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Yearly PCI Compliance
Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQs) with all supporting documentation are due by November 9.
If you need assistance, please email
Download the SAQ Checklist to get started preparing/updating your documentation and processes.
Click here to log-in to the VigiOne website.
If you do not have a log-in please contact us immediately.
VigiOne SAQ training video available below
Documents - Descriptions and Templates
SAQ Checklist:
SAQ Checklist
Track your progress on this checklist to prepare for your SAQ submission, and get a brief description of each item on page two.
Departmental Credit Card Security Policy:
E-Commerce Merchants: SAQ A Environments
Card-Present Merchants: SAQ B or SAQ P2PE Environments
Note: If you use Card-Present and E-Commerce, combine SAQ A with SAQ B or SAQ P2PE.
These documents outline the policies and procedures put into place by your department to protect cardholder data. This is often one of the more time consuming aspects of establishing your PCI compliance documentation, so plan ahead and give yourself time to complete it. Not all aspects of the template may apply to your current operation. You are welcome to delete sections that do not apply to your organization. Versions are available for Card-Present and E-commerce only. If your department does both, combine these two documents. If you are not comfortable doing so, please contact
Incident Response Plan:
Incident Response Plan template
This document prepares your unit for efficient action and communication in the event of a suspected or confirmed breach of a physical, or digital environment. Most critically, it should contain the exact steps of what to do under breach circumstances, as well as contact information of the person in the unit/division that will report the breach to relevant parties. Typically this is the PCI Coordinator for the unit reporting to the Payment Card Coordinator by phone and by emailing
Training & Policy Certification:
Training & Policy Certification template
This document is signed by the departmental PCI Coordinator and Department Head to certify that they understand that critical aspects of UCSC's PCI and Merchant policies and procedures are to be followed. Full details are available in the document.
Service Provider List:
Service Provider List template
This document lists all service providers, including a description of service provided. Depending on the complexity of your environment, this could be as few as one service provider or more than three. Generally our acquiring bank is not listed (Bank of America). Please list contact information for each party so that they can be reached in the event of a breach or other emergency.
Access Control List:
Access Control List template
Documentation of anyone that has access to your credit card environment and their access level. This list enables your organization to know who should and should not be involved with credit card processing and management environments so that if unusual activity occurs you know who is cleared to be involved and who isn't.
Vendor Responsibility Matrix:
E-Commerce Merchants: SAQ A Matrix Template
Card-Present Merchants: SAQ B Matrix or SAQ P2PE Matrix Templates
This matrix assigns specific security control requirements to both you (the merchant) and service providers (any third-party involved in processing, storing, or transmitting cardholder data). Request this document from your third party service providers. If they do not provide one, please send them the appropriate template and have them fill it out. If you need assistance obtaining a completed Vendor Responsibility Matrix, please contact
Contract information for your Credit Card Vendor and/or Service Providers:
All parties engaging in business with UCSC should be contracted, and contracts with companies dealing with Card Data must be on file in order for UCSC to ensure that the third party is compliant with PCI DSS regulations. If a party is in-scope of PCI (Freedompay,, web hosts with payment redirects, etc.) an up-to-date QSA signed AOC must also be on file. These parties must also agree to UC's Security Appendix DS. You can request this information from your Service Providers, Procurement, or ask for assistance in obtaining contract information.
E-Commerce Only Merchant Environments
Attestation of E-Commerce only Processing:
Attestation of E-Commerce only Processing template
For E-Commerce only merchants, a statement attesting that no physical credit card terminals are being used can be submitted instead of a tracking list. This statement should be signed by the departmental PCI Coordinator and Department Head.
Card-Present Merchant Environments
Equipment Tracking, Photos and Movement List:
Terminal Tracking Sheet template
Frequent Movement List template
List of all credit card terminals, models, serial numbers, their physical locations, and pictures of each terminal, front and back. This information is critical to provide baseline information for tamper checks and equipment tracking. Depending on the number of terminals and frequency of their movement, different tracking sheets and methods can be used. Tracking of terminal movement and logging of employees moving them deters improper access and creates an access log for audit in the event of a breach or audit.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is my SAQ Due?
SAQ's must be submitted with attached supporting evidence by November 9.
How do I get help?
Where do I complete my SAQ?