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Pro-Card Guide

This guide contains information on getting and using a Pro-Card for Cardholders, Supervisors, Reviewers, and Administrators. If you have questions not answered in this guide, you may contact Pro-Card at​​​

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U.S. Bank Access Online Guidelines
Getting a Pro-Card
Using a Pro-Card
Pro-Card Usage Standards
Reconciling a Pro-Card
Supervisor/Reviewer Responsibilities
Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA)
Divisional Program Reviewer Responsibilities
Restricted Purchases
  • Browser Requirements

    U.S. Bank Access Online is a web-based electronic program management tool that provides cardholders with quick access to their account information, billing statements, and fraud alert

    Getting started in AccessOnline is quick and easy. This section of the user guide provides procedures that will help you get started and manage your login information

    U.S. Bank Browser Recommendations:

    Minimum for Web

    • Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) and later
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Firefox 31.4.0 and later
    • Chrome 40.0.2214 and later
    • Safari 7 and later
    • Opera 17

    Access may still be available with older Browser versions, but key pages might not be available, and some features and functionality may appear or perform differently.

    To add an additional card in your name see section on Adding Accounts. Do not re-register an existing account.

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  • Registering Online

    Self-registration allows the cardholder to create their own User ID and Password.
    Steps to get started:

    • Go to: and click “Register Online”.
    • When asked to enter the organization short name, please use UCSC.
    • Type the 16-digit account number in the “Account Number” field, without spaces or dashes.
    • Enter the card expiration date from the drop-down list.
    • Type the account’s billing address ZIP/postal code (95064) in the “Account ZIP/Postal Code” field.
    • Click “Register This Account” if there is only one account to register.
    • If you have more than one account to register, click “Additional Account”.
    • The Licensing Agreement page displays for review. If you agree, click “I Accept “ to continue.
    • Complete the contact information fields. Fields with a red asterisk are required.
    • When finished entering all cards to register, click “Continue”.

    Note: If any of the entered information is not valid, the system will return an error message. Three attempts to correct the information are allowed. After three failed attempts, the account with incorrect information will be locked out of self-registration. The cardholder will need to contact Customer Service at 1-877-887-9260 to unlock their account.

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  • Set Up Fraud Alerts

    To set up fraud alerts:

    • Select the "My Personal Information" high-level task.
    • Click the Account Alerts link.
    • Type or update your mobile telephone number.
    • Type or update your email address.
    • Review the account(s) tied to your user profile.
    • Select to receive text and/or email alerts for your account(s).
    • Scroll down and read the full terms and conditions.
    • Select the “I Accept “the Terms and Conditions, and click the Submit button.

    Note: If you are using text message enrollment only, you can wait for a text message to arrive. Respond to the text message within 15 minutes to confirm the alert setup.

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  • Set Up Statement Notifications

    To set up statement notifications:

    • Select the My Personal Information high-level task.
    • Click the Email Notification link under Contact Information.
    • Select Enabled under Statement Notification.
    • Click Save.

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  • U.S. Bank Access Training

    U.S. Bank Access Training:
    U.S. Bank offers topic-based lessons to Pro-Card users on how to most effectively utilize their Pro-Card. The training offers topics such as: how to read and download detailed user guides and quick references, practice completing key tasks with interactive simulations, or review recorded, instructor-led classes.
    To take the training, follow these steps:

    • Log into U.S. Bank Access.
    • Click on "Training" under the Menu List on the left side of page.
    • Copy the "Government Cardholder" password listed under Password Information.
    • Click on "Access Online Web-based Training". Enter password in field "Please enter the WBT password:" and click on "Go"

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  • Obtaining Your Monthly Statement

    Steps for downloading and submitting the monthly statement.

    • Log in to U.S. Bank Access Online
    • On Main Menu bar select "Account Information"
    • Click the "Statement" sub-task or the "Cardholder Account Statement" link.
    • If you have access to more than one account, specify search criteria. Note: You can use a percentage sign as a wildcard.
    • Click a cycle link.
    • The statement displays as a PDF.
    • The statement contains:
      • Cardholder address
      • Cardholder account number
      • Amount due
      • Account activity, such as posting date, description, transaction reference number, and transaction amount
      • Customer service information
      • Account balance
    • Download the PDF form for electronic submission.
    • Follow the steps outlined in Submitting your Statement to electronically sign, obtain approvals, and submit your statement to the AP Office.

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  • Adding Accounts

    To add a new account to your User ID:

    • Click the "My Personal Information" high-level task.
      • The 'My Personal Information' screen displays.
    • Click the "Manage Account Access" link in the 'Left-Column Navigation Bar' or on the screen.
      • The 'Manage Account Access: View Account Access' screen displays.
    • Click the "Add Accounts" link.
      • The 'My Personal Information Add Accounts' screen displays.
        • Type the account number in the "Account Number" field.
        • From the 'Account Expiration Date' drop-down menus, select the month and year that the card expires.
        • Type the zip code for the account in the 'Account Zip Code' field.
      • Click the "Add Account" button.
        • The 'Account Access: View Account Access' screen displays with a message confirming that the account was added.

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  • Contacts

    UCSC Pro-Card Administration:
    U.S. Bank Commercial Customer Service: (800) 344-5696

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  • About Pro-Card

    Pro-Card Basics

    UC selected VISA to provide purchasing cards to University personnel. Authorized employees use the Visa card to acquire low cost items for their campus unit.

    Information automatically programmed into each purchasing card:

    • Card holder's identity
    • Account FOAPAL to which purchases are to be charged (only one FOAPAL is associated with each pro-card)
    • Dollar limits for cardholder's purchases (by purchase, by day, by month)
    • Each University Pro-Card is set-up to automatically block purchases with certain restricted vendors based on Merchant Category Codes (ex: gas stations, airlines, and car rentals).

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  • New User Mentor Program

    The New User Mentor Program is for all new Pro-Card holders who have never participated in UCSC's Pro-Card program and will aid in understanding the process:

    • The Pro-Card Office will send new cardholders an introduction e-mail with Mentor Program information and important Pro-Card guide links
    • Mentor Program will include an initial cardholder review period where the Pro-Card Office will complete a 100% audit on the first three Pro-Card statements
    • If mistakes or policy violations are found, the Pro-Card Office will communicate with the cardholder to help resolve any findings
    • Review period may be extended depending on the severity of Pro-Card misuse

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  • Requesting a Pro-Card

    The Pro-Card is a VISA credit card issued to authorized UCSC employees by U.S. Bank for the purpose of purchasing low-value, unrestricted goods for University work-related use.

    Generally, either the supervisor or the Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA) for a unit, asks an employee to accept the responsibility of a Pro-Card holder.

    All UCSC Pro-card holders, must have an FIS/Banner ID.

