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Subscription Payment Guide

This guide provides general information about the process used to pay for a subscription to a newspaper, periodical, or magazine.

A subscription to a newspaper, periodical, or magazine may be purchased through a direct payment made to a vendor,  charged on a Pro-Card, or a UCSC purchase order. Information on how to do the latter is available from Procurement Services. ​​​

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  • Before you start

    Important information to know:

    • Special conditions: Be aware of the following special conditions applying to this type of transaction.
      • A copy of the invoice, renewal, or order form usually accompanies a subscription payment to ensure the vendor is provided correct address information; refer to Check Handling Guide Topic 2 “Mailing an Enclosure with a Check” for information about mailing an enclosure with a check.
      • The sales tax treatment of subscriptions differs depending on the frequency at which the periodical is published.
    • Payment: If this is the first time the recipient will be receiving a UCSC non-payroll payment, complete a Payee Setup 204 form.

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  • Ways to pay

    This type of expense is procured by requesting a payment to be made directly to the vendor by completing and submitting a Direct Payment form, by using a Pro-Card, or by using a CruzBuy Purchase Order. For more information about CruzBuy and the purchase order process, see the CruzBuy User Manual Guide.

    Some campus units may have an internal approval process to minimize duplication of periodicals.

    Out-of-pocket payment for this type of good or service will not be reimbursed.

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  • Requesting a direct payment

    Follow these steps to request a direct payment:

    • If this is the first time the recipient will be receiving a UCSC non-payroll payment, complete a Payee Setup 204 form.
    • Complete a Direct Payment form and obtain approval from an authorized expense approver.
      • Attach supporting documentation, such as original receipts. Refer to the “Receipt and Documentation” topic for more information
    • Submit the Direct Payment form to the divisional or departmental business office for review and “second-tier” approval.
    • The divisional or departmental business office will submit the form and supporting documentation to the Financial Administrative Services and Transactions/Accounts Payable Office (FAST/AP) for processing.
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  • Receipt and documentation requirements

    The following supporting documentation must be submitted with a completed Direct Payment form:

    Receipt: Submit all original vendor contracts, invoices, and itemized receipts.

    • An electronic receipt is acceptable as long as it provides the detail needed to substantiate the expense.
    • Photocopies of receipts are not an acceptable substitute for original receipts

    For any items with missing receipts, follow these steps:

    1. Obtain a duplicate receipt from the vendor.
    2. If a duplicate receipt cannot be obtained from the vendor, perform the following steps:
      • Submit a statement with the Direct Payment form explaining why the receipt was not provided and including a certification that the expense amount claimed is the amount actually paid to the vendor.
      • Obtain approval on the Direct Payment from a campus officer authorized to approve exceptions to policy. Refer to the appendices for a list of campus officers authorized to approve policy exceptions.
      • Depending on the expense involved, you may be asked to provide additional information by your divisional business office.

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  • Applicable sales and use tax

    The chart below summarizes important sales tax information related to a subscription:

    Type of Transaction CA Sales Tax?
    Subscription to a periodical, newspaper, or magazine that is published 3 times or less per year Yes
    Subscription to a periodical, newspaper, or magazine that is published 4 to 60 times per year No
    Subscription to a periodical, newspaper, or magazine that is published more than 60 times per year Yes
    Purchase of a back-issue of a periodical, newspaper, or magazine Yes

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  • Common oversights

    Speed up the payment process by avoiding these common oversights:

    • Forgetting to provide the last four digits of the recipient’s social security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number on the Direct Payment form.
    • Forgetting to obtain the appropriate approvals on the Direct Payment form.
    • Forgetting to attach required supporting documentation to the Direct Payment form.
    • Forgetting to submit a Payee Setup 204 form for a first-time reimbursement or payment recipient.
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  • Where to get help

    Assistance is available for the following topics:

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  • Relevant Appendices

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