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FIS Announcements Archive

FIS Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance
​FIS Banner some after hours maintenance starting Friday, January 17th, at 7:30pm. FIS Banner will be unavailable starting at that time, and CruzBuy orders will not dispatch to suppliers. We expect to be back online at 12pm on Saturday, January 18th. We will send an em​ail when FIS Banner is available again.


​December period closes after business on 01/10/2025.

​December period closes after business on 01/10/2025.​


​November period closes after business on 12/10/2024.

​November period closes after business on 12/10/2024.​


​October period closes after business on 11/12/2024.

​October period closes after business on 11/12/2024.​

Financial Affairs Website: Planned Outage on Saturday 11/2/24 at 8:00pm
The Financial Affairs website will undergo an 8 hour planned outage for maintenance over the weekend of November 2nd/3rd.
The website will be unavailable from 8pm on Saturday 11/2/24 through 4am Sunday 11/3/24.

Please direct any questions or concerns to our team.

​September period closes after business on 10/09/2024.

​September period closes after business on 10/09/2024.​


RESOLVED - ​​As of Friday, 9/27, at 7:30am FIS is currently ​unavailable
FIS is currently down and unavailable. ITS has been alerted and they are investigating the issue. During this time, CruzBuy orders will not be distributed to vendors. When the issue has been resolved, we will send notification.

If you have any questions, please contact us at ​


​FIS Banner JV Entry Issues Resolved
The FIS Banner JV entry issues first reported in June have now been resolved. The Spring 2024 upgrade to FGAJVCD, FZAJVCD and FZAJVEL pages had resulted in navigation issues involving copying, adding, and deleting sequences in Journal Voucher pages. For more information about the resolution, please click here​​​​.​

​​The FIS Banner JV entry issues first reported in June have now been resolved. The Spring 2024 upgrade to FGAJVCD, FZAJVCD and FZAJVEL pages had resulted in navigation issues involving copying, adding, and deleting sequences in Journal Voucher pages. Some users may have experienced issues creating a new sequence and copying a previous sequence. Additionally, if a new sequence was created, some users could not navigate away from it. 

Insert & Copy Sequence 

This issue has been resolved.  Users can now use any of the following combinations to insert and copy a sequence:

  • “Insert” button + F4 or “Copy” button
  • Down Arrow + F4 or “Copy” button
  • F6 + F4 or “Copy” button


​Blank Sequence Deletion Issue

This issue has been resolved.  Users can now use the Up Arrow to delete unwanted sequences and return to the previous sequence if the sequence has not been initiated.


Questions or concerns?  ​
Contact us at
Incorrect Composite Benefits Rate Assessments Impacting August 2024 Payroll
Composite Benefit Rate assessments were calculated inaccurately in UCPath for the 8/17/2024 Biweekly and 8/31/2024 Monthly pay periods. FIS journals have been posted to correct the incorrect amounts. Full information on this event is available.​​​

Outdated Composite Benefits Rates were used during the processing of the 8/17/2024 BW and 8/31/2024 MO pay periods, due to human error at the UCPath Center during a system update. The UCPath Center has corrected the CBR rate table within UCPath, ensuring that future payroll should be processed correctly. Santa Cruz was the only campus impacted by this issue.

Use of the wrong CBR rates for these pay periods resulted in a cumulative underassessment of $1.2 million across thousands of campus FOAPALs. Through collaboration between Enterprise Financial Systems and the Budget Office, financial adjustments have been posted to the August 2024 general ledger in FIS to record the variance in CBR for each FOAPAL combination used in the 8/17/24 and 8/31/24 pay periods. These adjustments are visible on journal vouchers beginning KV000011 through KV000015.

While campus FOAPALs now reflect accurate CBR assessments for these pay periods in the general ledger, the UCPath Center is unable to offer action on their end to update the labor ledger for these pay periods. As such, DOPE reports or any other InfoView reports derived from UCPath data will not reflect the updated CBR assessment for the original 8/17 and 8/31 payroll postings. The labor ledger for 8/17/24 and 8/31/24 pay periods and the general ledger for August 2024 will not match​. If reporting on payroll costs for these pay periods within the August 2024 financial period, units should reference data from the FINITE (FIS) universe to ensure financial accuracy.

If a unit completes a salary cost transfer to move 8/17/24 or 8/31/24 payroll to a different FOAPAL, the salary cost transfer will result in a recalculation of CBR at the correct FY25 rate. Therefore it is not necessary for a unit to make any additional expense adjustments to the general ledger to effectively transfer salary costs to a new FOAPAL.

Please contact or​ with any questions or concerns surrounding this matter.


​August period closes after business on 09/11/2024.

​August period closes after business on 09/11/2024.​

FY24 Budget Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY24 Budget Roll was successfully completed on Saturday, 8/3. Year-end budget balances were carried forward into FY25. FY24 is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact us at

​July period closes after business on 08/09/2024.

July period closes after business on 08/09/2024.​


FY24 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY24 General Ledger and Encumbrance Rolls were successfully completed on Saturday, 7/13. All fund balances and open encumbrances were rolled forward​ into FY25. All documents must now have a transaction date in July 2024 for posting to ledgers. FY24​, Period 12 is now closed.​​​​​​​​​​


FIS Unavailable starting Friday, 7/12/24, at end of business due to FY24 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing
FIS will be unavailable starting Friday, 7/12/24, starting at end of business while the fiscal close General Ledger and Encumbrance carryforward processes are run. All FY24 journals must be completed & approved by all approvers by end of business on 7/12 to affect FY24​ ledgers. Period 12 will be considered closed when FIS becomes unavailable.

Email will be sent to when the system is available again.​​


​June period closes after business on 07/12/2024.

​June period closes after business on 07/12/2024.​


FZAJVCD and FZAJVEL Navigation Issues​

We are aware of navigation issues involving copying sequences, and adding additional sequences in our upgraded FZAJVCD and FZAJVEL pages. We are currently working with ITS to resolve these issues, and get navigation back to the way it was. In the meantime, we want to provide this post with some tips on how to avoid the issues, and what to do if you encounter them. Click here for more information​.


When in the JV Transaction Detail Section (where you add FOAPALs, amounts, signs, etc.) and needing to Copy the sequence into a new sequence, some users previously first inserted a new sequence (F6 key, Down Arrow, or Insert button) then keyed F4 or clicked the Copy button. This would create a copy of the previous sequence that could then be edited.

In the current version of FZAJVCD and FZAJVEL, inserting a new sequence (F6) followed by copying (F4) results in an error:

Your previous sequence will not be copied, and you will need to manually fill out whatever information needed to be copied from the prior sequence, starting with the Journal Type, then FOAPAL, amount, sign etc.

When you need to copy a journal sequence into a new sequence, DO NOT INSERT A NEW SEQUENCE. Instead, key F4 or click the Copy button from within the sequence you are copying, and the page will automatically insert the sequence for you along with the copied information.

We recognize this is a different way to copy a sequence from what many long-term FIS Banner users have grown accustomed to - F6 followed by F4 - and are working to bring back this original functionality. For users who use 'F4 within the sequence being copied', please continue to use this navigation method.

Previously, when using the Insert button, the keyboard Down Arrow or F6 to insert a new sequence, if you did not need the sequence you could just use the Arrow Up key to exit from it with no issue. Post-upgrade, if you insert a sequence then try to leave it without adding data, you'll get this error:

The only workaround is to manually enter data into the required fields, save, then delete (Delete button or Shift-F6). This will completely remove the unintended sequence from your journal document. One quick way to manually enter information is to key the F3 key in each required field. F3 copies the value from the previous sequence field, for instance, from the previous Fund Code field to the new Fund Code field. To copy any field from the previous sequence (Journal Type, Fund, Org, Amount, etc.) just key F3 within the field and it will auto-populate the previous value.

Both the Sequence Copy and Blank Sequence Deletion issues are related and we are working diligently with ITS to correct these issues so that FZAJVCD and FZAJVEL work just like they did before the upgrade.

Questions or concerns?
Contact us at​.​


​May period closes after business on 06/11/2024.

