When in the JV Transaction Detail Section (where you add FOAPALs, amounts, signs, etc.) and needing to Copy the sequence into a new sequence, some users previously first inserted a new sequence (F6 key, Down Arrow, or Insert button) then keyed F4 or clicked the Copy button. This would create a copy of the previous sequence that could then be edited.
In the current version of FZAJVCD and FZAJVEL, inserting a new sequence (F6) followed by copying (F4) results in an error:

Your previous sequence will not be copied, and you will need to manually fill out whatever information needed to be copied from the prior sequence, starting with the Journal Type, then FOAPAL, amount, sign etc.
When you need to copy a journal sequence into a new sequence,
DO NOT INSERT A NEW SEQUENCE. Instead, key F4 or click the Copy button from
within the sequence you are copying, and the page will automatically insert the sequence for you along with the copied information.
We recognize this is a different way to copy a sequence from what many long-term FIS Banner users have grown accustomed to - F6 followed by F4 - and are working to bring back this original functionality. For users who use 'F4 within the sequence being copied', please continue to use this navigation method.
Previously, when using the Insert button, the keyboard Down Arrow or F6 to insert a new sequence, if you did not need the sequence you could just use the Arrow Up key to exit from it with no issue. Post-upgrade, if you insert a sequence then try to leave it without adding data, you'll get this error:
The only workaround is to manually enter data into the required fields, save, then delete (Delete button or Shift-F6). This will completely remove the unintended sequence from your journal document. One quick way to manually enter information is to key the F3 key in each required field. F3 copies the value from the previous sequence field, for instance, from the previous Fund Code field to the new Fund Code field. To copy any field from the previous sequence (Journal Type, Fund, Org, Amount, etc.) just key F3 within the field and it will auto-populate the previous value.
Both the Sequence Copy and Blank Sequence Deletion issues are related and we are working diligently with ITS to correct these issues so that FZAJVCD and FZAJVEL work just like they did before the upgrade.
Questions or concerns?