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CruzPay Time and Attendance System Guide

The information in this guide provides assistance on how to access and use UCSC's CruzPay web-based time and attendance reporting system. CruzPay is the enterprise time and attendance system used by UCSC employees for recording time worked and leave used; automating accrual and overtime calculations; and tracking and reporting time and attendance data.

Employees are supported by their HR Control Unit for time and attendance policies and procedures.  HR Control Units continue to audit timesheets and report time to generate payroll payments. Please email with questions or locate your representative directly.

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  • Who needs an account?

    Important information to know.

    • Not all employees use CruzPay, Contact Your Timekeeper to determine if you need a CruzPay account.
    • Most non-student, administrative staff employees and their respective supervisors currently use CruzPay to report time worked and/or leave taken.
    • Some campus units will continue to use departmental time reporting systems.

    The type of account you will receive is determined by the timekeeper.

    • Employee: For those entering their time worked and/or leave taken into CruzPay.
    • Supervisor: For supervisors responsible for reviewing and approving employee time and leave reports entered into CruzPay. A supervisor account may also include employee-type access if the supervisor is expected to report his or her own time worked or leave taken using CruzPay.

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  • Getting an account

    The same process is used to grant an employee or supervisor account. The CruzPay Office automatically sets up a user account for an employee when all of the following conditions apply:

    • The employee’s unit uses CruzPay.
    • The Payroll Personnel System has been updated with the employee’s current information.
    • ITS has issued a UCSC ID and email address for the employee.

    The timekeeper automatically grants supervisor account status to those with responsibility for reviewing and approving other employees' CruzPay time reports.

    • The appropriate account access will be automatically given to supervisors who report their own time in CruzPay.

    New CruzPay accounts are created each Wednesday.

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  • Accessing CruzPay

    Follow these steps to access CruzPay:

    1. Go to the Launch CruzPay website
    2. Click on the Launch button
    3. Enter your User ID
    4. Enter your case-sensitive password
    5. Click on the "Login" button
    6. The CruzPay main page will appear

    Your browser must be set to allow for pop-up windows. Refer to User Resources for detailed instructions on how to enable this.

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  • Terminating or deactivating an account

    A CruzPay account is automatically terminated in the following situations:

    • When an employee terminates employment with the University.
    • When the employee transfers to a unit that is not using CruzPay to report time.

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  • Training information

    No formal training classes are required for an employee or supervisor to use CruzPay.

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  • Where to get help

    Assistance is available for the following topics:

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