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Tracking & Inventorial Guide

The information provided in this guide will assist a UCSC faculty or staff member in tracking inventorial equipment. Please email with questions.​​

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  • Assigning/updating equipment custodian and custody codes

    Department managers whose units have inventorial equipment need to assign custodial responsibility for the equipment to a staff member. This individual will be responsible for performing the biennial inventory and handling or assisting with other equipment related matters, e.g. transfers, loans, and disposal in compliance with related equipment policy.

    Complete the Custody Code & Custodian Maintenance Form and obtain approval of the completed form to:

    • Request a new custodian
    • Remove an existing custodian
    • Request a new custody code
    • Discontinue an existing custody code

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  • Tracking inventory

    What to know:

    • Frequency - Due biennially on or before April 1.
    • Each year, approximately half of all campus equipment is inventoried:
      • For years ending in an even number, equipment with custody codes 0018 through 2507
      • For years ending in an odd number, equipment with custody codes 3000 through 8556
      • The Equipment Administration Office distributes to campus units a copy of the EQ-920 report of inventorial equipment owned by or in the custody of the unit.

    Confirm that the list is for your department. If not, return the list to Equipment Administration.
    The inventory should be verified manually. Physically locate and verify the information provided for each piece of equipment listed on the inventory. Changes are updated by lining through the old number(s) and writing in the new number(s).

    Building and room information
    Verify, enter or update the building and room information where the item is located. Use the building number whenever possible.
    Note: The room information field is limited to 6 characters.

    Serial number:
    Record the serial number if not already listed or if listed incorrectly.
    Note: The serial number field in the equipment database is limited to 12 characters. If the actual serial number is more than 12 digits, only the last 12 digits will appear on this list. Hyphens, spaces, and any zeros at the beginning of a serial number are not shown.

    Condition Code
    The condition code of the equipment is printed on the report if it was on record at the time the EQ920 was printed. If blank, enter the general condition of the equipment, using the following 2 character alphanumeric codes that can be found on the signature page of each EQ920 report. Please be sure to include both characters.

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  • How to loan UC owned equipment

    UC owned equipment may be loaned to another department, person, or an outside agency. When you loan equipment, custody of the equipment stays with your department. If you want custody to change to the receiving UC department, see: How to Transfer Equipment within UC.

    Determine if the equipment owner is UCSC or the US Government.

    • Check the property tag(s) on the equipment. If you see a "Property of US Government" tag, the equipment may NOT be loaned. If unsure who has title, contact Equipment Administration.
    • If you see only the UCSC property tag proceed.
    • Do not physically loan the equipment until all parties have approved the loan.

    If loan is within UC, complete an Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR)

    • Fill in department name, custody code, preparer's name, phone, and date sections of the EIMR.
    • Check the "LOAN" box in the Transactions section.
    • Complete the Equipment Identification and Loan sections, including the Lender & Borrower information and Period of Loan.
    • Have the EIMR signed by both the loaning and accepting parties
    • Submit the completed and signed EIMR to Equipment Administration.

    If loan is to an outside agency, complete a Loan to Agency Agreement Form: (Excel | PDF)

    • Fill in all contact information for both the campus unit that is loaning the equipment and for the borrower.
    • Obtain required borrower and department head signatures.
    • Submit the completed and signed Loan to Agency Agreement to Equipment Administration

    Confirmation that the loan has been recorded.

    • Equipment Administration will sign and return to you a copy of the EIMR or Loan to Agency Agreement.
    • If you do not receive the signed copy of the EIMR or Loan to Agency Agreement within 10 days, contact Equipment Administration to determine the status.

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  • Equipment acquired via a loan within UC

    In the right place?

    This section is applicable when a unit is receiving equipment from either another UCSC department or another UC campus:

    • The lending party initiates an Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR) related to a loan of equipment - both when lending equipment and when the equipment is returned.
    • The unit receiving the loaned equipment signs the EIMR indicating acceptance of (or release from) responsibility for the equipment while in the unit's possession.
    • Equipment Administration will record the equipment in the fixed asset database using the property number assigned by the lending campus.

