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Common Chart of Accounts

With the 7/1/2023 implementation of a Common Chart of Accounts (CCoA) across the UC system, UCSC must update the financial recording of internal UCSC recharges, as well as assessments and expenses that are transferred to and from other UC entities (Intercampus Transfers). Below you will find updated information about both guidelines, including newly created account codes for internal recharge transfers, and intercampus transfers. Additionally, new rule codes have been created for internal recharge transfers. Existing rule codes have been updated with restrictions preventing use on intercampus transfers, and mixing recharge and non-recharge account codes.

The updated guidelines below for internal UCSC recharges have been provided by Budget Analysis and Planning, for additional questions, please contact The updated guidelines for assessments and expenses from other UC entities (Intercampus Transfers) have been provided by UCSC Central Accounting, for additional questions, please contact

FIS Journal Transfers for Recharge Accounts
FIS Journal Transfers for Intercampus Transfers

Requirements For Journal Transfers Involving Recharge Accounts

What is Changing

Effective FY24, UCOP has instituted a Common Chart of Accounts (CCoA) across the UC System, in conjunction with a new UCOP Financial System. One of the changes required by the new UCOP Financial System is a requirement that recharge debit/credit balances must net to zero across all recharge accounts. This has required UCSC to create specific account codes to be used for recharge activity, and to create journal voucher edits to ensure that recharge debit/credits stay in balance. Prior to this change, the account used on the debit side of a recharge transaction did not have to be classified as a recharge account; going forward it does.

To accomplish this in FIS Banner, Enterprise Financial Systems, along with Central Accounting and Budget Analysis and Planning have created new recharge account codes (account codes starting with ‘X’) containing specific mapping restricting their use with new journal voucher rule codes.

General Information

  • Rule codes XTOR and XECR have been created for use with new recharge account codes. If a journal transfer must be completed involving recharge account codes (similar to a XTOE), rule code XTOR must be used. If any of the funds are Contracts and Grants related, XECR must be used. For example, if you are transferring a recharge expense from one org code to another, you must use XTOR/XECR because the FOAPAL will involve a recharge account code.
  • Recharge transfers must be made across recharge account codes (eg, a transfer cannot be made from X09000 to 000010).
  • Approval queues for XTOR and XECR are the same as XTOE and XECG, respectively.
  • XTOE and XECG rule codes have been updated to disallow usage of recharge account codes.
  • All other transfers should be completed using existing rule codes. Additional rule code information can be found here.
  • Budget transfers using recharge/internal transfer account codes do not have these restrictions, and can be used with rule codes XTOF and XDCG. For additional questions regarding budget transfers, please contact

Rule Codes

Rule Codes Recording

FIS Recharge Rule Codes Recording

Rule Code Entry Errors

Disallowed account code on a recharge rule code
Disallowed account code on a non-recharge rule code

Rule Code Crosswalk

Non-Recharge Rule Code Description
XTOE - TOE-GENERAL TRANSFER OF EXPENSE Transfer of non-Recharge Expense (Non-Contracts and Grants)
Transfer of non-Recharge C&G/Special State Appropriations Expense
Recharge Rule Code Description
Transfer of Recharge Expense (Non-Contracts and Grants)
Transfer of Recharge expenses for C&G/Special State Appropriations

If you are unsure of the correct rule code to use, please contact

Recharge Account Code Crosswalk

Below is a list of new recharge account codes, and their existing corresponding values (if applicable). New recharge account codes can only be used with newly created recharge rule rodes XTOR, XECR, and existing recharge rule codes (e.g. XBAY, XPDR, etc).

Please note the former recharge account codes will be terminated in the near future, except for accounts that might be needed for external, non-recharge expenses (eg 002580 - Reproduction & Photocopy services) that will continue to be used for services procured through an external vendor.

