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ERS Announcements Archive

   An overview of previous campus communications regarding the ERS (Effort Reporting System) and effort reporting period certifications.


Reminder: Certification October 2023 through September 2024
Federal effort report self certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y24 (Oct 1 2023 - Sep 30 2024) effort reports by February 28, 2025.

For a copy of the message, click h​ere.

​Date: February 24​,  2025

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Reminder 3: Due Friday 2/28 - Federal Effort Report Certification

Dear Certifier,

Certification for Y24 Federal Effort Reports is due February 28, 2025. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. ​

<a list of reports to certify was placed here in the reminder emails>

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide: ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
  • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office​​​


Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2023 through September 2024
Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y24 (Oct 1 2023 - Sep 30 2024) effort reports by February 28, 2025.​​​​​​​​

For a copy of the message, click here.

Date: February 11​, 2025

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report certification is due February 28, 2025

Dear PI or RC,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2023 and Sep 30, 2024. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

Y24 Oct 2023-Sep 2024

-Certifications listed (if any)

* asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:​ ​ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
  • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office


Reminder: Certification October 2023 through September 2024
Federal effort report self certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y24 (Oct 1 2023 - Sep 30 2024) effort reports by February 28, 2025.

For a copy of the message, click h​ere.

Date: February 11​,  2025

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification is due February 28, 2025

Dear Self Certifier,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2023 and Sep 30, 2024. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required have been CC'd on this communication for awareness and to provide assistance if needed.

The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

Y24 Oct 2023-Sep 2024

-Certifications listed (if any)

Y24-Faculty Summer Salary

-Your self certifications listed (if an​​y)

* asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
  • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office​


Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2023 through September 2024
Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y24 (Oct 1 2023 - Sep 30 2024) effort reports by February 28, 2025.

For a copy of the message, click here.

Date: January 28, 2025

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report certification is due February 28, 2025

Dear PI or RC,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2023 and Sep 30, 2024. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

Y24 Oct 2023-Sep 2024

-Certifications listed (if any)

* asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
  • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office


Reminder: Certification October 2023 through September 2024
Federal effort report self certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y24 (Oct 1 2023 - Sep 30 2024) effort reports by February 28, 2025.

For a copy of the message, click h​ere.

Date: Jan​uary 28,  2025

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification is due February 28, 2025

Dear Self Certifier,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2023 and Sep 30, 2024. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required have been CC'd on this communication for awareness and to provide assistance if needed.

The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

Y24 Oct 2023-Sep 2024

-Certifications listed (if any)

Y24-Faculty Summer Salary

-Your self certifications listed (if any)

* asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
  • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office​

​​Certification Currently Underway - October 2023 through September 2024
Federal effort report certifiers were notified by email to certify Y24 (Oct 1, 2023 - Sep 30, 2024) effort reports by ​February 28, 2025.

​For a copy of the message, click he​re.

Dear Effort Report Certifier,

Effort reports are available for review and certification in the online Effort Reporting System (ERS).

Effort reports for October 2023 - September 2024 should be certified as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, February 28, 2025.

​The periods being certified are:

  • Y24 Oct 2023-Sep 2024
  • Y24-Faculty Summer Salary

Certification of effort for University personnel who are paid on or have commitments to work on federal contract and grant funds is mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21.

To certify Effort Reports in ERS:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on 'Launch ERS'.
  3. Log in to ERS with your UCSC CruzID Gold login and password.
  4. On the Report List tab, select My Certifications from the Display Saved Search drop-down menu near the top left of the screen. If My Certifications is not listed, select My Projects.
  5. Select ALL-Open from the Show Status drop-down menu near the top left of the screen.
  6. Click the All radio button for Reporting Periods near the top right of the screen.
  7. Click on the name of the employee whose effort report you wish to review and certify.

Refer to the ERS Quick Start Guide (PDF) to guide you through use of the system to review and certify your effort reports.

The ERS web guide, containing more detailed information on ERS functions, is also available.

Divisional Research Accountants have view access to ERS and should be contacted with questions related to effort report content, including making changes to effort report percentages, if needed.

Questions regarding certification should be sent to:

Thank you,

ERS Office​

Financial Affairs Website: Planned Outage on Saturday 11/2/24 at 8:00pm
The Financial Affairs website will undergo an 8 hour planned outage for maintenance over the weekend of November 2nd/3rd.
The website will be unavailable from 8pm on Saturday 11/2/24 through 4am Sunday 11/3/24.

Please direct any questions or concerns to our team.
Scheduled Site Maintenance Complete
The site maintenance has been successfully completed, and full functionality has been restored.

This was a significant upgrade to the underlying service that powers our website.
If you notice any website issues, please contact the web team at
Scheduled Site Maintenance and Content Freeze Over Memorial Day Weekend
Beginning Friday 5/24 @ 5:30pm through Tuesday 5/28 @ 7am the Financial Affairs website will be undergoing scheduled maintenance. While the site will remain available in a read-only mode, some services will be impacted.

Notably, the Entertainment Dashboard and ERF/MET forms will be unavailable during this scheduled maintenance period. If you have questions or issues regarding this maintenance, please contact the web team at
Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports which were due March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.​​​ ​​​

Date: March 13, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report certification is PAST DUE

Dear PI or RC,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

Y23 Oct 2022-Sep 2023

-Certifications listed (if any)

* asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.


Q: I worked 25% time (25% FTE) but "Adjusted Payroll %" shows 100%. Is that right?

A: Adjusted Payroll % shows payment distribution across all funding sources, not an employee's full time equivalency (FTE). If a 25% FTE employee is paid entirely on one fund, that fund will show 100%. Think of Adjusted Payroll % this way, "Of all payments made in this period, what percent was made on each fund?"

The ERS Office is here to help! Email us if you need assistance:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office

Reminder: Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report self certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports which were due March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.​​​

Date: March 13, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification is PAST DUE

Dear Self Certifier,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required are able to provide assistance if needed: (List of department RAs)

The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

(Your projects listed here)

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.


Q: I worked 25% time (25% FTE) but "Adjusted Payroll %" shows 100%. Is that right?

A: Adjusted Payroll % shows payment distribution across all funding sources, not an employee's full time equivalency (FTE). If a 25% FTE employee is paid entirely on one fund, that fund will show 100%. Think of Adjusted Payroll % this way, "Of all payments made in this period, what percent was made on each fund?"

Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office

Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports which were due March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.​​

Date: March 7, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report certification is PAST DUE

Dear PI or RC,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

Y23 Oct 2022-Sep 2023

-Certifications listed (if any)

* asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.


Q: I worked 25% time (25% FTE) but "Adjusted Payroll %" shows 100%. Is that right?

A: Adjusted Payroll % shows payment distribution across all funding sources, not an employee's full time equivalency (FTE). If a 25% FTE employee is paid entirely on one fund, that fund will show 100%. Think of Adjusted Payroll % this way, "Of all payments made in this period, what percent was made on each fund?"

The ERS Office is here to help! Email us if you need assistance:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office

Reminder: Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report self certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports which were due March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.​​

Date: March 7, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification is PAST DUE

Dear Self Certifier,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required are able to provide assistance if needed: (List of department RAs)

The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

(Your projects listed here)

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.


Q: I worked 25% time (25% FTE) but "Adjusted Payroll %" shows 100%. Is that right?

A: Adjusted Payroll % shows payment distribution across all funding sources, not an employee's full time equivalency (FTE). If a 25% FTE employee is paid entirely on one fund, that fund will show 100%. Think of Adjusted Payroll % this way, "Of all payments made in this period, what percent was made on each fund?"

Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office​

Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports by March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.​​

Date: March 1, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report certification is due TODAY

Dear PI or RC,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

Y23 Oct 2022-Sep 2023

-Certifications listed (if any)

* asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.


Q: I worked 25% time (25% FTE) but "Adjusted Payroll %" shows 100%. Is that right?

A: Adjusted Payroll % shows payment distribution across all funding sources, not an employee's full time equivalency (FTE). If a 25% FTE employee is paid entirely on one fund, that fund will show 100%. Think of Adjusted Payroll % this way, "Of all payments made in this period, what percent was made on each fund?"

The ERS Office is here to help! Email us if you need assistance:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office

Reminder: Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report self certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports by March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click 

Date: March 1, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification is due TODAY

Dear Self Certifier,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required are able to provide assistance if needed: (List of department RAs)

The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

(Your projects listed here)

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.


Q: I worked 25% time (25% FTE) but "Adjusted Payroll %" shows 100%. Is that right?

A: Adjusted Payroll % shows payment distribution across all funding sources, not an employee's full time equivalency (FTE). If a 25% FTE employee is paid entirely on one fund, that fund will show 100%. Think of Adjusted Payroll % this way, "Of all payments made in this period, what percent was made on each fund?"

Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office

Financial Affairs Website: Planned Outage on 3/3/24 from 2:30am - 5:30am
The Financial Affairs website will be unavailable for 3 hours on Sunday morning, March 3rd, from 2:30am to 5:30am for scheduled system maintenance. This system launch page will be unavailable during that time. Please plan your system usage accordingly and contact with any questions.
Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports by March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.​

Date: February 26, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report certification is due March 1, 2024

Dear PI or RC,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

Y23 Oct 2022-Sep 2023

-Certifications listed (if any)

* asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.


Q: I worked 25% time (25% FTE) but "Adjusted Payroll %" shows 100%. Is that right?

A: Adjusted Payroll % shows payment distribution across all funding sources, not an employee's full time equivalency (FTE). If a 25% FTE employee is paid entirely on one fund, that fund will show 100%. Think of Adjusted Payroll % this way, "Of all payments made in this period, what percent was made on each fund?"

The ERS Office is here to help! Email us if you need assistance:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office


Reminder: Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report self certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports by March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.​

Date: February 26, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification is due March 1, 2024

Dear Self Certifier,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required are able to provide assistance if needed: (List of department RAs)

The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

(Your projects listed here)

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.


Q: I worked 25% time (25% FTE) but "Adjusted Payroll %" shows 100%. Is that right?

A: Adjusted Payroll % shows payment distribution across all funding sources, not an employee's full time equivalency (FTE). If a 25% FTE employee is paid entirely on one fund, that fund will show 100%. Think of Adjusted Payroll % this way, "Of all payments made in this period, what percent was made on each fund?"

Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office

Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports by March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.

Date: February 12, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report certification is due March 1, 2024

Dear PI or RC,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

Y23 Oct 2022-Sep 2023

-Certifications listed (if any)

* asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.


Q: I worked 25% time (25% FTE) but "Adjusted Payroll %" shows 100%. Is that right?

A: Adjusted Payroll % shows payment distribution across all funding sources, not an employee's full time equivalency (FTE). If a 25% FTE employee is paid entirely on one fund, that fund will show 100%. Think of Adjusted Payroll % this way, "Of all payments made in this period, what percent was made on each fund?"

The ERS Office is here to help! Email us if you need assistance:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office

Reminder: Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report self certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports by March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.

Date: February 12, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification is due March 1, 2024

Dear Self Certifier,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required are able to provide assistance if needed: (List of department RAs)

The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

(Your projects listed here)

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.


Q: I worked 25% time (25% FTE) but "Adjusted Payroll %" shows 100%. Is that right?

A: Adjusted Payroll % shows payment distribution across all funding sources, not an employee's full time equivalency (FTE). If a 25% FTE employee is paid entirely on one fund, that fund will show 100%. Think of Adjusted Payroll % this way, "Of all payments made in this period, what percent was made on each fund?"

Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office


Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports by March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.​ ​​​​

Date: Jannuary 30, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report certification is due March 1, 2024

Dear PI or RC,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

Y23 Oct 2022-Sep 2023

-Certifications listed (if any)

* asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.


Q: I worked 25% time (25% FTE) but "Adjusted Payroll %" shows 100%. Is that right?

A: Adjusted Payroll % shows payment distribution across all funding sources, not an employee's full time equivalency (FTE). If a 25% FTE employee is paid entirely on one fund, that fund will show 100%. Think of Adjusted Payroll % this way, "Of all payments made in this period, what percent was made on each fund?"

The ERS Office is here to help! Email us if you need assistance:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office

Reminder: Self Certifier Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports by March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.​ ​​​

Date: Jannuary 30, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification is due March 1, 2024

Dear Self Certifier,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required are able to provide assistance if needed: (List of department RAs)

The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

(Your projects listed here)

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.


Q: I worked 25% time (25% FTE) but "Adjusted Payroll %" shows 100%. Is that right?

A: Adjusted Payroll % shows payment distribution across all funding sources, not an employee's full time equivalency (FTE). If a 25% FTE employee is paid entirely on one fund, that fund will show 100%. Think of Adjusted Payroll % this way, "Of all payments made in this period, what percent was made on each fund?"

Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office

Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports by March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.

Date: January 24, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report certification is due March 1, 2024

Dear PI or RC,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

Y23 Oct 2022-Sep 2023

-Certifications listed (if any)

* asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
  • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office

Reminder: Certification October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report self certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y23 (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports by March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click here.

Date: Jannuary 24, 2024

From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification is due March 1, 2024

Dear Self Certifier,

You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2022 and Sep 30, 2023. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required have been CC'd on this communication for awareness and to provide assistance if needed.

The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

Y23 Oct 2022-Sep 2023

-Certifications listed (if any)

Y23-Faculty Summer Salary

-Your self certifications listed (if any)

* asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

To certify your effort:

  1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
  2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:ERS Quick Start Guide

After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

Additional help:

  • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
  • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
  • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

Thank you for certifying!

ERS Office

Certification Currently Underway - October 2022 through September 2023
Federal effort report certifiers were notified by email to certify Y23  (Oct 1 2022 - Sep 30 2023) effort reports by March 1, 2024.

For a copy of the message, click he​re.​

Dear Effort Report Certifier,

Effort reports are available for review and certification in the online Effort Reporting System (ERS).

Effort reports for October 2022 - September 2023 should be certified as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, March 1, 2024.

Y23 Oct 2022-Sep 2023

Y23-Faculty Summer Salary

Certification of effort for University personnel who are paid on or have commitments to work on federal contract and grant funds is mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21.

To certify Effort Reports in ERS:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on 'Launch ERS'.
  3. Log in to ERS with your UCSC CruzID Gold login and password.
  4. On the Report List tab, select My Certifications from the Display Saved Search drop-down menu near the top left of the screen. If My Certifications is not listed, select My Projects.
  5. Select ALL-Open from the Show Status drop-down menu near the top left of the screen.
  6. Click the All radio button for Reporting Periods near the top right of the screen.
  7. Click on the name of the employee whose effort report you wish to review and certify.

Refer to the ERS Quick Start Guide (PDF) to guide you through use of the system to review and certify your effort reports.

The ERS web guide, containing more detailed information on ERS functions, is also available.

Divisional Research Accountants have view access to ERS and should be contacted with questions related to effort report content, including making changes to effort report percentages, if needed.

Questions regarding certification should be sent to:

Thank you,

ERS Office


Up Next: Y23

Effort reports for Y23 (Oct 2022-Sep 2023) will be generated in early 2024. More information with regards to certification start and due dates to follow.