​May period closes after business on 06/11/2024.​

FIS Banner Document Text (FOATEXT) Issue
There is currently an issue affecting users that enter Document Text via the Related menu in FIS Banner. It is related to how FIS Banner stores Document Type values (PO, CHK, INV, JV, etc), and shares them across the entire application. FIS is currently working with ITS on a fix for this issue that we hope to implement soon. This issue affects various pages including:

FGAJVCD, FZAJVCD, FZAJVEL - Journal Voucher Entry pages
FGAENCB - General Encumbrance Maintenance
FTMVEND - Vendor Maintenance
FTMFUND - Fund Maintenance
​FRAGRNT - Grant Maintenance ​

This post will provide examples, and workarounds to avoid this issue when entering Document Text on the Journal Voucher entry pag​es.
Click here for more information​.

​This post will provide examples, and workarounds to avoid this issue when entering Document Text on the Journal Voucher entry pages. Click here for more information.

An example of the issue can be seen here:
Query a PO Document in FGI​DOCR - Document Retrieval Inquiry Page 


After entering a Journal Voucher Entry page, and choosing Document Text (FOATEXT) from the Related menu

The immediate resolution to this issue is to make note of the JV (or document), sign out of FIS Banner, and sign back in. Once signed into FIS Banner, the incorrect Document Type will have reset, and doc text can be entered into the JV.

Additional Workarounds
To avoid signing out of FIS Banner, a user can do the following:

​1. After opening Document Text (FOATEXT) from the Related menu

Verify the Document Type is correct for the document being worked on
- If incorrect, press the F5 key. ​Do not click "Start Over"

2. Pressing F5 will bring the user back to the FOATEXT header screen, and the Document Type should be reset. ​Click Go

3. The Document Type is now reset on the text entry form. Enter Document Text and Save.

4. User will be returned to the Journal Voucher document header to complete the document.

Below is a workaround if a user does not see the correct Document Type on the FOATEXT page and gets an error message:

1. Acknowledge the error by clicking Yes on the Document Text Page

2. You will be returned to the Journal Voucher Document Header

3. Go back to “Related” -> “Document Text”

4. Upon Entering FOATEXT

- Verify the Document Type is correct for the document you are working on. If the Document Type is incorrect and text is entered, the user will see the same error as above​
- If Incorrect, press the F5 key. ​Do not click “Start Over”

5. Document Type Should now be reset
Click “GO”

6. Document Type is now Reset
Enter Document Text and “Save”

7. You will be returned to the Journal Voucher Document Header, Complete Document

Scheduled Site Maintenance Complete
The site maintenance has been successfully completed, and full functionality has been restored.

This was a significant upgrade to the underlying service that powers our website.
If you notice any website issues, please contact the web team at
Scheduled Site Maintenance and Content Freeze Over Memorial Day Weekend
Beginning Friday 5/24 @ 5:30pm through Tuesday 5/28 @ 7am the Financial Affairs website will be undergoing scheduled maintenance. While the site will remain available in a read-only mode, some services will be impacted.

Notably, the Entertainment Dashboard and ERF/MET forms will be unavailable during this scheduled maintenance period. If you have questions or issues regarding this maintenance, please contact the web team at
Fiscal Close 2023-2024 Calendar Now Available
The annual Fiscal Close Calendar for 2023-2024 is now available. This calendar includes important deadlines for invoice, PO/CruzBuy, CTE/CruzFly and recharge processing. In addition, this calendar includes important UCPath related deadlines, including Funding Entry Freeze, and last day for FY24 Salary Cost Transfer Approvals.

A detailed calendar of closing events is posted on the Financial Affairs website. Please take the time to review the Fiscal Close 2023-2024 Schedule.

​April period closes after business on 05/09/2024.

​April period closes after business on 05/09/2024.​


​March period closes after business on 04/09/2024.

​March period closes after business on 04/09/2024.​


February period closes after business on 03/11/2024.

February period closes after business on 03/11/2024.​

Financial Affairs Website: Planned Outage on 3/3/24 from 2:30am - 5:30am
The Financial Affairs website will be unavailable for 3 hours on Sunday morning, March 3rd, from 2:30am to 5:30am for scheduled system maintenance. This system launch page will be unavailable during that time. Please plan your system usage accordingly and contact with any questions.

​​January period closes after business on Friday 2/09/2024.

​​January period closes after business on Friday 2/09/2024.


UCOP CCoA Intercampus Transfer Information Now Available
With the 7/1/2023 implementation of a Common Chart of Accounts (CCoA) across the UC system, UCSC must update the financial recording of assessments and expenses that are transferred to and from other UC entities (Intercampus Transfers). Updated guidelines, including newly created account codes for intercampus transfers have been created in FIS Banner, and users will see them appear on their ledgers as there is activity. Existing campus facing rule codes (eg XTOE, XECG, etc) have been updated with restrictions preventing use on intercampus transfer account codes. For additional information about the changes, including new account codes, and information about journal transfers, please see updated information at this page.

The updated guidelines for assessments and expenses from other UC entities (Intercampus Transfers) have been provided by UCSC Central Accounting, for additional questions, please contact​​​​​


​December period closes after business on Wednesday 1/10/2024.

​December period closes after business on Wednesday 1/10/2024.


​November period closes after business on Monday 12/11/2023.

​November period closes after business on Monday 12/11/2023.


​October period closes after business on Thursday 11/9/2023.

​October period closes after business on Thursday 11/9/2023.


​September period closes after business on Tuesday 10/10/2023.

​September period closes after business on Tuesday 10/10/2023.


​August period closes after business on Tuesday 9/12/2023.

​August period closes after business on Tuesday 9/12/2023.


UCOP CCoA Information Now Available
Effective FY24, UCOP has instituted a Common Chart of Accounts (CCoA) across the UC System, in conjunction with a new UCOP Financial System. To accommodate these changes in FIS Banner, Enterprise Financial Systems, along with Central Accounting and Budget Analysis and Planning, have created new attributes to be used when creating new Funds, Orgs, and Account codes. The changes also affect how recharge transactions are processed in FIS Banner. For additional information about the changes, including a recorded session of our Q&A about changes to recharge/internal transfer transcations, please see here.

If you have any additional questions about these changes, please contact us at​​​

FY23 Budget Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY23 Budget Roll was successfully completed on Thursday, 8/3. Year-end budget balances were carried forward into FY24. FY23 is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact us at

​July period closes after business on Wednesday 8/9/2023.

​July period closes after business on Wednesday 8/9/2023.

FIS Unavailable Thursday, August 3rd at 7am
We will be performing the Budget Roll on Thursday, August 3rd to carryforward remaining budgetary balances from FY23 into FY24. FIS will be unavailable Thurstay, August 3nd, at 7am until Friday, August 4th, at 7am. We will let everyone know if we finish early. Please contact us at if questions.​​​​​​

FY23 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY23 General Ledger and Encumbrance Rolls were successfully completed on Saturday, 7/15. All fund balances and open encumbrances were rolled forward into FY24. All documents must now have a transaction date in July 2023 for posting to ledgers. FY23, Period 12 is now closed.​​​​​​​​​​


FIS Unavailable starting Friday, 7/14/23, at end of business due to FY23 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing
FIS will be unavailable starting Friday, 7/14/23, starting at end of business while the fiscal close General Ledger and Encumbrance carryforward processes are run. All FY23 journals must be completed & approved by all approvers by end of business on 7/14 to affect FY23 ledgers. Period 12 will be considered closed when FIS becomes unavailable.

Email will be sent to when the system is available again.​​


​June period closes after business on Friday 7/14/2023.

​June period closes after business on Friday 7/14/2023.


​May period closes after business on Friday 6/9/2023.

​May period closes after business on Friday 6/9/2023.

Fiscal Close 2022-2023 Calendar Now Available
The annual Fiscal Close Calendar for 2022-2023 is now available. This calendar includes important deadlines for invoice, PO/CruzBuy, CTE/CruzFly and recharge processing. In addition, this calendar includes important UCPath related deadlines, including Funding Entry Freeze, and last day for FY23 Salary Cost Transfer Approvals.

A detailed calendar of closing events is posted on the Financial Affairs website. Please take the time to review the Fiscal Close 2022-2023 Schedule.

​April period closes after business on Tuesday 5/9/2023.

​April period closes after business on Tuesday 5/9/2023.


March period closes after business on Tuesday 4/11/2023.

March period closes after business on Tuesday 4/11/2023.

February period closes after business on Thursday 3/9/2023.

February period closes after business on Thursday 3/9/2023​.