    • If you have ever received a reimbursement or a non-payroll payment from UCSC, you have a FIS/Banner ID.
    • If not, complete a Payee Setup 204 Form.

    In order to receive a Pro-Card, applicants must first successfully pass the Pro-Card Training Certification.

    Note: Each Pro-Card is issued in the name of the authorized employee; however, the University pays expenses incurred on the Pro-Card.

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  • Pro-Card Training Certification

    Prepare for the quiz by reviewing information in the Pro-Card Guide. In order to take the quiz, you must have a CruzId Gold account.

    Important: For those that serve dual roles as both Pro-Card Cardholder and Supervisor, you must take and pass both quizzes.

    Quiz for New Cardholders:

    To complete the Pro-Card cardholder training certification, review information in this guide and complete the online Pro-Card quiz.

    • Potential cardholders may take the quiz as many times as needed to get a passing score of at least 86% (13 out of 15) correct.
    • Click here to take the quiz

    Quiz for New Pro-Card Supervisors:

    To complete the Pro-Card supervisor training certification, review information in this guide and complete the online Pro-Card quiz.

    • Potential supervisors may take the quiz as many times as needed to get a passing score of 86% (13 out of 15) correct.
    • Click here to take the quiz​​

    Re-certification of Existing Cardholders

    Annually, cardholders ​must re-certify by taking and passing their respective quiz. There is no limit to the number of times this re-certification may be attempted.

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  • Cardholder Responsibilities

    Cardholders are responsible for ensuring proper use of the card in accordance with the following requirements:

    • Purchase items for UCSC business use only
    • Orders must be shipped to campus. Tell the supplier to address the package to your name and the campus address where you typically receive mail.
    • Never lend or share your Pro-Card
    • Purchase only allowable goods and services. Do NOT purchase items in the Restricted Pro-Card Purchases listing.
    • Ensure purchases do not exceed any of your assigned transaction limits (per transaction, day, or month) (splitting purchases into multiple transactions to avoid a transaction limit is never allowed).
    • Provide reconciled monthly statements, with attached sales receipts, packing slips, and other similar documentation, to your departmental Supervisor/Reviewer. Respond to e-mail notifications from the Pro-Card Administration.
    • Return your Pro-Card when reassigned, terminate, or upon department request.
    • Know and understand responsible buying practices, including Purchasing Policies and Guidelines.
    • Understand the funding source for your card's account:
      • Use your Pro-Card for purchases that match the card's specific FOAPAL (fund-org-account-activity code) or
      • Conduct a transfer of expenditure (TOE) for any purchase that does not match your card's FOAPAL.
      • Contact your Supervisor whenever you need to make changes to your account. Your Supervisor must initiate and approve any changes. Submit the ProCard Modify Close Account form.
      • Each Pro-Card may only have one assigned FOAPAL. If you need to make Pro-Card purchases under multiple FOAPALs, you must acquire a Pro-Card for each FOAPAL and use the appropriate card for each purchase.
      • Entertainment expenses may only be purchased on a Pro-Card for authorized Colleges and Student Affairs units. The Entertainment Reporting Addendum form must be submitted with the monthly statement when making these purchases.

    Note: Do not use your Pro-Card to purchase goods or services that are not allowable under the terms of state or federal funds. If you are uncertain about your fund source restrictions, contact your Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA).

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  • Submit Pro-Card Agreement

    In order to submit the Pro-Card Agreement, an employee must first have been authorized to receive a Pro-Card and have successfully passed the Training Certification.

    The Pro-Card Agreement must be completed.

    Note:  By signing the Agreement, a Pro-Card holder is agreeing to observe all applicable policies and procedures.

    Submit the completed application and agreement forms to your Cardholder Supervisor/Reviewer and once approved, to your Purchasing Card Authorizer (PCA), who will set the specific card limits. Card limits are typically $5,000 monthly, with a single transaction/daily limit of $2,500. Requests over this standard limit must be reviewed by the Accounting Director before approval. 

    Note:  One person may function as both the Cardholder Supervisor/Reviewer and as the unit's PCA.

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  • Pro-Card Activation and Registration

    Once you receive your Pro-Card, it must be activated before it may be used. Activate your card by calling 1-800-344-5696 (24 hours/7 days per week). Enter your account number and the last 4 digits of your employee identification number in lieu of your Social Security Number.

    • Enter the 16 digit account number as shown on the Visa card
    • Enter the last four digits of your Employee I.D.
    • Enter the five digit zip code (see billing address listed near where card was attached) U.S. Bank Access
    • Repeat these steps to register any additional cards received.

    Note: U.S. Bank system will verify the information and activate the card(s).

    Complete U.S. Bank Profile Set-up:

    Note: Complete the account profile and statement set-up instructions to receive automatic statement notifications.

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  • Making and Processing Purchases

    When placing orders using your Pro-Card, note the following:

    • You may place orders over the phone, by fax, by Internet and at the store using your Pro-Card. Whenever possible, request an educational discount.
      Purchases made over the Internet require a secure connection: be sure the website address begins with https anytime you are entering payment information.
    • A Pro-Card purchase may be declined for several reasons. To determine why a transaction was declined, contact U.S. Bank Customer Service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 1-800-344-5696 for clarification. For more information see the guide step on Declines: Merchant Category Code (MCC) Explained.
    • Orders must be shipped to campus. Tell the supplier to address the package to your name and the campus address where you typically receive mail.
    • If the supplier asks for your billing address, use the address as it appears on the insert that accompanied your credit card. This should include your department or campus mail stop address. Locate your Mailstop Address.
    • For appropriate routine purchases, the vendor may keep a record of your Pro-Card billing information on file for ongoing billing charges.

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  • Declines: Merchant Category Code (MCC) Explained

    Merchant Category Codes Overview

    The Merchant Category Code (MCC) is a code number that merchants use to categorize themselves. These codes are also tied to restricted purchases at U.S. Bank.

    Determining the Cause for a Decline

    If a supplier declines your Pro-Card for a purchase, it may be because you have reached one of your transaction dollar limits (daily, monthly, or per transaction). Occasionally transactions are declined because the supplier has entered incorrect information. Contact U.S. Bank Customer Service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 1-800-344-5696 for clarification.

    If a cardholder attempts to purchase from a merchant that is classified as restricted the card will be declined, as it is considered a “restricted” purchase. For example, if you attempt to purchase from a Hobby shop, your card will be declined:


    Requesting an Exception

    In some cases, such purchases are considered legitimate tangible goods to be used for University business, and can be authorized. If you receive a decline on your card and want to request an exception, timing is key. MCC codes only stay present at the bank for 24 hours, and that code must be provided to the Pro-Card team in order for it to be added to your profile.