Please contact us if you have any questions.​
Certification October 2020 through September 2022
Certification due date 9/22/2023.

For more information, click here.

Certification October 2020 through September 2022

  • Y21 (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021)
  • Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022)
  • Y21 Faculty Summer Salary 
  • Y22 Faculty Summer Salary
​Certification due date: 9/22/2023
    Notifications sent:
    • Reports available: 6/20/2023
    • 1st Reminder: 7/19/2023
    • 2nd Reminder: 8/7/2023
    • 3rd Reminder: 8/21/2023
    • 4th Reminder: 9/5/2023
    • Final Reminder: 9/18/2023
    • Late reminder 1: 9/25/2023​
    • Final Late Reminder: 10/2/2023

    Final Late reminder: Self Certifiers Certification October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y21 (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports which were due September 22, 2023.

    For a copy of the message, click here.

    Date: October 2, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Past Due: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification was due Sept 22, 20233

    Dear Self Certifier,

    You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2020 and Sep 30, 2022. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

    The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required are able to provide assistance if needed (RA contact information listed).

    The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

    Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y21-Faculty Summer Salary

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y22-Faculty Summer Salary

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    To certify your effort:

    1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
    2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:
      ERS Quick Start Guide

    After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

    Additional help:

    • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
    • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
    • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you for certifying!

    ERS Office​

    Final Late reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y21 (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports which were due September 22, 2023.

    For a copy of the message, click here.

    Date: October 2, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Past Due: Your Federal Grant Report certification was due Sept 22, 2023

    Dear PI or RC,

    You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2020 and Sep 30, 2022. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

    The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

    Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

    Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

    Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021

    -Certifications listed (if any)

    Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022

    -Certifications listed (if any)

    * asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

    To certify your effort:

    1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
    2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:
      ERS Quick Start Guide

    After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

    Additional help:

    • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
    • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
    • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you for certifying!

    ERS Office​

    1st Late reminder: Certification October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y21  (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports which were due by September 22, 2023

    For a copy of the message, click here.

    Date: September 23, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Past Due: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification was due Sept 22, 20233

    Dear Self Certifier,

    You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2020 and Sep 30, 2022. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

    The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required are able to provide assistance if needed (RA contact information listed).

    The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

    Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y21-Faculty Summer Salary

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y22-Faculty Summer Salary

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    To certify your effort:

    1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
    2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:
      ERS Quick Start Guide

    After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

    Additional help:

    • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
    • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
    • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you for certifying!

    ERS Office

    Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y21 (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports by September 22, 2023.

    For a copy of the message, click he​re.

    Date: September 25, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Past Due: Your Federal Grant Report certification was due Sept 22, 2023

    Dear PI or RC,

    You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2020 and Sep 30, 2022. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

    The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

    Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

    Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

    Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021

    -Certifications listed (if any)

    Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022

    -Certifications listed (if any)

    * asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

    To certify your effort:

    1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
    2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:
      ERS Quick Start Guide

    After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

    Additional help:

    • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
    • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
    • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you for certifying!

    ERS Office


    Reminder: Certification October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report self certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y21  (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports by September 22, 2023.

    For a copy of the message, click h​ere.​

    Date: September 18, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification is due Sept 22, 2023

    Dear Self Certifier,

    You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2020 and Sep 30, 2022. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

    The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required have been CC'd on this communication for awareness and to provide assistance if needed.

    The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

    Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y21-Faculty Summer Salary

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y22-Faculty Summer Salary

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    To certify your effort:

    1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
    2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:
      ERS Quick Start Guide

    After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

    Additional help:

    • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
    • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
    • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you for certifying!

    ERS Office


    Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y21 (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports by September 22, 2023.

    For a copy of the message, click he​re.​

    Date: September 18, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report certification is due Sept 22, 2023

    Dear PI or RC,

    You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2020 and Sep 30, 2022. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

    The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

    Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

    Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

    Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021

    -Certifications listed (if any)

    Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022

    -Certifications listed (if any)

    * asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

    To certify your effort:

    1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
    2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:
      ERS Quick Start Guide

    After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

    Additional help:

    • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
    • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
    • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you for certifying!

    ERS Office

    Reminder: Self Certifiers Certification October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report self certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y21 (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports by September 22, 2023.

    For a copy of the message, click here.

    Date: September 5, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification is due Sept 22, 2023

    Dear Self Certifier,

    You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2020 and Sep 30, 2022. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

    The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required have been CC'd on this communication for awareness and to provide assistance if needed.

    The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

    Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y21-Faculty Summer Salary

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y22-Faculty Summer Salary

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    To certify your effort:

    1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
    2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide: ERS Quick Start Guide

    After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

    Additional help:

    • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
    • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
    • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you for certifying!

    ERS Office

    Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y21 (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports by September 22, 2023.

    For a copy of the message, click here.

    Date: September 5, 2023 From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers Reply-to: Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report certification is due Sept 22, 2023

    Dear PI or RC,

    You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2020 and Sep 30, 2022. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

    The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

    Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

    Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

    Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021

    -Certifications listed (if any)

    Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022

    -Certifications listed (if any)

    * asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

    To certify your effort:

    1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
    2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide: ERS Quick Start Guide

    After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

    Additional help:

    • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
    • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
    • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you for certifying!

    ERS Office

    Reminder: Self Certifiers Certification October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report self certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y21  (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports by September 22, 2023

    For a copy of the message, click here.

    Date: August 21, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report Self Certification is due Sept 22, 2023

    Dear Self Certifier,

    You are receiving this email because our records indicate you received a payment from a federal grant between Oct 1, 2020 and Sep 30, 2022. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. You are eligible to certify your own effort for the following reason: (your specific reason listed here).

    The RAs for the departments for which your certification is required have been CC'd on this communication for awareness and to provide assistance if needed.

    The federal grant(s) that require your certification for each open reporting period are listed below:

    Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y21-Faculty Summer Salary

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)

    Y22-Faculty Summer Salary

    -Your self certifications listed (if any)​

    To certify your effort:

    1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
    2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:
      ERS Quick Start Guide

    After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let us know immediately at

    Additional help:

    ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
    Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you for certifying!

    ERS Office​

    Reminder: Primary Investigator and Report Certifier Certification October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report primary investigators and report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y21 (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports by September 22, 2023.

    For a copy of the message, click here.

    Date: August 21, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Action Required: Your Federal Grant Report certification is due Sept 22, 2023

    Dear PI or RC,

    You are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a report certifier for federal grant(s) between Oct 1, 2020 and Sep 30, 2022. Federal grants require all effort to be certified, mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Your certification of employee effort is needed because you are either the PI on a federal grant, or a designated report certifier on a federal grant.

    The Research Accountants for your certifications are listed here. They can provide assistance if needed.

    Your certifications are listed below by reporting period. Employees are grouped by fund/org, e.g. [Fund~Org]: employee list.

    Employees that require your certification, and for whom you are the sole certifier:

    Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021
    -Certifications listed (if any)

    Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022

    -Certifications listed (if any)

    Employees that have multiple certifications (another PI or RC may be certifying all or part of these employees' effort):

    Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021
    -Certifications listed (if any)

    Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022
    -Certifications listed (if any)

    It is also important to certify these employees, if any, if appropriate. Be aware there may be shared certification responsibility, or multiple-line certifications for these employees. If you have questions about these employees please reach out to the RAs listed above.

