Non-Cash Employee Gifts: Gift Cards and Parking Passes
A gift card or one-month parking pass presented to an employee in recognition of achievement, length of service, or retirement is no longer considered to be a gift of tangible personal property under the Act. As a result, effective 1/1/18, they represent taxable, reportable compensation income to the recipient. Under current UC policy, an employee may not receive gifts of taxable, non-tangible personal property from the University. Because of this policy conflict, units are advised to avoid presenting gift cards or transit passes to an employee, if possible, until further information on UC policy changes and definitive guidance is received on how best to proceed.
Moving Expenses
Under the Act, all reimbursements paid to or payments made on behalf of an employee, on or after 1/1/18, for moving expenses, are considered taxable income to the employee. Previously, expenses for such things as moving and storing household goods, and shipping personal automobiles, were not tax reportable. Please consult with Accounting Services Director
Ed Moran if your unit is faced with a relocation situation involving the payment and/or reimbursement of moving expenses.