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COVID-19 Financial Tracking Announcements Archive

Scheduled Site Maintenance Complete
The site maintenance has been successfully completed, and full functionality has been restored.

This was a significant upgrade to the underlying service that powers our website.
If you notice any website issues, please contact the web team at
Financial Affairs Website: Planned Outage on 3/3/24 from 2:30am - 5:30am
The Financial Affairs website will be unavailable for 3 hours on Sunday morning, March 3rd, from 2:30am to 5:30am for scheduled system maintenance. This will impact access to systems such as CruzBuy, CruzPay, CruzFly, ERS, and FIS. Please plan accordingly and contact with any questions.​
Financial Affairs Response Times Impacted
As with many campus units, there are a significant number of Financial Affairs staff impacted by the CZU Lightning Complex Fire. Response times for all Financial Affairs departments may be slower than usual. Be safe, everyone.
Updates to COVID-19 Labor Tracking
Effective with the June 2020 COVID-19 expense tracking submissions, the requirements for labor tracking have been updated. These updates reflect our better understanding of FEMA claims eligibility rules, and were arrived at in discussion with COVID-19 Recovery Teams from other UC locations and the Disaster Recover Consulting team. Please contact us at if questions. ​​
Exempt Employees (see Exceptions section below)
  • No tracking is required for exempt (monthly paid) employees, including academic employees.
Non Exempt Employees (see Exceptions section below)

Tracking for non-exempt (biweekly paid) employees is only required when:

  • The employee earns overtime or compensatory time during the work week being tracked.
    • If unclear whether an employee earned overtime or compensatory time in a work week, track the employee’s time and the Cost Recovery Team will confirm.
Extramurally Funded Employees

Per the original tracking requirements, time spent on COVID-19 response work by extramurally funded employees is not eligible for reimbursement and does not need to be tracked.


Tracking for exempt and non-exempt employees should always occur in the following situations:

  • Time spent on direct involvement with the FEMA claim preparation process. This includes:
    • Filling out the Expenditure/Labor Tracker
    • Compiling invoices, proof of payment and purchase orders for FEMA submittal
    • Attending FEMA Cost Recovery Workgroup meetings
    • Reviewing FEMA submittal packages
  • The employee is working beyond their normal job FTE
    • Non-exempt example: a half-time (.50 FTE as coded in UCPath) non-exempt employee is working more than 20 hours/week due to COVID-related work. The hours worked over 20 should be tracked.
    • Exempt example: an exempt employee’s Job FTE is increased in UCPath from .50 to .75 due to COVID-related work. The .25 increase should be converted to weekly hours (40 * .25 = 10 hours) and added to the tracker.
  • The employee is a NEW temporary hire specifically for activities directly related to COVID-19 response work.
    • All hours for these employees are eligible for reimbursement.
  • The employee is a NEW temporary hire to backfill for an existing employee whose work has been redirected to COVID-19 activities.
    • All hours for these employees are eligible for reimbursement, even if the employee is not doing COVID-19 related work themselves.
InfoView Report Available
Planning & Budget Data Management has published the “COVD19 transactions for Expense Tracker” report in InfoView for FINITE universe users. This report pulls transactions from the ledger that used the COVD19 activity code, and can be useful for transferring information to the COVID-19 Tracker Workbook, as well as cross-checking data. The report can be found in the “Financial Operating/Non-certified Drafts” folder. Please contact us at if questions.​
COVID-19 Expenses Charged to Extramural C&G Funds Do Not Require Tracking
Costs for COVID-19-related general and labor expenses that are charged to extramural contract & grant funds are not reimbursable to UCSC, and therefore should not be added to the COVID19 Tracking Workbook, and do not need to use the COVD19 Activity Code. If you have already used the COVD19 Activity Code, you do not need to correct (transfer); we can identify the fund source and remove from reporting. Please contact us at if questions.​
COVID-19 Financial Impact Reporting
The disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are having a profound impact on higher education financially. We need to measure the expense, labor and revenue loss costs we are experiencing in order to provide reporting to campus, UC, and state/federal agencies for planning purposes, and also for submission of claims or proposals that may allow us to recoup a portion of these costs. All units are being asked to track and report all COVID-19-related financial data at a detailed level using provided tools and instructions.