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CruzPay Toolboxes: Manuals & Quick Start Guides

Here you will find links to pages dedicated to making your use of the CruzPay system a simple and easy experience. There is also information on accounts and system requirements available at User Resources. Have suggestions for what should be on this page? Please don’t hesitate to email us.

CruzPay Timesheet Submittal and Approval

To ensure accurate and timely pay, it is important for employees to submit their timesheets and for supervisors to approve their employees’ timesheets - on time, even if the employee has zero hours to report for the pay period.

Employee Submittal Deadlines:
  • Monthly timesheet submittals are due on the last calendar day of the month.
  • Biweekly timesheet submittals are due on the last Saturday of the pay period.
Supervisor Approval Deadlines:
  • Monthly timesheet approvals are due no later than the second calendar day of the month.
  • Biweekly timesheet approvals are due no later than 10:30am on Monday following the pay period.

Email Reminders

Employees and Supervisors will receive email reminders when it is time to submit and/or approve timesheets.

Biweekly Employees:
  • First reminder: Wednesday, before the pay period ends
  • Second reminder: Friday, before the pay period ends
  • Third reminder: Saturday, the day the pay period ends
Monthly Employees:
  • First reminder: Two days before the pay period ends (day of week varies)
  • Second reminder: The day the pay period ends (day of week varies)
Note: The University of California (UC) system has significantly expanded access to paid sick leave effective January 1, 2025. Leave policies for non-represented staff employees, student employees and academic employees will be revised. Employee manuals are being updated to include these changes. System-wide information is available at the Expansion of Paid Sick Leave website. For any questions about sick leave usage and reporting, please contact your timekeeper.


Monthly Staff and Academic Employees

Monthly Employee Manual Monthly Quick Start Guide Leave Factor Chart Academic Leave Codes
Biweekly Staff and Academic Employees

Biweekly Employee Manual Biweekly Quick Start Guide Leave Factor Chart
Biweekly Student and Hourly Academic Employees

Biweekly Student Employee Manual Biweekly Student Quick Start Guide Leave Factor Chart
BW = Biweekly
QW = Quadriweekly (two biweekly periods)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
