.

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  • Notification Preferences

    Notification Preferences are system generated emails and notices sent to CruzBuy user regarding the status of a requisition or purchase order. To add a system notification to your profile, click “Notification Preferences” and select one of the categories.


    Go to the "Edit Selection" link

    CB14Image028AUG2014 click to view full size image
    1. Click on the "Override" radio button.
    2. Select one of the notification options available.
    3. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the list.

    CB14Image030AUG2014 click to view full size image

    It is recommended that the requisitioner set the following notifications.

    Shopping, Carts & Requisitions:

    • PR Submitted into Workflow
    • PR pending Workflow approval
    • PR line item(s) rejected
    • Cart/PR rejected/Returned

    Purchase Order

    • PO Workflow complete (helpful for walk-in purchase orders)
    • PO Sent to supplier

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  • Things to Remember About Your Profile

    • Entering a security question and answer will allow user to easily retrieve the password, if forgotten
    • Adding frequently-used codes /addresses in the profile will simplify accessing codes in the shopping cart
    • Custom fields designated as a “default” in the profile will automatically populate the corresponding fields in every requisition, but can be overridden
    • CruzBuy users determine which email notifications they receive

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  • General Information

    Every time a CruzBuy user logs into CruzBuy, the “Home” page will appear. This page includes the Message Board, Commodity Groups, Commonly-Used Forms, Side Navigation Bar, and the Top Action Banner.

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  • Message Board

    ​The “Welcome to CruzBuy” message board contains up-to-date information that may be of interest to CruzBuy users. In addition, it contains important user links including video training guides, green purchasing guides, and other useful information to assist CruzBuy users. It is recommended that CruzBuy users check the message board after logging in.

    CB14Image032AUG2014 click to view full size image

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  • Commodity Groups

    Supplier titles are grouped by commodity on the Home page. The commodity groups contain both Hosted Catalogs and Punch-out titles. All Punch-out titles will have “Punchout” labeled underneath the supplier logo.

    CB14Image034AUG2014 click to view full size image

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  • Hosted Catalogs

    All Hosted Catalogs in the commodity showcase are negotiated agreements. There are also a number of Hosted Catalogs that are part of the SciQuest SciPack integrated into the application. However, these catalogs offer products at list price.

    Users may browse through catalogs using the search bar at the top of the screen. This search bar will look through all Hosted Catalogs in CruzBuy and return items matching the criteria provided. CruzBuy users may also click on a specific supplier’s tile, which will search that supplier’s catalog.

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  • Commonly Used Forms

    Forms are used to procure products or services unavailable from Hosted or Punch-out Catalogs. The forms available in the showcase are the most frequently used. Additional forms can be found under the shopping cart icon on the Side Navigation Bar.

    Figure_16 click to view full size image

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  • Punch-Out Catalogs

    Punch-out Catalogs, like Hosted Catalogs, are negotiated agreements with preferred UC suppliers. However, Punch-out Catalogs will take you directly to the supplier’s website, where product is added to a shopping cart and returned to CruzBuy.

    Figure_17 click to view full size image

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  • Edit and Inspect

    In the latest CruzBuy update, users may add/remove product or change quantity from punch-out sessions with the “Edit & Inspect” function.

    The following suppliers in CruzBuy have the Edit & Inspect capability:

    • Apple Computer Inc.
    • CDW Government Inc.
    • Complete Book & Media Supply Inc.
    • Dell Marketing LP
    • Digi-Key Corporation
    • GovConnection Inc.
    • Life Technologies Corporation
    • McMaster-Carr Supply Company
    • Office Depot Inc.
    • OfficeMax (No PO Walk-in Orders)
    • SHI/Software House International Inc.
    • WW Grainger Inc.

    1. To add/remove or change quantity on a punch-out cart, click on “MODIFY PUNCHOUT ITEMS” from either the shopping cart or the checkout screen:
    1. “MODIFY PUNCHOUT ITEMS” will transfer the user back to the supplier’s punch-out session. Please note that most of these suppliers will return the user to the shopping cart in the punch-out site. However, a few suppliers may take requesters to the punch-out home page, requiring users to navigate to the shopping cart to make updates.
    1. Once the cart has been updated, transfer the product(s) back to CruzBuy for submission and approval.

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  • Side Navigation Bar

    The Side Navigation Bar allows CruzBuy users to quickly move from one area of the application to another, and includes a search option for navigation assistance. Each icon contains a menu and a sub-menu.

    Figure_18 click to view full size image

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  • Top Action Banner

    The Top Action Banner includes user profile, Bookmarks, Action Items, Notification, Active Cart, and a search field. This section of the application will allow CruzBuy users to access areas that require an action, such as a pending approval or a returned requisition.


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  • General Information

    The icon-driven Side Navigation Bar allows the CruzBuy user to move quickly from one area of the application to another, with each icon containing a menu and a sub-menu. In addition, there is a search option for navigation assistance. Wherever you are in the application, the navigation icons are available. The default page is the Home page, represented by the Home icon. Click the “Home” icon from any page in CruzBuy to return to the Home Page. Note: All upside down triangles represent a sub-menu. Click on the “triangle” to expand the sub-menu.


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  • Shopping

    Shopping Cart and Product Quick Search options are available on the Side Navigation Bar. The Product Quick Search allows a search of Hosted Catalogs using keywords, catalog number or CAS number.

    Figure_21 click to view full size image

    Shopping Options include a link to the Home Page, Favorites and Forms. These options are discussed in detail below.

    Figure_22 click to view full size image

    My Carts and Orders is a quick link to the Active and Draft Shopping Carts and Orders from the last 90 days. These options are discussed in detail below.

    Figure_23 click to view full size image

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  • Orders and Documents

    The Orders & Documents option contains Document Search and Approvals. Each option is detailed below.

    Figure_24 click to view full size image

    Search Documents:

    Select Search Documents to locate various CruzBuy documents in the application. The drop-down menu provides options to search for All Documents, Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Invoices and Receipts. From this window, you can also access simple search, my requisitions (last 90 days), my purchase orders (last 90 days) and my invoices (last 90 days).

    Figure_25 click to view full size image

    View Saved Searches:

    CruzBuy users have the ability to save any document search for future reference. To access the saved searches, select “View Saved Searches”. In the example below, the Document Search titled “Open Requisitions” is saved in the folder titled “Personal”.

    Figure_26 click to view full size image

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  • Catalogs and Contracts

    Catalogs and Contracts provide the option to Search for existing Contracts.

    Figure_27 click to view full size image

    Contract search parameters include Contract Number, Contract Type, Contract Keyword, Supplier Name and Supplier Class. An example of the search results is included below

    Figure_28 click to view full size image
    Figure_29 click to view full size image

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  • Accounts Payable Icon

    The Accounts Payable Icon provides access to the various search options including the AP Dashboard.
    Note: Only e-invoices and receipts for select Hosted Catalog and Punch-out suppliers are included in this database. E-invoices and receipts can also be searched from the Main Search Page located under Orders and Documents (described above).

    Note: This tab is part of the CruzBuy application and should be not confused with the FAST/AP where invoices should normally be sent for processing.

    Figure_30 click to view full size image

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  • Search Side Navigation Bar

    To search menu options on the Side Navigation Bar, select the binocular icon and enter a search element, such as “cart”, requisition, approval, etc.

    Figure_31 click to view full size image

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  • Top Action Banner

    The Top Action Banner bar allows CruzBuy users to view and change their profile settings and contains notifications about actions that require attention, such as pending approvals or a returned requisition.


    Under your name, you will find “View My Profile” and “Logout” links. From this tab, users can navigate to requisitions they have recently submitted, and purchase orders that were recently created.


    The Star icon on the Top Action Banner is the bookmarks menu. This function allows users to save and quickly navigate to pages that are frequently visited. To save a page, go to the page to be bookmarked and click on “Bookmark this page”.


    The Actions Items tab will notify users if there are any actions that require attention, such as approving a requisition submitted by another user.


    The Notification tab will provide updates based on preferences activated in View My Profile.


    The shopping cart tab allows CruzBuy requisitioners to quickly glance at the items in his or her active cart without having to leave the page. Requisitioners may also proceed directly to the check-out screen by clicking on the blue “Checkout” button.