    * asterisks indicate you are the PI for that employee's effort

    To certify your effort:

    1. Click the "Launch ERS" button on the ERS launch page:
    2. Follow the instructions in this quick start guide:
      ERS Quick Start Guide

    After logging in to ERS, if you do not see any reports to certify please let the ERS Office know immediately at

    Additional help:

    • The ERS web guide contains more detailed information on ERS functions, if needed.
    • The RAs indicated above can answer questions about the employees you are being asked to certify. Please provide the employee name, certification period, and fund/org in question when reaching out for assistance.
    • Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you for certifying!

    ERS Office

    Reminder: Certification October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y21  (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports by September 22, 2023.

    For a copy of the message, click here. ​

    Date: August 4, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Reminder: DUE 9/22/2023 - Federal Effort Reports Certification

    Dear Effort Report Certifier,

    This is a friendly reminder that effort reports for October 2020 - September 2022, need certification as soon as possible, but no later than the September 22, 2023 deadline. Note the reporting periods are now annual instead of quarterly.​

    • Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021
    • Y21-Faculty Summer Salary
    • Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022
    • Y22-Faculty Summer Salary​

    Certification of effort for University personnel who are paid on or have commitments to work on federal contract and grant funds is mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. 

    To certify Effort Reports in ERS:​​

    1. Go to:

    2. Click on 'Launch ERS'.

    3. Log in to ERS with your UCSC CruzID Gold login and password.

    4. On the Report List tab, select My Certifications from the Display Saved Search drop-down menu near the top left of the screen. If My Certifications is not listed, select My Effort Reports.

    5. Select ALL-Open from the Show Status drop-down menu near the top left of the screen.

    6. Click the All radio button for Reporting Periods near the top right of the screen.

    7. Click on the name of the employee whose effort report you wish to review and certify.

    Refer to the ERS Quick Start Guide (PDF) to guide you through use of the system to review and certify your effort reports.

    The ERS web guide, containing more detailed information on ERS functions, is also available.

    Divisional Research Accountants have view access to ERS and should be contacted with questions related to effort report content, including making changes to effort report percentages, if needed.

    Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you,

    ERS Office​

    Reminder: Certification October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report certifiers were reminded by email to certify Y21  (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports by September 22, 2023

    For a copy of the message, click here.

    Date: July 19, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Reminder: DUE 9/22/2023 - Federal Effort Reports Certification

    Dear Effort Report Certifier,

    This is a friendly reminder that effort reports for October 2020 - September 2022, need certification as soon as possible, but no later than the September 22, 2023 deadline. Note the reporting periods are now annual instead of quarterly.​

    • Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021
    • Y21-Faculty Summer Salary
    • Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022
    • Y22-Faculty Summer Salary

    Certification of effort for University personnel who are paid on or have commitments to work on federal contract and grant funds is mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. 

    To certify Effort Reports in ERS:

    1. Go to:

    2. Click on 'Launch ERS'.

    3. Log in to ERS with your UCSC CruzID Gold login and password.

    4. On the Report List tab, select My Certifications from the Display Saved Search drop-down menu near the top left of the screen. If My Certifications is not listed, select My Effort Reports.

    5. Select ALL-Open from the Show Status drop-down menu near the top left of the screen.

    6. Click the All radio button for Reporting Periods near the top right of the screen.

    7. Click on the name of the employee whose effort report you wish to review and certify.

    Refer to the ERS Quick Start Guide (PDF) to guide you through use of the system to review and certify your effort reports.

    The ERS web guide, containing more detailed information on ERS functions, is also available.

    Divisional Research Accountants have view access to ERS and should be contacted with questions related to effort report content, including making changes to effort report percentages, if needed.

    Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you,

    ERS Office

    Certification Currently Underway - October 2020 through September 2022
    Federal effort report certifiers were notified by email to certify Y21  (Oct 1 2020 - Sep 30 2021) and Y22 (Oct 1 2021 - Sep 30 2022) effort reports by September 22, 2023.
    For a copy of the message, click here.

    ​Date: 6/20/2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: ACTION REQUIRED: Certification of Federal Effort Reports October 2020 through September 2022

    Dear Effort Report Certifier,

    Electronic effort reports are available for review and certification in the online Effort Reporting System (ERS).

    You are kindly requested to certify effort reports for October 2020 - September 2022, as soon as possible, but no later than the September 22, 2023 deadline. Note the reporting periods are now annual instead of quarterly.​

    • Y21 Oct 2020-Sep 2021
    • Y21-Faculty Summer Salary
    • Y22 Oct 2021-Sep 2022
    • Y22-Faculty Summer Salary​

    Certification of effort for University personnel who are paid on or have commitments to work on federal contract and grant funds is mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. 

    To certify Effort Reports in ERS:​

    1. Go to:

    2. Click on 'Launch ERS'.

    3. Log in to ERS with your UCSC CruzID Gold login and password.

    4. On the Report List tab, select My Certifications from the Display Saved Search drop-down menu near the top left of the screen. If My Certifications is not listed, select My Effort Reports.

    5. Select ALL-Open from the Show Status drop-down menu near the top left of the screen.

    6. Click the All radio button for Reporting Periods near the top right of the screen.

    7. Click on the name of the employee whose effort report you wish to review and certify.

    Refer to the ERS Quick Start Guide (PDF) to guide you through use of the system to review and certify your effort reports.

    The ERS web guide, containing more detailed information on ERS functions, is also available.

    Divisional Research Accountants have view access to ERS and should be contacted with questions related to effort report content, including making changes to effort report percentages, if needed.

    Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    ​Thank you,
    ERS Office

    Up Next: Y21 and Y22
    Effort reports for Y21 (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) and Y22 (Oct 2021-Sep 2022) will be generated next. More information with regards to certification start and due dates to follow.

    Please contact us at if you have any questions.​
    Certification Fall 2019 through Summer 2020
    Certification due date 4/17/2023. For more information, click here.
    Certification Fall 2019 through Summer 2020
    • Fall 2019
    • Winter 2020
    • Spring 2020
    • Faculty Summer Salary 2020
    • Summer 2020
    ​Certification due date: 4/17/2023
    Notifications sent:
    • Reports available: 3/8/2023
    • 1st Reminder: 3/16/2023
    • 2nd Reminder: 3/27/2023
    • 3rd Reminder: 4/5/2023
    • Late reminder: 4/18/2023​

    1st Late reminder: Fall 2019 through Summer 2020 Certification
    Fall 2019 through Summer 2020 Federal Effort Report certification was due on April 17, 2023. Federal effort report certifiers who have effort reports that still remain uncertified were sent a late reminder requesting certification without further delay.

    For a copy of the message, click here.

    Date: April 18, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Reminder: DUE 4/17/2023 - Federal Effort Reports Certification

    Dear Effort Report Certifier,

    Federal Effort Reports certification for Fall 2019 through Summer 2020 was due on April 17, 2023.

    You have uncertified reports in the Effort Reporting System. We urge you to certify your effort reports in ERS immediately.

    Certification of effort for University personnel who are paid on or have commitments to work on federal contract and grant funds is mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Failure to comply with Federal OMB Circular A-21 can result in serious penalties for the University and/or the individual certifying their effort and may result in a disallowance by the federal agency funding the research.

    To certify Effort Reports in ERS:

    1. Go to:

    2. Click on ‘Launch ERS.

    3. Log in to ERS with your UCSC CruzID Gold login and password.

    4. On the Report List tab, select My Certifications from the Display Saved Search drop-down menu near the top left of the screen. If My Certifications is not listed, select My Effort Reports.

    5. Select ALL-Open from the Show Status drop-down menu near the top left of the screen.

    6. Click the All radio button for Reporting Periods near the top right of the screen.

    7. Click on the name of the employee whose effort report you wish to review and certify.

    Refer to the ERS Quick Start Guide (PDF) to guide you through use of the system to review and certify your effort reports.