January period closes after business on Thursday 2/9/2023.​

January period closes after business on Thursday 2/9/2023.
December Period Close

December period closes after business on Wednesday 1/11/2023.​​​​

November Period Close

November period closes after business on Friday 12/9/2022.​​​​

October Period Close

October period closes after business on Wednesday 11/9/2022.​​​​


FYXPCUSR Procard User Extract Report Update
The FIS Banner Procard User Extract (FYXPCUSR) report has been updated to include card-type CTE and Level 2 Org Code reporting and retitled Procard/CTE User Extract Report. Click here for more information.

The FIS Banner Procard User Extract (FYXPCUSR) report has been updated. The report, retitled Procard/CTE User Extract Report, includes updated parameters for card-type, and Level 2 Org Code. The updated card-type paramter means that departments can now receive reports on their active CTE cardholders as well as their VISA cardholders. The addition of the new Level 2 Org Code parameter means that departments can see cardholders within their Level 2 Org structure (e.g. Org Lvl 2 19 will return a list of ALL active Procard cardholders with card accounts that roll up to 19).

If you have any questions about this update, please let us know at

September Period Close

September period closes after business on Tuesday 10/11/2022.​​​​

August Period Close

August period closes after business on Monday 9/12/2022.​​​​

FY22 Budget Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY22 Budget Roll was successfully completed on Tuesday, 8/2. Year-end budget balances were carried forward into FY23. FY22 is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact us at
July Period Close

July period closes after business on Tuesday 8/9/2022.​​​​


FIS Unavailable Tuesday, August 2nd at 7am
We will be performing the Budget Roll on Tuesday, August 2nd to carryforward remaining budgetary balances from FY22 into FY23. FIS will be unavailable Tuesday, August 2nd, at 7am until Wednesday, August 3rd, at 7am. We will let everyone know if we finish early. Please contact us at if questions.​​​​​


FY22 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY22 General Ledger and Encumbrance Rolls were successfully completed on Thursday, 7/14. All fund balances and open encumbrances were rolled forward into FY23. All documents must now have a transaction date in July 2022 for posting to ledgers. FY22, Period 12 is now closed.​​​​​​​​​


FIS Unavailable Thursday, 7/14/22, due to FY22 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing
FIS will be unavailable Thursday, 7/14/22, starting at noon while the fiscal close General Ledger and Encumbrance carryforward processes are run. All FY22 journals must be completed & approved by all approvers by noon on 7/14 to affect FY22 ledgers. Period 12 will be considered closed when FIS becomes unavailable.

Email will be sent to when the system is available again.​

Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Year-End Closing Schedule
Fiscal Year 2021-2022 has closed, except for central office accrual activity.

The annual budget carryforward process is scheduled for Tuesday August 2nd, 2022. Remaining FY22 budget balances will be carried forward to FY23.

A detailed calendar of closing events is posted on the Financial Affairs website. Please take the time to review the Fiscal Close 2021-2022 Schedule.
May Period Close

May period closes after business on Thursday 6/9/2022.​​​​

Fiscal Close 2021-2022 Calendar Now Available
The annual Fiscal Close Calendar for 2021-22 is now available. This calendar includes important deadlines for invoice, PO/CruzBuy and recharge processing. In addition, this calendar includes important UCPath related deadlines, including Funding Entry Freeze, and last day for FY22 Salary Cost Transfer Approvals.
April Period Close

April period closes after business on Tuesday 5/10/2022.​​​​

March Period Close

March period closes after business on Monday 4/11/2022.​​​​

February Period Close

February period closes after business on Wednesday 3/9/2022.​​​​

December Period Close

December period closes after business on January 1/11/2022.​​​​

November Period Close

November period closes after business on Thursday 12/9/2021.​​​​

October Period Close

October period closes after business on Tuesday 11/9/2021.​​​​

September Period Close

September period closes after business on Monday 10/11/2021.​​​​


FIS Banner Unavailable 9/17 7:30pm to 9/18 10am
FIS Banner will be unavailable starting Friday (9/17) at 7:30pm while ITS performs some behind-the-scenes patching. FIS Banner should be back online Saturday morning (2/20) by 10am. When it is available, we will send a follow up email.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

August Period Close

August period closes after business on Friday 9/10/2021.​​​​

FY21 Budget Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY21 Budget Roll was successfully completed on Tuesday, 8/3. Year-end budget balances were carried forward into FY22. FY21 is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact us at
July Period Close

July period closes after business on Tuesday 8/10/2021.​​​


FIS Unavailable Tuesday, August 3rd at 7am
We will be performing the Budget Roll on Tuesday, August 3rd to carryforward remaining budgetary balances from FY21 into FY22. FIS will be unavailable Tuesday, August 3rd, at 7am until Wednesday, August 4th, at 7am. We will let everyone know if we finish early. Please contact us at if questions.​​​​


FY21 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY21 General Ledger and Encumbrance Rolls were successfully completed on Monday, 7/12. All fund balances and open encumbrances were rolled forward into FY22. All documents must now have a transaction date in July 2021 for posting to ledgers. Period 12 is now closed.​​​​​​​​


FIS Unavailable Monday, 7/12/21, due to FY21 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing
FIS will be unavailable Monday, 7/12/21, starting at noon while the fiscal close General Ledger and Encumbrance carryforward processes are run. All FY21 journals must be completed & approved by all approvers by noon on 7/12 to affect FY21 ledgers. Period 12 will be considered closed when FIS becomes unavailable.

Email will be sent to when the system is available again.

June Period Close

June period closes at noon on Monday, 7/12/2021.​​


FIS Banner Unavailable 6/18 7:30pm to 6/19 9am
FIS Banner will be down starting 6/18, Friday night at approximately 7:30pm for OS Security Maintenance. We expect to be back online by 9am Saturday, 6/19. When maintenance is complete, we will send follow up email.

During this time CruzBuy will be available, but orders will be delayed until the maintenance is complete. Orders will be dispatched to the vendor when maintenance is complete.

If you have any questions, please let us know at

May Period Close

May period closes after business on Wednesday 6/9/2021.​

Fiscal Close 2020-2021 Calendar Now Available
The annual Fiscal Close Calendar for 2020-21 is now available. This calendar includes important deadlines for invoice, PO/CruzBuy and recharge processing. In addition, this calendar includes important UCPath related deadlines, including Funding Entry Freeze, and last day for FY21 Salary Cost Transfer Approvals.
April Period Close

April period closes after business on Tuesday 5/11/2021.​​

March Period Close

March period closes after business on Friday 4/9/2021.​

February Period Close

February period closes after business on Tuesday 3/9/2021.​


FIS Banner Unavailable 2/19 6:30pm to 2/20 12pm
FIS Banner will be unavailable starting tonight (2/19) at 6:30pm while we perform some behind the scenes maintenance. FIS Banner should be back online Saturday morning (2/20) by noon. When it is available, we will send a follow up email.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

January Period Close

January period closes after business on Tuesday 2/9/2021.

December Period Close

December period closes after business on Tuesday 1/12/2021.

Financial Affairs Staffing 12/21/20 - 12/23/20
To promote the health and well-being of our staff and honor time-off commitments already made, Financial Affairs is encouraging staff usage of accrued vacation. Service levels may be moderately reduced and turnaround times moderately increased from Monday, December 21 through Wednesday, December 23, 2020. Resources will be available during that period to address any urgent situations.

Financial Affairs will be closed as usual during the campus curtailment period from 12/24/20 - 1/3/21.

We wish everyone a healthy and restful winter break.
FIS Banner Upgrade Completed
The FIS Banner upgrade over the weekend was successful! Most of the upgrade was behind-the-scenes technical updates, but there are some minor changes to specific Banner pages. If you are impacted by these changes, we will reach out to you directly with what has changed, with more information. For more general information, you can review our Release Notes page

If you have any questions, please contact us at

FIS will be unavailable from Friday, 12/4 at 7:30pm to Sunday, 12/6, at 4pm
FIS will be unavailable for maintenance, after close of business on Friday, 12/4, to 4pm Sunday, 12/6. During this time, CruzBuy orders will be delayed. When maintenance is complete, we will send notification.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 

November Period Close

November period closes after business on Wednesday 12/9/2020.

October Period Close

October period closes after business on Tuesday 11/10/2020.