    The magnifying glass allows users to conduct a quick document search to locate and review purchasing and invoicing documents in CruzBuy. By selecting “All” as the search parameter, every document related to what is searched for will appear. For example, if “All” is selected and a requisition number is entered, the results may include the requisition and associated purchase order, e-invoice and receiver.

    Figure_38 click to view full size image

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  • How to Order Products Using Hosted Catalogs

    As mentioned above, there are two ways to search for Hosted Catalog products. The most commonly used search is located at the top of the screen. By selecting “Everything”, all Hosted Catalogs will be searched and items that match the search parameters will be returned.

    Figure_39 click to view full size image

    Search results are ordered first by Favorites on top, followed by contracted suppliers.

    Figure_40 click to view full size image

    Once the item you want to purchase is found, enter the quantity in the field and click “Add to Cart.”

    In this example, 20 each have been added to the active cart.

    Figure_41 click to view full size image

    If you know the supplier you want to order the product from, you can click on the supplier tile and the search field will appear. Enter a part number or description and click “Search.”


    Only “reagents” from this one supplier have been returned in the search results.

    Figure_43 click to view full size image

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  • How to Filter Hosted Catalog Search Results

    Many times after conducting a search, there will be several items returned. The total number of items returned can be found above the first search result.

    Figure_244 click to view full size image

    To sort the search results, a Sort by drop-down menu is available.

    Options include:

    • Best Match
    • Part Number
    • Description
    • Size
    • Packaging UOM
    • Supplier
    • (Price Low to High) *
    • (Price High to Low) *

    * Search results must be 200 items or less to sort by price

    Figure_45 click to view full size image

    To refine the search results, there are filters available on the left hand side of the results. By typing additional information in the keywords field, it will refine the search results.

    Other filters are:

    • By Supplier
    • By Category
    • By Product Flag
    • By Packaging UOM
    • By Supplier Class
    • By Result Type
    • By Manufacturer


    The example below shows how to filter by category. To see all categories, click on either the “Filter” icon or “more….” Clicking on the “Filter" icon will allow users to select more than one criterion. Clicking “more…” allows users to see all categories, from which they can select one to filter.


    Here we are going to filter “Distillation Apparatus Accessories.”


    Note that the results have filtered down from 4000+ to 1.

    If you do not see the product you are looking for by filtering, click on “show all…” to show all search results. This will allow you to try different filtering options to find the product being sought.

    Figure_49 click to view full size image

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  • How to Order Products Using Forms

    Forms are used to purchase products or services unavailable in the Hosted or Punch-out catalogs. The most frequently used forms can be found on the Home page.

    Figure_50 click to view full size image

    Additional forms can be found by clicking on the “Shopping Cart” Icon, then “Shopping”, and then “View Forms”. There are three different folders containing forms:  Organization Forms, Misc. Purchase Forms and Restricted Research Purchases. If all three folders are not visible, click on the “plus” sign (+) next to the Organization Forms or click on “expand all”.


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  • Organization Forms

    Non-Catalog Goods Form (May route to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request tangible goods not available from a CruzBuy Hosted Catalog or Punch-out supplier. (Not Services)

    Blanket PO Request (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request undefined and recurring low-dollar purchases from a single supplier on an on-going basis. Blanket Orders are restricted to a specified period of time and limited in terms of what can be ordered. Blanket PO Requests are not allowed for Hosted or Punch-out catalog suppliers.

    Change Order Request (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request a change be made to an existing Purchase Order or Blanket PO.

    Chemical and Biological Reagents Form (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request chemical or biological reagents not available from a CruzBuy Hosted or Punch-out catalog supplier.

    Food & Entertainment
    Use this form to request business meals, entertainment and other social event expenditures while conducting substantiated and bona fide University business.

    Food & Entertainment Change Order Form (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request changes to an existing food and entertainment purchase order.

    Hazardous Materials Form (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request product identified as hazardous by EH&S and is not available from a CruzBuy catalog or Punch-out supplier.

    Services Form (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request services from a supplier. (Not tangible goods)

    Temporary Staffing Services Form (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request temporary staffing.

    UCSC Catering Recharge Request (Routes to UC Catering)
    Use this form to request catering services from UCSC Catering or University Center/Terra Fresca. Do not combine this form with other CruzBuy forms, such as Food & Entertainment, Services, Vehicle Rental/Charter, etc. Doing so will require the order to be re-placed.

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  • Miscellaneous Purchase Forms

    Air Conditioner (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request air conditioners. The purpose for air conditioning must be documented and attached to the form. (UCSC policy does not allow the purchase of mechanical air conditioning units for human comfort).

    C&G Sub-Award Request (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to document a request for a Sub-Award. A sub-award is an award of financial assistance in the form of money made under an award (i.e.: grants and other agreements) by a recipient to an eligible sub-recipient or by a sub-recipient to a lower tier sub-recipient.

    Equipment Lease Form (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request a lease for a specific piece of equipment.

    Recruitment Ad
    Use this form for Academic and Staff employment recruitment advertising. Before filling out form, the Job Reference # and Job Title must be obtained from Staff HR or the Academic Personnel Office.

    Request for Firearm or Ammunition (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request police weapons and related supplies.

    Vehicle Purchase/Lease Form (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to buy or lease a vehicle. Fleet Services reviews all requests.

    Vehicle Rental/Charter Form (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to rent or charter a vehicle for transportation requirements.

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  • Restricted Research Purchases

    Animals Form (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request any type of animal, alive or deceased.

    Ethyl Alcohol Form (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request Ethyl Alcohol. Note that ethyl alcohol is also available in the CruzBuy Hosted Catalogs.

    Radioactive Materials Form (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request research radioactive materials.

    DEA Controlled Substances Form (Routes to Purchasing)
    Use this form to request DEA Controlled substances.

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  • How to Order Using a Form

    From the showcase or the View Forms menu, select the appropriate form for the purchase to be made. Here is an example using the Services form.

    Figure_52 click to view full size image

    Enter the name of the supplier from whom items/services are to be purchased. As you type, up to six matching suppliers will appear. If there are more than six matching suppliers, “Click here to view more supplier results” will appear. Choose the preferred supplier by clicking on the name or “select” if “Click here to view more supplier results” was selected. If a requisitioner cannot find the supplier he or she are looking for, manually enter the supplier name (See Adding a New Supplier for more information).

    Figure_53 click to view full size image

    Fill out all bold fields (required) and any additional fields with enough information for the supplier to fulfill the request. A completed form is required for each line item.

    Once the form is filled out, go to the “Available Actions” menu and select from the following.

    • Add and go to Cart – Adds a line item to your active cart and takes you to your cart.
    • Add to Cart and Return – Adds a line item to your cart and returns to the form with the supplier defaulted in. Best used when ordering multiple items from the same supplier but the line information is different.
    • Add to Cart – Adds the line item to the cart but leaves form completely filled out. Best when used ordering multiple similar, but unique, items from the same supplier.
    • Add to Draft Cart or Pending PR/PO – Adds a form to a cart other than your active cart. Best used when adding a line item to a requisition to be submitted at a later date.
    • Add to Favorites – Adds the line item to your Favorites folder, allowing for quick reordering. Best used for frequently ordered items.

    Figure_54 click to view full size image

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  • Adding a New Supplier

    Note: UCSC requisitioners should only add new suppliers if they are essential to research, instruction, or will have repeated use. The supplier onboarding process is expensive and time-consuming and may not be worth saving a few dollars on a single purchase. Whenever possible, please use an established supplier in CruzBuy.

    Before submitting a requisition to onboard a new supplier, confirm with the supplier that they accept purchase orders (POs).

    When a requisitioner cannot locate a supplier in CruzBuy, the requisitioner should use a form. Start by finding the appropriate form on the CruzBuy landing page under the CruzBuy Forms showcase or the View Forms folder.

    Figure_55A click to view full size image

    In the Enter Supplier section on the form, click on “enter manually.”

    Figure_55 click to view full size image

    The highlighted fields below are required; supplier name, phone number, and email. The eProcurement Office will use the email provided to send the supplier an onboarding registration request; please make sure it is accurate. For the Supplier Email and Email (HTML Attachment) fields, please enter the same email address.

