Date: 6/20/2023
From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office
To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers
Subject: ACTION REQUIRED: Certification of Federal Effort Reports October 2020 through September 2022
Dear Effort Report Certifier,
Electronic effort reports are available for review and certification in the online Effort Reporting System (ERS).
You are kindly requested to certify effort reports for October 2020 - September 2022, as soon as possible, but no later than the September 22, 2023 deadline. Note the reporting periods are now annual instead of quarterly.
- Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021
- Y21-Faculty Summer Salary
- Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022
- Y22-Faculty Summer Salary
Certification of effort for University personnel who are paid on or have commitments to work on federal contract and grant funds is mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21.
To certify Effort Reports in ERS:
1. Go to:
2. Click on 'Launch ERS'.
3. Log in to ERS with your UCSC CruzID Gold login and password.
4. On the Report List tab, select My Certifications from the Display Saved Search drop-down menu near the top left of the screen. If My Certifications is not listed, select My Effort Reports.
5. Select ALL-Open from the Show Status drop-down menu near the top left of the screen.
6. Click the All radio button for Reporting Periods near the top right of the screen.
7. Click on the name of the employee whose effort report you wish to review and certify.
Refer to the ERS Quick Start Guide (PDF) to guide you through use of the system to review and certify your effort reports.
The ERS web guide, containing more detailed information on ERS functions, is also available.
Divisional Research Accountants have view access to ERS and should be contacted with questions related to effort report content, including making changes to effort report percentages, if needed.
Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:
Thank you,
ERS Office