FIS Banner Eternal Spinning
If you're using Chrome or Edge and getting an eternal spinning wheel while navigating to a Banner form (e.g. foidoch), there's a new setting in both Edge and Chrome that can be changed to fix this issue. The issue is relatively new, and the ITS team who manages FIS is still exploring options how to resolve it server-side.

Please try following the steps below to resolve.

Edge Icon If you're using Edge:
  • Press Alt+D (if on Mac, press Command+L) to get to the navigation bar. Paste the following into the navigation bar and press ENTER:
  • edge://flags/#reduced-referrer-granularity
  • Edge Flag
  • Toggle the box for "Reduce default 'referer' header granularity." from Default, to Disabled.
  • Do not change other settings.
  • Restart Edge and try again.

Chrome Icon If you're using Chrome:
  • Press Alt+D (if on Mac, press Command+L)​ to get to the navigation bar. Paste the following into the navigation bar and press ENTER:
  • chrome://flags/#reduced-referrer-granularity
  • Chrome Flag
  • Toggle the box for "Reduce default 'referer' header granularity." from Default, to Disabled.
  • Do not change other settings.
  • Restart Chrome and try again.​​
If you have any questions about this, please contact us at​​​​​​​​​​​
September Period Close

September period closes after business on Friday 10/9/2020.

FIS Banner Issues with Chrome
We are aware of an issue affecting Banner if you're using Chrome on a PC or Mac. After logging in, it is possible that Banner will spin forever when trying to retrieve any page. We don't have many details other than how it is affecting Banner.

If your requested page is not loading when using Chrome, please use Microsoft Edge if you are on a PC. Please make sure your version of Edge is up to date. Your Edge icon should look like this:

Edge Icon

If your Edge icon does not look like this, you will need to update Edge. ITS has made available a Bigfix offer to campus managed computers that will update Edge for you. To do this, open Bigfix in your system tray, and choose "Install Microsoft Edge (Win)". If you have any issues with this upgrade, please contact ITS at

If this issue happens while you are using Chrome on a Mac, please use Safari.

If you have any questions about this, please contact us at​​​
August Period Close

August period closes after business on Thursday 9/10/2020.

Financial Affairs Response Times Impacted
As with many campus units, there are a significant number of Financial Affairs staff impacted by the CZU Lightning Complex Fire. Response times for all Financial Affairs departments may be slower than usual. Be safe, everyone.
FY20 Budget Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY20 Budget Roll was successfully completed on Tuesday, 8/4. Year-end budget balances were carried forward into FY21. FY20 is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact us at
July Period Close

July period closes after business on Tuesday 8/11/2020.


FIS Unavailable Tuesday, August 4th at 7am
We will be performing the Budget Roll on Tuesday, August 4th to carryforward remaining budgetary balances from FY20 into FY21. FIS will be unavailable Tuesday, August 4th, at 7am until Wednesday, August 5th, at 7am. We will let everyone know if we finish early. Please contact us at if questions.​​​


FY20 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY20 General Ledger and Encumbrance Rolls were successfully completed on Saturday, 7/11. All fund balances and open encumbrances were rolled forward into FY21. All documents must now have a transaction date in July 2020 for posting to ledgers. Period 12 is now closed.​​​​​​​


FIS Unavailable Saturday, 7/11/20, due to FY20 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing
FIS will be unavailable Saturday, 7/11/19, while the fiscal close General Ledger and Encumbrance carryforward processes are run. Email will be sent to when the system is available again. Thank you for your patience.

June Period Close

June period closes after business on Friday 7/10/2020.

May Period Close

May period closes after business on Tuesday 6/9/2020.

FIS Banner Upgrade Completed

The FIS Banner upgrade over the weekend was successful. Most of the upgrade was "behind-the-scenes" technical updates, but sharp eyes will notice the new Banner Welcome Page layout, with navigational menus now on the left side of your screen. Banner navigation has not changed, but some menu items have been relocated in the Menu side panel and others (like Banner Disapproval Notifications) are new with this upgrade.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Click here for an overview of the upgrade.

​Why Upgrade?

At UCSC, we always want to stay current with our systems (or as current as we can!), and this update aligns Banner with recent technical releases from Ellucian (the Banner vendor). Most of this upgrade does not directly affect the user experience, but a few navigational features have been relocated and a new feature – Disapproval Notifications – installed.

What's New?

Banner Messaging/Disapproval Notifications are new with this upgrade. This feature notifies users when their documents (invoices, journal vouchers, purchase orders and change orders) have been disapproved. GUAMESG is intended for Banner users who input documents into Banner that require approval from another Banner user. Click here for more information.

What Changed?

The Navigation Menu has been moved to the left side of your screen. Some menu items have been re-positioned. Here is an overview of the changes.

What Was Fixed?

Several known issues with Banner processes have been corrected with this upgrade. Click here to see a full list of upgrade changes.

Fiscal Close 2019-2020 Calendar Now Available
The annual Fiscal Close Calendar for 2019-20 is now available. This calendar includes important payroll related deadlines, including the last day to submit TOPEs, and last day for FY20 UCPath Salary Cost Transfer Approvals.

FIS will be unavailable from Friday, 5/15 at 7pm to Monday, 5/18, at 7am
FIS will be unavailable for maintenance, after close of business on Friday, 5/15, to 7am Monday, 5/18. During this time, CruzBuy orders will be delayed. When maintenance is complete, we will send notifciation.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

April Period Close

April period closes after business on Monday 5/11/2020.

FIS Distance Training Announcements
In-class FIS training is currently unavailable due to Covid-19 restrictions. In addition to tentatively rescheduled training, we are offering Distance Training via video conferencing FIS Navigation & Document Query Training, FIS TOE Training, and FIS POEL Training.

Please click here to enroll for distance training. For additional questions, please contact​​​

March Period Close

March period closes after business on Thursday 4/9/2020.

FIS Training Announcements

In accordance with campus COVID 19 directives, all in-class FIS trainings (FIS Navigation/Document Query, FIS TOE/JV and FIS POEL) have been postponed until further notice.

In the event that in-class training again becomes available in the near future, we have tentatively rescheduled March and April in-class training sessions to May dates:

FIS Navigation & Document Query: Friday, May 15 1-4pm SVC Room 1125

FIS TOE/JV: Wednesday, May 20 1-5pm SVC Room 1125

FIS POEL Encumbrance Liquidation: Wednesday, May 27 1-3pm SVC Room 1125

These dates are tentative, and subject to change. We have decreased class sizes to allow for greater distance between people. If you have enrolled in any of the March or April training dates, we have re-enrolled you into a May training date and you will be receiving an email with additional information. If these rescheduled dates do not work, please let us know via email to

Alternatives to in-class training are under also consideration, with more information to come. Email for questions or concerns.

February Period Close

February period closes after business on Tuesday 3/10/2020.

January Period Close

January period closes after business on Tuesday 2/11/2020.

November Period Close

​November period closes after business on Tuesday 12/10/2019.

October Period Close

​October period closes after business on Tuesday 11/12/2019

September Period Close

September period closes after business on Wednesday 10/9/2019.

August Period Close

​August period closes after business on Wednesday 9/11/2019.


​​FIS will be unavailable from Friday, 8/23 at 7pm to Saturday, 8/24, at 10am
FIS will be unavailable for maintenance, after close of business on Friday, 8/23, to 10am Monday, 8/24. During this time, CruzBuy orders will be delayed. When maintenance is complete, we will send notifciation.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

FY19 Budget Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY19 Budget Roll was successfully completed on Saturday, 8/3. Year-end budget balances were carried forward into FY20. FY19 is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact us at
July Period Close

July period closes after business on Friday 8/9/2019.


FY19 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY19 General Ledger and Encumbrance Rolls were successfully completed on Saturday, 7/13. All fund balances and open encumbrances were rolled forward into FY20. All documents must now have a transaction date in July 2019 for posting to ledgers. Period 12 is now closed.​​​​​​


FIS Unavailable Saturday, August 3rd at 7am to 2pm
We will be performing the Budget Roll on August 3rd to carryforward remaining budgetary balances from FY19 into FY20. FIS will be unavailable Saturday, August 3rd, at 7am until mid-afternoon, same-day. Please contact us at if questions.​​


FIS Unavailable Saturday, 7/13/19, due to FY19 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing
FIS will be unavailable Saturday, 7/13/19, while the fiscal close General Ledger and Encumbrance carryforward processes are run. Email will be sent to when the system is available again. Thank you for your patience.