    Figure_55B click to view full size image

    Once the requisition is submitted by the requisitioner and approved by the Budget Approver (org), CruzBuy will notify the eProcurement Office (ePro). ePro will invite the supplier to submit a registration through the PaymentWorks system.

    PaymentWorks is UCSC's new supplier onboarding system, also in use at several other UC locations. New suppliers are invited to complete an online registration through the secure PaymentWorks website, where the information provided is validated and verified against third-party data sources. Once the supplier information has been reviewed and verified, the supplier will be approved for use at UCSC.

    Once the supplier’s registration info has been approved, their data will be loaded into FIS/Banner and CruzBuy, and the requisition will proceed for processing by a Procurement Services Buyer. The requisitioner can monitor the progress of the vendor onboarding through the CruzBuy comments on the requisition. This is the quickest and most reliable way to get a new supplier onboarded into CruzBuy.

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  • Punch-Out Catalogs

    Punch-out Catalogs will take requestors to the supplier’s webpage where the product can be added to a shopping cart and returned to CruzBuy. Each supplier’s website is unique and checkout will vary.
    Note: Users should never be asked to log in on a supplier’s Punch-out catalog. If prompted for a log-in on a supplier’s Punch-out, cancel the Punch-out session and logoff CruzBuy and log in using a different web browser. Foxfire is the recommended browser for Punch-outs.

    Figure_57 click to view full size image

    For this example, the Dell Punch-out was selected. From here requisitioner can search for product(s) to add to the Punch-out shopping cart.

    Figure_58 click to view full size image

    Follow the supplier’s check out process. Each supplier’s check out process will be different.

    Figure_59 click to view full size image

    Once the check out process is completed, the item(s) will be returned to your CruzBuy cart.

    Figure_60 click to view full size image

    Punch-out item quantities cannot be changed in the Shopping Cart. To update the quantity of a Punch-out item, all Punch-out items from that supplier must be removed and a new Punch-out session initiated with the correct quantity.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Punch-out items cannot be added to Favorites (See Favorites for more information).

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  • Things to Remember About Shopping

    • The search field located at the top of the screen searches all Hosted catalogs
    • Clicking on the supplier’s tile will present a search field that will search only that supplier’s catalog
    • Search results can be filtered using the many options to the left of the search results
    • Forms are used to order product unavailable in the Hosted and Punch-out catalogs
    • To change quantities for Punch-out items, the incorrect items must be removed from the cart and a new Punch-out session initiated
    • Manually entered suppliers will route the requisition to Procurement Services for supplier onboarding and order processing
    • New suppliers should only be added if the supplier is essential to research, instruction, or if supplier will be used repeatedly

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  • General Information

    Favorites allow a requisitioner to move frequently-ordered items to folders for ease of re-ordering. By setting up Favorites, less time is spent searching for items that will be ordered again in the future.

    Figure_61 click to view full size image

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  • Personal Favorites

    Personal Favorites are folders used to store frequently ordered products that can only be accessed by the requester. Folders and sub-folders can be created to manage Favorites, and users have full control over items in their personal folders.

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  • Shared Favorites

    Shared Favorites are folders used to store frequently ordered products that can be purchased by more than one person. Shared Favorites and folders can be set up for use for multiple CruzBuy users – such as specific users, a specific role, or a specific department.

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  • How to Create a Favorites Folder

    To add an item to a Favorites Folder, a folder must first be created. To create a folder, click on the “New” button and select either a top level personal or shared folder. A new window will pop up and prompt the user to name the folder. Name the folder something that can be easily identified in the future. A description is optional.


    Note: Once a top level folder is created, it cannot become a sub-folder.

    Requisitioners have the ability to create subfolders to organize Favorites. The process of creating subfolders is the same as creating a folder for the Top Level Personal folder. A subfolder will be created for whichever folder is highlighted.


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  • How to Add Items to Favorites

    Hosted catalog items can be added to Favorites within the Hosted Catalog search results. Start by finding the item to be purchased and click “add favorite”. Any changes to the Hosted Catalog will be reflected in Favorites as well.

    Figure_64 click to view full size image

    A new window will appear and prompt the user to complete the process of adding the item to Favorites. Users can change the item description, quantity, and determine which Favorites folder to save the item into.

    Figure_65a click to view full size image
    Figure_65b click to view full size image

    Form-based items can be added to Favorites within the Available Actions in the drop-down menu of a form. Form-based Favorites remain static, and over time, may become inaccurate.

    Note: Form-based Favorites save items to a specific form and cannot change or transfer to a different form at a later date.

    Figure_66 click to view full size image


    Hosted Catalog and Form Items can also be added in the shopping cart window. To add one specific line item, choose the “Add to Favorites” button on the left-hand side of the screen. To add multiple items to Favorites, select the items using the check boxes on the right of the quantity field, and from the drop-down menu, select “Add to Favorites”.

    Figure_67 click to view full size image

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  • Search for Favorites

    In the Favorites folder, click on the button to start search.

    Type the keyword(s) in the search field and click on the magnifying glass to execute search.

    Figure_69_SFF_2 click to view full size image

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  • How to Add Favorites Items to Cart

    Items that have been added to Favorites can be selected for future purchases. Users can either go through their Favorites folders or search the Shop bar. Results from this search will return Favorites at the top of the list. The following icons indicate Favorites:

    Shared Favorites
    Personal Favorites

    Figure_68 click to view full size image

    Items from your Favorites folder can be added to the active cart by clicking the “add to cart” button.

    Figure_69 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • How to Edit, Move/Copy, and Delete Favorites

    Users have the ability to edit Favorites, move/copy Favorites to another folder, or remove Favorites from your folder.

    Figure_70 click to view full size image

    Edit allows requisitioners to change the default quantity, the description of the item, or the Item Nickname.

    Figure_71 click to view full size image

    Move/Copy allows requisitioners to move a favorite item to another top level folder or subfolder.


    Delete removes Favorites that are no longer being used.


    Back to Top
  • Things to Remember About Favorites

    • A Favorites folder must be created or available before an item can be added to Favorites
    • Once a top level folder is created, it cannot become a sub-folder
    • Punch-out items cannot be added to Favorites
    • Form-based Favorites remain static, and over time, may become inaccurate
    • Form-based Favorites save items to a specific form and CANNOT change to another form type at a later date

    Back to Top
  • General Information

    The Shopping Cart contains items or services added by the requisitioner via catalogs and/or forms. Requisitioners have the ability to create multiple draft carts for later purchases or delete existing carts no longer needed. To go to your active cart, click on the “shopping cart” icon either on the Top Action Banner section, or the Side Navigation Bar (Shopping Cart icon, then My Carts and Orders). In this menu, requisitioners can view their active carts, draft shopping carts, and orders placed in the last 90 days.

    Figure_74 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Cart Information

    After items are added to the shopping cart, it is recommended that requisitioners personalize each cart by renaming it. This will allow for quick identification of un-submitted draft carts or requisitions previously submitted.


    Change the name of the cart to something that allows for easy identification. The name may include a short description of the items in the cart, date, supplier’s name or event/project title. Save changes by clicking the “Update” button.

    Back to Top
  • Updating the Quantity of an Item

    Requisitioners have the ability to update the quantity of a line item, move it to another cart, remove it, or empty your entire cart and start over. Perform any of these actions using the buttons to the left of the each line item or the “Perform an action on” drop-down menu above the line items.

    Figure_76 click to view full size image

    To update the quantity of an item from a Hosted Catalog, find the line item; enter the new quantity in the quantity field and click “Update”.


    To change the quantity of an item in a Form, click on the product description.

    Figure_78 click to view full size image

    In the form window, change the quantity in the Quantity field, select Save from the available actions, and click “Go”.


    Punch-out item quantities cannot be changed in the Shopping Cart. To update the quantity of a Punch-out item, all Punch-out items from that supplier must be removed and a new Punch-out session initiated with the correct quantity.

    Figure_80 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Removing an Item from a Cart

    To remove a single item from a cart, click on the “Remove” button left of the line item.

    Figure_81 click to view full size image

    To remove multiple items from your cart, select the items to be removed using the checkboxes on the right-hand side. From the “Perform an action on…” drop-down menu, select Remove Selected Items.


    Back to Top
  • Moving an Item to a Different Cart

    Requisitioners have the ability to move an item from one cart to another in the carts window. To move an item, locate the item you wish to move and click on “More Actions/Move to Another Cart”.