    Provide the following within 24 hours of the decline to

    • Card holder name
    • Last 4 digits of the card to be modified
    • An explanation of what you are trying to buy

    Note: Copy your Pro-Card supervisor on this email.

    The Pro-Card team will assess if the item is appropriate for the Pro-Card, and will respond with a decline or a one-time approval. If approved, the MCC is added to your profile by the administrator and you will be notified via the email you provided. At that time, you will receive further instructions on how to document your transaction. Added codes are automatically removed after one week. If you need more time, please inform

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  • Allowable Pro-Card purchases

    The Pro-Card may be used to purchase most routine goods and basic services that are needed by your unit/department such as office/computer/safety and lab supplies.

    Allowable purchases include:

    • Non-inventorial equipment or supplies valued under your Pro-Card limit.
    • Ongoing monthly charges for supplies, services or utilities (e.g. bottled water or cell phone monthly service).
      • Monthly cell phone service fees may be paid with a Pro-Card only after the initial contract has been generated using a purchase order.
      • Initial cell phone contracts must be generated in the University's name.
    • International purchases that do not need to be cleared by US Customs (e.g., software programs downloaded electronically or publications and reprints).
    • Web-based services such as web-hosting, software downloads, online recruitment ads, online surveys, and webinars (online conferencing).
    • Subscriptions for professional use such as a newspaper or magazine subscription.
    • Professional publications
    • Advertisements
    • Software licenses
    • Shipping costs such as postage for University related mailing.

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  • Restricted Pro-Card Purchases

    Some types of purchases are restricted and are not allowed with the Pro-Card:

    • Goods that exceed the $2,500 transaction limit should be requested on a CruzBuy purchase order.
      • Note: Cardholder can request that their Cardholder Supervisor email to request limit increases in urgent situations.
    • Some items are unallowable or restricted regardless of cost. Refer to the table of Restricted Pro-Card Purchases.

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  • Actions NOT Allowed by Cardholders

    You must know and observe all of the following rules that apply to the use of the Pro-Card. Remember, there are significant consequences for breaking the rules.

    • Never loan your Pro-Card to another employee
    • Never give your Pro-Card number to another employee.
    • Never make personal purchases on your Pro-Card.
      • If you unintentionally use your Pro-Card for a personal purchase, immediately contact the supplier to have the charge reversed and pay for your personal items on your personal credit card. Never, never sign and submit your statement before you have corrected the charge and explained the mistake to your Supervisor. If you correct and declare the mistake before you sign and submit your statement, your card will not be suspended or revoked
    • Never accept cash refunds. All refunds must be issued as a credit to the Pro-Card.
    • Never split a transaction to bypass your single purchase limit. Circumventing your buying authority is prohibited and may result in your Pro-Card being revoked. Examples of split transactions are:
      • splitting any order into two purchases
      • separating a shopping basket of office supplies into two transactions
      • paying for part of a transaction on your Pro-Card and part on your own personal credit card and then requesting reimbursement
      • spliting one transaction between two cardholders
    • Never purchase goods or services from a UCSC employee or from a near relative of a UCSC employee.

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  • Consequences of Card Misuse

    Misuse of the Pro-Card may result in the following actions:

    • Notification email 
    • Temporary or permanent loss of card privileges
    • Personal liability for purchases
    • Disciplinary action up to and including dismissal

    For certain serious violations of Pro-Card policy (see Restrictions), your card may immediately be suspended or revoked by the Pro-Card Administration team.
    These violations include the following:

    • Split transactions (2 month suspension)
    • Cash refund for Pro-Card purchase
    • Loan of Pro-Card to another person
    • Intentional personal purchase (3 month suspension)
    • Other significant misuse of Pro-Card
    • Non-compliance with Pro-Card team email requests for additional documentation or violations
    • Pattern of non-compliance or instances of intentional misuse (Card will immediately be revoked and further negative action in regards to the employee may result)

    Other violations: 1 month suspension

    • Entertainment (food) for staff and/or faculty
    • Dangerous/hazardous chemicals or substances
    • Purchases or rentals including contracts (cell phone or storage unit)

    Less serious violations: Up to unit if they want to suspend or warn cardholder

    • Membership purchases
    • Missing receipts
    • Purchase shipped to home address
    • Missing description of purchase
    • Student entertainment without an explanation form
    • Conference fees and travel

    Violations of the Pro-Card Program will result in the following:

    • Missing receipts:
      • Statement will be immediately returned to the Cardholder
    • Receipts not itemized:
      • Email will be sent requesting supporting documentation
    • Late submittal of statement and receipts:
      • Supervisor/Reviewer will be notified
    • Unintentional noncompliance with policy:
      • Warning email will be sent possibly asking the Cardholder to reverse the non-compliant transaction(s) and pay using the appropiate purchasing method.

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  • Receipt and Documentation Requirements

    Each cardholder must collect receipts or documentation for each purchase that he/she makes. It is recommended that all original receipts/documentation be kept in a separate file so that they are easy to find when it is time to reconcile your statement.

    Acceptable documentation includes:

    • Itemized receipts
    • Itemized packing slips
    • Internet screen shots
    • Magazine subscription forms
    • Email acknowledgment of an Internet order

    Documentation must contain itemized details including:

    • Supplier name
    • Item description
    • Item cost
    • Total transaction cost
    • Date of purchase
    • Shipping and handling costs (if applicable)
    • Tax

    If the receipt is vague or difficult to interpret, the cardholder must hand write enough detail so that the Pro-Card Supervisor/Reviewer and FAST/AP staff will know exactly what was purchased.

    If the description is not provided, write this information on the receipt.

    If you lose a receipt, request a replacement receipt from the supplier.

    Document all lost or missing receipts by submitting the ProCard Lost Missing Receipts affidavit.

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  • Receiving Pro-card Orders

    As the Pro-Card holder, you are responsible for verifying that you received exactly what you ordered.

    • After confirming that your order is complete, sign and date each packing slip, so that you have a record of when the order was received

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  • Lost, Stolen Cards or Fraudulent Charges

    If your card is lost, stolen, or if fraudulent charges appear on your statement:

    • Immediately notify U.S. Bank @ 1-800-344-5696 to report the missing card any day/time of the week and verify your campus address for the replacement card.
    • Notify the Pro-Card Administrator with an email to
    • Review the next statement to identify any unknown charges and begin the dispute process.

    Note: You will be issued a replacement card to your campus address within 1-2 days following bank notification and you will need to activate the account and add that account to your U.S. Bank profile. See Adding Accounts

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  • Pro-Card FOAPAL change

    To change a Pro-Card's FOAPAL, submit a completed Pro-Card Modify Close Account form. On the form, complete these steps:

    • Mark Modify an Existing Pro-Card Account box
    • Check Account Change, and enter the Cardholder name and last 4 digits of the account number.
    • Enter the new FOAPAL information in the FOAPAL Information section of the form.
    • Have the Unit Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA) review and approve the form prior to forwarding it to Pro-Card administration in FAST/AP Office. Submittal may be by fax, email or campus mail. Note: If sent by fax or email, do not send original documentation as a follow up.