May Period Close

May period closes after business on Tuesday 6/11/2019.

Fiscal Close 2018-2019 Calendar Now Available
The annual Fiscal Close Calendar for 2018-19 is now available. Click here to be redirected.
April Period Close

​April period closes after business on Thursday 5/9/2019.

Resolved - Banner Login Error Messages
The 'Not Authorized' error message issue that Banner users regularly encountered when logging in appears to have been resolved.
Users should no longer see 'false alarm' messages that suggest they are not authorized to view Banner.
If you encounter any Banner login issues, please let us know at
March Period Close

​March period closes after business on Tuesday 4/9/2019.

February Period Close

February period closes after business on Monday 3/11/2019.

Multi-Factor Authentication
ITS began rolling out Multi-Factor Authentication to staff at the Scotts Valley Center on Monday March 4th. You may enroll via the ITS Enroll Your Device page and choose your preferred device option (Smartphone, Landline, SMS, etc.).

As of April 1st, MFA will be required for SVC staff when accessing CruzID Gold enabled systems (e.g. CruzPay).

For assistance with MFA related issues please contact ITS or visit the MFA Home page.
FOAUAPP User Approval Fixed

Banner 9 FOAUAPP previously required you to check the box to see all of the documents in your approval queue. We've corrected this behavior, so you no longer need to check the box to see everything. Leaving the box unchecked will now show you all of the documents in your approval queue.

We highly recommend clearing your cache for this change to take effect. To do this, do the following (again, we HIGHLY recommend using Chrome on PC, and Safari or Chrome on Mac):
  • Chrome: Control+Shift+Delete > Clear Data
  • Firefox: Control+Shift+Delete > Clear Now
  • Internet Explorer: Control+Shift+Delete > Temporary Internet Files > Delete
  • Safari: Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data > Remove All
If you have any questions about this change, please let us know at

FAAINVD Invoice Cancellation

Information About Invoice Cancellations (FAAINVD)
This notification only applies to FIS users who can cancel invoices.

Thank you for reporting any issues you've experienced. These reports have provided helpful clues as to what's going on. While we don't have exact causes nailed down yet, we feel that we're getting closer.

When you know you're going to be canceling invoices, please make a mental note of what navigation, or screens you are in prior to canceling the invoice. We believe there may be a combination of navigation behaviors and patterns that can cause this issue.

In certain situations, FAAINVD (Invoice/Credit Memo Cancel) will not cancel and reestablish invoices as expected. If you attempt to cancel and reestablish an invoice, but the cancellation doesn't work as expected, or if anything seems strange with any step of the cancellation process, STOP and contact us immediately at We are currently looking into the root cause of this issue - by letting the FIS office know if and when FAAINVD issues occur, we'll have a better chance of identifying what causes the issues and how the issue can be corrected.

Again, if you experience ANY issues with FAAINVD, STOP everything and contact us at IMPORTANT: Attempting to cancel and reestablish an invoice again after encountering any kind of issue with FAAINVD risks inadvertently increasing the encumbrance on a purchase order, and a unit's FOAPAL, requiring time-intensive manual corrections by the FIS office.

Thank you for your continued assistance as we troubleshoot this issue, and let us know at if questions.
January Period Close

January period closes after business on Monday 2/11/2019.

Banner 9 Updates

FIS Banner 9 Printer Survey

We are looking for Banner printer information from our wonderful FIS users to help us resolve several issues that have developed with the Banner 9 upgrade. We will also be using the responses from this survey to get an updated inventory of active Banner printers. Please take a few moments to complete the following on-line FIS Banner 9 Printer Survey:

Let us know if questions at

FOAUAPP User Approval

FOAUAPP when first opened is not displaying all documents in user approval queues.
This may cause approvers to not see all of the documents in their approval queue.


Open FOAUAPP, add a check to the 'Next Approver' field, then click 'Go' or key Alt-PgDn.

Banner should display ALL documents (if any) in your approval queue.

FAAINVD Invoice Cancellation

Important Information About Invoice Cancellations (FAAINVD)
This notification only applies to FIS users who can cancel invoices.

FAAINVD in certain situations will not cancel and reestablish invoices as expected. If you attempt to cancel and reestablish an invoice, but the cancellation doesn't work as expected, or if anything seems strange with any step of the cancellation process, STOP and contact us immediately at We are currently looking into the root cause of this issue - by letting the FIS office know if and when FAAINVD issues occur, we'll have a better chance of identifying what causes the issues and how the issue can be corrected.

Again, if you experience ANY issues with FAAINVD, STOP everything and contact us at
  • IMPORTANT: Attempting to cancel and reestablish an invoice again after encountering any kind of issue with FAAINVD risks putting the campus control account out of balance, requiring time-intensive manual corrections by the FIS office.
Thank you for your assistance as we troubleshoot this issue, and let us know at if questions.

Query and Export Performance Issues Resolved

The performance issues with Banner 9 Query and Export processes previously reported by users have been resolved, and queries and exports should no longer time out with no results. However, please be aware that Banner 9 does take more time to perform a query than Banner 8, and can currently take up to 20 minutes.
If a spinning wheel appears when running a query, keep your Banner session open and let the query continue, as the spinning wheel indicates the query is still running and should return results. If the page returns to the query page with no results, please contact with the query page name and parameters used and we will investigate.
December Period Close

​December period closes after business on Thursday 1/10/2019.


FIS Banner Restricted Access During Winter Closure
Access to FIS between 12/22/2018 and 1/1/2019 will be restricted, due to ongoing performance issues related to the Banner 9 upgrade. Only users who requested access as of 5pm on 12/21/2018 will be able to login during the closure, as announced on the fis_user list. FIS will be open and available for all by 7am on 1/2/2019. Thank you for your patience while we work through these post upgrade issues.
Banner 9 Updates
We’re just ending Week 2 of Banner 9! Many thanks for the very helpful input from our users. Here are a few more important tips about using Banner 9:

  • Recommended Browsers
    We now suggest Chrome for the PC and Chrome or Safari for the Mac. Users have reported significant performance issues with Firefox and IE, so please avoid these browsers until further notice.

  • Duplex Printing
    ‘Both side’ printing is currently not working in Banner 9. We are working on a solution; in the meantime please consider using Banner’s Database Export Process if you don’t actually need to physically print your documents.

  • Export TimeOut
    The new Banner 9 Export feature may time out and not return results for large filter sets of data. We are close to a fix, in the meantime we recommend using the Banner 9 Filter feature to narrow down query results so the export file has fewer rows of data.

  • Text Fields Too Small
    In certain pages, text may be cut off at the end from view.

    We have reported this issue to Ellucian, the Banner vendor. In the meantime, please use your mouse to scroll through the field to view all text.

  • Concurrency Violation Error Message
    Upon occasion input pages like FZAJVCD or FYAINVE will display the following error message:

    If you get an error like this, do the following:

    1. Copy down your document number

    2. Click ‘Start Over’ or X and click No if prompted to save changes

    3. Re-enter your document number, and the error message should go away

Found a new issue? Or maybe something you’d like to share with other users? Please let us know at
Banner 9: More information about filtering.
Filtering can be performed on any page that contains an active Filter icon in the section header:


Use the following steps to filter data in a section.
  1. Click the active Filter (F7) icon for the section.
  2. Choose the field to be filtered from the ‘Add Another Field’ drop-down list.
  3. Choose an operator from the Contains drop-down list. The available operators depend on the type of field (numeric, alphanumeric, date, check box, or other).
    The Contains operator is available for alphanumeric and other fields only. The Between operator includes the values entered. For example, for codes “between” 1 and 5, the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are considered. Required fields do not use the Is Null and Is Not Null operators.
  4. Enter a value for the field, then key Return or click the Go button.
Look-up (List of Values): The Lookup button Look up next to a field indicates that the field has the Lookup feature. Click the Lookup button, enter a filter value, and press Enter to display results that match the filter criteria.
Banner 9: More information about affected reports and Infoview access.
Infoview Reports are replacing Banner Oracle Reports
Oracle Corp has deprecated the engine that creates Oracle Reports (which open as a PDF in a browser tab, e.g. FZRPOEL).For users who run Oracle reports in Banner 8, the following reports will no longer be available in Banner, instead they will need to be run via Infoview.
Note that some of these reports, such as FZRPOEL, already have equivalent Infoview versions.