    The ERS web guide, containing more detailed information on ERS functions, is also available.

    Divisional Research Accountants have access to ERS and should be contacted if changes to the effort report content are needed.

    Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you,
    ERS Office

    3rd Reminder: Certification Fall 2019 through Summer 2020
    Federal effort report certifiers were reminded by email to certify effort reports by April 17, 2023.

    For a copy of the message, click here.

    Date: April 18, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Reminder: DUE 4/17/2023 - Federal Effort Reports Certification

    Dear Effort Report Certifier,

    Federal Effort Reports certification for Fall 2019 through Summer 2020 was due on April 17, 2023.

    You have uncertified reports in the Effort Reporting System. We urge you to certify your effort reports in ERS immediately.

    Certification of effort for University personnel who are paid on or have commitments to work on federal contract and grant funds is mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. Failure to comply with Federal OMB Circular A-21 can result in serious penalties for the University and/or the individual certifying their effort and may result in a disallowance by the federal agency funding the research.

    To certify Effort Reports in ERS:

    1. Go to:

    2. Click on ‘Launch ERS.

    3. Log in to ERS with your UCSC CruzID Gold login and password.

    4. On the Report List tab, select My Certifications from the Display Saved Search drop-down menu near the top left of the screen. If My Certifications is not listed, select My Effort Reports.

    5. Select ALL-Open from the Show Status drop-down menu near the top left of the screen.

    6. Click the All radio button for Reporting Periods near the top right of the screen.

    7. Click on the name of the employee whose effort report you wish to review and certify.

    Refer to the ERS Quick Start Guide (PDF) to guide you through use of the system to review and certify your effort reports.

    The ERS web guide, containing more detailed information on ERS functions, is also available.

    Divisional Research Accountants have access to ERS and should be contacted if changes to the effort report content are needed.

    Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you,
    ERS Office


    2nd Reminder: Certification Fall 2019 through Summer 2020
    Federal effort report certifiers were reminded by email to certify effort reports by April 17, 2023.

    For a copy of the message, ​​click here.

    Date: March 27, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: 2nd Reminder: DUE 4/17/2023 - Federal Effort Reports Certification

    Dear Effort Report Certifier,

    This is a friendly reminder that electronic effort reports are available for your review and certification in the online Effort Reporting System (ERS).

    If you have not done so already, please ensure that certifications for the following reporting periods are completed by April 17, 2023

    • Fall 2019
    • Winter 2020
    • Spring 2020
    • Faculty Summer Salary 2020
    • Summer 2020

    Certification of effort for University personnel who are paid on or have commitments to work on federal contract and grant funds is mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. 

    1. Go to:

    2. Click on ‘Launch ERS.

    3. Log in to ERS with your UCSC CruzID Gold login and password.

    4. On the Report List tab, select My Certifications from the Display Saved Search drop-down menu near the top left of the screen. If My Certifications is not listed, select My Effort Reports.

    5. Select ALL-Open from the Show Status drop-down menu near the top left of the screen.

    6. Click the All radio button for Reporting Periods near the top right of the screen.

    7. Click on the name of the employee whose effort report you wish to review and certify.

    Refer to the ERS Quick Start Guide (PDF) to guide you through use of the system to review and certify your effort reports.

    The ERS web guide, containing more detailed information on ERS functions, is also available.

    Divisional Research Accountants have view access to ERS and should be contacted with questions related to effort report content. It is recommended that you contact your divisional Research Accountant before making changes to effort report percentages.

    Feel free to contact us with questions of if you need assistance at the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you,
    ERS Office

    Reminder: Certification Fall 2019 through Summer 2020
    Federal effort report certifiers were reminded by email to certify effort reports by April 17, 2023.

    For a copy of the message, ​​click here.

    ​Date: March 16, 2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: Reminder: DUE 4/17/2023 - Federal Effort Reports Certification

    Dear Effort Report Certifier,

    This is a friendly reminder that electronic effort reports are available for your review and certification in the online Effort Reporting System (ERS).

    • Fall 2019
    • Winter 2020
    • Spring 2020
    • Faculty Summer Salary 2020
    • Summer 2020

    If you have not done so already, please ensure that certification is completed by April 17, 2023.

    Certification of effort for University personnel who are paid on or have commitments to work on federal contract and grant funds is mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. 

    1. Go to:

    2. Click on ‘Launch ERS.

    3. Log in to ERS with your UCSC CruzID Gold login and password.

    4. On the Report List tab, select My Certifications from the Display Saved Search drop-down menu near the top left of the screen. If My Certifications is not listed, select My Effort Reports.

    5. Select ALL-Open from the Show Status drop-down menu near the top left of the screen.

    6. Click the All radio button for Reporting Periods near the top right of the screen.

    7. Click on the name of the employee whose effort report you wish to review and certify.

    Refer to the ERS Quick Start Guide (PDF) to guide you through use of the system to review and certify your effort reports.

    The ERS web guide, containing more detailed information on ERS functions, is also available.

    Divisional Research Accountants have view access to ERS and should be contacted with questions related to effort report content. It is recommended that you contact your divisional Research Accountant before making changes to effort report percentages.

    If you have questions or need further assistance, please feel free to drop in on any of the scheduled Open Labs sessions (zoom):  

    Date Time Zoom link
    Monday, 3/20/2023 9:00 - 10:00 am Click to join
    Wednesday, 3/22/2023 1:00 - 2:00 pm Click to join

    Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you,
    ERS Office


    ​Certification currently underway - Fall 2019 through Summer 2020
    Federal effort report certifiers were notified by email to certify Fall 2019 through Summer 2020 effort reports by April 17, 2023

    For a copy of the message, click here.

    ​Date: 3/8/2023

    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Federal Effort Report Certifiers


    Subject: ACTION REQUIRED: Certification of Federal Effort Reports Fall 2019 through Summer 2020

    Dear Effort Report Certifier,

    Electronic effort reports  are available for review and certification in the online Effort Reporting System (ERS).

    You are kindly requested to certify effort reports for the following reporting periods, as soon as possible, but no later than the April 17, 2023 deadline:

    • Fall 2019
    • Winter 2020
    • Spring 2020
    • Summer 2020
    • Faculty Summer Salary 2020

    Certification of effort for University personnel who are paid on or have commitments to work on federal contract and grant funds is mandated by federal OMB Circular A-21. 

    1. Go to:

    2. Click on ‘Launch ERS.

    3. Log in to ERS with your UCSC CruzID Gold login and password.

    4. On the Report List tab, select My Certifications from the Display Saved Search drop-down menu near the top left of the screen. If My Certifications is not listed, select My Effort Reports.

    5. Select ALL-Open from the Show Status drop-down menu near the top left of the screen.

    6. Click the All radio button for Reporting Periods near the top right of the screen.

    7. Click on the name of the employee whose effort report you wish to review and certify.

    Refer to the ERS Quick Start Guide (PDF) to guide you through use of the system to review and certify your effort reports.

    The ERS web guide, containing more detailed information on ERS functions, is also available.

    Divisional Research Accountants have view access to ERS and should be contacted with questions related to effort report content. It is recommended that you contact your divisional Research Accountant before making changes to effort report percentages..

