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UCPath Announcements Archive

Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) processing has resumed
​​After a brief pause to resolve an issue with transactions involving Leave Assessment (VLA) reversal, Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) processing has resumed on the regular schedule.

The list of impacte​d SCT transactions has been emailed to department contacts and correction efforts continue.

For any questions about SCT processing, please don’t hesitate to contact us at​.
Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) processing on hold through February 2025
​​A Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) issue has resulted in Leave Assessment (VLA) reversal not being generated for SCTs on some paychecks.

The list of impacte​d SCT transactions has been emailed to department contacts.

While the long-term fix and correctio​n efforts continue, as a precautionary measure, SCT processing will be on hold for the remainder of February 2025. We expect SCT Processing will resume by March 3, 2025. Updates will be provided on this site and via email.

SCTs may continue to be submitted and approved during this time.

For any questions about SCT processing, please don’t hesitate to contact us at​.

Changes coming to GL Assessments
On November 25, 2024, UCPath will update the way benefit assessments are calculated. Previously, assessments used the rate effective as of the Pay End Date of the paycheck. Going forward, assessments* will use the rate effective as of the Earn End Date of the paycheck. This will mainly affect retro pay, and pay in arrears that crosses fiscal years.

For example, a Staff employee paycheck with a Pay End Date in FY25 and an Earn End Date in FY24 would previously have used the FY25 Staff CBR rate of 47.6%. The new method would use the FY24 Staff rate of 43.0%.

*This change affects all assessments except RPNI, which will continue to use the rate effective as of the Pay End Date until further notice.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions as you navigate financial transactions in UCPath. We're here to help at


Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) Simplification & Redesign Continues
On October 29, 2024, UCPath updated the system-wide Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) tool with changes to the Process Salary Cost Transfer page. These minor changes include streamlining the search and navigation functions. For example, users will notice that they are immediately brough to the ‘Add a New Value’ page, eliminating one step in the process. More information is available in the UCPath Financial Guide.

For questions about this or any other UCPath Financial pag​es, please don't hesitate to check in with us at​.

Financial Affairs Website: Planned Outage on Saturday 11/2/24 at 8:00pm
The Financial Affairs website will undergo an 8 hour planned outage for maintenance over the weekend of November 2nd/3rd.
The website will be unavailable from 8pm on Saturday 11/2/24 through 4am Sunday 11/3/24.

Please direct any questions or concerns to our team.
Incorrect Composite Benefits Rate Assessments Impacting August 2024 Payroll
Composite Benefit Rate assessments were calculated inaccurately in UCPath for the 8/17/2024 Biweekly and 8/31/2024 Monthly pay periods. FIS journals have been posted to correct the incorrect amounts. Full information on this event is available.​​​

Outdated Composite Benefits Rates were used during the processing of the 8/17/2024 BW and 8/31/2024 MO pay periods, due to human error at the UCPath Center during a system update. The UCPath Center has corrected the CBR rate table within UCPath, ensuring that future payroll should be processed correctly. Santa Cruz was the only campus impacted by this issue.

Use of the wrong CBR rates for these pay periods resulted in a cumulative underassessment of $1.2 million across thousands of campus FOAPALs. Through collaboration between Enterprise Financial Systems and the Budget Office, financial adjustments have been posted to the August 2024 general ledger in FIS to record the variance in CBR for each FOAPAL combination used in the 8/17/24 and 8/31/24 pay periods. These adjustments are visible on journal vouchers beginning KV000011 through KV000015.

While campus FOAPALs now reflect accurate CBR assessments for these pay periods in the general ledger, the UCPath Center is unable to offer action on their end to update the labor ledger for these pay periods. As such, DOPE reports or any other InfoView reports derived from UCPath data will not reflect the updated CBR assessment for the original 8/17 and 8/31 payroll postings. The labor ledger for 8/17/24 and 8/31/24 pay periods and the general ledger for August 2024 will not match​. If reporting on payroll costs for these pay periods within the August 2024 financial period, units should reference data from the FINITE (FIS) universe to ensure financial accuracy.

If a unit completes a salary cost transfer to move 8/17/24 or 8/31/24 payroll to a different FOAPAL, the salary cost transfer will result in a recalculation of CBR at the correct FY25 rate. Therefore it is not necessary for a unit to make any additional expense adjustments to the general ledger to effectively transfer salary costs to a new FOAPAL.

Please contact or​ with any questions or concerns surrounding this matter.

Scheduled Site Maintenance Complete
The site maintenance has been successfully completed, and full functionality has been restored.