    To move multiple line items, click on the checkbox next to the item price for every item to be moved and select the appropriate option from the “Perform an action on…”drop-down menu. After selecting the items, choose an available action from the drop-down menu.


    Click on the radio button next to the items to be moved.


    Back to Top
  • Favorites

    Requisitioners can add frequently purchased items to a Favorites folder for ease of purchase. (See Favorites for more information).


    Back to Top
  • Tax

    Tax may not apply to every item or service. If you know that the item or service in your cart is not taxable, you have the option of removing tax. To remove tax, go the taxable checkbox, uncheck the box and click “Update”. Repeat this process for all non-taxable items in your cart.

    Figure_87 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Things to Remember About Your Shopping Cart

    • It is helpful to name your carts for later identification
    • Quantities for Hosted Catalogs and Forms can be updated
    • Quantities on Punch-outs cannot be changed in the shopping cart
    • Items can be moved from one shopping cart to another
    • If a line item is not taxable, remove the check mark from the taxable check box

    Back to Top
  • General Information

    Before submitting a requisition for approvals, important information for the approver or the supplier, such as attachments, ship-to/bill-to addresses, FOAPAL information, etc., must be entered or selected. To access the checkout screen, CruzBuy users will need to click on “Proceed to Checkout”.

    Figure_88 click to view full size image

    A list of the various required system steps will appear near the top of the screen.

    represents a completed step

    indicates an error that needs to be addressed

    The yellow box at the top of the screen will let requisitioners know if there are any problems with the purchase requisition that must be corrected. Certain errors contain a link that, when clicked, will take requisitioners directly to the section in the requisition that needs to be corrected.

    Figure_89 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Requisition Sections

    The requisition is separated into different sections. The sections are General, Shipping, Billing, Internal Notes and Attachments, External Notes and Attachments, Accounting Codes, and “Supplier / Line Item Details”.

    Back to Top
  • General

    The General section of the requisition contains basic information about the cart and the requisitioner.

    Edit options include changing the cart name and Hold PO. The Hold PO option can be used for in-store pick-ups, or any time a purchase order is not to be distributed to the supplier. To hold a purchase order, click on the “edit” button, select “Yes” from the dropdown menu and click “Save.”



    Back to Top
  • Shipping

    The Shipping section of the requisition contains the requisitioner’s mailing address to inform suppliers where to ship tangible products. This shipping information is defaulted each time a requisitioner proceeds to checkout if a default shipping address was created in My Profile.

    Occasionally, requisitioners need to send items to another campus location. To change the defaulted shipping address to another location, click on the “edit” button in the Shipping section of the requisition.


    If other addresses are saved in your “My Profile” settings, they will be found under “Or choose from your addresses….” Requisitioners can choose one of the addresses they saved or search for another address that is not currently in their profile. The process to search for an address is the same as outlined in the My Profile section of the manual (See Default User Settings - Default Addresses for more information).

    Figure_92 click to view full size image

    Under special circumstances, it may be necessary to send items to another institution or UC affiliate. If the address does not exist in CruzBuy, type “Special” in the Nickname/Address Text field and select the Special Instructions address.


    IMPORTANT NOTE: If the Special Instructions Ship To Code is used, the Requistitioners must select Special Handling (See Internal Notes and Attachments for more information).

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  • Billing

    The Billing section of the requisition informs suppliers where to send invoices. Most invoices will be sent to Financial Administrative Services and Transactions (FAST). However, there are a few departments that receive direct billing, and requisitioners from these departments will need to change their billing address accordingly.

    The process to change the Billing address is the same as changing the Shipping address instructions.


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  • Internal Notes and Attachments

    The Internal Notes and Attachments section of the requisition allows requisitioners to add pertinent information regarding the requisition or communicate information to Procurement Services. Internal notes and attachments are kept within the application and will not be sent to the supplier. To make any changes to this section, click the “edit” button.


    PI/Other Approver – if this was defaulted in My Profile, it will be displayed here. To add a PI/Other Approver, click “Select from all values….” Those with the PI/Other Approver role are available for selection.

    Special Handling - to route a requisition to Procurement Services, select “Yes” on Special Handling. Requisitioners who select Special Handling will need to include an internal note in the Internal Note field conveying information and instructions to approvers and buyers in Procurement Services, such as:

    • Include special instructions for the supplier
    • Move internal attachments to external attachments
    • Change shipping to an address outside of the university, such as another institution or UC affiliate
    • Inventorial information, such as Custody code, CAAN Codes, etc.

    Internal Notes – Notes in this section pertains to the whole requisition. This field is used to convey information to approvers or buyers about the requisition.

    Internal Attachments - Allows requisitioners to attach electronic documents to the requisition. These documents may include, but are not limited to, supplier quotes/contracts, statements of work, invoices, independent contractor pre-hire worksheet, and any other documents associated with the purchase. As noted above, any attachment to be seen by the supplier requires Special Handling to be selected and an internal note requesting the document be attached for distribution.

    Note: Invoices may be attached to “Internal Notes and Attachment” in CruzBuy, but invoices will not be sent to FAST/AP for processing. It is the responsibility of the requesting department to send any invoice to FAST/AP for any after-the-fact purchases for payment. Invoice must be include the purchase order number and must be sent to FAST/AP via intercampus mail, email or fax (Intercampus Mailstop: FAST; Email:; Fax: 459-1723).

    To attach an internal attachment click "Add Attachments":


    Click "Select Files" and search for the folder where the files are located:

    CB143.MultipleAttach_2 click to view full size image


    Open the folder where the documents are located, select the files to upload, and click and drag the files to the “Select files…” box. Users will see a message within the box stating “drop files here”.

    CB143.MultipleAttach_3 click to view full size image

    Click "Save Changes" to proceed with attaching documents


    The document will be uploaded to your requisition.


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  • External Notes and Attachments

    The External Notes and Attachments section is for Procurement Services use only. Notes and attachments included in this section of the requisition will be sent to the supplier. If there are multiple suppliers in the same requisition, notes and attachments added here will be sent to each supplier. If notes and attachments do not need to go to all suppliers, requisitioners should consider creating individual requisitions by supplier.

    Please note that not all suppliers are able to accept attachments in External Notes and Attachments. These suppliers are identified on the requisition via a message box.


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  • Accounting Codes

    Accounting Codes should automatically populate if the codes were defaulted in My Profile. To add an Account code, change accounting codes, or split funds, click on the “edit” button.

    Figure_98a click to view full size image
    Figure_98b click to view full size image

    To change an accounting code, click on either “Select from profile value…” or “Select from all values….”

    • “Select from profile value…” will return accounting codes saved in My Profile.
    • “Select from all values…” will allow requisitioners to search for codes not saved in My Profile.

    Code Favorites created in My Profile are used here to quickly populate Fund, Organization, and Account codes into your requisition. (See Code Favorites for more information)


    Select the code that best match your purchase. The codes will then populate into your requisition. In this example, Lab Supplies was used and it populated the Fund, Organization, and Account Code into the requisition.

    Figure_100 click to view full size image

    There are times when requisitioners need to use more than one accounting code to make a purchase. To use more than one accounting code, click “Add Split”.

    When Add Split is clicked, another set of accounting codes can be added. Requisitioners can create as many splits as needed. Please note that the % of price between all the splits must equal 100%.

    Figure_101 click to view full size image

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  • Supplier/Line Item Detail

    The Supplier/Line Item Detail of the checkout screen displays items to be purchased. Before submitting the requisition, requisitioners have the opportunity to make modifications, such as changing the quantity (for Hosted catalog and form items only), removing tax from a line item, or adding an internal note specific to a line item.

    Figure_102 click to view full size image

    Internal Note at the line level should relate to the specific line item, not the entire requisition.

    Figure_103 click to view full size image

    An add attachment option is also available at the line item level. Attachments added here pertain only to the specific line item and will not be sent to the supplier unless Special Handling is selected and instructions provided to Procurement Services requesting the attachment be sent to the supplier.

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  • Modifying Elements at the Line Item Level

    From time to time, requisitioners will need to make changes to items at the line item level, such as shipping a specific item to another location or changing the accounting string for an item. To make these changes, go to the Requisition tab and click on either “Shipping” or “Accounting Codes.”