    FOAPAL changes will be made in FIS/Banner within three days of receipt of information. Contact the Pro-Card Administrator, if an urgent situation exists.

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  • General Standards

    The UCSC Procurement card (Pro-Card) may be used to purchase certain goods and services when the use of other procurement mechanisms, such as CruzBuy, can be demonstrated to be unfeasible or impractical given the circumstances. Using a Pro-Card to obtain a good or service is appropriate when all of the following conditions can be met:

    • Unrestricted Goods and Services: The good or service is not explicitly prohibited by regulation, contractual requirement, or UC or UCSC policy from being procured using a Pro-Card
    • Purchase Protection: The risk of the supplier of the good or service not being subject to the standard UCSC purchase order (CruzBuy) terms and conditions is insignificant
      • The procuring department or unit must therefore be willing to accept the risk and bear the costs of remedying any problems resulting from not having the ability to impose the University's standard terms and conditions on the supplier.
        • The safeguard provided by the standard UC terms and conditions apply to all CruzBuy purchase orders, but not to Pro-Card purchases
    • Adequate Controls and Accountability: The procuring department or unit is willing to accept a higher risk of errors going undetected
      • The financial controls associated with the Pro-Card procurement process are designed for low-dollar value, low-risk transactions
        • The financial controls incorporated in the CruzBuy procurement process are designed to be more rigorous and typically require preapproval of purchases
      • The procuring department or unit must be willing to bear the costs of remedying any problems resulting from accepting the less stringent level of controls associated with using the Pro-Card
    • Favorable Cost-Benefit to the Campus: The procuring department or unit must be willing to accept the higher departmental administrative cost associated with using the Pro-Card procurement and payment process
      • From a campus-wide perspective, the CruzBuy procurement and payment process is usually the most cost-effective and lower-risk way to procure and pay for goods and services
    • No Conflict of Interest: Neither a good nor service may be procured from any officer or employee of the University, or from a near-relative of any officer or employee

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  • Specific Standards

    Procuring Goods: A Pro-Card may be used to procure low-risk, low dollar-value goods

    Low-risk: Procuring the good must not require the issuance of a UCSC purchase order in order to comply with an applicable legal statute, UC or UCSC policy.

    High-risk: Goods for which a Pro-Card may not be used are found in the Restricted Purchases section.

    Low dollar-value: The maximum amount that a Pro-Card holder may spend on an individual or aggregate purchase in a given time period, is subject to the three purchase limit parameters that were listed on the cardholder's application:

    • Per day
    • Per single purchase (maximum $2,500)
    • Per month

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  • Procuring Services

    Procuring Services: Services are generally obtained using a CruzBuy purchase order to obtain the efficiencies and safeguards provided by the standard UC terms and conditions imposed on a supplier.  However, there may be certain urgent situations when a Pro-Card is the only practical way to obtain a service in a timely manner in order to perform a vital University function. All of the following conditions below must apply in order to use a Pro-Card to obtain this service:

    Critical urgency: The use of the Pro-Card can be demonstrated to be the only practical means to procure a service critical to the timely operation of a vital campus function.

    Low risk: Services must not require the issuance of a UCSC purchase order in order to comply with an applicable legal statute, UC or UCSC policy. Services for which the Pro-Card may specifically not be used include the following:

    • Building alterations
    • Catering
    • Design, professional
    • Entertainment-related
    • Maintenance, equipment
    • Meals and refreshments
    • Travel-related
    • Personal services, including consulting
    • Relocations
    • Transportation charter

    The following safeguards provided by a UCSC purchase order are determined by the Pro-Card holder and his/her supervisor to be not applicable or unimportant:

    • Warranty protection: Protects against poor quality work
    • Supplier insurance: Provides the means by which certain legal/risk allocation obligations are satisfied
    • Performance breach protection: Protects against the delivery of a deficient or unsatisfactory level of service
    • Conflict of interest protection: Protects against unknowingly engaging in a transaction with a UC employee or close family member

    Low dollar-value: The maximum amount that a Pro-Card holder may spend on an individual or aggregate purchase in a given time period, is subject to the three purchase limit parameters that were listed on the cardholder's application:

    • Per day
    • Per single purchase (maximum $2,500)
    • Per month

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  • Purchasing Statements and Reporting Cycle

    A U.S. Bank statement is issued only when there has been card activity during the previous month. Your statement will standardly be available on the 11th of each month. An exception occurs when the 11th falls on a holiday or weekend. When that occurs, statements will be available the following business day to view and download through U.S. Bank Access Online. Your statement is due to your supervisor no later than ten business days after your Pro-Card statement is available. Supervisors, see Reviewing Cardholder Transaction Detail Reports for instructions regarding Cardholder statement review.

    Adding your email address to your Access Online profile helps to ensure that you receive email notification when a statement is available. See: Set Up Statement Notifications.

    Note: If you fail to submit your statement within 60 days after it has become available, your Pro-Card will be suspended. Refer to Reviewing and Approving your Statement for more information.

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  • Reviewing and Approving Your Statement

    Reports, statements and receipts are to be reviewed and reconciled monthly. It is imperative that all statements are routed to FAST/AP in a timely manner. Failure to observe the established timeline may result in:

    • financial losses if disputes are not handled within 60 days of purchase
    • temporary suspension of card privileges
    • permanent revocation of card

    It is essential that the Supervisor/Reviewer establishes a set schedule with each Cardholder, that specifies how and when the Cardholder will submit the bank statement and corresponding original receipts to their Supervisor. Policy requires that the submittal occur within ten business days of statement availability.

    • Log into U.S. Bank Access Online. Refer to Obtaining Your Monthly Statement for instructions. Download the statement. Only this actual statement from U.S. Bank will be accepted when submitting receipts. The transaction detail report is only accepted when a cardholder goes on vacation or doesn't have access to U.S. Bank's website during the statement period due date.
    • Compare each of the charges shown on the statement to your receipts to verify the receipt of goods and the accuracy of the charges. If a discrepancy is found, attempt to resolve the discrepancy immediately.
    • Attach all corresponding original receipts to the statement. Sign and date the statement. Your signature indicates that you received all goods and that all charges shown are appropriate and accurate.

    If your statement includes fraudulent charges follow these procedures and notify U.S. Bank. Submit your statement as normal and include a brief note outlining the charge(s) in question and your response.

