Q) What is GLACIER?
- A) GLACIER is a secure, on-line tax compliance software system that collects tax related information from foreign individuals receiving funds from the University of California at Santa Cruz.
Q) Do I need a GLACIER record?
- A) All foreign individuals receiving funds from the University must have a GLACIER record whether they are paid through Payroll or Accounts Payable. GLACIER determines residency status and tax treaty eligibility for the foreign individual.
Q) How do I access GLACIER?
- A) After the Access Form has been submitted to the System Administrator, Admin 2‘s & 3’s receive email from Glacier with User ID and Password. Foreign individuals will receive an email from support@online-tax.net with instructions on how to access GLACIER.
Q) Where and when can I access GLACIER?
- A) GLACIER can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any computer that has internet access.
Q) What should I do if I forget my user name and password?
- A) Go to www.online-tax.net and select “login now”. On the logon page select “forgot login information?” Enter your email address and an email will be sent to you with your login information.
Q) Who can I contact if I need help with my GLACIER Tax Record?
- A) Each GLACIER screen has an online help button. If you need additional assistance you can contact GLACIER User Support by email at support@online-tax.net. If your problem is still not resolved, contact GLACIER Support within the Payroll Office.
Q) Can I complete my GLACIER record before I arrive in the United States?
- A) You can access GLACIER 30 days before arriving in the U.S. but you will need to submit the forms along with U.S. entry documentation to the address provided after your arrival.
Q) How long does it take to complete my GLACIER Tax Record?
- A) It will take approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete the GLACIER process. Once you have started the process you must complete it or start over. There is no option to save a partially completed record.
Q) If I make an error what can I do?
- A) You can log back into GLACIER and correct your mistake. You must reprint all of your affected documents and resubmit them to the address provided.
Q) Who does not need to complete a GLACIER Tax Record?
- A) U.S. citizens and permanent residents do not need to create a GLACIER tax record.
Q) A foreign national has applied for an ITIN/SSN, but has not yet received it. Can the visitor fill out a GLACIER record?
- A) Yes, the foreign national can select the following option in GLACIER "The individual has applied for an ITIN/SSN, and has not yet received the number" and continue completing their record. UCSC will not pay the individual until the ITIN number is received. Therefore, once the individual gets the ITIN/SSN they will need to update their GLACIER record and submit the required documents.
Q) If a Foreign National disagrees with GLACIER’s Tax Summary Report determination, what should they do?
- A) Contact your unit representative to review your information. Unit representative contacts the Payroll Office if they require assistance.
Q) How will I receive my 1042S (Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding) tax form at year end?
- A) Your tax documents will be available on-line in GLACIER in the middle of February.
Q) Will Glacier Tax Prep (year end tax software) link with GLACIER to help me produce my year end taxes?
- A) UCSC will have Glacier Tax Prep available in the middle of February for filing Federal Tax returns through Glacier for non resident alien tax status individuals.