    Back to Top
  • Changing the Ship-to Code of a Line Item

    The address in the “Shipping” section of the requisition will determine where tangible goods will be delivered. However, requisitioners may need to have a subset of items shipped to a location different than that specified in the header address. To change the shipping location for a specific line, go to the Summary tab and click on “Shipping”.


    Go to the item that requires a separate ship-to address and click on the “Edit” button. The process of changing the ship-to code is the Shipping section of the manual. (See Shipping for more information).

    Figure_106 click to view full size image

    Once the new shipping address is selected, the requisitioner will see that the value has been overridden and the new address will appear below. This process will need to be repeated for each item requiring a different ship-to location from that designated in the header.


    Note: When a ship-to code is added at the line, a separate purchase order number will be created for the line items with the overridden ship-to code.

    Back to Top
  • Changing the Accounting Code of a Line Item

    Like the ship-to code, the account code elements used in the “Accounting Code” section applies to all items listed in the Cart. To change the account code of a particular line item, go to the Requisition tab and click on “Accounting Codes”.


    Find the line item that needs a different accounting string and click on the “Edit” button. The process of changing the Accounting code is the Accounting Code section of the manual. (See Accounting Codes for more information).

    Figure_109 click to view full size image

    Once the account codes are added, the requisitioner will see that the values have been overridden and the new account code will appear below. This process will need to be repeated for each item requiring a separate accounting string.

    Figure_110 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Final Review Before Submitting

    Before submitting a requisition, it is recommended that requisitioners check the Workflow tab. This will show the approval steps required to create a purchase order. To see who can approve the requisition, click on “view approvers”. This option is available for all flow processes that need an approver’s action.

    Figure_111 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Submitting the Requisition

    Once the requisitioner has reviewed the requisition and is ready to submit the order for approval, click on the “Submit” button.
    The Submit button will be available only when all there are no errors, as indicated by:

    Click on the “Review” tab, then “Submit”.

    Figure_112 click to view full size image

    After submitting a requisition, a confirmation page will appear. Follow your department’s purchasing procedure to have the next person in the approval queue review and approve the next step.

    Figure_113 click to view full size image

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  • Comments

    CruzBuy users have the ability to add comments to pending and completed requisitions in the application. Comments are used to communicate between CruzBuy users about a particular order. CruzBuy keeps these comments as historical records. Using the “Add Comment” action before a requisition is submitted will not allow the requisitioner to send an email to another CruzBuy user. Only after the requisition is submitted into the workflow will users be allowed to add a comment which automatically sends an email to other selected CruzBuy users.

    Users can review comments for a requisition by clicking on the “Comments” tab or from the Available Actions menu.

    Figure_114 click to view full size image

    To start a new message string click “Add Comment” or “Reply To” to an existing comment.


    A new window will allow the user to select the recipient of the comment. Multiple users can be selected to receive the message. To select a recipient, put a check in the box next to the name of the individual or click on “add email recipient….”


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  • History

    The History tab documents all notes, comments and actions taken by every CruzBuy user who was involved with a requisition. The documentation process is done automatically by the application. The information captured in History is used for auditing and reporting purposes by the university.

    Figure_117 click to view full size image

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  • Finding the Purchase Order Number

    Once the requisition completes the approval process, the purchase order number can be found in the Supplier/Line Item Details. Before the final purchase order number is assigned, CruzBuy will assign a temporary 8-digit number. Since purchase orders numbers are assigned in Banner, UCSC’s Financial Information System, please note that the finalized university purchase order begins with the letter “P” followed by the number “0”.

    Figure_118 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Requisition Status

    The following icons represent the status of a requisition:

    The requisition has been approved

    The requisition has been rejected by an approver or Procurement Service buyer

    The requisition has been partially approved by an approver or Procurement Service buyer

    The requisition is still in the workflow and pending approval

    The requisition has been withdrawn by the requisitioner

    Back to Top
  • Things to Remember About Checkout

    • Errors need to be fixed before a requisition can be submitted
    • Selecting Hold PO will not distribute a copy of the Purchase Order to the supplier
    • Special Handling will route the requisition to Procurement Services
      • Instructions must be included in the Internal Notes and Attachments section of the requisition with what actions Procurement Services need to take
    • SI (Special Instructions) Ship-to Code is ONLY used when items are shipped to another institution or UC affiliates, and Special Handling must be selected and instructions added in Internal Notes
    • Communication in CruzBuy
      • Internal Notes and Attachments section of the requisition allows requisitioners to send information and instructions to PI/Other/Org approvers or buyers at Procurement Services
      • Internal Notes at the Line Item level pertains specifically to the line item
      • External Notes and Attachments is for Procurement Services USE ONLY to distribute notes and attachments to suppliers
      • Comments allow communication between users in CruzBuy about a particular order, and are retained in the order history
      • History captures all actions, notes, and comments pertaining to the requisition
    • Split funds percentages must equal 100%
    • Information at the line item level can be modified
      • Line items can have a ship-to address that differs from the header ship-to
      • If a requisition has multiple items from the same supplier but one line item has a different ship-to code, a separate purchase order number will be generated for that line item
      • A line item may have an accounting code string that differs from the requisition accounting code string
    • Requisitioners should check the workflow tab before submitting a requisition
    • Once a requisition completes the approval process, a purchase order number can be find in the “Supplier / Line Item Details” section of the requisition
    • Finalized purchase orders start with the letter “P” and the number “0”

    Back to Top
  • General Information

    After a requisition is submitted, CruzBuy users can view the status of their order, view the next approver in the queue, withdraw a pending requisition, or search for previously-placed orders.

    Back to Top
  • View My Orders

    View My Orders allows requisitioners to find pending and completed orders submitted within the last 90 days. There are several options to view orders placed during the last 90 days.

    • All pending requisitions (under the requisitioner’s name in Action Menu)
    • Recently completed requisitions (Last 90 days, under the requisitioner’s name in Action Menu)
    • All pending purchase orders (under the requisitioner’s name in Action Menu)
    • Recently completed purchase orders (Last 90 days, under the requisitioner’s name in Action Menu)
    • All requisitions in the last 90 days (includes pending, partially approved, approved, and withdrawn requisitions) (From the Side Navigation Bar, click on the Shopping Cart Icon, select My Carts and Orders, then View My Orders (Last 90 Days))

    Figure_119 click to view full size image

    Each of these options will bring the user to the Document Search results page. On this page, users can change the date or use filters to refine their search.


    Once the date range or filter is selected, the results will automatically update.

    Back to Top
  • Search Documents

    Elastic Search allows access to a repository of various documents within CruzBuy. Requisitions, purchase orders, receipts, and electronic invoices are all available for viewing, but degree of visibility varies by role. Requesters can see all documents created by anyone in their department, while budget approvers can see all documents campus-wide. To access Elastic Search, go to the Side Navigation Bar, click on the Orders icon, and select the document type for the search.

    This will bring up a list of documents searchable in CruzBuy.

    • Quick Search – Allows users to search for specific documents
    • All Orders – All documents in CruzBuy
    • Requisitions – A pre-contract document generated in CruzBuy to capture necessary approvals and documentation prior to a purchase order being created.
    • Purchase Orders – Final contract between UCSC and supplier
    • Procurement Requests – Not used by UCSC
    • Invoices – Electronic invoices submitted by suppliers for payment
    • Receipts – Not used by UCSC

    Most CruzBuy users will search for Requisitions or Purchase Orders in Elastic Search.

    The results presented will default for the last 90 days. To change the date range, click on the next to “Submitted Date Last 90 days”.

    With Elastic Search, there are many search filter options available to fine-tune results. These including date range of search, order status, approver name, and account code among many others. These filters can be applied via the Add Filter dropdown or via quick filters on left side of search results. Multiple filters can be applied to a search but must be selected one at a time.

    Users have the flexibility to create reports using specific filters and “pinning” them so they are the default for each document type (requisition, purchase order or invoice). Once pinned, the selected filters will apply to the search results every time a report is run.

    Users also now have the ability to select which columns of data they want to appear by configuring columns, which can also be pinned. Column configuration can be found by clicking the icon. Additional columns can be added by checking the box next to the data element desired. Once selected, it will appear on the right-hand side. These columns can then be reorganized in a particular sequence and pinned by putting a check in the “Pin Columns as my defaults” box and clicking Apply.