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  • Submitting Your Statement

    Pro-Card Statements can now be submitted electronically via DocuSign:

    Pro-Card Statement Submission Web Form

    Instructions to Submit Electronically via DocuSign
    This is the preferred method, and automatically routes to the Pro-Card Office.
    Follow the instructions below to sign and submit Pro-Card statements and receipts electronically.

    Note: Each Statement must be submitted separately. Please do not combine multiple statements in a single submission.

    Step 1: Navigate to the Pro-Card Statement Submission page

    Step 2: Filling in Recipient Information

    Enter the first name, last name, and CruzID of the Pro-Card Cardholder and the Supervisor - Both of these roles are required and will sign the statement. One optional additional approver may be added to the routing order. This is not required and will not apply for most users. It is unchecked by default. Note: Double-check the correct user information is entered! Google alias is NOT CruzID.

    Step 3: Generating the DocuSign Statement Envelope

    Once the user information fields are filled out correctly, click the "START FORM" button to create your statement submission envelope. An email invitation to begin the signing process on our DocuSign eSignature platform will be sent to the Cardholder email that was provided.

    Step 4: Email Navigation

    Navigate to your email and click on the "Review Document" button. Note: DocuSign emails can occasionally land in the spam folder.

    Step 5: Upload Statement Section

    Click on the yellow attachment button and upload your Pro-Card Statement.

    Step 6: Upload Receipts & Supporting Documentation Section

    Click on the yellow attachment button and upload any receipts and supporting documentation that you have.
    See the Receipts and Documentation Requirements Section for more details.

    Step 7: Signatures

    Sign the form when all the above steps have been completed and click "Finish".

    Step 8: Next Steps?

    Once the Cardholder and Supervisor have signed, the form will automatically route to the Pro-Card Office. All participants will receive a completed notification via email, through which a copy of the finished document(s) may be downloaded.

    If the DocuSign Web Form does not appear to be sufficient for a particular situation, please contact the Pro-Card Office and the FinAff Tech Team so an alternative solution may be provided.

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  • Supervisor Review

    The cardholder's supervisor reviews the monthly statement and corresponding receipts. This review verifies both the appropriateness of each purchase and compliance with purchase restrictions placed on the cardholder.

    • Statement is due to the supervisor no later than 10 business days after Pro-Card statement is available.
    • If needed, the supervisor seeks restitution from the cardholder for any inappropriate purchases.
    • The supervisor signs and dates the statement to indicate approval of the purchases. This approval confirms the appropriateness of the purchases.
    • If violations have occured, the supervisor will contact U.S. Bank to change card restrictions.
    • The supervisor then forwards the statement with attached receipts to FAST/AP by the 10th of the month following the statement issuance date.

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  • Discrepancies

    Disputes with suppliers are initially handled by the Cardholder. For example, if an unknown transaction is listed on the statement, or if an amount shown doesn't match the receipt.

    First try to resolve the dispute directly with the supplier. This is the best and most efficient means of handling any disputed charges. Suppliers will most likely work with you to resolve any differences.

    1. Contact the supplier immediately.
    2. Try to negotiate an agreement with the supplier.
    3. Document all phone calls and retain all correspondence with the supplier.
    4. Note the problem on the statement.
    5. Check next statement to confirm credit received, if a credit is due.

    If an agreement cannot be reached with the supplier or if a credit does not appear on the next statement, U.S. Bank will resolve the matter for you. You must, however, contact U.S. Bank within 60 days from the transaction date. Follow these steps:

    1. Logon to Access Online.
    2. Locate the transaction in question (see Searching for Transactions below)
    3. Dispute the transaction and provide information to the bank about why the transaction is being disputed (see Disputing Transactions below)
    4. As specified in the online instructions, Print, Sign, Fax or Mail the dispute form to the Bank.
    5. Attach a copy of the complete documentation related to the dispute. Once disputed, a small D will be displayed next to the record for the transaction.
    6. Keep a copy in your records.

    Searching for Transactions

    When you select an account, the Transaction Management: Transaction List screen displays. By default, the current cycle is selected. You can select the "Search Transaction" link if you want to find an individual transaction or group of transactions using specified criteria.

    To search for a transaction:

    • From the Transaction Management: Transaction List screen, click the Search Transactions link. The Transaction Management: Search and Select Transaction screen displays.
    • Type search criteria in any (or all) of the search fields as follows:
      • Type a merchant name in the Merchant Name field.
      • Type a purchase ID in the Purchase ID field.
      • Select a transaction status from the Status drop-down menu.
      • Select a transaction amount type from the Transaction Amount drop-down list and type the exact amount or amount range in the appropriate fields.
        -And at least one of the following three:
        • Select the Billing Cycle End Date radio button and select the cycle from the drop-down menu.
        • Select the Posting Date radio button and select the date range from the drop-down menu.
        • Select the Transaction Date radio button and select the date range from the drop-down menu.
    • Click the "Search" button. A list of transactions that meet your search criteria displays at the bottom of the screen.

    Disputing Transactions

    A key feature of AccessOnline is the ability to initiate a dispute for a transaction. This functionality allows you to choose from a list of potential reason codes for disputing a transaction. After selecting your dispute reason, the system takes you through the appropriate steps for submitting the dispute request.

    To initiate a dispute for a transaction:

    • Click the "Tran Date" link next to the transaction for which you would like to initiate a dispute. The Transaction Management: Transaction Detail screen displays with the Summary tab.
    • Click the "Dispute Transaction" link. The Transaction Management: Select a Dispute Reason screen displays.
    • Click the radio button next to the appropriate dispute reason.
    • Click the "Select" button. The Transaction Management: Dispute Reason screen displays.

    Note: Read the explanation under each dispute reason until you find the one that is most appropriate for your dispute. The Additional Items Required column tells you what additional information you will need to provide when you submit your dispute request. These requirements are based on Visa's dispute rules.

    • Enter the appropriate information in the required fields.
    • Click the "Continue" button. The Transaction Management: Dispute Reason screen displays with a message at the top confirming that your request has been completed.
    • Follow the instructions on the screen to print, sign and fax or mail this form to the U.S. Bank location in Fargo.
    • When finished, click the "transaction detail" link to return to the Transaction Management: Transaction Detail screen. The D symbol displays in the Status column for the transaction.

    Once the bank receives the dispute form, the bank does the following:

    1. Reviews the dispute.
    2. Issues a credit to your account.
    3. Investigates the charge.

    The bank has 60 days in which to complete its investigation.

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  • Vacation

    When going on vacation or taking a leave of absence, if there has been any activity on your Pro-Card during the previous month, your transactions need to be reconciled before you depart. If your supervisor is unavailable for an extended period of time, a PCA should sign instead.