    Note: Be sure both the lending and borrowing parties have signed the EIMR prior to submitting it to Equipment Administration.

    See: How to loan UC Owned Equipment or Required Processing at the End of the Loan Period for additional information.

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  • How to perform a physical equipment inventory

    What to know:

    • Frequency - Due biennially on or before April 1.
    • Each year, approximately half of all campus equipment is inventoried:
      • For years ending in an even number, equipment with custody codes 0018 through 2507
      • For years ending in an odd number, equipment with custody codes 3000 through 8556
      • The Equipment Administration Office distributes to campus units a copy of the EQ-920 report of inventorial equipment owned by or in the custody of the unit.

    The inventory should be verified manually. Physically locate and verify the information provided for each piece of equipment listed on the inventory. Changes are updated by lining through the old number(s) and writing in the new number(s).

    • Building and room information
      Verify, enter or update the building and room information where the item is located. Use the building number whenever possible. Note: The room information field is limited to 6 characters.
    • Serial number
      Record the serial number if not already listed or if listed incorrectly. Note: The serial number field in the equipment database is limited to 12 characters. If the actual serial number is more than 12 digits, only the last 12 digits will appear on this list. Hyphens, spaces, and any zeros at the beginning of a serial number are not shown.
    • Condition Code
      The condition code of the equipment is printed on the report if it was on record at the time the EQ920 was printed. If blank, enter the general condition of the equipment, using the following 2 character alphanumeric codes that can be found on the signature page of each EQ920 report. Please be sure to include both characters.
      First Character Second Character
      N - New 1 - Excellent
      E - Used, Reconditioned 2 - Good
      O - Used, without reconditioning 3 - Fair
      R - Repairs needed 4 - Poor
      For example, E1 stands for equipment that is used, reconditioned and in excellent condition.
      N (new) should be used for new (not used) equipment acquired during the previous fiscal year.
    • Destroyed Equipment:
      If any equipment has been destroyed since the EQ920 was printed, reference the EIMR number in the right margin. If you wish to discard or cannibalize (part out) damaged equipment, write "request disposal" in the right margin. EIMRs are not required during the physical inventory process, with the exception of vehicles, vessels, trailers, and firearms. **An EIMR is now required for disposal of a vehicle, vessel, trailer, or firearm. In addition, at the discretion of the Equipment Administration, a department may be asked to complete an EIMR in other circumstances.** Please wait three weeks before disposing of equipment and assure transaction is approved unless notified otherwise by Equipment Administration within three weeks. After requesting disposal, properly discard the equipment or mark it if used for parts, (e.g. tape note to item stating "removed from inventory - parts only"), to preclude repeated requests to discard.
    • Stolen Equipment:
      Write "stolen" and the police report number near the property number. A copy of the police report should be submitted to Equipment Administration if possible. A Property Loss Report, available from Risk Services at with the police report number filled in is also acceptable.
    • Found Equipment:
      On the listing or on an attachment, write the property number (if available) or the description, manufacturer, model number, and serial number of any piece of equipment found in your area that is not on the EQ920. The Equipment Administration office will follow up on these items.
    • Lost Equipment:
      If any equipment on your listing cannot be physically located by April 1 and is presumed lost, a separate listing of the property numbers and descriptions, and signed by the department or division head, must be attached to the EQ920.
      Note: This equipment will not be officially removed from the inventory unless a formal disposal request (EIMR) is submitted. The record will be maintained for at least one full inventory cycle in case the item is located in the future. (Lost equipment that is removed from the equipment database cannot be re-entered later using the same property number.)
    • Off-Campus Equipment:
      All equipment located off-campus must be accounted for during the physical inventory process. Distribute Off-Campus Equipment Verification Worksheet(s) (Excel | PDF) to the parties responsible for each piece of equipment at an off campus location. Fill in the information at the top of the form before distribution to the responsible parties. Attach completed forms to the EQ920 before submission.
    • Surplus/Utilization:
      If equipment is idle and excess to the unit's needs, screen it for utilization within your unit or division. If no further need is found, the equipment should be immediately declared surplus and listed on a "Surplus Request" form, available at the Surplus Operations web site at Surplus Services or call Surplus Operations at extension 9-5589. Write "Surplus Request attached" in the right margin. If any equipment has been surplused since the EQ920 was printed, reference the Surplus Request number in the right margin. Contact Kelly Mitchell at 9-5589 for assistance with Surplus Request numbers.
    • Transferred Equipment:
      If any equipment has been transferred to another campus unit since the EQ920 was printed, reference the Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR) number in the right margin. If no EIMR has been initiated, write "transfer" and the new custody code in the right margin. EIMRs are no longer required during the physical inventory process for on campus transfers only. Remember to update the building and room numbers if equipment is physically relocated. Assume transaction is approved (after communicating to the recipient unit) unless otherwise notified by Equipment Administration. If equipment is being transferred to a non-UCSC location, complete an Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR).
    • Certification:
      Before returning reports to Equipment Administration be sure the Department or Division head has signed for completion of each custody code. Department or division heads must review carefully and sign all EQ920s for their units. This will allow them the opportunity to review requests for disposal and reports of missing equipment, and to initiate follow-up action as appropriate. Please ensure that the last page of each custody code listing is signed.
    • Value:
      Do not attempt to change the value of an item. Equipment maintains its original value during its "tracked" life in the equipment database. The Equipment Administration office will ignore any requests to change value(s).