    Additional information on Elastic Search can be found in the Elastic Search Quick Guide.​

    Back to Top
  • Workflow Tab

    Users have the ability to review the workflow status of a requisition. First, start by searching for the requisition that needs to be reviewed. The “Workflow” tab allows users to see in detail all of the approval steps needed to complete the order. In addition, current requisition workflow status information is location in the General section of the requisition.

    Figure_126 click to view full size image

    In the Workflow tab, click “view approver” to see who can approve the next step. The “view approver” link is available for all steps that require an approver’s action.

    Figure_127a click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Withdraw a Requisition

    Requisitioners have the option to withdraw their requisition from CruzBuy. A requisition may be withdrawn from the workflow because there is a mistake that needs to be fixed or the order is no longer needed. Requisitioners can only withdraw their requisition if it is still in pending status. To withdraw a requisition from the workflow, go to the available action of the requisition and select “Withdraw Entire Requisition.”

    Figure_128 click to view full size image

    A prompt will appear to ask for a reason why the requisition was withdrawn.



    Note that once a requisition has been withdrawn, it cannot be resubmitted.

    An Approver can assign the requisition to him/herself and return the order back to the requisitioner. Requisitions returned through this method can be resubmitted (See To Approve a Requisition for more information).

    Back to Top
  • Copying a Requisition

    Requisitioners can copy a pending or completed requisition into a new cart. This action allows requisitioners to quickly add items from a previous requisition to a new cart. Start by finding the requisition to be duplicated. Under the available actions menu of the requisition, select “Copy to New Cart.”

    Figure_130 click to view full size image

    This action copies all lines from the requisition to a new active cart.

    Note: Attachments and notes will not copy over from the requisition to the new cart. Any attachments relevant to the order must be reattached before submitting.

    Note: Punchout items should not be copied, as it will cause an error when the purchase order is submitted to the supplier.

    Back to Top
  • Things to Remember About Viewing Order Status and History

    • Requisitions may have additional workflow steps depending on many different factors
    • Requesters can search on documents created by anyone in their department
    • Budget approvers can see all documents campus-wide
    • Requisitioners can find who has permission to approve or is currently assigned the requisition via the workflow tab
    • Withdrawn requisitions cannot be resubmitted
    • Returned requisitions can be resubmitted
    • Copy to Cart duplicates information from the requisition to a new cart, but will not carry over attachments or notes
    • Punchout items should not be copied

    Back to Top
  • General Information

    Every time an approver logs into CruzBuy, the “Home” page will appear. This page includes the Message Board, the Side Navigation bar, and the Top Action Banner.

    Figure_131 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Message Board

    The “Welcome to CruzBuy” message board contains up-to-date information that may be of interest to CruzBuy users. In addition, it contains important user links including video training guides, green purchasing guides, and other useful information to assist CruzBuy users. It is recommended CruzBuy users check the message board after each login.

    Back to Top
  • Side Navigation Bar

    The Side Navigation Bar allows the CruzBuy user to quickly move from one area of the application to another and includes a search option for navigation assistance. Each icon contains a menu and a sub-menu. Click the “HOME” icon from any page in CruzBuy to return to the Home Page.

    Figure_132 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Shopping

    Shopping options are available to requisitioners only (included here for reference).

    Figure_133 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Orders and Documents

    The Orders & Documents option contains Document Search and Approvals. Each option is detailed below.

    Figure_134 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Search Documents

    Search Documents is used to locate various CruzBuy documents. The drop-down menu provides searching options, including All Documents, Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Invoices and Receipts. From this window, you can also access simple search, my requisitions (last 90 days), my purchase orders (last 90 days) and my invoices (last 90 days). Approvers can see all campus-wide CruzBuy documents. For more information on searching for documents, refer to the (See Viewing Order Status and History for more information).

    Figure_135 click to view full size image

    To Save a Search, click on “Save Search” from the filter bar of the current search results.

    Figure_136 click to view full size image

    Provide a ‘Document Search Nickname” and select the destination folder to save the search into. A new destination folder can be created by clicking the “new” button and providing a folder name. In the example below, the Document Search titled “Open Requisitions” is saved in the “Requisition Searches” Folder.

    Figure_137 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • View Saved Searches

    To open a saved document, click on “View Saved Searches” and click the “Go” button to the right of the required search.

    Figure_138 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Approvals

    Approvals provide the opportunity to review a requisition for accuracy prior to the creation of the Purchase Order.

    Figure_139 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Catalogs and Contracts

    Catalogs and Contracts provide approvers the option to search for existing contracts.

    Figure_140 click to view full size image

    Contract search parameters include Contract Number, Contract Type, Contract Keyword, Supplier Name and Supplier Class. An example of the search results is included below.


    Back to Top
  • Accounts Payable Icon

    The Accounts Payable Icon provides access to the various search options including the AP Dashboard. Note: Only e-invoices a​nd receipts for select Hosted Catalog and Punch-out suppliers are included in this database. E-invoices and receipts can also be searched from the Main Search Page located under Orders and Documents (described above).

    Note: This tab is part of the CruzBuy application and should be not confused with the FAST/AP where invoices should normally be sent for processing.

    Figure_142 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Search Side Navigation Bar

    To search menu options on the Side Navigation Bar, select the binocular icon and enter a search string.

    Figure_143 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Top Action Banner

    The Top Action Banner includes the user’s name, Bookmarks, Action Items, Notifications, Active Cart (requisitioners only), and a search bar.


    Back to Top
  • My Profile

    My Profile includes user specific information and preferences and the Logout link. For additional detail, review the “My Profile” section of the Requisitioner Manual.

    Figure_145 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Action Items

    This option lists requisitions pending assignment and/or approval. Selecting “Requisitions To Approve” lists requisitions assigned to the approver. “Unassigned Requisitions Needing Approval” lists requisitions pending assignment. (See My Approvals for more information).

    Figure_146 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Notifications

    Notifications is a quick link to approver notifications selected in the “Email Preferences” of “My Profile”. Select any of items listed to move quickly to that document. Recommended email notifications for Approvers include “PR pending Workflow Approval” and “PO pending Workflow Approval”.

    Figure_147 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Active Cart

    Shopping options are available to requisitioners exclusively (included here for reference only).

    Back to Top
  • Search

    Enter any search string under “All” and CruzBuy will search all document types. Select a Specific Document type to search only that category.

    Figure_148 click to view full size image

    Back to Top
  • Approvals

    Approvals provide the opportunity to review a requisition for accuracy prior to the creation of the Purchase Order.

    Figure_149 click to view full size image

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  • My Approvals

    Selecting “My Approvals” lists all requisitions requiring approval or assignment. In the example below, the “My PR Approvals” folder and “Organization 444039” folder are expanded to view details about each Requisition. The remaining folders are collapsed with no detail shown (click on the “triangle” next to each folder to expand or collapse it). Requisitions assigned to the approver have a blue “Approve” button. Requisitions pending assignment to an approver have a blue “Assign” button. Numerous sorting and filtering options are also available (shown in green circles) to assist finding a specific requisition.

    Figure_150 click to view full size image

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  • How to Assign a Requisition

    From the “My Approvals” window several options are available to assign a requisition. To assign to yourself, simply click on the blue “Assign” button.

    Figure_151 click to view full size image

    Additional options are available by placing a check in the small box to the right of the item and expanding the drop-down menu. Note: To modify an unassigned requisition, you must first “Assign” the requisition to yourself.

    Figure_152 click to view full size image

    Drop-down menu options for “Unassigned Requisitions” at the “My Approvals” screen include:

    • Assign: Assign Requisition to yourself
    • Approve/Complete: Allows approver to approve and complete the requisition.
    • Forward: Forwards to another Approver. Note: Forwarding a Requisition grants the Forwardee approval rights. The current Approver forfeits the option to approve the Requisition.
    • Return to Shared Folder: Returns an assigned requisition to Shared Folder so it can be assigned to another Approver (requisition must be assigned).
    • Place PR on Hold: Places the requisition on Hold. Note: This is a status indicator only, and the requisition does not need to be taken off hold to approve.
    • Add Notes to History: Select this option to add a note to the requisition history

    The requisition can also be assigned after opening it for review. To open, click on the requisition number. Assign requisition to yourself or choose another option from the drop-down menu. This is the preferred method for approvers, as they can review all content of the requisition before approving.

