All sales of surplus University owned property must be administered by Surplus Operations. When a department determines that it has no further use for University owned property, the manager, equipment custodian or authorized person initiates steps to dispose of the unneeded equipment.
Departments are strictly prohibited from gifting or selling surplus materials directly to UCSC faculty, staff, students, or other individuals or entities.
This standard is designed to ensure the efficient utilization of property, maximize the property’s residual value, maintain financial accountability and reporting accuracy, ensure compliance with safety/environmental laws and regulations, and minimize risk exposure to UCSC.
When UCSC has title to a piece of equipment in a department for which there is no further use, it may be sent it to Surplus Operations. See How to Surplus Excess Property web site for additional information on how to dispose of surplus (excess) property, obsolete or broken inventorial equipment and to arrange for pickup of that equipment.