This was a significant upgrade to the underlying service that powers our website.
If you notice any website issues, please contact the web team at
Scheduled Site Maintenance and Content Freeze Over Memorial Day Weekend
Beginning Friday 5/24 @ 5:30pm through Tuesday 5/28 @ 7am the Financial Affairs website will be undergoing scheduled maintenance. While the site will remain available in a read-only mode, some services will be impacted.

Notably, the Entertainment Dashboard and ERF/MET forms will be unavailable during this scheduled maintenance period. If you have questions or issues regarding this maintenance, please contact the web team at

UCPath Downtime March 8-11, 2024
In order to prepare the upcoming March Release, UCPath will be unavailable Friday, March 8, 12 pm - Monday, March 11, 6 am.

During the scheduled downtime, employees, managers, transactors and UCPath will not have access to the system.

Access should be restored when updates are complete on Monday, March 11, 2024.
Financial Affairs Website: Planned Outage on 3/3/24 from 2:30am - 5:30am
The Financial Affairs website will be unavailable for 3 hours on Sunday morning, March 3rd, from 2:30am to 5:30am for scheduled system maintenance. This system launch page will be unavailable during that time. Please plan your system usage accordingly and contact with any questions.

General Ledger Tasks Freeze January 4-8, 2024
In order to prepare a UCPath update for our location partners, General Ledger Tasks pages will be unavailable January 4-8, 2024.
This includes:

- Funding Entry Inquiry
- Funding Entry
- Review Salary Cost Transfer
- Process Salary Cost Transfer
- Review Retro Distribution
- Process Direct Retro
- Budget Distribution (BDP)

Note: Due to the freeze, the approval deadline for the next Salary Cost Transfer process is 8pm on Wednesday, January 3, 2024.

Access should be restored when updates are complete at noon on January 8, 2024.

​Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) Simplification & Redesign is Live!
On November 13, 2023, UCPath implemented a new system-wide Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) tool.  To assist with the transition, we have provided the following resources:
- System-wide Direct Retro to SCT Change Video
- Updated UCPath Financial Guide sections
- Zoom Open Labs: throughout November users can stop by with questions for the training team

Still have questions?  Please check out our (SCT) Redesign FAQs.  For any other UCPath Financial questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to check in with us at


​General Ledger Tasks Freeze November 6-12, 2023
In order to prepare UCPath for the new Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) page, General Ledger Tasks pages will be unavailable November 6-12, 2023.

This includes:
- Funding Entry Inquiry
- Funding Entry
- Review Retro Distribution
- Process Direct Retro
- Budget Distribution (BDP)

Access should be restored when updates are complete on November 13, 2023.

Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) Simplification & Redesign
On November 13, 2023, UCPath will implement a new system-wide Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) tool.  This update is the culmination of feedback from locations, development work and extensive testing.   The new pages will include the following:
- Greater flexibility and customization during data entry
- Ability to save transactions at any point, even when errors are present
- Improved page performance

Over the next few months we'll be offering a variety of training opportunities:
- System-wide Direct Retro to SCT Change Video
- Zoom Demos
- Updated UCPath Financial Guide sections
- Zoom Open Labs: once the new tool is live, users can stop by with questions and transactions for the training team.  Dates and times to be provided in the coming weeks.

Please note: in preparation for the SCT Simplification & Redesign, General Ledger Tasks pages are expected to be unavailable November 6-12, 2023. This includes Funding Entry Inquiry, Funding Entry, Process Direct Retro, Review Retro Distribution and Budget Distribution (BDP).  More information regarding cutover activities will be provided in the coming weeks.

Got questions?  Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.  For any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to check in with us at


On December 12, 2022, UCPath will implement a new systemwide Common Chart of Accounts (CCoA) structure.  This update will involve a reordering of the displayed FOAPAL fields (called Chartfields in UCPath) in Funding Entry, Budget Distribution (BDP) and Direct Retro pages.  This is a relatively small change, but users will want to ensure they are conscious of the update when completing data entry or review activities.

 Please see below for a sample comparison using the UCPath Funding Entry Inquiry page.

Starting on December 12, 2022, users will see the new Chartfield order reflected in UCPath Financial pages. The relevant UCPath Financial Guide sections will be updated to reflect this display change.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding this change, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

UCPath Fluid Improved Navigation is here!
Users may notice that UCPath looks a little different. Though individual pages haven't changed, system navigation has been updated with Fluid Improved Navigation. For UCPath Financial pages (Funding Entry Inquiry, Funding Entry, Budget Distribution (BDP), Process Direct Retro and Review Retro Distribution), we've updated each guide section to reflect the new user-friendly navigation.