    Figure_153 click to view full size image

    Drop-down menu options “Unassigned Requisition” include:

    • Add Comment: Add comment to Comment tab.
    • Add Notes to History: Select this option to add a note to the Requisition History
    • Assign to myself: Assign Requisition to yourself
    • Approve/Complete step and show next: Approves requisition and opens next requisition pending approval
    • Approve/Complete Step: Approves requisition and returns to “My Approvals”.
    • Copy to New Cart: Copies entire requisition to new cart

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  • To Approve a Requisition

    Approvers with assigned requisitions must click on the “requisition number” to open it.

    Figure_154 click to view full size image

    After opening the Requisition, review all fields on the requisition and make appropriate modifications. To approve, select an approval option from the drop-down menu or choose another option.

    Figure_155 click to view full size image

    Drop-down Menu options for “Assigned Requisition” includes:

    • Approve/Complete & Show Next: Approves requisition and opens next requisition pending approval
    • Approve/Complete Step: Approves requisition and returns to “My Approvals”.
    • Return to Shared Folder: Returns requisition to the shared folder so it can be assigned to another approver.
    • Place PR on Hold: Places requisition on hold. Note: This is a status indicator only, and the requisition does not need to be taken off hold to approve.
    • Return to Requisitioner: Returns the requisition to the requisitioner for modifications. Note: This option allows the requisition to be resubmitted back into the approval process.
    • Forward: Forwards a requisition to another Approver. Note: Forwarding a requisition grants the forwardee approval rights. The current approver forfeits the option to approve the requisition once the requisition is forwarded to another approver.
    • Add Comment: Add comment to Comment tab.
    • Add Notes to History: Select this option to add a note to the requisition history
    • Copy to New Cart: Copies entire requisition to new cart.
    • Reject Requisition: Rejects and permanently closes requisition. No additional actions can be made.

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  • Approval Notifications

    Approval Notifications are approval steps identified during the workflow process, such as EH&S hazardous materials review and UC Catering Requests. These notifications are automatic and alert the appropriate Buyer and/or Approver of requisitions they need to be aware of.
    Note: These approvals differ from the Email Notifications discussed below.

    Figure_156 click to view full size image

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  • My Recent Approvals

    Lists all recent approvals over the last 30 days (includes report filtering options).

    Figure_157 click to view full size image

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  • Things to Remember About Budget Approval

    • The Top Action Banner informs Approvers of requisitions needing attention
    • Approval folders can be expanded or collapsed
    • Filters will allow Approvers to quickly find specific requisitions
    • Approval options differ depending on whether a requisition is assigned and approved from the folder or directly from the requisition
    • If a requisition needs to be modified, select “Return to Requisitioner “
    • If a requisition is no longer needed, select “Reject Requisition”
    • My Recent Approvals offers a quick way to see all requisitions approved over the last 30 days

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  • A-Z

    Attachments: An addition or supplement to a document, for example, items or information added to a procurement document.

    Available Actions: A drop down menu of actions a user can take in CruzBuy. These menus are in forms, Favorites, requisitions, Purchase Orders, and other documents. These menus are generally located on the right-hand side of the screen.

    Blanket Purchase Order (Standing Order): A contract under which a supplier agrees to provide goods or services to a purchaser on a demand basis; the contract generally establishes prices, terms, conditions, and the period covered, although no quantities are specified; shipments are to be made when and as required by the purchaser. Note: Blankets should not be created for any Hosted or Punch-out catalog supplier.

    Bookmarks: A navigational feature in CruzBuy that allow users tag frequently visited pages for quick access.

    Budget Approver (Org): Individuals with responsibility for approving funds used to purchase items or services, also known as "fund custodians.” They may delegate this responsibility to others within their units. Approvers have the responsibility for verifying that funds may be spent to benefit the unit in accomplishing its mission.

    Cart: Contains items or services to be added by the requisitioner via catalogs and/or forms. Requisitioners have the ability to create multiple draft carts for later purchases or delete existing carts they no longer needed.

    Catalog Number/Part Number/Manufacture Number/SKU: A unique numeric identifier, used to refer to a specific product in inventory or in a catalog.

    Certificate of Insurance: Document which verifies that a policy has been written and states the natures of the coverage in general terms.

    Change Order: Form used to modify an existing purchase order to meet supplier contract requirements or to ensure proper invoice payment.

    Chart of Accounts (COA): Is the list of codes used for classifying, recording, and reporting UCSC's assets, liabilities, fund balances, revenues, and expenditures; codes used are Fund, Organization, Account, Program, Activity and Location; all together they are referred to as the FOAPAL.

    Comments: Used to communicate between CruzBuy users about a particular order. CruzBuy keeps these comments as historical documentation.

    Consultant: To contract a consultant for services, requisitions must submit the request on a Services Form for must be used. Additional information documentation may need to be submitted. An individual or organization outside the University of proven professional or technical competence who provides primarily professional or technical advice to the University.

    • A distinction between an independent contractor and an independent consultant: An independent contractor relationship exists when the University has the right to control only the result of the service, not the manner of performance.
    • An independent consultant relationship exists when the University does not control either the result of the service or the manner of performance.

    Consulting Services: Services of an advisory nature to support policy development, planning, decision-making, administration, or management; normally provided by persons and/or organizations considered to have recognized professional or technical knowledge, competence, or special abilities not generally available from the University's own resources.

    Copy to Cart: An Available Action for requisitioner to copy items from a pending, completed, rejected, or withdrawn cart to a new cart. Internal notes and attachments will not copy over to the new cart.

    Document Search: A repository of various documents within CruzBuy. Purchase requisitions, purchase orders, receipts, invoices, and fulfillment orders are all available for viewing, depending on the permissions granted.

    Doing Business As (DBA): Trade name by which the supplier is known. This is often used instead of the legal name of the owner or legal name of parent company.

    External Notes and Attachments: A section of the requisition for PURCHASING USE ONLY to send notes or attachments along with the purchase order to a supplier. The External Notes and Attachment section of the requisition may only be edited by a Procurement Services Buyer.

    Favorites: Allow requisitioners to isolate frequently ordered items for ease of re-ordering. By setting up Favorites, less time is spent searching for items that will be ordered again in the future.

    Fiscal year (FY): A period used for calculating annual ("yearly") financial statements. The fiscal year for the University of California start on July 1st and ends June 30th.

    FOAPAL: The FOAPAL is the Chart of Accounts code used to specify exactly which funds are used for a purchase. The codes used to specify and report transactions are Fund, Organization, Account, Program, Activity and Location.

    • Fund – Unique identifier of fund sources
    • Organization – Unit of budget responsibility
    • Account – Types of different expenditures (select “Purchase Order Account Codes (CruzBuy))”
    • Activity – Unit specific designator for cost center accounting

    Forms: Are used to procure products or services unavailable from Hosted or Punch-out Catalogs. The forms available in the showcase are the most frequently used. Additional forms can be found under the shopping cart icon on the Side Navigation Bar. (All forms are located here: Side Navigation Bar/Shopping Cart (Icon)/Shopping/View Forms/Shared/Organizational Forms)