Central Office units such as Financial Affairs have special reporting needs that will be addressed directly from the FIS team – Because Banner 9 uses Single-Sign-On, a CruzID Gold ID and password is required to log in. Contact for questions.

An InfoView account is required to run any of the above reports in Infoview. To run reports, you only need a "read-only" Infoview account, which is free. To request an account, click on the "Getting an Account" link on this page: Note that there are also links for Infoview Help & Training resources on that same web page.

On the "Data Warehouse Account Application Form: Infoview XI Access", be sure to select the "Financial Operating" Data Set. (If you already have an Infoview account, check to be sure that you have access to the "Financial Operating" Data Set. You can check by clicking on "Categories" in the "Documents" tab; if "Financial Operating" appears in the Data Set list, all is good.)

For questions or concerns about what reports you're using or whether you need Infoview, please let us know at and we'll walk you through it. If you have any questions about your current Infoview account (or whether you have one), please contact the Data Management team at
Banner 9: The Database Export process has changed slightly.​
Just like in Banner 8, Banner 9 allows users to ‘print’ certain reports such as FABMATC, and FZRPTJV directly to their desktop via the Database Export method, without sending them to a local printer. There are as few slight changes to the process, detailed below:
  1. Run report as usual, using DATABASE in the Printer field and normal parameters.

  2. Upon Save, note log file number in message:

  3. Go to > Related > Review Output. The GJIREVO screen will appear. The log number from the report you just ran will be in the Number field. Double-click in the File Name box or click on the arrow. Select the file having .lis in the file name, by double-clicking on the file name or clicking OK.

  4. The report should now display within the GJIREVO window. Scroll to view the report contents.

  5. To extract the report to your desktop, to save as a Word or Excel doc, click F10-Save or go to Tools > Options > Show Document, then select ‘Save File’ when this box pops up:

  6. Click OK when this box appears:

  7. The report will be available for viewing at the bottom of the browser window:

  8. Once the file is opened on the desktop, you can save it in Excel format or print to PDF.
Banner 9:More information about notifications.​​
In Banner 8, notifications appeared either in Hint Text:

or as pop-up messages:

Banner 9 displays notifications in the upper right corner of the page:

Most messages can be closed by keying Tab. Some warning messages must be acknowledged by clicking Yes, No or OK.
Banner 9: More information about clearing browser cache.​
At some point, it may become necessary to clear the browser cache to remove all temporary internet files, cookies, etc.
The process varies from browser to browser:
  • Chrome: Control+Shift+Delete > Clear Data
  • Firefox: Control+Shift+Delete > Clear Now
  • Internet Explorer: Control+Shift+Delete > Temporary Internet Files > Delete
  • Safari: Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data > Remove All
After clearing the browser cache, close all open sessions and reopen.
​Banner 9: More information about Mac keyboards.​
Extended Keyboard

Next Block: Option+Page Down

MacBook or Small Keyboard

Next Block: Fn+Option+Down Arrow

Banner 9: Instructions on moving your ‘My Links’ to ‘My Banner’.​
Favorite pages that were added to the Banner 8 'My Banner' folder are now available in Banner 9.

Banner 8                                             Banner 9


Favorites that were added as ‘My Links’ in Banner 8 did not come over to Banner 9.

To add favorite pages to your ‘My Banner’ folder, follow instructions found here:
Banner 9: Our workaround for login errors.​​
Banner 9 will occasionally produce ‘false alarm’ error messages when logging in. While these errors appear to indicate unauthorized access to Banner, they are actually the result of a known technical issue with how Banner interacts with CruzID Gold.

Banner 9: ​More information on extra tidbits.
Copy: To Copy a sequence, use F4 (or the Copy button) by itself. In B9 there's no need to Insert a new record before the Copy is performed. Compare with Banner 8, which required both F6 and F4 to perform a copy.

Menu icon: click to open the Banner Menu. Find page and click enter to open.

Search icon: click on this icon to open the Search window. You can then enter either the descriptive name of the page or the Banner acronym.

Recently Opened icon: displays with a count of pages you have visited in your current session. Open the list and select a page to access it.

Return to Main Menu Return to the Main menu by clicking this button

Sign Out: use the Sign Out button to make sure you are logged out of the application.

Pagination Controls: Data can be viewed one record at a time or in a grid. When viewing one record at a time, you can page through the records using the pagination controls (first, last, next, previous, or specific page number).

Sorting: You can sort data columns by clicking on the column header black triangle.

Page Layout: You can switch the page layout from Compact (default) to Expanded or vice versa. Go to Tools/Page Layout to toggle between layout views.

FIS Banner 9 is now available!
The FIS Banner 9 upgrade and Amazon Web Services (AWS) migration over the weekend was successful, and we are happy to invite you into our newly renovated House of Fiscal Fun!

- Click the "Launch FIS" button above.
- Enter your CruzID and CruzID Gold password.
- Wait patiently.

ALT-PgDn is the new CTRL-PgDn.

- Check out the Welcome to FIS Banner 9 page. As we receive more feedback, we will continuously update this page, and our FIS Announcements, so please check back for more information.
- Email us at

There are going to be things. Big things and little things. We want to know about all the things. Please email with your questions, discoveries, frustrations, and triumphs. Banner 9 is new to us too, and while we did our best to poke at every nook and cranny, you know we missed stuff. And we are counting on you, our ever-loving users, to share what you find.
FIS Unavailable 11/29, 7:00pm to 12/3, 7:00am​
FIS Banner will be down all day on Friday, 11/30. This means you will not be able to login at all. No journals, no reports, nothing! This also means that CruzBuy orders will be not be processed or sent to vendors until Monday, 12/3. 

Please submit all of your orders prior to 11/30 so your Budget Approver and the Purchasing department have an opportunity to review and approve the orders. You can still create your requisition, and do your shopping, but if you submit your order on Friday, it will not be processed until next week. When FIS Banner comes back online, we expect a backlog of CruzBuy orders which may further impact processing time. To avoid any delays in orders, please submit your orders prior to Friday, 11/30.

Additionally, we will be doing our regular export to Data Warehouse on 11/29, so you can still run your reports in InfoView on Friday, 11/30.

Finally, as some of you may have heard in the Banner 9 Open House sessions, your Linked Favorites are going to go away when we transition to Banner 9. If you have not already done so, we recommend moving all of your favorite Banner 8 forms to the My Banner section. For more information on how to how to add forms to My Banner.

We will be updating our launch page with additional announcements and updates. Please let us know at if you have questions.
FIS Banner 9 Open House sign ups are now closed
Sign ups are now closed for FIS Banner 9 Open Houses. After FIS Banner 9 is live, we will hold regular FIS Banner Navigation/Query training, along with more Open House Sessions with FIS Staff. FIS Banner 9 is still scheduled to go live 12/3.

If you have any questions, please let us know at​​​
FIS Banner 9 Open Houses
Sign ups are now available for FIS Banner 9 Open Houses. Open House sessions will give you an opportunity to get familiar with the new FIS Banner Interface, prior to the scheduled go-live date of 12/3. These sessions will take place at the Kerr Computer Lab on Campus, and the SVC Training Room in Scotts Valley. 

Please sign up here, and select three options from the sign-up form. We'll book you into one of your three choices after we review availability, and add that session to your Google calendar. 

If you have any questions, please let us know at​​​

Safari version 12 is incompatible with FIS Banner
Beginning with Safari version 12, NPAPI plugins including Java are no longer supported. Unfortunately, the Java plug-in that FIS Banner requires is an NPAPI plug-in.

ITS Client Services & Support has identified an alternative browser, for Mac users, called Waterfox that supports NPAPI plugins. Look for the BigFix offer "Install Waterfox - A Java Compatible browser", which has been sent to affected users. If Safari has already been updated to version 12, you will need to accept the BigFix offer for the alternative browser, Waterfox.

If you do not have BigFix installed, or would like more information, please see the full announcement.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Apple has released Safari 12, which no longer supports NPAPI plug-ins. Unfortunately, the Java plug-in that FIS Banner requires is an NPAPI plug-in. Without that plug-in, FIS Banner cannot run.

ITS Client Services & Support has identified an alternative browser, for Mac users, called Waterfox that appears to support NPAPI plugins, and FIS Banner. Look for the BigFix offer "Install Waterfox - A Java Compatible browser", which has been sent to affected users. If Safari has already been updated to version 12, you will not be able to login to FIS Banner from that Mac using Safari.