    If you have questions or need further assistance, please feel free to drop in on any of the scheduled Open Labs sessions (zoom):  

    Date Time Open Lab (Zoom)
    Thursday, 3/9/2023 10:00 - 11:00 am
    Friday, 3/10/2023 9:00 - 10:00 am
    Tuesday, 3/14/2023 2:00 - 3:00 pm

    Any questions can also be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    Thank you,
    ERS Office


    ​Resuming Certification - heads up to Report Certifiers
    E-mail communication was sent to Report Certifiers with information about the upcoming start to resume and catch up on Effort Reporting Certification.
    For a copy of the message, click here.
    Any questions can be directed to

    Date: February 22, 2023
    From: Effort Reporting System (ERS) Office

    To: Principal Investigators and Report Certifiers Subject: UC Effort Reporting Certification

    You are receiving this communication because you are a Principal Investigator/Report Certifier required to certify effort reports. 


    Principal Investigators and Report Certifiers, 

    We are writing to inform you of the upcoming effort to catch up on the required effort certification on federal awards.  

    Effort report certification has been on hold since January 2020, while UCPath and UCOP were making updates to ERS, the web-based reporting tool used by UC to track effort certification.  At this time, the ERS Office and the divisional Research Accountants  are preparing effort reports for certification.  A detailed request to catch up and resume certification will be sent by March 10th, 2023.

    Highlights and timeline: 

    • Catch up certification reporting quarters (Fall 2019 through Summer 2020) 

    • ERS training is not required or needed  

    • Open labs (via Zoom) will be organized in case there are questions or if you need assistance 

    • Transition from quarterly reporting to annual reporting cycle with Academic Year 21 (Oct 2020–Sep 2021)

    • Catch up certification for Academic Years 21 and 22 (projected start: May 2023)

    • (Regular) certification cycle for Academic Year 23 (by Nov/Dec 2023)

    Divisional Research Accountants have access to ERS and will support you in this effort certification endeavour. They are currently collaborating with the ERS Office to prepare effort reports, so they will be ready for you to certify. 

    Any questions can be directed to the ERS Help email list:

    We appreciate your support,

    ERS Office

    Resuming Certification - note to Report Certifiers
    Effort reports are currently being generated and reviewed in order to resume Effort Certification. More information to follow.

    Please contact us at if you have any questions.​​
    ERS Unavailable 11/22/2022 2:00pm – 5:00pm 
    ERS will be unavailable on Tuesday, November 22nd from 2:00 - 5:00 pm for scheduled system maintenance. Users will be unable to access the system during this time. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please contact us at 

    Fall 2019 Certification On Hold- note to Report Certifiers
    Effort report certification continues to be on hold (as of Fall 2019). Along with the other UC locations, we are working with UCPath and UCOP to make updates to ERS for UCPath and resume effort certification. More information to follow. 

    Plea​se contact us at if you have any questions.​
    Financial Affairs Response Times Impacted
    As with many campus units, there are a significant number of Financial Affairs staff impacted by the CZU Lightning Complex Fire. Response times for all Financial Affairs departments may be slower than usual. Be safe, everyone.
    Fall 2019 effort reports available - note to Report Certifiers
    Effort reports for the Fall 2019 reporting period were generated. Please note that Fall 2019 reports do not (yet) include UCPath December 2019 data. Pending UCPath data updates to ERS, the Fall 2019 certification due date has been extended and you will be advised of the revised certification due date.

    However, Report Certifiers are welcome to continue certifying reports, including Fall 2019. Once UCPath data is loaded, effort percentage updates will be processed, and Report Certifiers will be notified to recertify, if needed.

    Please contact us at if you have any questions.​

    Summer 2019 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 01/15/2020. For more information, click here.

    Summer 2019 Reporting Period

    Summer 2019: For effort during July-September 2019

    Certification due date: 01/15/2020

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 12/17/2019
    - 1st Reminder: 12/23/2019
    - 2nd Reminder: 01/02/2020
    - 3rd Reminder: 01/10/2020
    - 1st Late reminder: 01/16/2020
    - 2nd Late reminder: 01/27/2020

    Spring 2019 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 10/15/2019. For more information, click here.

    Spring 2019 Reporting Period

    Spring 2019: For effort during April-June 2019

    Certification due date: 10/15/2019

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 09/17/2019
    - 1st Reminder: 09/27/2019
    - 2nd Reminder: 10/07/2019
    - 1st Late reminder: 10/16/2019
    - 2nd Late reminder: 10/28/2019

    ERS Unavailable Wednesday, Nov 20th from 5:00 - 6:00 PM
    ERS will be unavailable on Wednsday, November 20th from 5:00 - 6:00 pm for system upgrade maintenance activities.
    Users will be unable to access the system during this time. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
    If you have any questions, please contact us at


    Winter 2019 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 07/15/2019. For more information, click here.

    Winter 2019 Reporting Period

    Winter 2019: For effort during January-March 2019

    Certification due date: 07/15/2019

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 06/17/2019
    - 1st Reminder: 06/27/2019
    - 2nd Reminder: 07/09/2019
    - 1st Late reminder: 07/16/2019
    - 2nd Late reminder: 07/24/2019

    ERS is getting ready for UCPath
    ERS was updated, in anticipation to transition to UCPath (new payroll system) later in the year. Although most of the updates are behind-the-scenes, you may notice some changes on the Payroll Details screen. Click here for more information.
    Your regular use of ERS is not affected and remains unchanged. Please feel free to contact us with any questions at​

    Payroll Details screen changes

    ERS is getting ready for UCPath (new payroll system). You may notice the following changes on the Payroll Details screen:

    1. UCPath names have been added to the column headers
    2. Two new columns have been added

    Figure_2 click to view full size image

    Summary of updates:

    Figure_2 click to view full size image

    Fall 2018 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 04/15/2019. For more information, click here.

    Fall 2018 Reporting Period

    For effort during October-December 2018

    Certification due date: 04/15/2019

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 03/14/2019
    - 1st Reminder: 03/26/2019
    - 2nd Reminder: 04/08/2019
    - 1st Late reminder: 04/16/2019
    - 2nd Late reminder: 04/24/2019
    Multi-Factor Authentication
    ITS began rolling out Multi-Factor Authentication to staff at the Scotts Valley Center on Monday March 4th. You may enroll via the ITS Enroll Your Device page and choose your preferred device option (Smartphone, Landline, SMS, etc.).

    As of April 1st, MFA will be required for SVC staff when accessing CruzID Gold enabled systems (e.g. CruzPay).

    For assistance with MFA related issues please contact ITS or visit the MFA Home page.

    Summer 2018 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 01/15/2019. For more information, click here.

    Summer 2018 Reporting Period

    Summer 2018: For effort during July-September 2018
    Faculty Summer Salary 2018: For effort during October 2017 - September 2018

    Certification due date: 01/15/2019

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 12/11/2018
    - 1st Reminder: 12/19/2018
    - 2nd Reminder: 01/02/2019
    - 3rd Reminder: 01/10/2019
    - 1st Late reminder: 01/16/2019
    - 2nd Late reminder: 01/25/2019

    Spring 2018 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 10/15/2018. For more information, click here.

    Spring 2018 Reporting Period

    For effort during April-June 2018

    Certification due date: 10/15/2018

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 09/17/2018
    - 1st Reminder: 09/27/2018
    - 2nd Reminder: 10/08/2018
    - 1st Late reminder: 10/16/2018
    - 2nd Late reminder: 10/25/2018

    Winter 2018 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 07/15/2018. For more information, click here.

    Winter 2018 Reporting Period

    For effort during January-March 2018

    Certification due date: 07/15/2018

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 06/14/2018
    - 1st Reminder: 06/29/2018
    - 2nd Reminder: 07/11/2018
    - 1st Late reminder: 07/17/2018
    - 2nd Late reminder: 07/25/2018

    Fall 2017 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 04/15/2018. For more information, click here.