    • Air Conditioner (Misc. Purchase Forms) - Use this form to request air conditioners. The purpose for air conditioning must be documented and attached to the form. (UCSC policy does not allow the purchase of mechanical air conditioning units for human comfort.)
    • C&G Sub-Award Request (Misc. Purchase Forms) - Use this form to document a request for a Sub-Award. A sub-award is an award of financial assistance in the form of money made under an award (i.e.: grants and other agreements) by a recipient to an eligible sub-recipient or by a sub-recipient to a lower tier sub-recipient.
    • Equipment Lease Form (Misc. Purchase Forms) - Use this form to request a lease for a specific piece of equipment.
    • Recruitment Ad (Misc. Purchase Forms) - Use this form for Academic and Staff employment recruitment advertising. Before filling out form, the Job Reference # and Job Title must be obtained from Staff HR or the Academic Personnel Office.
    • Request for Firearm or Ammunition (Misc. Purchase Forms) - Use this form to request police weapons and related supplies.
    • Vehicle Purchase/Lease form (Misc. Purchase Forms) - Use this form to buy or lease a vehicle. Fleet Services reviews all requests.
    • Vehicle Rental/Charter Form (Misc. Purchase Forms) - Use this form to rent or charter a vehicle for transportation requirements.
    • ** Non-Catalog Goods form ** (Organization Forms) - Use this form to request tangible goods not available from a CruzBuy Hosted catalog or Punch-out supplier. (Not Services)
    • Blanket PO Request (Organization Forms) - Use this form to request undefined and recurring low-dollar purchases from a single supplier on an on-going basis. Blanket Orders are restricted to a specified period of time and limited in terms of what can be ordered.
    • Change Order Request (Organization Forms) - Use this form to request a change be made to an existing Purchase Order or Blanket PO. See Change Orders.
    • Chemical and Biological Reagents Form (Organization Forms) - Use this form to request chemical or biological reagents not available from a CruzBuy catalog or Punch-out supplier.
    • Food & Entertainment (Organization Forms) - Use this form to request business meals, entertainment and other social event expenditures while conducting substantiated and bona fide University business.
    • Food & Entertainment Change Order Form (Organization Forms) - Use this form to request changes to an existing food and entertainment purchase order.
    • Hazardous Materials form (Organization Forms) - Use this form to request product identified as hazardous by EH&S and is not available from a CruzBuy catalog or Punch-out supplier.
    • Recharge (Organization Forms) - UCSC Catering Request - Use this form to request catering services from UCSC Catering or University Center/Terra Fresca. Do not combine this form with other CruzBuy forms, such as Food & Entertainment, Services, Vehicle Rental/Charter, etc. Doing so will require the order to be re-placed.
    • Services form (Organization Forms) - Use this form to request services from a supplier. (Not tangible goods)
    • Animals Form (Restricted Research Purchases) - Use this form to request any type of animal, alive or deceased.
    • Ethyl Alcohol form (Restricted Research Purchases) - Use this form to request Ethyl Alcohol. Note that ethyl alcohol is also available in the CruzBuy Hosted catalogs.
    • Radioactive Materials Form (Restricted Research Purchases) - Use this form to request research radioactive materials.
    • UCSC Catering Recharge Request (Organization Forms) - Use this form to request catering services from UCSC Catering or University Center/Terra Fresca. Do not combine this form with other CruzBuy forms, such as Food & Entertainment, Services, Vehicle Rental/Charter, etc. Doing so will require the order to be re-placed.

    Hazardous Materials: Categories: 1. Laboratory reagents (excluding non-hazardous items such as sand, agar, sugar, proteins, etc.) 2. Paints, 3. Radioactive materials, 4. Compressed gases, 5. Bulk industrial cleaning agents, 6. Solvents (thinners, degreasers, etc.), 7. Oil (one gallon or more), and 8. Photographic chemicals.

    History: Documents all notes, comments, and any actions taken by every CruzBuy user who was involved with the order. The documentation process is done automatically by the application. The information captured in History is used for auditing and reporting purposes by the university.

    Hold PO: A function available to requisitioners and approvers to hold the distribution of purchase order. This function is primarily used for in-store pick-ups, or any time a purchase order is not to be distributed to the supplier.

    Hosted Catalog: Negotiated agreements with preferred suppliers. Hosted Catalogs can be searched using the search field at the top, which will search all Hosted catalogs in CruzBuy, or by clicking on a specific supplier’s tile, which will search that supplier’s catalog.

    Insurance: Contractual relationship which exists when one party, for a consideration, agrees to reimburse another for loss caused by designated contingencies. The first party is called the insurer or underwriter; the second, the insured or policyholder; the contract is the insurance policy; the legal consideration is the premium; the loss of the life or property in question is the exposure; and the contingency is the happening of the insured/event.

    Internal Attachments: Additional documentations that is pertinent to the requisition to justify approval of an order.

    Internal Notes: Requisitioners may additional pertinent information regarding the order or it may be used to communicate information to approvers or Procurement Services. Internal notes are kept within the application and will not be sent to the supplier. Notes made in the Internal Notes and Attachment section of the requisition pertains to the entire requisition. Notes made at the line item level are specific to the item.

    Inventorial Equipment: Non-expendable personal property that has an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, is free standing and complete in itself, does not lose its identity when affixed to or installed in other equipment, and has a normal life expectancy of one year or more; also referred to as a fixed asset or a capitalized asset.

    Message Board: Contains up-to-date information that may be of interest to CruzBuy users. The message board is located on the Home-Shop page.

    PI(Principal Investigator)/Other Approver: An additional CruzBuy approver designated by either the Requisitioner or department to review requisitions before it obtains budget (Org) approval.

    Pre-hire Worksheet: A form used to review the nature of the services and the manner in which they will be performed and to determine whether the individual should be hired as a University employee via a personnel action or as an independent contractor via a purchase order.

    Punch-out Catalog (Punch-out): Negotiated agreements with preferred suppliers. Punch-out Catalogs will take CruzBuy requisitioners directly to the supplier’s website, where product are added to a shopping cart and returned to CruzBuy.

    Purchase Order (PO): Document that authorizes a purchase transaction. When accepted by the seller, it becomes a contract binding on both parties. UC Santa Cruz purchase orders general start with the letter “P” followed by the number “0.”

    Quote/Quotation: A formal statement of promise (submitted usually in response to a request for quotation) by potential supplier to supply the goods or services required by a buyer, at specified prices, and within a specified period. A quotation may also contain terms of sale and payment, and warranties.

    Recharge: A recharge is an interdepartmental charge administered by a department/unit's Business Office.

    Requisition: A pre-contract document generated in CruzBuy to capture necessary approvals and documentation prior to a purchase order being created.

    Requisitioner: Individuals with specific role in CruzBuy for creating purchase requisitions that clearly define the items or services to be purchased, terms of service, quantity of items, and the estimate cost of the item or service.

    Restricted Goods and Services: Goods that are considered to be moderate to high risk are restricted and must be reviewed by a buyer in Purchasing. This includes equipment, materials, supplies and services whose purchase is restricted 1) for regulatory or legal reasons or 2) because of the significant risk involved in the delivery or use of the product. - Examples include controlled substances, such as narcotics and dangerous drugs; firearms and explosives; equipment leases and rentals; and personal and professional services.

    Return to Requisitioner: An Available Action for Approvers to return a Purchase Requisition back to the requisitioner for revision. Requisitions returned to the requisitioner may be resubmitted.

    Scope of Work: A formal document that captures and defines the work activities, deliverables, and timeline a supplier must execute in performance of specified work for a client.

    Side Navigation Bar: Allows the CruzBuy user to quickly move from one area of the application to another, and includes a search option for navigation assistance. Each icon contains a menu and a sub-menu.

    Special Handling: A function available to requisitions to route an order to Procurement Services. This function is used when the requisitioner special instructions for the order; such as, sending Internal notes or attachments to a supplier, or ship items to another UC Santa Cruz affiliate or research institution.

    Special Instruction (SI) Address: A special shipping code that may allow requisitions to ship items to other UC Santa Cruz affiliates or other research institutions. The SI address must be used in conjunction with Special Handling and detailed instructions provided to Procurement Services for orders to be placed.

    Supplier: Individuals and companies who are established UC Santa Cruz’s financial system that provides goods and services. The University needs and expects the following services from suppliers:

    • Dependable products, service and delivery promises.
    • Service work completed on schedule.
    • Competitive prices.
    • Settlement of warranty actions on a timely basis.
    • Good communication with buyers.
    • Suggestions for substituting material to reduce cost.
    • Suppliers of goods and services performing work on-site at any University location must show evidence of adequate insurance coverage that will defend and hold the University harmless from any loss, injury or damage connected with the furnishing of such goods and services.

    Top Action Banner: This section of the application will allow users to access areas in CruzBuy that will require an action, such as a pending approval or a returned requisition.

    Withdraw a Requisition: An Available Action for requisitioners to remove his or her pending requisition from the approval queue. Requisitions removed from the queue this way may not be resubmitted.

    Workflow: The approval steps that is necessary for an order to be completed. The number of approval steps vary depending on dollar amount, accounting code used, the item being purchased like hazardous material, or the forms used in the requisition.

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