    If your employee is going on vacation or leave, ensure that they follow the steps below before they depart. Additionally, if your employee has recurring payments that will go on their statement while they are on vacation or extended leave, contact

    Log onto the Access Online website and complete the following steps:

    • On left column navigation bar click "Reporting"
    • Select "Transaction Detail" from the body of the message.
    • Select "Posting Date Range" in the date section
    • Select "From:" Current month, 11th day (June 11 for data posted after June statement) "To:" current date.
    • Select the card(s) with activity
    • Select "Run Report"

    Download the Transaction Detail report and attach the receipts to your report.  After review for completeness and accuracy, submit the packet to your supervisor. As soon as you return from your absence, download the statement for that month's cycle.

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  • Creating a New Pro-Card Account

    An employee may be identified as a Pro-Card candidate by a variety of individuals.
    An ideal candidate for a Pro-Card:

    • Will make a significant number of low-value, non-restricted purchases of goods from reliable suppliers
    • Will be consistent in providing required documentation for purchases

    Supervisor/Reviewer is res​ponsible for the following tasks:

    1. Review information completed by the applicant on the Pro-Card Application form
    2. Establish restrictions on card use. Enter this information into the Pro-Card Application and Agreement form submitted by the applicant. These limits are not encoded in the system and must be observed by the Cardholder. Examples of restrictions are:
      • Types of products (e.g. ONLY office supplies, automotive supplies, lab supplies, computing supplies, etc.)
      • Types of suppliers (e.g. ONLY lab supply distributors, office supply retailers, book suppliers, etc.)
      • Specific suppliers (e.g. ONLY McWhorter's, Safeway, Lumbermens, etc.)
      • Purchases from certain types of merchants are automatically blocked on the Pro-Card, based on their Merchant Category Code (MCC).

        Blocked MCC codes list for UCSC Pro-Cards
        Name Description Code Description
        MCCG1 Airlines 3000-3299 AIRLINES
        4511 AIRLINES
        MCCG2 Car Rental 3300-3500 CAR RENTAL
        7512 AUTO RENTAL
        MCCG3 Hotels 3501-4000 HOTELS
        7011 HOTELS
        MCCG5 Travel Agencies/Services 4722 TRAVEL AGENCIES
        4789 TRAVEL SERVICE
        MCCG6 Other Travel I 4411 STEAMSHIP/CRUISE LINES
        4457 BOAT RENTALS & LEASES
        MCCG7 Other Travel II 4011 RAILROADS
        4112 PASSENGER RAIL
        5811 CATERERS
        MCCG9 Fuel 5983 "FUEL DEALERS - OIL, WOOD, COAL"
        MCCG13 Manual/ATM Cash/Courtesy Checks 4829 WIRE TRANSFER - MONEY ORDER
        MCCG25 Misc. Financial Services 6211 SECURITY BROKERS/DEALERS
        6399 INSURANCE
        MCCG30 Government Services 9211 COURT COSTS/ALIMONY/SUPPORT
        9222 FINES
        9311 TAX PAYMENTS
        9399 GOV'T SERVICES
        MCCG41 High Risk III 5681 FURRIERS AND FUR SHOPS
        5932 ANTIQUE SHOPS
        5933 PAWN SHOPS
        5944 JEWELRY STORES
        7297 MASSAGE PARLORS
    3. Approve the Pro-Card applicant by signing the agreement form

    Note: After these steps have been completed, the application is to be routed to the Budget Manager/Purchasing Card Authorizer (PCA) for signature.

    Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA) is responsible for the following tasks:

    1. Establish and enter on the Pro-Card Application, credit limits appropriate to this Cardholder. These limits are encoded into the system and cannot be overridden by the Cardholder or the Supplier. Limits need to be established for each of the following categories:
      • Maximum amount allowable per transaction (UCSC maximum = $2,500.00 per purchase).
      • Total dollar amount expendable per month. (Base this amount on your department's budget.)
      • Total dollar amount expendable per day. (Base this amount on the Cardholder's need.)
    2. Identify the appropriate FOAPAL to be charged
    3. Approve the Pro-Card applicant by signing and submitting the agreement form
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  • Reviewing Cardholder Transaction Detail Reports

    The Supervisor/Reviewer is required to review and approve the statements, and if there have been any violations, place necessary restrictions on those Pro-Cards in response to the violations.

    1. Review the Cardholder's transaction detail via the Pro-Card Monthly Transaction Summary Report to detect potential misuse or abuse of the Pro-Card. Monthly reports will be made available within 1 week of the corresponding period close date.
    2. Investigate any suspicious purchases through subsequent review of the Cardholders statement and receipts, which will be submitted directly by the Cardholder.
    3. If a violation has occurred with the Pro-Card's use, submit a Pro-Card Violation Report, located in the "Access Forms Here" area in the top of this guide. This online form is submitted directly to the Pro-Card office, who will review the violation and inform you and the cardholder of any subsequent action (a warning, suspension, or revocation).
    4. When no misuse is noted, sign and date the statement. Your signature, without any other notations, indicates that all transactions were within the restrictions placed on the card.
    5. Forward statement and attached receipts to FAST/AP by the 10th day of the month following the statement issuance date.

    Cardholder Transaction Detail Reports should be reviewed by the Supervisor/Reviewer when the cardholder's statement is not received within ten days of the statement date. This detail report is not to be used as a substitute by the Cardholder for the statement issued by U.S. Bank.  FAST/AP will return the receipts if the detail report is used in lieu of the standard cardholder's statement.

    Note: If a statement includes fraudulent charge(s), be sure the cardholder has reported the issue to U.S. Bank. Ensure the cardholder follows-up with U.S. Bank on the issue as necessary.

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  • Changing or Canceling a Cardholder Account

    The Supervisor may determine at any time to make a change to the Cardholder account to meet changing needs. Examples of changes to an account include:

    • Change in FOAPAL (fund-organization-activity-program)
    • Change in credit limit or other card control
    • Suspension of a card for two months for misuse
    • Cancellation of the card of a separated employee (Please shred the Card, do not send to PCA, Supervisor or Pro-Card Office)
    • Revocation of a card due to abuse

    To make changes, complete the Pro-Card Modify/Close Account form, obtain the PCA's signature, and mail to Pro-Card Administration Team at the FAST/AP Office. Additionally, complete a Pro-Card Violation Report, located in the "Access Forms Here" area in the top of this guide, for any card suspension or revocation items.

    Attach these forms and any additional documentation to the monthly statement when action is taken during statement review. When action is taken at any other time, forward immediately to the Pro-Card Administration Team at mailstop: FAST/AP.​

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  • Violations, Misuse, and Abuse

    Card misuse ranges from a single minor infraction of policy to intentional abuse or fraud. All violations, misuse, and abuse should be reported using the Pro-Card Violation Report, located in the "Access Forms Here" area in the top of this guide. This online form is sent to the Pro-Card office, who will review the violation and inform you and the cardholder of any subsequent action (written warning, card suspension, or card revocation).