Account Code Account Description New Recharge Account Code New Description
001050 Workstudy Admin Charges) X01050 Rchg - Workstudy Admin Charges
001180 Custodial Services X01180 Rchg - Custodial Services
X01215 Rchg - BAP Approved Contribution
001253 Student Programming Events X01253 Rchg - Catering
001261 Miscellaneous Services Recharge X01261 Rchg - Approved Misc Debit
001265 Administrative Services Recharge X01265 Rchg - Admin Overhead
001290 Campus Moving X01290 Rchg - Moving/Surplus Svcs
001470 ITS Data Center Services X01470 Rchg - ITS Data Ctr/Cloud Svcs
002200 Tel Monthly X02200 Rchg - ITS Network/Telecomm Svcs
X02335 Rchg - Fingerprinting Svcs
002340 Express Mail Services X02340 Rchg - Mail Services
002400 Parking permits-Reserved Space X02400 Rchg - Parking
002560 Media-Educational TV/AV Service X02560 Rchg - ITS Instr & Media Tech Svcs
002580 Reproduction & Photocopy services X02580 Rchg - Copy Center
004600 Garage Charges X04600 Rchg - Fleet Services
008050 Fuel Oil X08050 Rchg - Fuel Oil
008200 CAMFAC-Repair & Maint. Recharge X08200 Rchg - Bldg & Utility Svcs
X08210 Rchg - PP&C Services
008220 Groundskeeping Services X08220 Rchg - Grounds Services
008240 Sanitation/Refuse Disposal Service X08240 Rchg - Refuse/Recycling Svcs
008300 Space Rental - Recharge X08300 Rchg - Space Rental

Budget Analysis And Planning Communication To Recharge Units

Budget Analysis and Planning has sent a notification to recharge units with additional information about recharge interface transactions that post to FIS Banner. Please see below for the text of this communication.

July 24th, 2023 Communication: Recharge Updates

Intercampus Transfer Account Code Information

UC System Assessments and Recharges

Certain assessments and recharges from the UC Office of the President will be recorded in their own unique account codes.

Intercampus Order/Charge (IOC)

Expenses and recharges between UCSC and other UC campuses and UC entities handled through the IOC process will now be recorded using transfer account codes specific to each campus location, reflecting the direction of expense movement.

The account codes used for these intercampus transfers, listed below, will be prohibited from use with departmental rule codes (e.g. XTOE, XECG) in FIS. This is done to ensure our campus is able to accurately reconcile intercampus transfers with the other campuses, a requirement of CCOA.

If a department needs to change the fund, org or activity code associated with any of the account codes below, they may reach out to Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) ( for assistance.

Account Code Account Code Description Associated Budget Pool
001266 Charges associated with the UC Systemwide Assessment B03000
001267 Charges associated with the UCPath Systemwide Assessment B03000
(TBD) Charges associated with the UCOP General Counsel Assessment B03000
(TBD) Recharges from the UCOP General Counsel B03000
T0800C Recharges and expenses to UCOP Location J B09000
T0800D Recharges and expenses from UCOP Location J B03000
T0801C Recharges and expenses to UC Berkeley B09000
T0801D Recharges and expenses from UC Berkeley B03000
T0802C Recharges and expenses to UC San Francisco B09000
T0802D Recharges and expenses from UC San Francisco B03000
T0803C Recharges and expenses to UC Davis B09000
T0803D Recharges and expenses from UC Davis B03000
T0803D Recharges and expenses from UC Davis B03000
T0804C Recharges and expenses to UC Los Angeles B09000
T0804D Recharges and expenses from UC Los Angeles B03000
T0805C Recharges and expenses to UC Riverside B09000
T0805D Recharges and expenses from UC Riverside B03000
T0806C Recharges and expenses to UC San Diego B09000
T0806D Recharges and expenses from UC San Diego B03000
T0808C Recharges and expenses to UC Santa Barbara B09000
T0808D Recharges and expenses from UC Santa Barbara B03000
T0809C Recharges and expenses to UC Irvine B09000
T0809D Recharges and expenses to UC Irvine B03000
T0811C Recharges and expenses to UC Merced B09000
T0811D Recharges and expenses to UC Merced B03000
T0812C Recharges and expenses to Agricultural and Natural Resources (ANR) B09000
T0812D Recharges and expenses to Agricultural and Natural Resources (ANR) B03000
T0814C Recharges and expenses to UC Office of the President B09000
T0814D Recharges and expenses from UC Office of the President B03000

Requirements for Journal Transfers Involving Recharge Accounts

What is Changing

Effective FY24, UCOP has instituted a Common Chart of Accounts (CCoA) across the UC System, in conjunction with a new UCOP Financial System. One of the changes required by the new UCOP Financial System is a requirement that recharge debit/credit balances must net to zero across all recharge accounts. This has required UCSC to create specific account codes to be used for recharge activity, and to create journal voucher edits to ensure that recharge debit/credits stay in balance. Prior to this change, the account used on the debit side of a recharge transaction did not have to be classified as a recharge account; going forward it does.

