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Funded Activity Payment Guide

This guide provides information on how to request a payment of expenses related to a UCSC-funded activity, such as a conference, symposium, workshop, training, or an ongoing activity associated with a campus program.

Conference facilities, transportation service providers, and hotels may receive payment for providing services for an official UCSC-funded event. In addition, activity participants may receive payment for attending.

With the exception of using account code "001140" to record all funded activity-related expenses, goods and services are procured and paid for using the procurement and payment guides pertinent to the particular good or service. Topic #3 "Ways to pay" provides a reference table to the various guides.
Please contact the FAST/AP Help line at 459-4488 with questions or locate your representative directly.​​​​

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  • Before you start

    Important information to know:

    Special conditions: Be aware of the following special conditions applying to this type of transaction:

    • Examples of UCSC funded activities include the following:
      • Conference
      • Symposium
      • Workshop
      • Training program
    • The payment guide pertinent to the funded activity expense, like travel, hotel, transportation, facility and equipment rental, and meals and refreshments should be used as a reference for making funded activity payments.
      • Use account code “001140” to record all funded activity expenses. 

    Avoid conflicts of interest: Refer to the appendices for information covering employee-vendor conflict of interest issues

    Advance payment: A caterer may require partial advance payment for large-scale UCSC functions. Refer to the appendices for more information on advance payments

    Tax information: Payments may only be made to recipients with a Social Security Number or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Use IRS Form W-7 Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number to apply for an ITIN number.

    Payment: If this is the first time the recipient will be receiving a UCSC non-payroll payment, complete a Payee Setup 204 form.

    Account Codes - Funded Activities
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  • Allowable costs

    UCSC-funded activity expenses for the purpose of this guide include the following:

    • Reimbursement to a non-UC employee participant or to the participant’s employer for travel and other costs based on an agreement with a non-profit or for-profit organization that send an employee to the UCSC-funded activity.
    • Payment made to an non-UC employee for participating in UCSC-funded activities, such as student tutoring programs.
    • Honoraria paid to guest speakers
    • Facility rental expense
    • Participant lodging expense
    • Meal and refreshment catering expense
    • Media equipment rental expense
    • Transportation expense, such as for charter buses

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  • Ways to pay

    Refer to the chart below for more information on making a payment for a specific type of funded activity expense.

    Type of expense Procurement or Payment Method Payment Guide
    Employer reimbursement (by agreement) CruzBuy / Purchase order General Invoice Payment Guide
    Event meals and refreshments, group CruzBuy / Purchase order Entertainment Event Expense Guide
    Catering Services Payment Guide
    Facility rental Business agreement or CruzBuy / Purchase order Facility Rental or Lease Payment Guide
    Honoraria Direct payment Honorarium payment guide
    Lodging, group Direct payment reimbursement or CruzBuy Purchase order CruzBuy
    Media equipment rental Purchase order Rented Items Payment Guide
    Participant payment Direct payment See Topic 4 “Requesting a direct payment for a participant”
    Transportation – charter bus, etc. CruzBuy / Purchase order General Invoice Payment Guide
    Travel (participant), including lodging, meals and incidentals Direct payment reimbursement Travel Guide

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  • Requesting a payment for a participant

    For a payment made directly to a funded activity participant, follow these steps:

    • If this is the first time the recipient will be receiving a UCSC non-payroll payment, complete a Payee Setup 204 form.
    • Complete a Direct Payment form and obtain approval from an authorized expense approver.
      • Include the recipient’s social security or individual taxpayer identification number on the form.
      • Attach supporting documentation, such as a copy of an agreement or original receipts.
      • Non-resident alien payments: Additional documentation requirements apply. Refer to the appendices for more information.
    • Submit the Direct Payment form to the divisional or departmental business office for review and “second-tier” approval.
    • The divisional or departmental business office will submit the form and supporting documentation to the Accounts Payable Office for processing.

    Note: Payments made to a participant’s employer by agreement are processed using a CruzBuy Purchase Order. Contact the Purchasing Office for more information. Additional information is also available in the General Invoice Payment Guide.

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  • Common oversights

    Speed up the payment process by avoiding these common oversights:

    • Forgetting to provide the recipient’s social security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number on the Direct Payment form.
    • Forgetting to obtain the appropriate approvals on the Direct Payment form.
    • Forgetting to attach required supporting documentation to the Direct Payment form.
    • Forgetting to submit all the pertinent visa and/or immigration documentation associated with payments made to non-resident aliens.
    • Forgetting to submit a Payee Setup 204 form for a first-time reimbursement or payment recipient.
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  • Where to get help

    Assistance is available for the following topics:

    • Business contracts: contact:
    • Real estate-related contracts: Real Estate Office
    • Employee-Vendor Conflict of Interest Evaluation Form-related questions:
    • For all other questions please contact the FAST/AP Help line at 459-4488 or locate your representative directly.

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  • Relevant Appendices

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