    Fall 2017 Reporting Period

    For effort during October-December 2017

    Certification due date: 04/15/2018

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 03/14/2018
    - 1st Reminder: 03/26/2018
    - 2nd Reminder: 04/10/2018
    - 1st Late reminder: 04/16/2018
    - 2nd Late reminder: 04/24/2018

    Summer 2017 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 01/16/2018. For more information, click here.

    Summer 2017 Reporting Period

    Summer 2017: For effort during July-September 2017
    Faculty Summer Salary 2017: For effort during October 2016 - September 2017

    Certification due date: 01/16/2018

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 12/12/2017
    - 1st Reminder: 12/18/2017
    - 2nd Reminder: 01/02/2018
    - 3rd Reminder: 01/10/2018
    - 1st Late reminder: 01/17/2018
    - 2nd Late reminder: 01/25/2018
    Spring 2017 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 10/15/2017. For more information, click here.
    Spring 2017 Reporting Period

    For effort during April - June 2017

    Certification due date: 10/15/2017

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 09/14/2017
    - 1st Reminder: 09/28/2017
    - 2nd Reminder: 10/09/2017
    - 1st Late reminder: 10/16/2017
    - 2nd Late reminder: 10/24/2017
    Winter 2017 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 07/15/2017. For more information, click here.
    Winter 2017 Reporting Period

    For effort during January - March 2017

    Certification due date: 07/15/2017

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 06/14/2017
    - 1st Reminder: 06/29/2017
    - 2nd Reminder: 07/10/2017
    - 1st Late reminder: 07/17/2017
    - 2nd Late reminder: 07/25/2017
    Fall 2016 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 04/15/2017. For more information, click here.
    Fall 2016 Reporting Period

    For effort during October- December 2016

    Certification due date: 04/15/2017

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 03/15/2017
    - 1st Reminder: 03/27/2017
    - 2nd Reminder: 04/10/2017
    - 1st Late reminder: 04/18/2017
    - 2nd Late reminder: 04/24/2017

    Summer 2016 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 01/16/2017. For more information, click here.

    Summer 2016 Reporting Period

    Summer 2016: For effort during July-September 2016
    Faculty Summer Salary 2016: For effort during October 2015 - September 2016

    Certification due date: 01/16/2017

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 12/12/2016
    - 1st Reminder: 12/16/2016
    - 2nd Reminder: 01/03/2017
    - 3rd Reminder: 01/11/2017
    - 1st Late reminder: 01/17/2017
    - 2nd Late reminder: 01/25/2017

    Spring 2016 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 10/15/2016. For more information, click here.

    Spring 2016 Reporting Period

    For effort during April- June 2016

    Certification due date: 10/15/2016

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 09/15/2016
    - 1st Reminder: 09/29/2016
    - 2nd Reminder: 10/10/2016
    - 1st Late reminder: 10/18/2016
    - 2nd Late reminder: 10/24/2016

    Winter 2016 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 07/15/2016. For more information, click here.

    Winter 2016 Reporting Period

    For effort during January-March 2016

    Certification due date: 07/15/2016

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 06/15/2016
    - 1st Reminder: 06/30/2016
    - 2nd Reminder: 07/11/2016
    - 1st Late reminder: 07/18/2016
    - 2nd Late reminder: 07/25/2016

    Fall 2015 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 04/15/2016. For more information, click here.

    Fall 2015 Reporting Period

    For effort during October-December 2015

    Certification due date: 04/15/2016

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 03/18/2016
    - 1st Reminder: 03/30/2016
    - 2nd Reminder: 04/11/2016
    - 1st Late reminder: 04/18/2016
    - 2nd Late reminder: 04/26/2016

    Summer 2015 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 01/15/2016. For more information, click here.

    Summer 2015 Reporting Period

    Summer 2015: For effort during July-September 2015
    Faculty Summer Salary 2015: For effort during October 2014 - September 2015

    Certification due date: 01/15/2016

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 12/11/2015
    - 1st Reminder: 12/17/2015
    - 2nd Reminder: 01/04/2016
    - 3rd Reminder: 01/11/2016
    - 1st Late reminder: 01/19/2016
    - 2nd Late reminder: 01/27/2016

    Spring 2015 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 10/14/2015. For more information, click here.

    Spring 2015 Reporting Period

    For effort during April-June 2015

    Certification due date: 10/14/2015

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 09/21/2015
    - 1st Reminder: 09/28/2015
    - 2nd Reminder: 10/06/2015
    - 1st Late reminder: 10/15/2015
    - 2nd Late reminder: 10/23/2015

    Winter 2015 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 07/16/2015. For more information, click here.

    Winter 2015 Reporting Period

    For effort during January-March 2015

    Certification due date: 07/16/2015

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 06/16/2015
    - 1st Reminder: 07/01/2015
    - 2nd Reminder: 07/09/2015
    - 1st Late reminder: 07/17/2015
    - 2nd Late reminder: 07/23/2015

    Fall 2014 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 04/16/2015. For more information, click here.

    Fall 2014 Reporting Period

    For effort during October-December 2014

    Certification due date: 04/16/2015

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 03/17/2015
    - 1st Reminder: 03/25/2015
    - 2nd Reminder: 04/09/2015
    - 1st Late reminder: 04/17/2015
    - 2nd Late reminder: 04/23/2015

    The ERS Launch Page has a new look!
    Click 'Launch ERS ' to access ERS. Or click here to learn more about the changes to the ERS Launch Page.

    ​The ERS Launch Page and web content has grown and moved from to within 

    Although the look-and-feel of the web site has changed, all ERS information is still readily available.

    Access ERS via the 'Launch ERS' button. 

    Note the 'ERS Resources' section, on the right hand side of the page, allowing easy access to the ERS Quick Start Guide, the ERS Online Manual, the Announcements (Archive).

    The "ERS Key Dates" calendar is a newly featured resource. This calendar contains key dates for the ERS Reporting Period cycles, including certification due dates and scheduled (late) reminder notifications. You can add/subscribe this calendar to your Google - Other Calendars by clicking the '+Google Calendar icon' located on the bottom right corner of the "ERS Key Dates" calendar.

    Please be aware: the ERS Launch Page url ( has not changed, but all other url link information may have. This means that, if you have bookmarked specific ERS links, those links may have to be updated to point to a new url location. As an example, the ERS Quick Start Guide now points to (

    The ERS system, the certification process, and our contact information remains unchanged. 

    Feel free to contact us at with any questions, concerns, and feedback you may have.


    Summer 2014 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 01/16/2015. For more information, click here.

    Summer 2014 Reporting Period

    Summer 2014: For effort during July-September 2014
    Faculty Summer Salary 2014: For effort during October 2014 - September 2015

    Certification due date: 01/16/2015

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 12/15/2014
    - 1st Reminder: 01/02/2015
    - 2nd Reminder: 01/08/2015
    - 1st Late reminder: 01/20/2015
    - 2nd Late reminder: 01/26/2015

    Spring 2014 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 10/17/2014. For more information, click here.

    Spring 2014 Reporting Period

    For effort during April-June 2014

    Certification due date: 10/17/2014 

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 09/17/2014
    - 1st Reminder: 09/30/2014
    - 2nd Reminder: 10/10/2014
    - 1st Late reminder: 10/20/2014
    - 2nd Late reminder: 10/27/2014

    Winter 2014 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 07/17/2014. For more information, click here.