    The Supervisor/Reviewer, Budget Manager/Purchasing Card Authorizer, FAST/AP may detect Pro-Card misuse and abuse. It is the responsibility of each to monitor for misuse and abuse and to take action accordingly. The Supervisor/Reviewer is specifically responsible for detecting any misuse and abuse that comes to light during the review of monthly Cardholder reports, statements and receipts. If misuse is detected, take immediate action appropriate to the type and level of misuse. Because consequences are progressive, it is important that each occurrence of misuse is documented.

    Level 1 Misuse:
    The following infractions are subject to a warning notification:

    • 1st missing receipt
    • 1st unintentional misuse per policy
    • 1st late submittal of statement and receipts

    Level 2 Misuse:
    A recurrent pattern of card misuse including, but not limited to the following infractions are subject to temporary loss of the privilege of using the purchasing card:

    • 2nd missing receipt
    • 2nd unintentional misuse per policy
    • 2nd late submittal of statement and receipts
    • 1st split transaction

    Level 3 Abuse:
    The following infractions are subject to permanent revocation of card and/or further employee action:

    • Pattern of misusing the Purchasing Card
    • 3rd occurrence of missing receipts
    • 3rd unintentional misuse per policy
    • 3rd late submittal of statement and receipts
    • Intentional misuse of Purchasing card
    • 2nd split transaction
    • Personal use of card
    • Cash refund for card purchase
    • Any unauthorized use of Purchasing Card

    Always attach documentation to statement (letter of notification, suspension or revocation) when issued by the Division.

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  • Suspending or revoking privileges

    You may request a cardholder's card be suspended or revoked in response to a violation, misuse, or abuse by submitting a Pro-Card Violation Report, located in the "Access Forms Here" area in the top of this guide. This online form is submitted directly to the Pro-Card office, who will review the violation and inform you and the cardholder of any subsequent action (a warning, suspension, or revokation).

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  • Reinstate Cardholder Privileges

    Request a change to Cardholder's existing Pro-Card account by completing the Pro-Card_Account_Modification_Closure.

    • Mark the Modify an Existing Pro-Card Account and Other boxes, in the blank 'other field', enter 'reinstate'. Also enter the Cardholder's name and account number.
    • Enter the limit originally established by the cardholder's supervisor in the CARD LIMITS section.
    • Sign the completed form.

    Note: Changes will be made within three days of receipt of information. Contact the Pro-Card Office ( if an urgent situation exists.

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  • Reviewer Responsibilities

    Reviewer's Getting Started Basics:

    • Approve employees for participation in the Pro-Card program
    • Identify restrictions to be placed on each Pro-Card
    • Approve & process Cardholder Application and Agreement form for new cards and Cardholder applications for changes and cancellations on existing cards.
    • Revoke card(s) if abuse occurs


    • Forward signed and dated statements, and attached receipts, to FAST/AP before 10th day of month after statement issuance date
    • Work with the cardholder to ensure that charges are recorded to correct FOAPALs in the campus financial system
    • Designate back-up approver in case of absence
    • Answer cardholder questions about special fund restrictions
    • Know Pro-Card limitations and restrictions
    • Share new program information with cardholders

    Note: In some departments/units, the roles of Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA), and Cardholder's supervisor/Reviewer may be performed by a single UCSC employee

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  • Supervisor Responsibilities

    Getting Started Basics

    • Approve employees for participation in the Pro-Card Program
    • Identify restrictions to be placed on each person's Pro-Card
    • Approve and process Cardholder Application and Agreement forms for new cardholders
    • Revoke card(s) if abuse occurs
    • Upon cardholder's termination of employment, ensure exit interview procedure includes closure of Pro-Card account
    • Request termination of inactive cards
    • Review purchases to ensure they meet objectives and are within restrictions placed on that specific Pro-Card

    Support and Inform Cardholders

    • Maintain proficiency and knowledge of restricted Pro-Card purchases and policy.
    • Verify that charges were purchased on a correct FOAPAL. Each Pro-Card has one assigned FOAPAL, so a cardholder may have multiple cards with each corresponding to one FOAPAL.
    • Answer cardholder questions about special fund restrictions
    • Share new program information with cardholders

    Upon Employee Termination

    Ensure the exit interview procedure includes:

    • Collection of card(s)
    • Closure of Pro-Card account(s) (use Pro-Card Modify/Close form)
    • Receipt of documentation supporting any purchases still pending review
    • Physical destruction of card by Cardholder or PCA

    General Responsibilities

    • Monitor usage and respond to any misuse of card by Cardholder
    • Designate back-up approver in case of absence
    • Know Pro-Card limitations and restrictions
    • Share new program information with unit cardholders
    • Request termination of inactive card(s)

    Note: In some departments/units, the roles of Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA), and Cardholder's Supervisor/Reviewer may be performed by a single UCSC employee.

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  • Purchasing Card Authorizer (PCA) Responsibilities

    • Implements internal procedures which were established by the Divisional Program Reviewer to ensure the following:
      • Timely reconciliation
      • Appropriate record keeping
      • Expense validation and redistribution
    • Identifies and assigns the role of Cardholder Supervisor/Reviewer to members of their department or unit
    • Designates a back-up Supervisor/Reviewer approver in case of absence
    • Maintains Supervisor/Reviewer (primary) and Supervisor/Reviewer (back-up) list
    • Trains unit members on their department's fiscal requirements
    • Monitors usage to ensure that Purchasing, Accounting, and internal control policies and procedures are being followed
    • Communicates with and submits paperwork to the Pro-Card Administration Team
      • New Pro-card Requests
      • Account modifications (ex: FOAPAL change, Limit Increase etc...)
      • Account Closures: Collect card, close cardholder account with to discuss delivery options
      • Sends signed agreement to mailstop: FAST/AP

    Note: In some departments/units, the roles of Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA) and Cardholder Supervisor/Reviewer are performed by a single UCSC employee. Employees must receive approval from their Divisional Program Reviewer to become a Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA) and must complete an authorization process before assuming the corresponding responsibilities.

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  • Monthly Transaction Reports

    Monthly Transaction Reports are summaries of Pro-Card transaction amounts per employee listed in PDF format.

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  • Payment Card Industry Requirements

    Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security requirements developed by credit card companies to ensure that consistent data security measures are in place for sensitive credit cardholder data.

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  • Sales and Use Tax Reports

    UCOP Pro-Card Sales Tax Reports detail UCSC's tax liability for Pro-Card purchases. New reports are posted during the last week of each month.

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  • Pro-Card User Extract Report FYXPCUSR

    Purpose: This new extract report will provide Pro-Card Administrators with the ability to look up information for a single user or a group of users.

