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Equipment Removal / Disposal Guide

The information provided in this guide will assist a UCSC faculty or staff member in disposing of inventorial equipment appropriately. Please email with questions. ​​

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  • When purchase includes a trade-in

    Determine who has title to the equipment being traded in by contacting Equipment Administration.

    After verifying with Equipment Administration that UCSC holds title, complete a Purchase Requisition for the new equipment you want to purchase.

    • When a Purchase Order (PO) involves a trade-in of a piece of inventorial equipment:
      • All inventorial items on the PO related to the trade-in must be coded with account code 007130
      • If the trade-in is non-inventorial equipment then code with account code 006XXX.
    • The buyer must enter the "after-discount" price of the new item in the price field on the PO.
    • A commodity line for the sales tax due on the full pre-discounted value of the equipment.
    • Line item text needs to include the following information:
      • full, pre-discounted value of the equipment
      • the amount of the trade-in discount
      • the UC Property Number of the equipment being traded in

    Arrange with the vendor for pickup, or shipping. To determine how to ship the equipment being traded-in, contact Receiving Services (831) 459-2852 or Fax: (831) 459-3699.

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  • Assigning/updating equipment custodian and custody codes

    Department managers whose units have inventorial equipment need to assign custodial responsibility for the equipment to a staff member. This individual will be responsible for performing the biennial inventory and handling or assisting with other equipment related matters, e.g. transfers, loans, and disposal in compliance with related equipment policy.

    Complete the Custody Code & Custodian Maintenance Form (pdf) and obtain approval of the completed form to:

    • Request a new custodian
    • Remove an existing custodian
    • Request a new custody code
    • Discontinue an existing custody code

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  • Disposal of excess inventorial equipment

    A department may dispose of excess equipment only if the University holds the title to that equipment (i.e. UC Property tag only affixed on equipment). When UC-owned equipment is disposed, it's important to complete the proper steps to remove the record from UCSC's property and financial systems.

    These are the 5 ways in which inventorial equipment can be disposed:

    • Trade-in: Equipment may be traded-in as part of a new purchase using the purchase order process.
    • Transfer: Units may transfer excess equipment to another UCSC department or UC campus.
    • Disposal of excess inventorial equipment: All UCSC-owned equipment/property must be disposed of through Surplus Operations. UCSC Surplus Operations serves as a means to liquidate/dispose of excess University property by holding public sales and facilitating interdepartmental transfers. See: Overview of Policy for Disposal of Excess Property. Surplus Operations also assists with disposal of obsolete or broken equipment. See: How to Dispose of Obsolete or Broken Equipment.
    • Report Lost or Stolen Equipment: Equipment is considered disposed when it is lost or stolen.
    • Destroy, Discard or Cannibalize: See: Surplus services to find out more about this option.

    Note: Sale of equipment through any means other than Surplus Operations is prohibited.

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  • How to transfer equipment within UC

    If UCSC has title to equipment, that equipment may be transferred to another UCSC department or UC campus. Determine if the equipment owner is UCSC or the US Government.

    • Check the property tags on the equipment. If you see a "Property of US Government" tag, the equipment may NOT be transferred. If unsure who has title, contact Equipment Administration.
    • If you see only the UCSC property tag proceed.
    • Do not physically transfer the equipment until all parties approve the transfer.

    Complete an Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR).

    • Fill in department name, custody code, preparer's name, phone, and date sections of the EIMR
    • Check the "TRANSFER" box in the Transactions section
    • Complete the Equipment Identification Section and FROM and TO sections of the EIMR
    • Ensure the EIMR is approved/signed by appropriate unit personnel
    • Send the original EIMR to the accepting party.
    • Instruct the accepting party to sign the EIMR and forward it to Equipment Administration
    • Contact the accepting department or campus to determine how to ship/transport the equipment
    • Contact Receiving Services (831-459-4066 or fax: 459-3699) to arrange shipping/campus transportation as agreed with the receiving unit/campus

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  • Disposal of fabricated equipment

    On the original EIMR Fabrications form, 'Section 3 - Fabrication Disposition' must be completed by obtaining appropriate signatures:

    • Department authorized
    • Principle investigator and
    • Dean/Vice Chancellor (if total cost equal to or over $100,000)

    Submit signed form to Equipment Administration to ensure equipment is removed from the equipment database.

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  • Equipment disposal overview

    All sales of surplus University owned property must be administered by Surplus Operations. When a department determines that it has no further use for University owned property, the manager, equipment custodian or authorized person initiates steps to dispose of the unneeded equipment.

    Departments are strictly prohibited from gifting or selling surplus materials directly to UCSC faculty, staff, students, or other individuals or entities.

    This standard is designed to ensure the efficient utilization of property, maximize the property’s residual value, maintain financial accountability and reporting accuracy, ensure compliance with safety/environmental laws and regulations, and minimize risk exposure to UCSC.

    When UCSC has title to a piece of equipment in a department for which there is no further use, it may be sent it to Surplus Operations. See How to Surplus Excess Property web site for additional information on how to dispose of surplus (excess) property, obsolete or broken inventorial equipment and to arrange for pickup of that equipment.

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  • Reporting lost or stolen equipment

    Call the Campus Police Department at (831) 459-2231 to report the missing item(s).

    If the police determine the item has been stolen, obtain a copy of the Campus Police report.

    Complete a Property Loss Report.

    • Obtain a Property Loss Report form from Risk Management.
    • Be sure to include the Campus Police report number in the appropriate field on the Property Loss Report.
    • Have the property administrator for your department sign the Property Loss Report.
    • Send both the Property Loss Report and a copy of the Campus Police report to both Equipment Administration fax (831) 459-3747 and Risk Services fax (831) 459-3268.

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  • Policy references

    Useful Life Schedule - Depreciation schedule and salvage percentages (includes a list of equipment by classification code)

    BUS 29 - Management & Control of University Equipment

    BUS 38 - Disposal of Excess Material and Transfer of Federally Funded University Owned Material

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  • Where to get help

    Contact Equipment Administration:

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