    Winter 2014 Reporting Period

    For effort during January-March 2014

    Certification due date: 07/17/2014

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 06/16/2014
    - 1st Reminder: 07/01/2014
    - 2nd Reminder: 07/09/2014
    - 1st Late reminder: 07/18/2014
    - 2nd Late reminder: 07/24/2014

    Fall 2013 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 04/16/2014. For more information, click here.
    Fall 2013 Reporting Period

    For effort during October-December 2013

    Certification due date: 04/16/2014

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 03/14/2014
    - 1st Reminder: 03/26/2014
    - 2nd Reminder: 04/09/2014
    - 1st Late reminder: 04/17/2014
    - 2nd Late reminder: 04/24/2014

    Summer 2013 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 01/17/2014. For more information, click here.

    Summer 2013 Reporting Period

    For effort during July-September 2013

    Certification due date: 01/17/2014

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 12/16/2013
    - 1st Reminder: 01/08/2014
    - 2nd Reminder: 01/13/2014
    - 1st Late reminder: 01/21/2014
    - 2nd Late reminder: 01/27/2014

    Spring 2013 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 10/17/2013. For more information, click here.

    Spring 2013 Reporting Period

    For effort during April -June 2013

    Certification due date: 10/17/2013

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 09/13/2013
    - 1st Reminder: 10/03/2013
    - 2nd Reminder: 10/10/2013
    - 1st Late reminder: 10/18/2013
    - 2nd Late reminder: 10/25/2013

    Winter 2013 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 07/17/2013. For more information, click here.
    Winter 2013 Reporting Period

    For effort during January-March 2013

    Certification due date: 07/17/2013

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 06/13/2013
    - 1st Reminder: 07/02/2013
    - 2nd Reminder: 07/10/2013
    - 1st Late reminder: 07/19/2013
    - 2nd Late reminder: 07/24/2013

    Fall 2012 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 04/15/2013. For more information, click here.
    Fall 2012 Reporting Period

    For effort during October-December 2012

    Certification due date: 04/15/2013

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 03/13/2013
    - 1st Reminder: 03/27/2013
    - 2nd Reminder: 04/09/2013
    - 1st Late reminder: 04/16/2013
    - 2nd Late reminder: 04/23/2013

    Summer 2012 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 01/15/2013. For more information, click here.
    Summer 2012 Reporting Period

    For effort during July-September 2012

    Certification due date: 01/15/2013

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 12/11/2012
    - 1st Reminder: 01/09/2013
    - 1st Late reminder: 01/16/2013
    - 2nd Late reminder: 01/29/2013

    Spring 2012 Reporting Period
    Certification due date 10/31/2012. For more information, click here.

    Spring 2012 Reporting Period

    For effort during April-June 2012

    Certification due date: 10/31/2012

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 09/13/2012
    - 1st Reminder: 10/08/2012
    - 2nd Reminder: 10/22/2012
    - Late reminder: 11/01/2012

    Winter 2012 Reporting Period
    Certification due date: 07/16/2012. For more information, click here.

    Winter 2012 Reporting Period

    For effort during January-March 2012

    Certification due date: 07/16/2012

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 06/13/2012
    - 1st Reminder: 06/26/2012
    - 2nd Reminder: 07/10/2012
    - 1st Late reminder: 07/18/2012
    - 2nd Late reminder: 07/25/2012

    ​Fall 2011 Reporting Period
    Certification due date: 04/09/2012. For more details, click here.

    Fall 2011 Reporting Period

    For effort during October - December 2011

    Certification due date: 04/09/2012

    Notifications sent:
    - Reports available: 03/05/2012
    - Reminder: 03/26/2012
    - 1st Late reminder: 04/11/2012
    - 2nd Late reminder: 04/20/2012


    ERS Live: Introductory email to all Principal Investigators/Report Certifiers
    Email was sent to federal effort report certifiers with information about logging in and using the new UCSC Effort Reporting System.  Click here to see a copy of the message.

    Date: February 7, 2012
    From: Christine MacFarlane (Accounting Services Director)
    Monique Leduc (Enterprise Financial Systems Director)
    To: Principal Investigators
    Effort Report Certifiers
    Sent by: ERS Office (
    Subject: New Effort Reporting System for Federal Awards

    As the Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator of federal awards managed by UCSC, we write to inform you of the implementation of the UC Effort Reporting System (ERS) at UCSC. ERS will replace the paper-based Personnel Activity Report (PAR) documents that you have used in the past for certifying effort on federal awards as of the Fall 2011 quarter.

    Advantages of the ERS include:

    • The ability to certify effort from any location with internet access, using your existing UCSC CruzID Gold login and password
    • A simple-to-use interface for reviewing effort and certifying reports
    • The ability to review detailed payroll transaction information, if desired
    • The elimination of paper forms and their associated distribution and routing, which is consistent with supporting the campus sustainability efforts
    • Improved compliance rates for effort certification, in accordance with federal mandate
    • Leveraging use of the same system successfully being used for effort report certification at seven other UC campuses

    On March 1st, you will receive an email notification requesting that you certify Fall 2011 quarter effort reports using ERS. The Fall 2011 certification due date is April 9, 2012. 

    The email will include instructions on accessing ERS, as well as links to a concise one-page Quick Start Guide and more extensive on-line documentation.  Training is not required to access ERS. The ERS Office ( is available to provide a demonstration of the system if desired.

    Administrative staff, including divisional Research Accountants and central Extramural Fund Accounting staff, will have query access to the ERS (for view-only access to effort reports). In addition, the Enterprise Financial Systems ERS Office has established an ERS Help email list ( to address issues and provide user support.

    If you have any questions, please contact


    Christine MacFarlane
    Accounting Services Director

    Monique Leduc
    Enterprise Financial Systems Director


    ERS Live: Introductory email to the Deans and Assistant Deans
    Email was sent to Deans and Assistant Deans  introducing the new UCSC Effort Reporting System.  Click here to see a copy of the message.

    Date: January 19, 2012
    From: Bruce Margon (Vice Chancellor for Research)
    Kirk Lew (Campus Controller)
    To: Vice Chancellors
    Vice Provosts
    Deans and Directors
    Assistant Deans
    Sent by: Kirk Lew (Campus Controller)
    Subject: Campus Implementation of UC Effort Reporting System

    We write to inform you of the February 2012 implementation of the UC Effort Reporting System (ERS) at UCSC. This electronic, web-based system, designed by the UC campuses and hosted by UCOP, replaces the paper-based Personnel Activity Report (PAR) process for obtaining the required OMB Circular A-21 certification of effort on federal awards. Campuses using the system have experienced reduced workload for both PIs and administrators, and improved compliance rates. The latter in particular is critical as the Federal government expects 100% compliance.
    ERS provides a number of advantages over the old manual, paper PAR process:

    • The ability to certify effort from any location with internet access, using a UCSC CruzID Gold password
    • A simple-to-use interface for reviewing effort and certifying reports
    • The ability to review detailed payroll transaction information, if desired
    • Eliminating paper forms and their associated distribution and routing, which is consistent with supporting the campus sustainability efforts

    Accessing and using the ERS is relatively straightforward. Training is not required. On-line documentation and a concise one-page Quick Start Guide will be available. Administrative staff, including Research Accountants, who support PIs will have access to the ERS. They will have the opportunity to participate in system demonstration workshops to familiarize themselves with the system prior to its implementation.  In addition, the Enterprise Financial Systems ERS Office has established an ERS Help email list to address issues and provide user support.
    The ERS was first put into use about five years ago and is now used by all other UC campuses except for Irvine and Riverside. These two campuses are piloting a different effort certification approach in collaboration with the Federal government. Over the next few weeks, information will be provided to Principal Investigators about ERS, including system access and use.  If your division would like a demonstration of the ERS, or if you have any questions, please contact We appreciate your support.

    Bruce Margon
    Vice Chancellor for Research

    Kirk Lew
    Campus Controller