If you do not have BigFix installed, but have admin access to your Mac, you can download Waterfox here:, and follow the instructions below.

Open your downloaded Waterfox Setup .dmg file

Screenshot 1

Upon opening the .dmg file, you will be asked to agree to terms. Agree to the terms.

Drag Waterfox icon to Application folder

Screenshot 2

After opening Waterfox for the first time, it will prompt you to import settings. Choose the option, "Don't import anything"

If you are asked to make Waterfox your default browser, select "Not Now"

Screenshot 3

Once Waterfox is open, navigate to the Waterfox Preferences

Screenshot 4

Select Advanced, and check Never check for updates to turn off automatic updates

Screenshot 5

If you do not have admin access to your Mac, or are unsure what version of Safari you have, or have questions about your current browser state, please contact the ITS Help Desk at

The FIS Banner 9 upgrade, scheduled to be released at UCSC in early December, will be completely web-based and will no longer require the Java (NPAPI) plug-in.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

FY18 Budget Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY18 Budget Roll was successfully completed on Saturday, 8/4. Year-end budget balances were carried forward into FY19. FY18 is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact us at

FIS Unavailable Saturday, August 4th at 7am to 2pm
We will be performing the Budget Roll on August 4th to carryforward remaining budgetary balances from FY18 into FY19. FIS will be unavailable Saturday, August 4th, at 7am until mid-afternoon, same-day. Please contact us at fis_probs@ucsc.eduif questions.

​FY18 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY18 General Ledger and Encumbrance Rolls were successfully completed on Saturday, 7/14. All fund balances and open encumbrances were rolled forward into FY19. All documents must now have a transaction date in July 2018 for posting to ledgers. Period 12 is now closed.​​
Fiscal Close 2017-2018 Calendar Now Available
The annual Fiscal Close Calendar for 2017-18 is now available. Click here to be redirected.
​FIS Unavailable 9/29, 7:00pm to 10/01, 2:00pm​
FIS Banner will be unavailable all day Saturday. While we expect it to be back up by mid-day Sunday, we will send email when the system comes back up. So, if you do plan on logging in on Sunday, please check your email before logging in. During this time, any CruzBuy orders will be delayed. Please let us know at if you have questions.
FY17 Budget Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY17 Budget Roll was successfully completed on Tuesday, 8/1. Year-end budget balances were carried forward into FY18. FY17 is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact us at
​FY17 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY17 General Ledger and Encumbrance Rolls were successfully completed on Saturday, 7/15. All fund balances and open encumbrances were rolled forward into FY18. All documents must now have a transaction date in July 2017 for posting to ledgers. Period 12 is now closed.​​
FIS Unavailable Tuesday August 1st to 7am Wednesday August 2nd
We will be performing the Budget Roll on August 1st to carryforward remaining budgetary balances from FY17 into FY18. FIS will be unavailable all day, Tuesday, August 1st, to Wednesday, August 2nd, at 7am. CruzBuy orders will not be dispatched to vendors during this time. Please contact us at if you have questions.
​FIS Unavailable 5/12, 8:00pm to 5/14, 2:00pm​
FIS Banner will be unavailable all day Saturday. While we expect it to be back up by mid-day Sunday, we will send email when the system comes back up. So, if you do plan on logging in on Sunday, please check your email before logging in. During this time, any CruzBuy orders will be delayed. Please let us know at if you have questions.
Fiscal Close 2016-2017 Calendar Now Available
The annual Fiscal Close Calendar for 2016-17 is now available. Click here to be redirected.
Java and Possible FIS Issues
A new version of Java has been released (Version 8 Update 131), and it has been causing some issues with FIS Banner on both Windows and Mac machines. FIS and ITS are are aware of these issues, and are working to resolve them. If you do get a notification to update your Java, just say no.

If you have updated and are experiencing issues, ITS has recommended that you revert back to the previous version of Java (Version 8 Update 121). Click here and follow the instructions to revert to a previous version of Java.
​If you have updated and are experiencing issues, ITS has recommended that you revert back to the previous version of Java (Version 8 Update 121) by performing the following steps:
  1. Open BigFix by going to the blue 'b' icon in the system try on Windows machines, or the top menu tray on Mac machines. During the process you might see messages from ITS that provide additional instructions. Please read them.
  2. All browsers must be closed during this step. Run the "Request to remove all Java Installations" BigFix offer.
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes and see the "Request Latest Supported Java Installation" offer appear.
  4. All browsers must be closed during this step. Run the "Request Latest Supported Java Installation" offer - it will install and then run - may take 20-30 minutes.
It shouldn't take as long as what is quoted above, but please wait for all of the processes to complete before continuing. If you do experience any problems with these steps, please submit an ITS ticket at

If you are experiencing any other questions, please let us know at​
Java Removed from Firefox
Firefox 52 will be released in early March. This update will completely remove support for NPAPI Plugins, which includes Java. Java is a required component to run FIS Banner. When Firefox 52 is released, the only browsers able to run FIS Banner will be Internet Explorer (PC), and Safari (Mac).

Here is more information from Java. Please contact with any questions or concerns.​

macOS Sierra Now Compatible with FIS Banner​
According to our friends at ITS, the latest macOS Update, Sierra, is now compatible with the Java plug-in required for FIS Banner. If you continue to have problems, please create a ticket with ITS.​​​


macOS Sierra Incompatible with FIS Banner​
It has come to our attention that the latest macOS update, Sierra, is currently incompatible with the Java plug-in required for FIS Banner. ITS is aware of this issue and is working on a fix. As of right now, we do not recommend updating to macOS Sierra. When ITS has more information, it will be posted here.​​


FIS UNAVAILABLE Friday, September 30th at 8:00pm to Sunday, October 2nd, at 7am
FIS will be off-line starting Friday, September 30th at 8:00pm for system maintenance. Work is expected to be complete and the system available by 7am Sunday morning, October 2nd. An update will be sent to when the system is back online. Please let us know at if you have questions.​


FY16 Budget Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY16 Budget Roll was successfully completed on Monday, 08/08. Year-end budget balances were carried forward into FY17. FY16 is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact us at


FIS Unavailable 12pm Monday August 8th to 7am Tuesday August 9th
We will be performing the Budget Roll on August 8th to carryforward remaining budgetary balances from FY16 into FY17. FIS will be unavailable Monday, August 8th, 12noon to Tuesday, August 9th, 7am.  Inception to date reporting data will be available on Friday, August 12th. Please contact us at if questions.


FY15 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY16 General Ledger and Encumbrance Rolls were successfully completed on Saturday, 7/16. All fund balances and open encumbrances were rolled forward into FY17. All documents must now have a transaction date in July 2016 for posting to ledgers. Period 12 is now closed.​​


FIS Unavailable Saturday, 7/16/16, due to FY16 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing
FIS will be unavailable Saturday, 7/16/16, while the fiscal close General Ledger and Encumbrance carryforward processes are run. Email will be sent to when the system is available again. Thank you for your patience.


Fiscal Close 2015-2016 Calendar Now Available
The annual Fiscal Close Calendar for 2015-16 is now available. Click here to be redirected.


FIS Unavailable from 7:00 pm on 1/22, to 3:00 pm on 1/23
​FIS will be off-line starting Friday, January 22, 2016 at 7:00pm for system maintenance. Work is expected to be complete and the system available by 3:00pm Saturday afternoon, January 23rd. Please let us know at if you have questions.


FIS Not Emailing Reports

Update: As of approximately 10:10am, this issue was resolved. If you continue to experience problems, please contact us at Thank you for your patience.

Currently, FIS is experiencing a problem with reports that are normally emailed to you directly. ITS is aware of this issue, as well, and is working on a fix. So, for the time being, until this issue is resolved, you will not be receiving any reports normally sent by email. Reports are still being generated, as normal, and you can still print to PDF, or print directly to your printer. If you have an urgent need, or any other questions, please email us at



FIS Banner Upgrade Complete
This past weekend, the FIS Banner 8.10 Upgrade was completed successfully. Click here for detailed changes. Please contact with any questions or concerns.​


​​FIS will be unavailable from Friday, 10/23 to Monday, 10/26
FIS will be unavailable for a software upgrade, after close of business on Friday, 10/23, to 7am Monday, 10/26. During this time, CruzBuy orders will be delayed. If the upgrade is completed prior to Monday at 7am, we will send out an email notification.