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  • Equipment acquired via a loan from an outside (non-UC) source or party

    In the right place?

    The campus unit initiates a Loan from Agency agreement - (Excel | PDF).

    1. Fill in lender information, borrowing unit information, and equipment information sections of the Loan from Agency agreement.
    2. Complete the Terms of Loan section, indicating the period of the loan, entity responsible for transportation costs, and if loan is for demonstration purposes.
    3. Check the appropriate box in the Responsibility for Loss or Damage section.
    4. Sign the Loan from Agency agreement.
    5. Send the filled in Loan from Agency agreement - to the lending party for completion and approval.

    If the loan is NOT for demonstration purposes, Equipment Administration will create property tags and forward them to you.

    • Affix the tags to the equipment.
    • If the equipment loan is for demonstration purposes, no tags will be issued.

    The lending entity needs to sign the Loan from Agency agreement - and send it to Equipment Administration.

    If there is a change in the loan period, the campus unit completes Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR):

    1. Fill in department name, custody code, preparer's name, phone, and date sections of the EIMR.
    2. Check the "Other" box in the Transactions section of the EIMR. In the description field, indicate that it is a change in the loan period. Obtain signature of lender.
    3. Complete the Equipment Identification section. Be sure to include location (building and room number) information.
    4. Complete the Loan section, providing the new end date.
    5. Sign the EIMR.
    6. Send the completed EIMR to the lending party for approval.

    The lending party must sign the completed EIMR and mail or fax it to the campus Equipment Administration unit.

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  • Required processing at the end of the loan

    At the completion of the loan period, the lending party is responsible for initiating an Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR)

    • Fill in department name, custody code, preparer's name, phone, and date sections of the EIMR.
    • Check the "Other" box in the Transaction section of the EIMR. Indicate that it is a loan termination.
    • Complete the Equipment Identification section. Be sure to include new location (building and room number) information.
    • In the Loan Section, enter the date the equipment was returned.
    • Sign the EIMR

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  • How to report personal property in use on campus

    Complete a Personal Property Waiver of Liability Form: (Excel | PDF)

    • Fill in all Property Owner/Unit Information.
    • List personal equipment on form:
      • description
      • serial number
      • value
    • Obtain signature approval from unit or department head

    Send the original completed Personal Property Waiver of Liability Form to Equipment Administration for review and approval. If approved, Equipment Administration will send a personal property label to be affixed in a visible location.