In addition, we've reflected the transition from Bookmarks to Favorites (announced in August 2022) in our UCPath Financial Guide section "Favorites".

Please let us know at if you have any questions about using UCPath Financial pages. ​​​​
Funding Data Review and Funding Entry Pause
UCPath Position Funding data will be used to determine eligible employees and levels of salary adjustment for the Equity Compensation Program for non-represented staff recently announcement by Chancellor Larive. It is very important that the funding data be as complete and accurate as possible to ensure the correct budget will be allocated. Please update/approve any incorrect/missing funding on non-represented staff positions by 5pm 11/17/2021.

From 11/18/2021-11/23/2021, we are requesting a campus pause on Funding Entry page updates and approvals for non-represented staff. Funding Entry updates made during this window could negatively impact equity compensation program adjustments or budget allocation.​​​

Please review this message from Staff Human Resources, Financial Affairs, and Budget Analysis and Planning for full information.
Principal Officers, Managers and Supervisors, HR Liaisons,,
Staff Human Resources, Financial Affairs and Budget Analysis and Planning

Subject: Equity Compensation Program for Non-represented Staff - Employee Action Request and Funding Pause

On September 14, 2021 Chancellor Larive announced a 3-year program to increase salary levels for non-represented staff that are low relative to market. The first phase of this compensation equity program is intended to provide salary adjustments to affected employees effective December 26, 2021 for biweekly-paid employees and January 1, 2022 for monthly-paid employees.

In order to determine eligible employees and levels of adjustment, a snapshot of data will be pulled from UCPath.


  1. Complete all actions in UCPath prior to the pause window so the snapshot data is accurate.
  2. Review and update funding entry records to ensure the budget will be allocated to appropriate units.

In addition to your assistance, the Compensation team and Financial Affairs department will need to implement a pause for non-represented Employee Action Requests (EAR) and funding entry updates.


Any equity and classification review requests for non-represented staff must be submitted prior to November 1, 2021 to be captured in the snapshot. Due to the workload associated with implementation of this equity program, requests that are not submitted prior to November 1, 2021, should be submitted on or after January 17, 2022. Therefore, we are requesting units to suspend the aforementioned actions for non-represented staff from November 1, 2021 to January 17, 2022.

  • Equity and classification review requests for non-represented staff submitted before November 1, 2021, should not have effective dates after November 1, 2021.
  • Equity and classification review requests for non-represented staff submitted after January 17, 2022, should not have retroactive effective dates that are prior to the effective dates of the equity program, which are December 26, 2021 for biweekly-paid employees and January 1, 2022, for monthly-paid employees.

Equity and classification review requests for represented employees can be submitted during the pause window.

Stipend requests for all employees can be submitted during the pause window.

This pause does not affect the Position Control Request process for recruitments.

If you have any questions regarding the EAR pause, please contact


The Chancellor has committed $2.5 million to be allocated across campus divisions to help bridge the costs of the salary increases.

To maximize central funding support for the equity program divisions are advised to ensure UCPath Funding Entry data is valid and up-to-date for all non-represented staff. Divisions are encouraged to:

  • Plan ahead for needed Position or Job record changes (e.g. Dept ID) requiring a corresponding change in Funding Entry. Allow sufficient time for SHR to update Job records, and the division/unit to modify and approve Funding Entry by 5pm on November 17, 2021.
  • Frequently review InfoView’s ‘UCPath All Employees-Unit Roster’ report leading up to the November 17, 2021 deadline. The Unit Roster report must be executed using solely the ‘Enter Dept Id’ filter to capture all forms of problematic ‘Unfunded’ and ‘Suspense’ employee Funding Entry records. Use of any chart, or FOAPAL, related filters will prevent potential existing problems from being revealed.
  • Resolve problematic ‘Unfunded’ and ‘Suspense’ records via approved Funding Entry modifications by November 17, 2021.


We are requesting units to suspend UCPath Funding Entry page updates and approvals for non-represented staff from November 18, 2021 to November 23, 2021. Funding Entry page updates made during this window could negatively impact equity compensation program adjustments or budget allocation.

If you have any questions regarding the Funding Entry pause, please contact​

Effective December 2019, UCSC payroll activities transitioned from PPS to UCPath. At that time, PPS employee information was archived. For users with an ongoing business need to access this PPS History, data will continue to be available in InfoView.