    Description: : Enter FYXPCUSR in the FIS/Banner Menu, the result is the GJAPCTL (the Banner Job Submission form). As with other extract reports, leave the printer name at the default of NOPRINT, and Ctrl+Page Down to the Parameters section.

    Process submission controls screenshot

    In this tool there is a choice of four different parameters. PLEASE ONLY CHOOSE ONE for each report. If more than one is chosen, the broadest amount of information requested will be displayed. (For example: if a level 3 orgn and a data enterable orgn are selected, all of the info for the level 3 orgn will be displayed).

    After submitting and saving, an email will be generated that will look something like this:


    Open the attachment with Excel or Google Sheets. The report will display the last 4 digits of the Pro-Card number, the Card Description, the Cardholder's Name, the Cardholder's FIS ID, the level 3 Org Code, the level 4 Org Code, whether the Fund Code associated with the card is a federal fund, and the card's full FOAPAL. Sorting and editing can be done as with any other spreadsheet.

    Here is a sample:


    Please contact with any technical issues.

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  • Pro-Card Dashboard

    The Pro-Card Dashboard provides access to Cardholder and Supervisor Certification scores, violation records, and PCA Supervisor resources.

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  • Divisional Program Reviewer Responsibilities

    • Develops divisional/departmental internal procedures that govern use of the Pro-Card
      • Expense validation and redistribution
      • Separation of duties
      • Oversees, identifies and assigns the role of the Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA) to members of their department or unit
    • Monitors usage to ensure that Purchasing, Accounting, and internal control policies and procedures are being followed
    • Ensures that the Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA) is communicating the following internal changes with the Pro-Card Administration Team:
      • Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA) assignment changes
      • Supervisor/reviewer assignment changes
      • Any new accounts, account modifications or closures
    • Ensures that the Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA) is in compliance with Pro-Card processes and procedures

    Note: In some departments/units, the roles of Divisional Program Reviewer (DPR) and Pro-Card Authorizer (PCA) are performed by a single UCSC employee.

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  • Information

    The Pro-Card may be used to procure low-risk, low dollar-value goods that do not require the issuance of a UCSC purchase order. The table below contains information and examples of items that may not be purchased using your Pro-Card.

    All allowable Pro-Card purchases (those not listed in the table below) must still conform to these Pro-Card purchasing parameters:

    • Per day
    • Per single purchase (maximum $2,500)
    • Per month

    To purchase restricted items or make purchases outside of your Pro-Card's purchasing parameters, you must submit a CruzBuy Purchase Order.

    Table of Restricted Pro-Card Purchases

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  • Where to Get Help

    To contact the Pro-Card office, email

    For best assistance, copy your supervisor on this email and provide the following information:

    • Cardholder name
    • Cardholder department
    • Last four digits of card related to inquiry

    Note: If you need help with a vendor related issue, please provide the vendor name and what you are attempting to buy from the vendor.


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  • Overview of Pro-card Hierarchy for Reporting

    Review Transaction Reports
    Detailed monthly Pro-Card Purchasing Transaction Reports by cardholder are available. Cardholders' Supervisors review these reports to ensure compliance with program and cardholder limitations and restrictions.

    Establishing Division Hierarchy
    Each progressive level in the hierarchy is responsible for overseeing Pro-card purchasing activity, as defined in the sections PCA Responsibilities and Reviewer/Supervisor Reponsibilities.

    Supervisor Notification
    For each month in which cardholder activity occurs, the Pro-Card Administrator sends a notice to the supervisor. Each Supervisor is responsible for notifying the Pro-Card Administrator when there have been any changes regarding the cardholders for whom they are responsible (change of supervisor, leave of absence, retirement, etc.)

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  • Pro-Card Audit Overview

    Pro-Card program documentation and transactions are reviewed by both internal and external audits. Internal Audit staff record the results of their review of random Pro-card transactions using the Pro-Card_Transaction_Review form.

    A Pro-Card audit review ensures that the following actions are occurring:

    • Each cardholder has signed a completed Pro-card Application and Agreement. (Forms are filed by cardholder name.)
    • Each cardholder has confirmed, via his/her signature on the Pro-Card Application and Agreement that she or he has received training and reviewed the User Guide.
    • Signed letters informing cardholders about potential notifications, suspensions, and card revocations are on file along with their Pro-Card Application and Agreement.
    • Each purchase transaction is supported by an itemized receipt and/or packing list. A receipt for each purchase is attached to the monthly statement that reflects that transaction.
    • Cardholders have acknowledged the receipt of goods and the validity of charges by signing and dating each statement.
    • Supervisors have confirmed that all purchases were within the restrictions placed on the card by signing and dating the purchaser's monthly statement.
    • Transactions have been reviewed by the department/unit for policy compliance.
    • Original charges can be retrieved based on the information contained in the tax journals.

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  • Applicable UC Policy References

    The following University of California Business and Financial Bulletins and other UC policy are applicable to various purchasing situations:

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  • Objectivity

    When making purchases on behalf of the University using your Pro-Card, keep the following in mind


    Never accept any money, commission, object of value, offer of employment, or compensation of any kind which is provided or offered, directly or indirectly, by a supplier, contractor or subcontractor for the purpose of obtaining favorable treatment in connection with a grant or purchase contract.

    Conflict of Interest

    Avoid making, participating in, or attempting to influence any decision if you know or have reason to know that you have a financial interest in the outcome of that decision.

    Employee-Vendor or Near Relative

    Do not purchase or lease goods or services from a:

    • University employee or
    • Near relative of a University employee or
    • Business in which either a UCSC employee or a near relative of an employee has a 10% or greater interest


    Avoid any personal business or professional activity that would create, or appear to create, a conflict between your personal interests and the interests of the University.


    Refrain from accepting gifts, preferential discounts, travel, entertainment, favors or services from current or potential suppliers to the University that might influence, or appear to influence, purchasing decisions.

    Personal Purchases

    Do not use University credit, purchasing power, or facilities to make purchases of goods or services for yourself or for non-University activities.

    Split Purchases

    Never split a purchase

    Unauthorized Purchases

    Do not make purchases you are NOT authorized to make.  Only order goods and services that comply with University Policy.

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  • Purchasing Ethical Guidelines

    The following information summarizes the fair and ethical business practices that apply to all UCSC requestors and purchasers of goods and/or services.

    Promote positive supplier relationships through:


    • Do not use race, religion, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin of a supplier as a criteria when conducting business.
    • Open competition
    • Encourage competition through open, equitable, and fair practices.


    • Conduct business with current and potential suppliers fairly, equitably, and in an atmosphere of good faith.

    Ethical practices

    • Avoid the intent and/or appearance of unethical or compromising practices in relationships, actions and communications

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