    Adhere to the University's personal property rules:

    • The university is not responsible for personal equipment loss or damage.
    • Personal property shall not be repaired or upgraded at university expense.

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  • When personal property is removed from campus

    Notify Equipment Administration when you remove your personal equipment from campus.

    • Fill in and sign the 'Removal of equipment from campus' portion of the Personal Property Waiver of Liability Form: (Excel | PDF)
    • Obtain signature of unit or department head
    • Send a copy to Equipment Administration
    • Retain a copy for your records

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  • How to process a temporary equipment removal

    Sometimes there is a need to temporarily remove inventorial equipment from campus for campus business, research, etc. The person requesting the removal of equipment completes the Equipment Removal Notification Form (Excel | PDF) asking permission to remove the equipment from campus.

    1. Provide the property number, description, serial number, and value of each piece of equipment.
    2. Provide the temporary location information, date of removal, estimated date of return, and reason for removal.
    3. Sign and date the form, and forward it to the Unit Head.

    The Unit Head

    • Reviews and signs the Equipment Removal Notification Form if approving the removal
    • Submits the signed form to Equipment Administration.

    Equipment Administration

    • Updates the equipment location in the database to location 7916: "in the field."

    Note: All property of the UC Regents is automatically covered under the Self-Insured Property Program, outlined in BFB-BUS-81, Insurance Programs. This insurance is only available in excess to any other applicable insurance for any loss or damage to this property while it is in the Requester's care and custody.

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  • Upon return of temporarily removed equipment

    Unit Personnel:
    Fill in the final ("returned") portion of the Notification of the Removal of Equipment from the Campus Form (Excel | PDF). The form needs to be signed by the requester and the unit head prior to submittal to Equipment Administration.

    Equipment Administration:
    Updates the database to reflect the correct location code of the equipment.

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  • Policy references

    • Useful Life Schedule - Depreciation schedule and salvage percentages (includes a list of equipment by classification code)
    • BUS 29 - Management & Control of University Equipment
    • BUS 38 - Disposal of Excess Material and Transfer of Federally Funded University Owned Material

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  • Where to get help

    Contact Equipment Administration:
    Phone: (831) 459-2355
    Fax: (831) 459-3747

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  • Equipment loan documentation

    * If UC does not hold title, the equipment may not be loaned without prior written approval of the titled agency.

    Loan Time Line Lender Borrower Documentation Required* Prior Notification to EQ Admin
    <1 Yr UCSC Dept UCSC Dept Internal memo signed by both Unit Heads. Memo retained by Lending Dept. No
    >1 Yr UCSC Dept UCSC Dept EIMR Form to Equip Admin signed by Lending & Receiving Depts Yes
    <1 Yr UCSC Dept Other UC Campus EIMR Form to Equip Admin signed by Lending & Receiving Depts Yes
    >1 Yr UCSC Dept Other UC Campus EIMR Form to Equip Admin signed by Lending & Receiving Depts Yes
    >1 Yr Other UC Campus UCSC EIMR Form generated by Lending Campus with their Prop#, signatures & sent to UCSC for signatures. SC keeps copy Yes
    Any UCSC External Entity Loan_to_Agency Agreement Form Yes
    Any External (Non-Fed) UCSC *Demo Only - Loan agreement (Loan_from_Agency Form) Yes
    Any External (Non-Fed) UCSC Loan Agreement (Loan_from_Agency Form) Yes
    Any External (Federal) UCSC Loan Agreement (Loan_from_Agency Form) Yes

    *Equipment which is for demonstration, trial or approval purposes only requires an Equipment Loan Agreement but is not tracked in the Fixed Asset System.

    Policy source: UC Bus-29, Section IV E & F

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