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Search Tips

​Tips for Searching the Financial Affairs Website

Tip #1: Breadth First
If you are not sure exactly what you are looking for, enter a word that is as broad as possible, then add additional words to narrow your results. For example:

  1. First search: cash
  2. Second search: petty cash
  3. Third search: petty cash reconciliation

Tip #2: Using Common Keywords
The most common searches involve keywords like: AND, OR, and NOT.
Use CAPS when using these keywords since some search engines won't recognize them in lower case.

Criteria Results In
cash AND fund Documents with both words.
cash OR fund Documents with either word.
cash NOT fund Documents that have the word cash, but not the word fund.

Additional search criteria you can use:

What to Enter What it Does Example
Quotation marks: " " Will search for the exact phrase you entered. "cash fund" as opposed to cash fund
Asterisk: * Wildcard: will return unknown or variable words. *fund (or fund*)
Plus sign: + Must contain the word cash +fund
Minus sign: - Must not contain cash -fund
filetype: Find a specific type of document petty cash filetype:pdf

Type keywords and phrases in lower case to find both lower and upper case versions.
Typing capital letters may return only an exact match.