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Moving & Relocation Announcements Archive

Moving Expense Submission
To ensure that our Payroll team has adequate time to process moving expense reimbursement transactions during calendar year 2024 and to comply with applicable year-end tax reporting deadlines, please submit all approved moving expense reimbursement forms and supporting documentation by November 8th to

Moving expense reimbursement paperwork is initially reviewed and approved within Accounting before documentation is submitted to Payroll.
Reimbursement paperwork submitted after this date will be processed during calendar year 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact
Scheduled Site Maintenance Complete
The site maintenance has been successfully completed, and full functionality has been restored.

This was a significant upgrade to the underlying service that powers our website.
If you notice any website issues, please contact the web team at
Scheduled Site Maintenance and Content Freeze Over Memorial Day Weekend
Beginning Friday 5/24 @ 5:30pm through Tuesday 5/28 @ 7am the Financial Affairs website will be undergoing scheduled maintenance. While the site will remain available in a read-only mode, some services will be impacted.

Notably, the Entertainment Dashboard and ERF/MET forms will be unavailable during this scheduled maintenance period. If you have questions or issues regarding this maintenance, please contact the web team at
Financial Affairs Website: Planned Outage on 3/3/24 from 2:30am - 5:30am
The Financial Affairs website will be unavailable for 3 hours on Sunday morning, March 3rd, from 2:30am to 5:30am for scheduled system maintenance. This will impact access to systems such as CruzBuy, CruzPay, CruzFly, ERS, and FIS. Please plan accordingly and contact with any questions.​
Moving Expense Submission​
To ensure that our Payroll team has adequate time to process moving expense reimbursement transactions during calendar year 2023 and to comply with applicable year-end tax reporting deadlines, please submit all approved moving expense reimbursement forms and supporting documentation by November 9th to

Moving expense reimbursement paperwork is initially reviewed and approved within Accounting before documentation is submitted to Payroll. Reimbursement paperwork submitted after this date will be processed during calendar year 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact
Moving Expense Submission
To ensure that our Payroll team has adequate time to process moving expense reimbursement transactions during calendar year 2022 and to comply with applicable year-end tax reporting deadlines, please submit all approved moving expense reimbursement forms and supporting documentation by November 10th to

Moving expense reimbursement paperwork is initially reviewed and approved within Accounting before documentation is submitted to Payroll.
Reimbursement paperwork submitted after this date will be processed during calendar year 2023.

If you have any questions, please contact
Moving Expense Submission
To ensure that our Payroll team has adequate time to process moving expense reimbursement transactions during calendar year 2020 and to comply with applicable year-end tax reporting deadlines, please submit all approved moving expense reimbursement forms and supporting documentation by the dates shown immediately below to Moving expense reimbursement paperwork is initially reviewed and approved within Accounting before documentation is submitted to Payroll.

Biweekly employees – please submit by November 3rd

Monthly paid employees – please submit by November 12th

Reimbursement paperwork submitted after this date will be processed during calendar year 2021.

If you have any questions, please contact
Financial Affairs Response Times Impacted
As with many campus units, there are a significant number of Financial Affairs staff impacted by the CZU Lightning Complex Fire. Response times for all Financial Affairs departments may be slower than usual. Be safe, everyone.
Financial Affairs Response to COVID-19
During this unprecedented time, our entire UCSC community has been directly impacted by the magnitude of the global COVID-19 crisis. Many temporary adjustments have been, and continue to be, made to our financial policy and processes in order to accommodate our UCSC community and to help our campus navigate this difficult period.

For more information on the response and related resources, please visit our Financial Affairs Response to COVID-19 page.

Recent Tax Law Affects Treatment of Moving Expenses and Gift Card Awards to Employees
Due to the passage of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, effective 1/1/18, Non-Cash Employee Gifts (gift cards and parking passes) and Moving Expenses are now considered taxable income to the recipient. UCOP is still exploring the full impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and more details will follow. For now, please be aware of the following:

Non-Cash Employee Gifts: Gift Cards and Parking Passes
A gift card or one-month parking pass presented to an employee in recognition of achievement, length of service, or retirement is no longer considered to be a gift of tangible personal property under the Act. As a result, effective 1/1/18, they represent taxable, reportable compensation income to the recipient. Under current UC policy, an employee may not receive gifts of taxable, non-tangible personal property from the University. Because of this policy conflict, units are advised to avoid presenting gift cards or transit passes to an employee, if possible, until further information on UC policy changes and definitive guidance is received on how best to proceed.
Moving Expenses
Under the Act, all reimbursements paid to or payments made on behalf of an employee, on or after 1/1/18, for moving expenses, are considered taxable income to the employee. Previously, expenses for such things as moving and storing household goods, and shipping personal automobiles, were not tax reportable. Please consult with Accounting Services Director Ed Moran if your unit is faced with a relocation situation involving the payment and/or reimbursement of moving expenses.
Moving Expense Submission
To ensure that our Payroll and Accounts Payable teams have adequate time to process moving expense reimbursement transactions during calendar year 2017 and to comply with the year-end tax reporting deadlines, please submit all moving expense reimbursements to FAST by November 1st.

Reimbursement paperwork submitted after this date will likely be processed during calendar year 2018.

If you have any questions, please contact


2016 Moving Expenses
To insure that our Payroll and Accounts Payable teams have adequate time to process moving expense reimbursement transactions during calendar year 2016 and to comply with the year-end tax reporting deadlines, please submit all moving expense reimbursements to FAST by November 1st. Reimbursement paperwork submitted after this date will likely be processed during calendar year 2017. If you have any questions, please contact