Additional communication regarding this upgrade will be sent out to

If you have any questions, please contact us at


​​FIS will be unavailable from Friday, 10/09 to Monday 10/12
FIS will be unavailable for a software upgrade, after close of business on Friday, 10/09, to 7am Monday, 10/12. Additional communication regarding this upgrade will be sent out to This should not affect period close reporting.


Java Removed from Chrome
Chrome 45 was recently released, completely removing support for NPAPI Plugins, which includes Java. Prior to Chrome 45, there was a workaround for allowing NPAPI Plugins, but this has been removed as well.

Currently, the only supported browsers able to run FIS are Internet Explorer (PC), Firefox (Mac and PC), and Safari (Mac).


FIS UNAVAILABLE Friday, August 14, 2015 at 7:30pm to Sunday, August 16th, at 7am
FIS will be off-line starting Friday, August 14, 2015 for system maintenance. Work is expected to be complete and the system available by 7am Sunday morning, August 16th. Please let us know at if you have questions.


FY15 Budget Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY15 Budget Roll was successfully completed on Wednesday, 08/05. Year-end budget balances were carried forward into FY16. FY15 is now closed. If you have any quetsions, please contact us at


​FIS Unavailable 12pm Wednesday August 5th to 7am Thursday August 6th
We will be performing the Budget Roll for FY15 on August 5th. Banner will be unavailable Wednesday, August 5th, 12pm to Thursday, August 6th, 7am. Payroll Posting would normally take place August 5th, but, to accommodate for the Budget Roll, we will be processing Payroll Posting data on Tuesday, August 4th. Finally, inception to date reporting data will be available on Friday, August 7th.

We hope this helps you plan your activities during the week. If you have any questions about these dates or activities, please contact us at


FIS will be unavailable at 7am tomorrow morning, Saturday, 7/25/2015, for approximately one hour while system patching occurs.
To view the full announcement, click here.

ITS will be installing a patch to fix some issues we've encountered in FIS with the newest versions of Java.  FIS will be unavailable at 7am tomorrow morning, Saturday, 7/25/2015, for approximately one hour while the patch is applied.

To ensure that your system is picking up the new patch info, please close all your open browser sessions and start FIS from a fresh browser launch the first time you login after this weekend.

And, of course, if you have any difficulties, let us know at  We'll be standing by.


FY15 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing COMPLETE
The FY15 General Ledger and Encumbrance Rolls were successfully completed on Saturday, 7/11. All fund balances and open encumbrances were rolled forward into FY16. All documents must now have a transaction date in July 2015 for posting to ledgers. Period 12 is now closed.


FIS Unavailable due to FY15 GL and Encumbrance Roll Processing
FIS is unavailable today while the fiscal close General Ledger and Encumbrance carryforward processes are run. Email will be sent to when the system is available again. Thank you for your patience.


​You Found It!
Welcome to the remodelled FIS System Launch Page! Poke around a bit when you have a sec; there are a couple new features to discover. Or just click on that big old Launch Button up above and get right to fiscal business. Click here for a bit more info.

​Helloooo Bannerland,

Well, it's been a long time coming, but the old tried and true webpage has been updated to the current UCSC web presence style. Check it out!

All the old links are still there, along with a couple new ones; and a nice big impossible-to-miss Launch Button.

We've added an FIS Quick Start Guide (handy for newbies), as well as an FIS Key Dates calendar that calls out period close and FIS training dates, and on which we will also add any FIS planned downtimes.

The webpage has also been migrated to the (Financial Affairs) web servers, so you'll see the standard Financial Affairs menu bar at the top, giving quick navigation to all the guides and other resources available there.

No need to change links or train your fingers to type anything different; just cruise on down the Bannerland highway as usual, and enjoy a little bit of remodelling. We'd love to hear what you think!



Enabling Java Plugins in Chrome
Beginning with Chrome 42, NPAPI plugins are in the process of being retired and must be enabled. If you are seeing an error stating "This plug-in is not supported" when starting FIS in Chrome, please click HERE and follow the instructions to enable the NPAPI Plugins.

Enabling Java - Chrome

Chrome, beginning on version 42, has begun the process of retiring support for NPAPI plugins. NPAPI is required for current versions of Java.

If you see "This plug-in is not supported" (as shown below) when trying to use FIS with Chrome, follow the directions below.

Plugin Not Supported

1) Enable NPAPI Support.

Enter chrome://flags/#enable-npapi into Chrome's search/URL bar and press enter.
Chrome URL Location

2) Click on the link to enable NPAPI.
Enable NPAPI

3) Restart Chrome.

4) Launch FIS. It should now load correctly.


Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Closing Calendar
FY15 Fiscal Close Calendars are now available. Click HERE to be re-directed.


FIS Password Resets Required
As of Saturday, February 7, 2015, FIS passwords will be case sensitive. All users will be prompted to reset their FIS passwords the first time they login after Saturday. FIS password rules are not changing, and mixed case passwords are not yet required; however, we do encourage you to use mixed case in your FIS password to enhance security. FIS password rules are available for review here. If you have trouble resetting your password, please contact us at:


FIS User Manual and Display Updates
The FIS User Manual has been updated and moved to a new url:
Please be sure to update any local bookmarks.
A larger FIS display is now available. Try the new "Click here to launch a larger FIS display" link on directly below the slug launch icon.
Contact for questions or concerns.


Mac Users Not On TEM/Big Fix Need ITS Technical Fix to Access FIS
On January 31, 2013 Apple released a security update which disabled Java and prevented many Mac users from accessing FIS Banner. In response, UCSC ITS released an update through TEM/Big Fix (ITS Managed Computer Services) that restored Java functionality so that Mac users could once again access FIS Banner. Mac users on TEM/Big Fix will see this status indicator at the top of their screens:Big_Fix.jpg
Affected Mac users NOT on TEM/Big Fix will NOT be able to log in to FIS Banner until their Java functionality is restored. These users have two options:
1) Contact ITS Help Desk at or and request your Mac be added to TEM/Big Fix.
2) Contact your local ITS Support person to have them restore functionality directly at your workstation. Your support person will need to contact the ITS Help Desk for technical information about this update.
Please let us know at if you have questions.


​Recent Java updates for OS X may require additional configuration
Apple has released Java Plugin Update 6.0.33 for Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) and 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard). FIS users on these versions of OS X who receive this update should be advised that the Java Plugin will need to be configured in order to access FIS. Click here for configuration instructions.
For assistance with configuring Java settings on your workstation, please contact the ITS Help Desk at or
Please let us know at if you have questions.


​FIS Banner 8 Upgrade Successful FIS Available at 10am Monday, 12/5
The FIS Banner 8 upgrade was performed successfully.  Final monitoring and verification is occuring Monday morning, 12/5/2011.  The system is planned to be available for use at 10am.  Contact for questions or concerns.


FIS Session Timeout
FIS sessions will time out after 4 hours of inactivity. This setting was always in place; however, it did not work properly until the Oracle 10 upgrade. You can reconnect by clicking OK to the error message, then logging in as usual when the Oracle logon box appears; however, you will need to enter BPRD in the ‘Database:’ field of the logon box. Unfortunately, there is not a way to make the Database name default the way it does when you initially launch FIS. Complete instructions with screen shots are available in the FIS Training Manual here.


​FIS Oracle 10g Upgrade Complete
The Oracle database on which FIS resides has been successfully upgraded to version 10g.  Please let us know at if you experience any system problems.


​FIS Oracle 10g Upgrade
The Oracle database on which FIS resides will be upgraded to version 10g in January. FIS will be UNAVAILABLE beginning at 2pm on Friday, January 23, 2009 until 7am on Monday, January 26, 2009. There will be no change in FIS functionality or look-and-feel due to the Oracle upgrade.


​FIS Password Resets
All FIS passwords will require changing the first time you login after the Oracle 10 upgrade on 1/26/09. This is to invoke the new strong password rule capability in Oracle 10. As of the Oracle 10 upgrade, FIS passwords must:
 - be at least 10 character in length
 - contain a combination of letters and numbers
 - not contain any special symbols (such as @ # & ! etc.)
Please contact if you have any questions about the new FIS password rules.