Users who would like more information on using InfoView reports with PPS data should start by visiting the InfoView Help & Training website. Budget Analysis and Planning Data Services can also help with questions regarding obtaining or modifying InfoView accounts at For any additional questions regarding PPS History data needs, please don't hesitate to contact us at
Financial Affairs Staffing 12/21/20 - 12/23/20
To promote the health and well-being of our staff and honor time-off commitments already made, Financial Affairs is encouraging staff usage of accrued vacation. Service levels may be moderately reduced and turnaround times moderately increased from Monday, December 21 through Wednesday, December 23, 2020. Resources will be available during that period to address any urgent situations.

Financial Affairs will be closed as usual during the campus curtailment period from 12/24/20 - 1/3/21.

We wish everyone a healthy and restful winter break.
UCSC Employee Emergency Accrued Vacation Payout Program
A new temporary program is available for eligible UCSC employees who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the summer 2020 wildfires in California. The program allows eligible employees to request a one-time payout, of up to a maximum of 80 hours, of their available accrued vacation to help meet expenses incurred due to impacts from the fires. Applications for the program must be received on or before Nov. 14, 2020. Program guidelines, eligibility requirements and instructions can be found on the program webpage. You can apply using this Google form.
Financial Affairs Response Times Impacted
As with many campus units, there are a significant number of Financial Affairs staff impacted by the CZU Lightning Complex Fire. Response times for all Financial Affairs departments may be slower than usual. Be safe, everyone.
UCPath is here!
UCPath, the University of California's new Human Resources and Payroll system, is now live at UCSC! All employees can now login to the UCPath Portal to setup their personal profile and security questions, and explore the many self-service options offered. A welcome letter was emailed to all employees this morning with important information about accessing the UCPath Portal and learning about UCPath.

More information, including where to go for assistance, is available on the UCPath website.

UCPath brings a big change to UCSC, for each of us as employees as well as for our business processes. Financial Affairs looks forward to working with you as we learn and gain greater experience with UCPath.
Happy New Year!

We are delighted to report that UCPath is now live at UC Santa Cruz. UCPath is the University of California’s new Human Resources and Payroll Management system.

All employees are strongly encouraged to log into UCPath and explore the self-service features it offers employees and managers.

You can watch this short video to learn what to expect the first time you log into UCPath. It explains the guided onboarding process including the one-time security and demographic questions you will need to answer.

Once you have completed the UCPath onboarding process, we encourage you to explore the UCPath Dashboard and access these features:
  1. Locate your new employee identification (ID) number. Your employee number will be directly below your name on the top left side of the screen.
  2. Review your personal information for accuracy and update if necessary.
  3. Check your first earnings statement.
    • Monthly-paid employees will see their statement on January 2 (payday 1/2/2020).
    • Biweekly-paid employees will see their statement on January 6 (payday 1/8/2020).
    • Information about UCPath earning statements can be found on our website.
  4. On your earnings statement, review your gross pay and deductions, and confirm your elected withholdings for tax filing status and benefit enrollments are correct.
    • UCPath is going live in a new calendar year, so you can expect to see differences in tax withholdings and deductions. Taxes will be computed based on the new year’s withholding table while deductions will also change based on your open enrollment elections.
      1. If you suspect an issue with your gross pay, contact your Timekeeper.
      2. If you have questions about your withholdings or deductions, contact the Payroll Office.
  5. Verify the method of receiving your pay on your earnings statement.
    1. Employees not currently enrolled in direct deposit are highly encouraged to do so. You can sign up for direct deposit directly on the UCPath Dashboard in the Income and Taxes section.
    2. Paper paychecks are mailed to your home address on file in UCPath. (You can review the address on file for you in the Personal Information section of the UCPath Dashboard.) Paychecks are mailed from a Wells Fargo Bank distribution center in Arizona on payday. Signing up for direct deposit can prevent delays in receiving your pay.
All employees will continue to access At Your Service Online to view past earnings statements and past W-2s. The W-2 for 2019 will be available in AYSO in late January.

There is a lot to see and learn in UCPath and you will likely have questions. Please visit this page to learn how and where to get answers to your questions.
Welcome to the Financial Affairs UCPath resources website!
UCPath is bringing many changes to the way we conduct campus business. The information provided here attempts to bring together the key dates and changes that you will experience related to the financial systems that Financial Affairs supports, as well as information about the new Funding Entry and Direct Retro functions many of you will be performing in UCPath. The UCPath cutover schedule is somewhat fluid, and we are all still very much in the learning stage, so there will be many additions and updates to the information here as the UCPath story continues to unfold. We welcome your comments and questions at Seatbelts all buckled? Let's enjoy the ride!​