To accomplish this in FIS Banner, Enterprise Financial Systems, along with Central Accounting and Budget Analysis and Planning have created new recharge account codes (account codes starting with ‘X’) containing specific mapping restricting their use with new journal voucher rule codes.

General Information

  • Rule codes XTOR and XECR have been created for use with new recharge account codes. If a journal transfer must be completed involving recharge account codes (similar to a XTOE), rule code XTOR must be used. If any of the funds are Contracts and Grants related, XECR must be used. For example, if you are transferring a recharge expense from one org code to another, you must use XTOR/XECR because the FOAPAL will involve a recharge account code.
  • Recharge transfers must be made across recharge account codes (eg, a transfer cannot be made from X09000 to 000010).
  • Approval queues for XTOR and XECR are the same as XTOE and XECG, respectively.
  • XTOE and XECG rule codes have been updated to disallow usage of recharge account codes.
  • All other transfers should be completed using existing rule codes. Additional rule code information can be found here.
  • Budget transfers using recharge/internal transfer account codes do not have these restrictions, and can be used with rule codes XTOF and XDCG. For additional questions regarding budget transfers, please contact

​Rule Codes

Rule Codes Recording

Rule Code Entry Errors

Disallowed account code on a recharge rule code
Disallowed account code on a non-recharge rule code

Rule Code Crosswalk

Non-Recharge Rule Code Description
Transfer of non-Recharge Expense (Non-Contracts and Grants)
Transfer of non-Recharge C&G/Special State Appropriations Expense
Recharge Rule Code Description
Transfer of Recharge Expense (Non-Contracts and Grants)
Transfer of Recharge expenses for C&G/Special State Appropriations

If you are unsure of the correct rule code to use, please contact

​​Recharge Account Code Crosswalk ​​

Below is a list of new recharge account codes, and their existing corresponding values (if applicable). New recharge account codes can only be used with newly created recharge rule rodes XTOR, XECR, and existing recharge rule codes (e.g. XBAY, XPDR, etc).

Please note the former recharge account codes will be terminated in the near future, except for accounts that might be needed for external, non-recharge expenses (eg 002580 - Reproduction & Photocopy services) that will continue to be used for services procured through an external vendor.

Account Code Account Description New Recharge Account Code New Description
001050 Workstudy Admin Charges) X01050 Rchg - Workstudy Admin Charges
001180 Custodial Services X01180 Rchg - Custodial Services
X01215 Rchg - BAP Approved Contribution
001253 Student Programming Events X01253 Rchg - Catering
001261 Miscellaneous Services Recharge X01261 Rchg - Approved Misc Debit
001265 Administrative Services Recharge X01265 Rchg - Admin Overhead
001290 Campus Moving X01290 Rchg - Moving/Surplus Svcs
001470 ITS Data Center Services X01470 Rchg - ITS Data Ctr/Cloud Svcs
002200 Tel Monthly X02200 Rchg - ITS Network/Telecomm Svcs
X02335 Rchg - Fingerprinting Svcs
002340 Express Mail Services X02340 Rchg - Mail Services
002400 Parking permits-Reserved Space X02400 Rchg - Parking
002560 Media-Educational TV/AV Service X02560 Rchg - ITS Instr & Media Tech Svcs
002580 Reproduction & Photocopy services X02580 Rchg - Copy Center
004600 Garage Charges X04600 Rchg - Fleet Services
008050 Fuel Oil X08050 Rchg - Fuel Oil
008200 CAMFAC-Repair & Maint. Recharge X08200 Rchg - Bldg & Utility Svcs
X08210 Rchg - PP&C Services
008220 Groundskeeping Services X08220 Rchg - Grounds Services
008240 Sanitation/Refuse Disposal Service X08240 Rchg - Refuse/Recycling Svcs
008300 Space Rental - Recharge X08300 Rchg - Space Rental

​​Budget Analysis and Planning Communication to Recharge Units ​​​

Budget Analysis and Planning has sent a notification to recharge units with additional information about recharge interface transactions that post to FIS Banner. Please see below for the text of this communication. July 24th, 2023 Communication: Recharge Updates