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Moving Expense Guide - MSP/PSS Non-Academic Positions

The information provided in this guide covers reimbursement of moving costs for employees in a Manager Senior Professional (MSP) or Professional Support Staff (PSS) position, either newly-hired or transferring from another UC campus.

Special requirements and restrictions may apply to some situations and/or some individuals. In these cases, Business and Finance Bulletin G-13 “Policy and Regulations Governing Moving Expenses” should be consulted for a complete explanation of moving-related rules and requirements. Please contact with questions or the AP Help line at 459-4488.​​​

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Employee relocation - non-taxable payment (Qualified)
Employee relocation cost - taxable payment (Non-Qualified)
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  • Before you start

    Ensure that all moving-related expenses are necessary, proper and reasonable.

    To minimize out-of-pocket expenditures, request payments be made directly to a vendor who is providing moving-related services.

    If this is the first time you will be receiving a UCSC non-payroll payment, complete a Payee Setup 204 form.

    Note: Effective 10/15/17, MSP/PSS appointees can no longer recieve moving allowances. Ensure that the expenses you are planning on incurring are Reimburseable Costs before procuring goods or services.

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